Cement Conveyors

Cement Conveyors. Parts. Cement Conveyors. CON-E-CO® 9" Screw Conveyor. CON-E-CO® 12" Screw Conveyor. WAM® Feeder Screws. LO-PRO® Cement Batcher. LO-PRO® Cement Batcher Reducer Retrofit Kit. Screw Conveyor End Plate w/Bronze Bushing for Cement Batchers.

Cement Transfer Systems

Cement Transfer Systems. SCE carries a complete line of rotary vane feeders and pneumatic handling systems. Available in 10 to 60 HP systems with 4" to 6" outlets. Cement transfer systems, rotary vane feeders and air systems. Contact: Tim Buckner or Ross Buckner 937-747-4300 Swigart 937-206-7584. SCE carries a complete line …

ALL-PRO Series Mobile Portable Central – Wet

The economical All-Pro Super Portable Central Mix plant is a great option for a mid-range Wet Mix plant. The modular design and small foot print equate to a low overall cost Central Mix plant. The pre-blending Cement weigh batcher with a conventional accumulating aggregate weigh batcher is a great balance for any concrete Ready-mix operation.

Concrete Batch Plant Services | DHE Noble

Services. DHE, Inc. provides all types of batch plants and batching equipment including job site, portable, stationary, and hydraulic self-erect concrete batching plants. We also offer concrete paving, concrete mixers, cement silos, dust collectors, concrete reclaimers and more. As an exclusive reseller of CON-E-CO (Concrete Equipment Company ...

Cement Handling Equipment

Learn more below. Cement Handling Equipment. National Concrete Corporation can supply complete systems for the unloading and transfer. of cementitious materials. These systems can be designed for unloading, storage to storage transfer, storage to production transfer, and speciality applications. From design to installation, we can provide ...

400 Series

Used Concrete Batching Equipment The CON-E-CO 400 is available only in a central mix configuration. This line of plants is noteworthy for its superior structural strength and single, unitized, all welded structure that allows the entire plant to be set on a monolithic slab.

Concrete Batch Plant For Sale

Ross Company Used Boss 12 YD Concrete Batch Plant. NOBLE Concrete Plants Un-used 12YD Aggregate Weigh Batcher. Erie Strayer 1999 Portable Wet MG12CP. DHE Inc. provides used concrete batching plants for …

Precast Pan & Planetary Mixers

DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment. DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment. About. Services; Chico State CIM Degree; ... Cement Transfer - Electric OR Diesel; Concrete Reclaimers; Batch Controls & Automation; ... Thank you for your interest in the equipment and services of DHE Inc. Let our staff know exactly what your needs are, and we will be happy to contact ...

ALL-PRO Series

ALL-PRO Series. The economical All-Pro Central Mix plant is a great option for a mid-range Wet Mix plant. The modular design and small foot print equate to a low overall cost Central Mix plant. The pre-blending …

LO-PRO Series Mobile Portible Central

The LO-PRO is available in both central and transit mix configuration. Each LO-PRO is run dry at the factory, so it arrives to you "operation ready". At that time: All motor rotations are verified, and amperage draw is checked. Lubricators, compressor and reducers are oil filled. All aggregate gates and butterfly valve gates are tested.

LO-PRO Series Mobile Portable Transit

Its unitized structure means no welding. All plant plumbing and wiring are factory-installed and factory-tested for easier and less costly setup, and enhanced reliability down the road. The LO-PRO is available in both central and transit mix configuration. Each LO-PRO is run dry at the factory, so it arrives to you "operation ready". At ...

ALL-PRO Series Mobile Portable Transit

The pre-blending cement batcher eliminates the need for a drive-through/back-in structure. The ALL-PRO series is factory pre-wired and pre-plumbed so you're ready to produce concrete more quickly. The ALL-PRO is available in both central and transit mix configuration. Less is more with the ALL-PRO series: Less foundation cost

Radial Conveyors

Crushing & Screening. Radial Conveyors. Portable stacking conveyors can fit any size operation. Being able to stockpile large amounts of material in high and wide piles without constantly repositioning your equipment is key to uninterrupted productivity. Screen Machine 80' (24.4m) Radial Conveyor. Screen Machine 60' (18.3m) Track Mounted ...

Truck & Tilt Mixer Collectors

Dust Collectors. Truck & Tilt Mixer Collectors. CON-E-CO truck mixer dust collectors are engineered specifically for dust collection from the truck mixer charge hopper during dry batching operations. CON-E-CO PJ-980D Bag …

Premier PLP Series Mobile Portable Transit – Dry

DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment. DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment. About. Services; Chico State CIM Degree; ... Cement Transfer - Electric OR Diesel; Concrete Reclaimers; Batch Controls & Automation; ... Thank you for your interest in the equipment and services of DHE Inc. Let our staff know exactly what your needs are, and we will be happy to contact ...

Concrete Plant Parts Store

DHE, Inc. is committed to supplying our customers with the highest quality parts at a reasonable price. We maintain a complete parts inventory for the equipment we sell and service. In a service emergency, our Service and Parts Department is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Click on a Part Picture to build your Parts Quote Request Cart.

Paving Plant

As of April 1, 2024, RexCon, Inc's industry leading concrete equipment is now available through DHE Inc. your local ASTEC concrete dealer. This means you will be supported with top-notch portable and stationary concrete batching plants, plant upgrades, and all the concrete batching accessories you need – all from a trusted source close by.

Container Series Mobile Portable Transit – Dry

Container Series Mobile Portable Transit – Dry. Built with an eye for easy international shipment, the CON-E-CO container series mobile portable batch plants are engineered and manufactured with optimal space utilization in mind. Each of the plants can be shipped via a 40-foot high cube container. CON-E-CO ALL-PRO 5C Decumulative Container.

New Concrete Batch Plant Facility

New Concrete Batch Plant Facility. Holliday Rock's Bakersfield CA ready-mix facility, was designed to meet their site request for a 800 ton aggregate storage system feeding a high production transit mix concrete batch …

Pan Mixers

Pan mixers are most commonly used for precast and pre-stressed concrete. They are easy to clean between batches and are popular with colored concrete. Small capacity design features a large pan with a flat bottom Ideal for both wet-cast and dry-cast concrete mixes Most popular with the precast industry. CON-E-CO Precast Concrete Batch Plant.

NOBLE Short Vertical Guppy (Pig) | Vertical Cement Silo | DHE …

Short Vertical Cement Guppy. NOBLE 80T MV VERTICAL GUPPY - PIG 2,070 cuft. CON-E-CO PJC-300 SILO collector. High and Low Level indicator (lights by others). Handrail, ladder (no cage) and climbing device. Seismic legs with under structure. Customer responsible to confirm local building code requirements.

Twin Shaft Mixer

Concrete Mixers. Twin Shaft Mixer. Twin Shaft mixers boast an extremely aggressive mixing action, a definite advantage with "job specific" zero slump concrete. CON-E-CO offers sizes from 1.3 cubic years to 10.5 cubic …

Cement Screws & Collectors

Cement Screws & Collectors. WAMGROUP, worldwide leader in developing and manufacturing equipment and plant components for bulk solids handling and processing, has been represented in the United States by its own subsidiary since 1985. WAM Inc. is responsible for distribution of the WAMGROUP product range in the U.S. and Canada. …

NOBLE Vertical Guppy (Pig) | Vertical Cement Silo | DHE Noble

NOBLE manufactures vertical cement guppy's (Pig) for the concrete and cement industry. Optional Pneumatic 50 HP Transfer Blowers and Cement Screws are available. 1800.434.3462. ... Thank you for your interest in the equipment and services of DHE Inc. Let our staff know exactly what your needs are, and we will be happy to contact you with …

Cement Blower Dhe Inc Concrete Equipment

Jul 15, 2016· DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment company provides a mobile vertical guppy for the concrete and cement industry. The 5 load guppy or pig is mobile and includes a transportation system.

DHE Inc. Concrete Equipment | LinkedIn

Providing the concrete and aggregate industries with state-of-the-art, performance-based equipment and service. | Since 1979, DHE Inc. has provided sales and service for concrete batching plants.

Guide to Dowel Load Transfer Systems for Jointed …

16. Abstract. This guide provides a summary of the factors and design theories that should be considered when designing dowel load transfer systems for concrete pavement systems (including dowel basket design and fabrication) and presents recommendations for widespread adoption (i.e., standardization).

Rapidmix 400C Portable

The Rapidmix 400 C twin-shaft continuous mixing plant has been designed to be totally mobile and completely self-contained with its own power source. It is also completely self erecting, using the hydraulic system to change the plant from its travel mode into a fully operational plant in a few hours. The Rapidmix (C) Plants are volumetric ...

Ready Mix Plant

Dave Humphrey Enterprises (DHE), Inc. offers a wide variety of services for concrete producers, from new plant layout and design, to supplying overnight parts. We are an exclusive dealer of CON-E-CO concrete batch plants and offer their entire product line. We are proud to provide the best concrete batch plant on the market.

ALL-PRO Series Stationary Transit Mix – Dry

The ALL-PRO series stationary transit mix batch plant is known for having superior structural strength, with a compact design. The single, unitized, all welded structure allows the entire plant to be set on a monolithic slab. Large outside foundations are not required. Further construction savings can be found with the dust control system being ...

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