Electric Hauler

NH200 is intended for small to midsize boats. The NH200 comes equipped with a net ball in addition to the vulcanized drum and freely rotating lower axel. This hauler has been stripped of all unnecessities to be able to haul nets easily and to avoid them getting tangled. The NH200 draws around 25A when hauling a normal load.

Mackerel stripper 950

Description. The mackerel stripper 950 removes automatically fish from the fishing lines, without having to stop your fishing reel. You are fishing continuously as the fishing line is immediately back in the water. The …

Rip Jigging for Walleye with Al Lindner (The Complete Guide)

These are the two styles of soft plastics I use for rip jigging to catch fish day in and day out. When I'm talking about ripping or snap jigging most of the fishing I'm doing is from 4 to 15 feet of water with 4 to 10 feet being the magic zone for this method of fishing. While snap jigging I'm using St. Croix legend elite ride 6 foot 8 ...

Manufacturer of electric haulers and fishing reels

HOOKLINE - manufacturer of electric fishing gear for leisure and sport fishermen. For the last 30 years, our company has been developping and manufacturing professional hydraulic fishing gear for the inshore fishing industry. Based on this experience, we have created a new range of electric haulers and fishing reels aimed at the leisure and ...

Line Hauler Pot Puller, 900 Watts

PRODUCT NUMBER: FO-3955. HAULER MODEL: Line Hauler Pot Puller 900. Motor Supply Voltage: 12V. Motor Power: 900W. Includes 4-Wire Solenoid, Bimetal Fuse, Up/Down Rocker Switch, Owner Manual, Mounting Hardware.HIGH-PERFORMANCE MOTOR: High-Power 900 Watts Motor provides a maximum Hauling Power / Trap …

Brutus Max Torque Scotty Compatible

Compatible with your Scotty Downrigger mount Part No. 1023. Plugs into new style Scotty/Marinco plugs. 110lbs shrimp or crab trap capacity. Pulls 1-4 prawn traps or 1 crab trap. Pulls 140′ per minute (based on 1 trap per line) Weighs only 20lbs. Draws only 14 to 35 amps of power depending on load. Accommodates most line sizes.

Ace Line Hauler Brutus Pot Hauler

The Brutus Plus 40 is a perfect tool for any boat. The puller mounts directly to your Scotty Downrigger mount. It is a must have for sport crabbing and shrimping. Compatible with your Cannon or Scotty downrigger mounts. Plugs into newer or older style plugs for either Cannon or Scotty downriggers. 110lbs shrimp or crab trap capacity.

How to Choose Slow-Pitch Jigging Tackle | Salt Water …

A 100- to 400-gram slow-pitch rod. You will probably use this rod 90 percent of the time. A 400- to 1000-gram rod. This rod is used for heavy current conditions and dropping in deep water. A high-speed jigging rod, rated for 100- to 300-gram jigs (conventional or spinning setup) Jigging shouldn't be overly complicated.

Snapper Fishing Longlines

Two x 25 Hook Boat Longline on 3:1 Reel. The ultimate boat fishing longline rig for those serious about catching a limit bag of good sized fish. Fitted with Target Snapper Hooks and tangle resistant In-Line Swivel Clips. NZ$ 449.99. In Stock.

Cushman hauler 1200x

Cushman HAULER 800 ELiTE 2022 Owner's Manual (60 pages) Brand: Cushman | Category: Electric Vehicles | Size: 12.32 . View and download Cushman hauler 1200x manuals for free. HAULER 1200X instructions manual.

Electric nets + pots hauler NLH200

This hauler is used by leisure and small professional fishermen. The NLH200 comes equipped with a net ball in addition to the trademark foldable hauling arm, free rotating lower axel and manual press wheel; eliminating the necessity of applying light pull on the rope. It can be used with rope/ line Ø4 to 10 mm. Waterproof and strongly built.


Speed of the jigging can be adjusted with the power lever. 1. Press the MODE BUTTON to show pickup / jigging display. (When jigging is chosen, the pickup function cannot be used.) (Jig/pickup) 2. Page 28: Jigging Master Functional setting operation (8. Jigging) Jigging master You can choose the jigging pattern, range, waiting time and length ...


ELECTRIC HAULERS. NorthLift Electric Line Haulers - are easy to operate and easy to store. The haulers are mounted on the NorthLift Twin Mount Bracket and with their foldable design mounts in seconds and …

Electric line net hauler

The NLH200 is a combined net & line hauler designed to fulfil the job of both a net hauler and a line hauler. It is intended for use in small to mid-size boats. The NLH200 comes equipped with a net ball in addition to the trademark foldable hauling arm, free rotating lower axle and manual press wheel; eliminating the need to apply a light pull ...

Pot Pullers & Crab Pot Puller Equipment | Fisheries …

Manual Pot Puller (4) Electric Pot Puller (5) Load. 200 lbs Max. Load (1) 100 lbs Max. Load (1) 110 lbs Max. Load (3) Speed. 150 ft/min Line Speed (4) ... Ace Brutus Pacific Pro Line Hauler - Burnewiin Mount Compatible. …

GT Power

The line cap should be at least 180 meters of PE 8 and for the bigger fish you can use PE 8-12 on a reel being able to take at least 180 meters of it. Jigging: A quality spinning reel like the Shimano Stellas SW 20000, SW 18000, SW 10000 can be used. Also the Daiwa Saltiga range like the 6500 or 6000, may be used.

Electronic jigging fishing reel BJ5000EX

Description. The electronic jigging fishing reel BJ5000EX (Belitronic) is an intelligent reel which reproduces automatically fishing movements. Several fishing programs are pre-defined, you just have to enter some parameters and you are ready to fish. The jigger detects the resistance on the line when fish are hooked and automatically haul them up.

DNG C6000i fishing reel

The electronic jigging fishing reel DNG C6000i is an intelligent fishing reel which creates automatically fishing movements.Several fishing programs are pre-defined, you just have to enter some parameters and you can even set your own criterias.. DNG machines can communicate between each other so your fishing efficiency will improve (one reel will be …

Try a Barber Hauler for Better Sail Trim

Appealing to trim mavens, Antal's barber-hauler setup using low-friction-rings (above) allows more trim options than the typical barber hauler led outboard through a snatch-block. ... If there is a lot of overlap, you can rig a line right across the cockpit to a spare winch, just for testing. Options. Midships blocks offer multiple ...

The Ultimate Guide To Jigging For Kokanee • …

Line. My kokanee jigging reels are all spooled with 6 to 8 pound test braided main line. Attached to the braided line, with a double uni-knot, is a 5 foot section of fluorocarbon leader that ties onto the lure. The narrow …

Free online jigsaw puzzles | Jigidi

What awaits you on Jigidi? Well, roughly: Hours and hours of fun relaxation and mental training through the experience of creating and solving puzzles while connecting with new friends from all over the world.; A remarkable level of new knowledge and gentle training of your cognitive skills.; The challenge and joy of creating puzzles from your heart and mind …

Longline fishing

Longline fishing is a selective fishing method. Depending on the catch wanted, the longline will be set at different length: demersal longline (resting on the seabed) pelagic longline (mid water) surface longline (flotting) Longlines can be stored in a longline basket which allows to keep tidy the main line and to attach the hooks on the top edge.

Log Haulers | Iron Baltic

The log haulers are available with either a manual or electric winch for pulling the logs up to the hauler and hoisting the load. An optional rear support allows to transport the logs without dragging and damaging the environment and ensures that the cargo says clean. ... Manual winch kit Rated line pull: 725 kg / 1598 lb Cable dimensions: 5 mm ...

Electric Haulers

Electric Haulers Manual Haulers. Mounts. 1.5" Davits Mounts 2" Davits Mounts. Pots. Accessories. Electrical Accessories Miscellaneous Accessories. Where to Buy. Questions. About Us. Contact Us. Search Login. 0 Cart ... Electric Haulers EZ-HT2 High Torque 76" sch80 2" Electric Pot/Trap Hauler $2,129.00 USD. EZ-HT1 High Torque 75 ...

The Best Electric Crab Pot Puller | Tips & Reviews

Best Value. Scotty 2500 Electric Crab Pot Puller. " The best value pot puller and line hauler available on the market today, The Scotty 2500 is durable, yet light and can fit every fishermen's budget. Just be cautious when trying to haul in larger traps as this unit can struggle a bit under loads over 120lbs.". Best Budget.

Shimano Torium Star Drag Reel Review | Salted Angler

In this review, we will go over all of the reasons why this mid-tier reel, which is available in 5 sizes and a variety of gear ratios, is perfect for all of your offshore jigging and bottom fishing techniques. If you're in the market for a reliable and high performing conventional reel from Shimano, this one is a great option.


maintenance as outlined in this Owner's Manual, the TMC Warranty Guide, the Owner's Packet, our On-line Customer Support, the Chassis Packet, and all individual component suppliers' information. Periodic maintenance is not covered by the Thor Motor Coach Limited Warranty and/or the Thor Motor Coach Structural Limited Warranty. 1.

Ace Line Hauler

Ace Line Hauler. Ace Line Hauler was started in the year 2000 in a 225 square foot garage with one goal, to produce a high quality yet affordable pot puller. In the last 16 years ALH have done just that, producing specialty marine equipment and meeting the needs of clients worldwide through innovation. They are committed to quality and fair ...

Owner's Manual

Dutchmen Manufacturing Owners Manual 4/1/2016 3 In addition to this Owner's Manual, any manuals supplied to us by a specific component manufacture for products installed in your unit are supplied with the unit. You may be entitled to additional warranties beyond the Dutchmen's Limited One (1) Year Warranty on individual components.

Manual Line Hauler | Bloodydecks

Manual Line Hauler. Thread starter Bob Farmer; Start date Sep 30, 2010; Toggle sidebar. Fishing. Fishing Reports. California Fishing Discussion Forums. Bob Farmer SeaJay. Aug 30, 2006 163 0 La Mesa, CA Name Bob Farmer Boat Name 20' Chaparral WA, SeaJay Sep 30, 2010 #1

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