Development and performance of sustainable structural lightweight

According to DIN 1045-1, structural lightweight concrete is defined as having a density of less than 2000 kg/m 3, and the use of WCB helped produce this type of concrete. Therefore, after comparing it with the existing lightweight concrete in the market, it was found that WCB can be used to produce sustainable lightweight …

Development of novel ultra-high-performance lightweight concrete

Currently, researchers emphasize creating eco-friendly, ultra-high-performance lightweight concrete (UHPLC) due to the extensive cement demand of ultra-high-performance concrete. This study aimed to develop such UHPLC by incorporating dehydrated cement powder (DCP) and aerogel (AG) at varying levels (5-25%) alongside …

(PDF) High Strength Lightweight Concrete

The basic aim of this research is to study the production and the performance of structural lightweight concrete using pumice stone (PS)as a different replacement of coarse aggregate (25%, 50%, 75 ...

Durability Properties of Ultra-High Performance …

The material studied in the following is a structural lightweight concrete with an ultra-high-performance matrix and expanded glass as a lightweight aggregate. The material, with a compressive strength of 60–100 MPa and a bulk density of 1.5–1.9 kg/dm3, showed high capillary porosities of 12 vol% (ultra-high-performance concretes (UHPC) < 5 ...

What is Lightweight Concrete? -Types, Uses and Advantages

Uses and Advantages of Lightweight Concrete. Lightweight concrete finds diverse applications, including screeds, walls, insulation, and structural elements. Its advantages include reduced dead load, faster building rates, lower transportation costs, and enhanced thermal insulation properties, contributing to energy efficiency in buildings.

Application of pumice aggregate in structural lightweight concrete

To assess the effects of cement content on the properties of lightweight concretes, the. mixtures are made by three cement co ntents of 500, 420 and 350 kg/m. For the mixes, slumps were nearly 50 ...

Structural performance of lightweight steel-ed concrete…

1. Introduction. Lightweight ed concrete (LFC) is a cellular material composed of cement–sand matrix enclosing a large number of small pores roughly 0.1–1.0 mm size, uniformly distributed in either a matrix of aggregate and cement paste or cement paste alone.The essential advantage of LFC to the field of concrete technology is the …

High-Strength Lightweight Concrete Using Leca, Silica …

This paper determines mix proportions of high-strength structural lightweight concrete (HSSLWC), which reduces the weight of concrete by using expanded aggregate clay (Leca). In order to produce HSSLWC, mineral and chemical admixtures have been used along with limestone that reduces porosity and increases …

Summary: High Performance Lightweight Concrete …

of using high performance lightweight concrete (HPLC) pre-tensioned bridge girders and deck panels. With normalweight con-crete, high strength or high performance is ordinarily defined as concrete with strengths ranging from 8000 to 12,000 psi. In lightweight concrete, high performance may more often refer to strengths greater than or equal to ...

Thermo-mechanical efficiency of fibre-reinforced structural lightweight

The structural efficiency of high-performance PP0.5-PP1.3 LWAC was between 19.5 and 21.5 MPa/tm −3 and ST0.5-ST2.5 was between 20.5 and 22.0 MPa/tm −3 as ... The compressive strength and density of all the fibre-reinforced LWAC fall into the structural lightweight concrete class 13–88 MPa in BS EN206-1 with a density of less …

Lightweight concrete

The 60-story Nations Bank Building in North Carolina, United States used presoaked expanded shale lightweight aggregate in 117 mm thick slabs that were supported on posttensioned concrete beams at 3.0 m centers. The lightweight concrete floor system was used to minimize dead weight and to achieve a 3-hour fire rating.

lightweight concrete Topic

Definition: concrete of substantially lower density than that made using aggregates of normal density; consists entirely of lightweight aggregate or a combination of lightweight aggregate and normal-density aggregate; its equilibrium densities are generally between 70 and 120 lb/ft3 (1120 and 1920 kg/m3).-. ACI Concrete Terminology. …

Structural Concrete: Vol 25, No 2

A modeling strategy for the shear and flexural performance prediction of SFRC beams without stirrups accounting for the variability of properties. André Vitor Benedito, Leandro Vanalli, Pablo Augusto Krahl, Carlos Humberto Martins, Flávio de Andrade Silva., Pages: 973-991.

HPSA: a high-performance smart aggregate for concrete structural …

This study proposed high-performance ultrasonic transducers for concrete structure health monitoring. The main contribution of performance improvement comes from two aspects based on the component analysis of the traditional SAs. The first one is the surface treatment on the PZT patch, which can also be considered as changing the …

Development and characteristics of ultra high …

61 water reducer, structural high strength lightweight aggregate concrete (HSLAC) could be produced, 62 which typically exhibits compressive strength higher than 40 MPa and density less than 2000 ...

Pumping lightweight aggregate concrete into high-rise …

Large deformation of concrete would lead to structural cracking which deteriorates the structural performance dramatically. Limitation in the shrinkage of concrete used in high-rise buildings is strongly demanded. Shrinkage of LWAC in Group B was experimentally evaluated as per GB/T 50082 [39]. The test specimens were 100mm …

Lightweight Concrete types and properties

Share. Lightweight concrete is a mixture made with lightweight coarse aggregates. Low-weight aggregates such as shale, clay, shale, slate, volcanic pumice, ash, or perlite are used to reduce the density. Lightweight concrete is a special type of concrete made to be used for special purposes. It is not commonly used as normal …

Improving mechanical properties and microstructure of ultra-high …

This paper aims to use lightweight aggregates to design ultra-high-performance lightweight concrete (UHPLC) via modified Andreasen and Andersen (MAA) model, which is promising to solve the issues on the high density of ultra-high-performance concrete and thus benefits its application in high-rise and long-span …

Structural Behavior of Reinforced Infra-Lightweight Concrete …

Date: 3/1/2019. Infra-lightweight concrete (ILC) is a high-performance lightweight-aggregate concrete (HPLWAC) with a dry density of less than 800 kg/m3 (50 lb/ft3). Such low density means low thermal conductivity (increased thermal resistance [R-value]) and thus allows for monolithic and fair-faced concrete structures without any additional ...

Preparation and properties of ultra-high performance lightweight concrete

The results revealed the optimal mix ratio of OPC: FA: SF: PS: HGM =1: 0.200: 0.133: 0.533: 0.067, a water-binder ratio of 0.16, and the volume ratio of steel fibers of 2%. Under steam curing at ...

(PDF) Seismic Performance of Lightweight Concrete Structures …

1. Introduction. Lightweight concrete has low density and is adaptable for. construction of buildings in low-seismic zones. Structural. seismic responses are based on mass of the structure or dead ...

A Comprehensive Review on the Performance of Structural Lightweight

Normal concrete has a self-weight of about 2400 to 2500 kg/m 3, which is very heavy, and due to its overall dead load, the size of members of the structure increases [10,11].Lightweight concrete (LWC) is a type of concrete made of either a lightweight aggregate or expanding agent [12,13,14].LWC having a dry density of 300 kg/m 3 up to …

Bond Behaviour of Structural Lightweight Concrete

The structural lightweight concrete (LWC) has emerged from the early 20th century. Keeping an acceptable level of strength, lightweight concrete; relative to normal weight concrete; (a) reduces the horizontal inertia actions on structures in seismic regions (Sari and Pasamehmetoglu 2005), (b) has a favorable effect on the foundations of …

Durability of Structural Lightweight Concrete Containing Expanded

This study focuses on the development of durable structural lightweight concrete (LWC) by incorporating expanded perlite aggregate (EPA) in the range of 0 to 20% by weight. In order to ensure its durability when exposed to chloride environment, concrete was produced with low water-to-cement ratio and ordinary Portland cement …

Understanding Structural Lightweight Concrete

Structural lightweight concrete is defined as having a 28 day compressive strength in excess of 2,500 psi and a unit weight ranging from 85 or 90 pcf to 115 pcf. Generally speaking, concrete in this range of strength and weight is produced with expanded shales, clays, slates, and slags. A fairly satisfactory means of cataloging the …

ACI PRC-213-14(23) Guide for Structural Lightweight-Aggregate Concrete

This guide includes a definition of lightweight-aggregate concrete for structural purposes and discusses, in a condensed fashion, the production methods for and inherent properties of structural lightweight aggregates. Current practices for proportioning, mixing, transporting, and placing; properties of hardened concrete; and the design of ...

Seismic Analysis and Design of Structural Lightweight Concrete High

The natural frequency of a structure depends upon the mass and stiffness of the structure, structural lightweight concrete (SLWC) doesn't show good response in high seismic zones and critical soil ...

Ultra-High Performance Concrete

Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is a cementitious, concrete material that has a minimum specified compressive strength of 17,000 pounds per square inch (120 MPa) with specified durability, tensile ductility and toughness requirements; fibers are generally included in the mixture to achieve specified …

Recent advances in high strength lightweight concrete: …

This paper aims to provide an in-depth review of HSLWC, covering its development strategies, functional and durability properties, and structural applications. Particular emphasis is given to the emerging technology of ultra high-performance lightweight concrete, characterized by low density, ultra high strength and superior …

Fly ash lightweight aggregates in high performance concrete

Effect of lightweight aggregates prepared from fly ash on lightweight concrete performances. S. Punlert P. Laoratanakul R. Kongdee R. Suntako. Materials Science, Engineering. 2017. Lightweight aggregates were prepared from fly ash of by-products from the paper industry. The influence of the ratio of clay to fly ash and …

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