Concrete Calculator

Glass concrete — recycled glass is used as an aggregate. Rapid hardening concrete — mostly used in underwater construction and road repairing. Asphalt — the combination of aggregates and asphalt. Used to build highways, airports, and embankments. Lime concrete — lime is used as a binding material with aggregates. …

NO AGGREGATE CONCRETE | Sonar | Journal of Advanced Cement & Concrete …

The typical grading of coarse aggregates used for no fine concrete is either single-sized or ranging between 9.5 mm to 19 mm to gain sufficient strength of concrete without reducing porosity. In this study no aggregate concrete (NAC) an attempt has been made considering steel fibers of different aspect ratios as NAC is having brittle failure ...

Building with No-Fines Concrete

Begin with a coarse aggregate material with an average size of 0.75 in (20 mm) with no material less than 0.325 in (10 mm). Mix aggregate with cement in a six to one ratio. Once the cement is thoroughly mixed with the aggregate, add water in the volume indicated to the right, do not over water the mix. Rocks should appear thoroughly coated but ...

Can I Make Concrete Without Gravel? (Correct …

No, you cannot make concrete without gravel. The ingredient mix of 1 part cement, 2 parts sand, and 3 parts gravel (stone) is what makes up concrete. Without gravel, concrete would not be strong or be able to …

US Aggregates | Aggregate Calculator | US AGG

INDOT Awards Honor Outstanding Aggregate Suppliers. 2/23/15. Prophetstown Scarecrows. 11/18/14. Swisher Troop 3556. 11/17/14. Crawfordsville Plant Donates Sand to Fountain County 4H. 8/25/14. US Aggregates Contributes to delphi Opera House. 6/02/14. Prophetstown State Park and Historic Farm. 6/02/14.


Aggregates are mixed into the overlay topping material and applied to the old concrete to give it a new look. The "secret" to exposing the aggregates is keeping the top layer of cement paste soft while the underlying concrete hardens. This is done by spraying on a surface retardant immediately after installing the concrete and aggregates.

What Concrete Uses No Rocks or Gravel?

Concrete that uses no rocks or coarse gravel is called "mortar concrete". It is made up of Portland cement, sand, and fine aggregate. Mortar concrete has a fine-grained appearance once set.

No Fines Concrete: Properties and Uses | Concrete Technology

Mix Proportion of No Fines Concrete: Generally no fines concrete is produced with a cement aggregate ratio of 1:6 to 1:10, but practical mixes vary rather widely. The variation of cement aggregate ratio for lean mixes is from 1:10 to 1:20. The corresponding cement contents are 130 kg/m 3 to 70 kg/m 3. Where as in case of normal concrete made ...

How to Do Exposed Aggregate Concrete

Pro tip: Easily enhance your exposed aggregate installation by adding integral Powdered Color directly into the concrete mix prior to pouring. 2. Understand the Difference Between Mixing & Seeding. In addition to knowing your mix, you need to decide how you want to add your aggregate. You can either mix it into your concrete before pouring, or ...

aggregate Topic

Aggregates are the major constituent (ingredient) in concrete, making up 60% to 70% of the volume of concrete. Aggregates influence the workability of plastic concrete and also the durability, strength, thermal properties, and density of hardened concrete. Particle size divides aggregates into two categories: fine and coarse. Most fine …

Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review | International …

After demolition of old roads and buildings, the removed concrete is often considered worthless and disposed of as demolition waste. By collecting the used concrete and breaking it up, recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) is created (Fig. 1).This paper focuses on coarse RCA which is the coarse aggregate from the original concrete that is …

Aggregates for Concrete as per American Standards – ASTM …

Reading time: 5 minutes. The aggregates used in the production of concrete are inert granular materials such as gravel, crushed stone, sand, slag, recycled concrete, and geosynthetic aggregates. The aggregates may be natural, manufactured, or recycled. Fig 1: Aggregates used in production of concrete. The aggregates are broadly classified into ...

What is No-Fines Concrete? Advantages and Mix …

No-Fines Concrete is a lightweight concrete made up of only coarse aggregate, cement and water by omitting fines (sand or fine …

Aggregate in Concrete

In construction terms, aggregate refers to granular materials such as sand, gravel, or crushed stone. These components, when combined with cement and water, give birth to what we commonly know as concrete. A key point to remember is that aggregate constitutes about 60-75% of concrete's total volume.

No Fines Concrete | Boral

No Fines Concrete is literally that—concrete made without fine aggregate so it has high permeability and drainage capacity. Boral No Fines permeable concrete, when placed …

Image-Based deterioration assessment of fiber reinforced No Aggregate …

The No Aggregate Concrete mix M5 is used to generate the histogram as shown in Fig. 8. Histograms were used to determine the distribution of colour values as well as the number of values for each colour. As a result, the colour value of the concrete cube was determined. Because the photographs are 2350 by 2350 pixels in size, they are …

Concrete Without Gravel

No, you can't make concrete with only sand and cement.Concrete isn't considered concrete without aggregates like gravel and stone. It's the aggregates that contribute to concrete having high strength. If you just mix sand and cement (with water), you'll get something closer … See more

What Exactly is No Fines Concrete & Why Use it To Build …

No-Fines Concrete can be used to build relatively tall walls, without increased the size of footings excavation. The shape of the aggregate used during mixing, influences the void sizes within the cured concrete. No-Fines Concrete Walls up to 7.5 metres high and 18 metres long were recording in some housing structures.

NO AGGREGATE CONCRETE | Sonar | Journal of Advanced …

The compressive strength, flexural strength, and split tensile strength of control concrete mix, NAC mix without steel fibres and NAC mixes with steel fibres are studied. The paper …

(PDF) No Fine Concrete

Different combinations of Cement, water and Course aggregate with different maximum size and gradation were adopted for trial mixes to arrive at M20 grade concrete.M20 grade concrete is achieved ...

Types of Concrete Mix for Any Project

1 Part Portland Cement. 1 1/2 Part Gravel. 1 Part Sand. 1/2 Part Water. Mixing your own concrete may take a few adjustments. Once you mix together these four ingredients, use the back of the shovel to smooth the surface of the mixture. Make a groove in that smooth part with the shovel.

Sealing Exposed Aggregate Concrete for Best Results

Instead of penetrating a 1/2 inch into the concrete, the sealer sits on top on the surface. It helps hold the aggregate pebbles in place, reduces pitting and extends the life of exposed aggregate concrete. Depending on weather and traffic, when using an acrylic sealer exposed aggregate concrete should be sealed every 12 to 36 months.

What Are Aggregates and How Are They Used?

Using aggregate materials for concrete reduces production costs and increases the resistance of concrete mixes. Crushed aggregates make up for around 60% to 75% of the volume of concrete. These crushed aggregates significantly affect the properties of freshly-mixed and hardened concrete – making it more compact, decreasing its permeability ...

Bond and durability studies of fiber reinforced no aggregate concrete

No aggregate concrete mixtures with fibers have higher flexural and split tensile strengths than other mixes [1] Vikas Srivastava et al 2014 The objective of this study cement was substituted with silica fume in various amounts, such as 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, respectively (by weight cement). By replacing fly ash with silica fume ...

Aggregate Sizing Explained

There are seven standard sieves for fine aggregates ranging from No. 100 to 3/8" and 13 standard sieves for coarse aggregate ranging from No. 16 to 4". For example coarse aggregate has a standard grading requirement for each different size from #1 to #8. A #1 aggregate is a nominal size of 3 ½ to 1 ½ inches and a #8 aggregate is a nominal ...

Mechanical properties and fracture behavior of seawater …

However, natural aggregate concrete (NAC) showed higher flexural strengths than recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). The results also revealed that the addition of …

Can You Make Concrete Without Gravel?

Yes, to make concrete you need sand, cement and stone. You can't make concrete with only sand and cement. Mixing sand and cement creates mortar. Without aggregates like gravel and stone you …

How Coarse Aggregate Affects Mix Design of Concrete?

🕑 Reading time: 1 minute Coarse aggregate is one of the essential components of concrete and occupies the largest volume in the mix. That is why it greatly affects the concrete mix design. Its properties such as strength, maximum size, shape, and water absorption influence water demand, the quantity of cement and fine aggregate in […]


Crushed aggregate is produced by crushing quarry rock, boulders, cobbles, or large-size gravel. Recycled concrete is a viable source of aggregate and has been satisfactorily used in granular subbases, soil-cement, and in new concrete. After harvesting, aggregate is processed: crushed, screened, and washed to obtain proper cleanliness and gradation.

Your Guide to Exposed Aggregate Concrete | Port …

Over 100 years old, the exposed aggregate technique quite literally "paved" the way for decorative concrete. The name pretty much says it all. In this type of concrete, a thin top layer is intentionally removed to expose the aggregate underneath. The exposed layer can include sand, gravel, quartzite, or crushed glass.

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