A SLon full-scale continuous centrifugal concentrator was used to reconcentrate hematite from a high gradient magnetic separation concentrate to study the effect of impact angle, concentrate mass ...
However, there is still a portion of ilmenite and hematite embedded in gangue such as anorthite, diopside, and serpentite. ... a concentrate with TiO2 grade of 47.31% and total Fe (TFe) grade of 35.44% was produced; TiO2 and TFe had recovery rates of 57.71% and 28.23%, respectively. ... the roughing tailings yield is unimpressive, …
The hematite and magnetite accounted for 1.75% and 91.55% respectively, showing hematite was selectively transformed into magnetite. Quartz diffraction peaks disappeared in magnetic separation concentrate, and magnetite accounted for 98.82% of magnetic separation concentrate, indicating that iron concentrate and gangue were …
The authors have developed a separation production technology to recover magnetite-hematite concentrate from the tailings. A processing flowsheet includes …
The phase compositions of the acid-leaching tailings of laterite nickel ore, transformation products, iron concentrate, and tailings were analyzed by XRD, as given in Fig. 9. The XRD pattern of acid-leaching tailings of laterite nickel ore was composed of diffraction peaks of hematite and quartz.
Hematite tailings (HTs) are rich in silica and are used as replacements for fine aggregates in the preparation of construction materials. However, there is scope for a more effective utilization of the valuable elements present in HTs. In this paper, a process for preparing high-purity SiO 2 using HTs procured from Ansteel (China) is proposed ...
The separation technology provides for production of iron ore concentrate with total iron content of 65.9% and recovers 91.0% of magnetite and 80.5% of hematite from the tailings containing 20.4% ...
The authors have developed a separation production technology to recover magnetite-hematite concentrate from the tailings. A processing flowsheet includes magnetic separation, milling and gravity concentration methods.
Flotation tailings are a secondary iron ore resource with abundant reserves and recycling value. In this study, low-grade flotation tailings (TFe = 21.86%) with silica of 57.85% has been studied by the hydrogen-based suspension magnetization roasting (HSMR) and magnetic separation varying the roasting temperature, reductant …
The main mineral phases in concentrate are magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) and (fluorite) CaF 2, ... The performed analyses revealed that the magnetization roasting of LIMS tailings reduced hematite to strong …
The extremely small size of hematite segregations and thin intergrowths with quartz can lead to incomplete liberation of hematite during its grinding and, as a consequence, to the concentration of the mineral in the tailings, and microinclusions of gangue minerals in hematite can significantly reduce the quality of the hematite …
The main mineral phases in concentrate are magnetite (Fe 3 O 4) and (fluorite) CaF 2, fluorite in concentrate can be removed by grinding and reverse flotation. 26 Meanwhile, the main mineral phases in …
The separation technology provides for production of iron ore concentrate with total iron content of 65.9% and recovers 91.0% of magnetite and 80.5% of hematite from the tailings containing 20.4% of total iron. The proposed technology will increase production of the concentrate at a dressing plant and reduce environmental impact.
In this paper, the properties, mineral magnetic modification, and beneficiation of tailings from the central mining and processing plant in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine, have been studied. Samples were investigated by X-ray diffraction, X-ray fluorescence, microscopy, and magnetization measurements. The beneficiation was conducted using …
Pulsating high-gradient magnetic separation (PHGMS) of fine hematite from tailings was studied using a pilot PHGMS separator to investigate the possibility of its application in industry. The results of this investigation indicate that PHGMS is effective for recovering fine hematite from the tailings and greatly improved the separation …
A semi-industry experiment of hydrogen-based mineral phase transformation for tailings is conducted with a roasting temperature of 500 °C, a reducing gas …
The extremely small size of hematite segregations and thin intergrowths with quartz can lead to incomplete liberation of hematite during its grinding and, as a consequence, to the concentration of the mineral in the tailings, and microinclusions of gangue minerals in hematite can significantly reduce the quality of the hematite …
It is easy to extract iron from this kind of haematite by using gravity separation and magnetic separation. Medium-grained hematite refers to iron ore with an embedded particle size between 0.02 and 2mm. This type of hematite is also relatively easy to select, mainly using gravity separation, magnetic separation and magnetic roasting.
The results showed that an iron concentrate with iron grade of 63.04% and total iron recovery of 48.40% was obtained under the optimum roasting conditions: feeding rate of 111.70 kg/h, roasting temperature of 550°C, CO flow rate of 4.0 m 3 /h, and N 2 flow rate of 2.0 m 3 /h. The hematite and siderite in tailings were transformed into ...
Due to the weak magnetism of hematite and rare earth minerals, magnetic separation has low efficiency. ... magnetic concentrate, and magnetic tailings were studied by X-ray diffraction, iron ...
Hao et al. studied the siderite–hematite–quartz flotation system: Laboratory-scale reverse flotation tests resulted in a concentrate with a total iron (TFe) content of 47.8% and recovery of 48.2% from an ore containing 31.2% TFe. Application of a two-step flotation produced siderite (32.5% TFe at a recovery of 15.1%) and hematite (53.7% TFe ...
The concentrate and tailings were then dried, weighed, and utilized for analysis. ... The analysis revealed the presence of five phases in the tailings: goethite (FeOOH), hematite (Fe 2 O 3), quartz (SiO 2), illite (KAl 3 Si 3 O 10 (OH) 2), and kaolinite (Al 4 [Si 4 O 10](OH) 8). In these phases, the iron-containing mineral phases goethite …
Download scientific diagram | Satellite images of the tailings dump. from publication: Recovery of magnetite-hematite concentrate from iron ore tailings | The research is aimed at study of the ...
The extremely small size of hematite segregations and thin intergrowths with quartz can lead to incomplete liberation of hematite …
The authors have developed a separation production technology to recover magnetite-hematite concentrate from the tailings. A processing flowsheet includes magnetic separation, milling and gravity concentration methods. The separation technology provides for production of iron ore concentrate with total iron content of 65.9% and recovers …
According to Abaka-Wood et al. [10], the gravity separation using shaking table of iron oxide silicate tailing with 26.2% of Fe provides a concentrate fraction of 49.3% Fe. The Abaka-Wood ...
It can be seen from Fig.2, it achieved an effective recovery for the fine magnetic hematite from tailings; as the magnetic induction increased, the iron recovery rapidly increased and then ...
The hematite and siderite in tailings were transformed into magnetite with an average magnetic conversion rate of 86.46%. This innovative PSRM technology provides …
The research is aimed at study of the probable recovery of iron from the tailings of the Olcon mining company located in the north-western Arctic zone of Russia. Material composition of a sample from a tailings dump was analysed. The authors have ... Recovery of magnetite-hematite concentrate from iron ore tailings.
The tailings material used for the present investigation was obtained from the discarding stream of iron tailings at Hainan Iron and Steel Company in southernmost China. The tailings is 28.76% Fe, and hematite is the dominant mineral accounting for more than 98% of the magnetic miner-als. The primary gangue minerals in the material are quartz,