Specification of Wet Drum Magnetic Separators for Sale India

Separator size drum diameter X working length mm: Motor size kW: Approx. weight per unit excl. boxes kg: Approx. weight of feed and discharge. boxes kg: Types concurrent, countercurrent and counterrotation: Number of tailings outlets, concurrent type: A mm: B mm: ST WS 903: Dia 916 X 300: 1.5: 900: 130 + 35: 770: 1435: 1: ST WS 906: Dia 916 X ...

(PDF) Optimizing the Performance of the RER Magnetic Separator …

The performance of the separator depends on both the size and the size distribution of the feed. The correlation between the different size fractions of the feed, e.g., − 0.6 +0.106, −0.6 + 0. ...

Double Drum Type Magnetic Separator | Galaxy Magnetics

The Double Drum Type Magnetic Separator is a significant piece of equipment in the field of magnetic separation. It is designed to separate ferrous materials from non-ferrous substances and has a wide range of applications. The separator is used to ensure the purity of finished products, for the recovery and protection of processing …


The Eriez Wet Drum Magnetic Separators is engineered and fabricated to provide reliable operation in demanding applications. The separator is designed for the continuous treatment of coarse milled ore providing a high level of availability. The tank and drum are fabricated from heavy gauge stainless steel with wear plate in impact areas.

Something You Should Know About Magnetic Drum Separator

The magnetic separator has three kinds of magnetic fields such as upstream, downstream, and half counter-current, less 8000 Gauss. Magnetic drum separator is widely used in iron ore separating the factory. A magnetic drum separator is suitable for high-intensity magnetic minerals. Magnetic Drum Separator. Generally, wet …

Silica Sand Magnetic Separator, Capacity: 10 Ton/Hour

The magnetic flux pattern will match the tank configuration for optimum performance. Stl's magnetic wet separator dia 916 x 300 mm is the smallest full scale separator in the 916 series and is primarily used for pilot plant tests. The separator can be delivered in concurrent, countercurrent and counter rotation versions.

Magnetic Separator

A magnetic drum separator, also known as a drum magnet, is a type of magnetic separator used in various industries to separate magnetic materials from non-magnetic materials. It works on the principle of using a rotating drum with a magnetic field to attract and separate magnetic particles from the rest of the material.

Magnetic Separator | Complete Conveyor …

Design Features. Continuous Cleaning – ensure zero downtime during production for cleaning and also guarantee contaminants are safely removed from the product flow. Cleated Belt – moves the attracted …

Wet Drum Magnetic Separator for mineral beneficiation

CTB (S/N) Series Magnetic Separator mineral beneficiation includes three types: down current, adverse current and semi adverse current. The feeding size of the different type magnetic separator: Down current type (CTS): 6-0mm. Adverse current type (CTN): 1.5-0mm. Semi adverse current type (CTB): 0.5-0mm. 1.Down current type CTS Magnetic …

(DOC) Magnetic separator | nurma haruni

Jenis – Jenis Magnetic Separator a. Low Intensity Magnetic Separator Jenis Low Intensity Magnetic Separator biaa digunakan mineral yang bersifat Ferromagnetic Terdiri dari tiga tipe-model atau jenis 1. Tipe Concurrent. Tipe Concurrent digunakan untuk bijih yang biaa kurang dari 10 mm dengan ukuran halus.

Wet Drum Separators

Open the catalog to page 1. 2 ERIEZ WET DRUM MAGNETIC SEPARATORS Innovations in both magnetic circuit design and materials of construction are applied to Eriez wet drum magnetic separators. This …

Manufacturers of Wet Drum Magnetic Separators for Sale …

The separator can be delivered in concurrent, counter current and counter rotation versions. STL's magnetic wet separator for laboratory use have drum dimensions dia. 600 x 285 mm and dia. 200 x 100 mm and are suitable for batch or continuous testing.

Tipe Concurrent magnetic separator | ardra.biz

Magnetic Separator Type Concurrent (Cara – Prinsip Kerja) Pada tipe Concurrent, feed masuk searah dengan putaran drum. Feed masuk ke daerah medan magnet, atau pick up zone cenderung horizontal. Mineral dalam zona ini akan memiliki kesempatan untuk membentuk lapisan, atau stratifikasi.

High Gradient Magnetic Separator For Silica Sand | GTEK

GTEK belt type high gradient magnetic separator is mainly suitable for the separation of weak magnetic minerals with a particle size of less than 5mm. It is suitable for iron removal of non-metallic minerals, such as: mica powder, quartz sand, potash feldspar, nepheline, fluorite, sillimanite, spodumene, kaolin, pyrrhotite, roasted ore ...

Investigation of the magnetic separation performance of

LIMS has three different types, namely, concurrent (CC), counter-current (CTC), and counter-rotation (CR), depending on the slurry flow relative to the rotation of the drum. ... [14]. The research on the direct optimization of magnetic separator characteristics mainly focuses on the magnetic field distribution characteristics of the drum ...

Understanding Magnetic Separators: Types and …

The material's composition, size, and shape will impact the type of separator required to achieve the desired separation efficiency. Magnetic Strength: The strength of the magnetic field is another …

magnetic drum separator | فکور مغناطیس اسپادانا

A magnetic drum separator is a device that uses magnetic properties to separate target minerals from other elements in minerals. such as separations of magnetite from quartz, wolframite and magnetite from cassiterite. Removing iron (up to 7%) from raw materials to produce refractory materials that contain significant amounts of iron.

Types of Mining Magnetic Separators

The semi-countercurrent magnetic separator can obtain high-quality iron concentrate and better recovery. Therefore, the semi-countercurrent magnetic separator has been widely used in production practice. It is suitable for the treatment of ore particles less than 0.5 mm of coarse and fine. Three-Disc Dry Magnetic Separator

Magnetic Separators: Principles and Everyday Applications

Components of Electromagnetic Separator. 1. Electromagnet. At the heart of the electromagnetic separator lies the electromagnet, a coil of wire that, when electrified, generates a potent magnetic field. This magnetic field is the cornerstone of the separation process, acting as the driving force for the subsequent material sorting.


WET HIGH INTENSITY MAGNETIC SEPARATOR; Downloads; Contact; Search for: WET MAGNETIC DRUM SEPARATOR indetail T08:04:40+00:00. WET MAGNETIC ... Concurrent and counter current. Magnetic circuits: Maltipole (Radial Pole), Axial Interpole and high gradient magnetic circuits. Special Optional features. Drum widths up …

Bagaimana Prinsip Kerja dari Magnet Separator? Begini …

Berikut beberapa jenis dari primary magnet type yang perlu Anda ketahui. 1. Magnetic Pulleys. Untuk jenis magnetic pulleys ini mineral non magnetiknya akan terjatuh. Hal ini dikarenakan mineral non magnetik tersebut tidak tertarik oleh magnet pada separator, selain itu juga dikarenakan oleh gaya gravitasinya sendiri.

Concurrent Tank Drum Magnetic Separator Manufacturers …

concurrent tank drum magnetic separator manufacturers/supplier, China concurrent tank drum magnetic separator manufacturer & factory list, find best price in Chinese concurrent tank drum magnetic separator manufacturers, suppliers, factories, exporters & wholesalers quickly on Made-in-China. ... Belt Type Magnetic Separator, High …

Magnetic separator

Find out all of the information about the Fushun Ejet Magnetic Equipment Company product: magnetic separator CTB series. Contact a supplier or the parent company directly to get a quote or to find out a price or your closest point of sale. ... CTS type-concurrent, CTB type-countercurrent) are all eccentrically. Our wet drum separators CTN type ...

Magnetic Disc Separator | Coltan Separation | GTEKmagnet

A Magnetic Disc Separator will generally have three high intensity electromagnetic discs, each set at a different height from the feed conveyor.The first disc will be set the furthest from the feed material, in order to extract only the most magnetically susceptible particles. The second and third discs are setted at lower gaps, increasing the magnetic force at …

Wet Type Drum Magnetic Separators

It is possible to apply between 900 Gauss and 5,000 Gauss in the effective surface area in wet magnetic drum separators. Wet type magnetic drum separators have three different flow and rotation types for separation optimization that: concurrent, counter-rotation and counter current type drum separators.

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Dry Permanent Magnetic Separator…

A new dry-type magnetic separator was developed by Baawuah et al. for the separation of fine-grained magnetite . As shown in Figure 13, the components of this separator include: a non-magnetic housing forming a circular internal separation chamber, an inlet, a concentrate outlet, and a tailings outlet. The separation chamber consists of …

Wet Drum Separator [MIMS] | Magquip

The MAGQUIP Medium Intensity Wet Drum Separator uses Rare Earth [NdFeB] alternating pole magnet element and is used for the separation of very fine, weakly magnetic [paramagnetic] particles in a slurry. This wet MIMS separator is available in a 4000 gauss version and an even stronger 6000 gauss SUPRSEP version, both in axial alternating pole.

Manufacturers of Wet Drum Magnetic Separators for Sale …

The magnetic flux pattern will match the tank configuration for optimum performance. STL's magnetic wet separator dia 916 x 300 mm is the smallest full scale separator in the 916 series and is primarily used for pilot plant tests. The separator can be delivered in concurrent, counter current and counter rotation versions.

China Counter Current Wet Drum Separator

Our company always adheres to the goal of providing comprehensive, highly reliable, economical and practical High Gradient Magnetic Separator, Eddy Current Separator For Aluminum Recycling, Drum Type Wet Magnetic Separator for end users. The professional production team can provide customers with products with scientific design and reliable …

For dry and wet processing Low Intensity Magnetic …

the revolving magnet drum with an internal stationary magnet array. The Low intensity magnetic separators are available in several types for vast number of duties and could be seen a. split into two categories, i.e. dry separation and wet separation.The dry models are intended predominantly for ma. erial 2 to 200 mm in dry or nearly dry state ...

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