Versatile Gypsum Minerals | Rock & Gem Magazine

Gypsum as an Industrial Material. ... Powdered gypsum is used as the preferred bedding material for polishing plate glass, as a filler for paints and papers, a flux for reduction smelting, and the setting …

A review on calcium-rich industrial wastes: a sustainable

This study provides an overview of calcium rich industrial wastes usage in construction materials, their properties and different applications through marble waste and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) gypsum. Large quantities of industrial wastes are stockpiled and haphazardly disposed in increasing amounts causing serious environmental …

Processing a Locally Sourced Gypsum Material for …

Abstract—Gypsum is a favourite when it comes to mimicking certain features of human body and enhancing some properties of industrial products made from it. Gypsum is widely used for medical ...

Gypsum: Properties, production and applications

The properties of gypsum are soft, perfect cleavage, specific gravity and low harness. It's extremely soft, and can be easily scraped with a fingernail and has a Mohs hardness number of 2. Gypsum ...

Is Gypsum Good for Lawns? What You Need to Know

What is Gypsum? Gypsum is a soft sulfate mineral composed primarily of calcium sulfate dihydrate, with the chemical formula CaSO₄·2H₂O. It is widely found in nature and is used in various industrial and agricultural applications.

EPA approves use of radioactive phosphogypsum in roads, …

Reversing a strict, decades-old policy, the Environmental Protection Agency on Wednesday announced it will allow limited use of a radioactive byproduct of phosphate mining to build roads ...

A comprehensive overview of fibre-reinforced gypsum

1. Introduction. Gypsum-based composites (GCs) are an ancient decorative material that is often used in interior linings such as walls and ceilings because of its many unique advantages, including low cost and energy consumption, good habitability, and good fire resistance [1].Gypsum can be recycled indefinitely using appropriate preparation …

Key Materials and Additives Used in Gypsum Board …

Silicates: Silicates are commonly used as accelerators to speed up the setting time of the gypsum slurry, increasing production efficiency. These additives can be added in various forms, such as ...

(PDF) Experimental Study on Gypsum as Binding Material and …

It originates with the use as building material and properties of sticking or adhering. The DOI: 10.9790/1813-06060101015 Page 2 Experimental Study on Gypsum as Binding Materials and Its Properties rocks and minerals are derived, typically limestone are composed primarily of calcium carbonate.

What is Gypsum – Eurogypsum

Gypsum is composed of calcium sulphate (CaSO4) and water (H2O). Its chemical name is calcium sulphate dihydrate (CaSO4.2H2O). Gypsum can be milled mixed with water and then resume its original rock-like state. This means it can be shaped and hardened. Gypsum also has a "closed recycling loop", meaning it can be endlessly recycled while ...

Use in Buildings – Eurogypsum

Gypsum is non-combustible and contains crystal water. These superior qualities are used in building elements that prevent a fire from spreading for up to 4 hours. Gypsum provides sound insulation. Gypsum acoustic boards, used as part of insulation materials, provide a sound barrier between rooms and spaces. Gypsum has a low thermal conductivity.

The Wonder Mineral: Alternative Uses for Gypsum | USG

With a name like United States Gypsum Corporation, it's safe to say that USG knows a thing or two about gypsum. From innovative industrial products to high-quality building materials, USG has built a 123-year history on a foundation of gypsum. ... While gypsum is the primary material used in all wallboard & joint compounds and …

Gypsum plaster waste recycling: A potential environmental …

1. Introduction. Gypsum plaster is an important material in civil construction, widely used in pastes and mortars for renderings, as well as in the production of components, such as plasterboards and masonry blocks (Camarini and Pinheiro, 2014, Magallanes-Rivera et al., 2012).However, aspects as the energy consumption for its …

Gypsum's Many Faces: Uncovering Its Formation and Uses

The variety of uses for gypsum throughout history demonstrates its versatility and importance as an industrial mineral. ... After the plaster hardens, drywall panels are an inexpensive and fire-resistant surfacing material. Gypsum comprises over 90% of the material used to make drywall. Its fire resistance, combined with sound dampening ...

Utilization of by-product gypsum in road construction

Utilization of by-product gypsum in road construction. By-product gypsum (BPG) systems are the waste materials resulting from either industrial processes or environmental control operations. Estimated 800 million tons are stockpiled in the US, the current rate of production is approximately 60 million tons per year and less than 2% is reused at ...


Phosphogypsum is a by-product of the phosphates industry. Produced in significant quantities, the material is considered a waste in the US due to radioactivity, where the primary means of management is storage in "stacks.". But around the world, phosphogypsum is increasingly being utilized in beneficial reuse applications, with …

What is Gypsum Wallboard

Gypsum wallboard is a general term that encompasses different types of large panels used for building walls, ceilings, and partitions. Gypsum wallboard is commonly used for interior wall construction but there are also special types of gypsum wallboard that can be used as exterior sheathing on buildings. The most commonly …

Gypsum Board Applications & Uses | National Gypsum®

National Gypsum® offers quality gypsum board, drywall, and finishes for many types of applications and uses. ... Materials Calculator Product Sustainability Project Profiles 1-800-NATIONAL Submittal Builder Contact. Products; Applications; ... Industrial. Reliable performance in the toughest conditions. Explore Application. Multifamily.

What is Gypsum | How Gypsum is Processed | M&C

Gypsum is a widely used industrial material and building material. Gypsum (CaSO 4 ·2H 2 O) can be calcined and grinded to obtain β-type hemihydrate gypsum (2CaSO 4 ·H 2 O), that is, building gypsum, also known as cooked gypsum or plaster. The model gypsum can be obtained when the calcination temperature is 190 °C, and its fineness …

(PDF) High-strength gypsum binder with …

The main directions for improving the water-resistance of materials based on gypsum binders are: the use of additives, including chemical and plasticizing ones, which make it possible to modify various properties of …


Exposure to excessive or continuous moisture should be avoided. 800 USG.4YOU 800 (874.4968) usg. Manufactured by United States Gypsum Company 550 West Adams Street Chicago, IL 60661. IG1838-USA-ENG/rev. 9-22.

Gypsum: mineral characteristics, properties, uses

Industrial Applications: In the manufacture of cement, gypsum acts as a set retarder, preventing concrete from hardening too quickly. It's also used in water treatment and as a filler in ...

Recycling phosphogypsum in road construction materials …

Calcium carbide slag is a typical alkaline industrial solid waste and can be used as an alkali neutralising agent for PG. Wu et al. found that the 0.5% calcium carbide slag, as an alkaline conditioning agent, mixed with 0.4% silicate cement, 0.3% polymeric aluminium chloride and CaCl 2 had a significant curing effect on P and F.

Industrial Gypsum

USA Gypsum's inert and non-abrasive industrial gypsum products are ideal as fillers or dilutents in a wide range of industrial and polymer applications. Call Us: 717-335-0379 Fax: ... Our knowledgeable staff has worked with many companies, both small and large, to create custom finished materials to meet their specific needs.


Gypsum is commonly associated with rock salt and sulfur deposits. It is processed and used as prefabricated wallboard or as industrial or building plaster, used in cement manufacture, agriculture and other uses. Relation to Mining. IMAR 7 th Edition. Most of the world's gypsum is produced by surface-mining operations.

Gypsum in Construction | Types, advantages, disadvantages, …

The construction industry recycles gypsum-based materials commonly, which reduces the demand for raw materials and minimises waste. It is common practice to recycle old plasterboard, although this does require testing for asbestos and asbestos contamination before it can be used again. ... Synthetic gypsum is a by-product of other …

From high-volume industrial waste to new ceramic material: …

In this study red gypsum, a reddish brown semi-solid mud, which is the industrial waste of a local company in Malaysia, was investigated for use in the making of glazes for the ceramic industry.

Salt as a Building Material: Current Status and Future Opportunities

Different studies show that the permeability and porosity of salt are low 66 due to a lack of open spaces within the material. Salt is applied for sensitive heat storage in solar power plants 67 due to its high melting point. 68,69 If small impurities such as anhydrite, gypsum, dolomite, calcite, pyrite, quartz, or iron oxides are present in salt, the bulk density value …

Application of the Industrial Byproduct Gypsum in Building Materials…

The use of the industrial byproduct gypsum in road base materials is relatively limited. Excessive DG causes the volume of road material to expand, so for road materials, DG production is also basically below 10%, and water glass can be used to reduce the CaSO 4 content in the system to improve its stability.

Preparation and characterization of gypsum-based …

In this study, gypsum-based materials (GM) comprising mainly a-hemihydrate gypsum, polycarboxylate, hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose and starch ether were prepared and used for 3D robocasting (3DR). The setting time and rheo-logical properties of the GM slurry and the physical properties of the GM sample, including bulk density, porosity and ...

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