Settling and Thickening Test Procedure

Place pulp in a measuring cylinder and make up to say 1000 ml mark with water. Shake thoroughly after addition of flocculant. Allow to settle quiescently and note interface depth as a function of time (seconds). Flocculation is a time function following an empirical relationship. C= k tm where C is the suspended solids concentration.

Advances in thickener feedwell design via computational

Maximization of water recovery in thickeners is an essential step in the mineral processing industries. The Gol-E-Gohar iorn ore processing plant uses a center pier thickener with a diameter of 38 ...

Thickener technology publications – CSIROpedia

The following publications detail the work involved in the development of CSIRO's Thickener technology for mineral processing.. Book chapters. Hecker R, Jefferson A, Fawell PD, Farrow JB, 1999, 'The characterisation of polyacrylamide flocculants by flow field-flow fractionation combined with multi-angle laser light …

Thickeners – MIP Process Technologies (Pty) Ltd

Thickeners and clarifiers are operating in the minerals processing, chemical water treatment, industrial and effluent treatment throughout the world. In addition to this existing technology, MIP Indusries (Pty) Ltd brings customized and tailor-made process solutions. In our design, we consider not only your process data, but also the long-term ...

Raking in gravity thickeners

The paper is organised as follows: In Section 2 a description of the pilot-scale thickener process circuit and measurement techniques is presented. A brief outline of the CFD model is provided in Section 3. ... (DCT) has become an important gripper for treatment of mine wastes consist of waste rocks, mineral processing tailings and ...

Study on the Vibration Lamella Thickener and its Application in Mineral

The development status and research progress of inclined plate sedimentation equipment, as well as the research progress of how to prevent the blockage of sedimentation channel were discussed. The main disadvantages of traditional inclined plate thickener were analyzed. A kind of new type lamella thickener which could vibrate …

Soft Sensing Model of Underflow Concentration for Thickener Process …

Measured data in industrial production inevitably contain stochastic errors that are influenced by the environment and equipment, and the stochastic errors will reduce the accuracy of the measured data. Thickeners are widely used in mineral processing and sewage treatment, but the accuracy of the variables of the thickener process cannot …

17 mt thickener for mine tailings in AutoCAD

17 mt thickener for mine tailings dwg. 17 mt thickener for mine tailings. Viewer. Luis zapata. 17-meter thickener for tailings for the design of mining and metallurgical processes of a mining company with tailings recovery. Library. Machinery - mechanical. Machinery - …


The primary purpose of thickening is to increase the solids concentration of the feed stream. Gravity settling is aided by addition of chemicals called flocculants. The inlet stream going to a thickener generally is called 'feed' or 'influent'. Overflow from the unit may be called 'overflow', 'effluent', or 'supernatant'.

Thickener Optimisation in mineral processing

Increasing thickener profitability through integrated online monitoring Integrated online monitoring simplifies the convoluted process of monitoring data, which is central to precise process control in …

Measuring Settling Rates and Calculating Thickener Capacity

The required depth of the thickener may be ascertained by computing the capacity of the thickening zone to contain a supply of solids equal to the total capacity of the tank for the number of hours required to thicken the pulp to the density required in the discharge, and to this depth adding an allowance for the lost space due to the pitch of ...

How to Optimize Thickeners in Mineral Processing

The retention time determines the required thickener volume, based on the residence time of the solids and the water in the thickener. Add your perspective Help others by sharing more (125 ...

International Journal of Mineral Processing

Advances in comminution and classification of minerals - Best mineral processing papers from the European Symposium on Comminution and Classification 2013 in Braunschweig. Edited by Dr. Arno Kwade, Dr. Mojtaba Ghadiri, Dr. Thomas Mütze, Dr. Wolfgang Peukert, Dr. Malcolm Powell, Dr. Robert Schnatz, Dr. Luis Marcelo …

Understanding the Thickening Process

A range of throughput and bed height scenarios are presented in Figure 1. At high throughput, usually given as a solids flux (tonnes of solids/hr/m2), the model predicts that the thickener will give underflow solids that are independent of the operational bed height. As solids flux decreases, the underflow will reach the gel point of the ...

Tailings Bed in Raking Deep-Cone Thickener Process

The sheared bed porosity decreased 12.95%. The shearing e ect is beneficial. The average porosities to the sealed-water of drainage the tailings process. compression bed without and with shear are 49.90 and 44.18 wt %, respectively. 3.2. Pore Extraction and The Distribution sheared bed porosity decreased 12.95%.

Thickening | SpringerLink

8.1.1 From the Stone Age to the Middle Ages. Thickening is not a modern technique and was certainly not invented in the Americas. Whenever people have tried to obtain concentrates from ore, two processes have been used inseparably, crushing and washing.There is evidence that in the 4th Egyptian dynasty, around 2,500 BC, the …

High Rate Thickener Design Optimization for an Existing Plant

Application of this CFD model to problems within specific mineral processing operations has resulted in significant benefits, in one case leading to doubling of a thickener's throughput. This paper presents an overview of the work conducted during these projects, focusing on the research tools, the nature of the information that has been ...

Control strategies for minerals thickening (part 1)

Figure 1. Thickener settling layers. The variables used for control are defined below: Input variables. The input variables are the main disturbances in the thickener and include: Input volumetric flow variation (due to the change in the mill …

How to Operate a Thickener

Keep the worm chamber on the drive mechanism full of oil, and take care of the grease fittings daily. The lifting screw gear ought to be greased well, and it is a good idea to keep grease on the central shaft for about a foot below the worm gear. And don't fall into the thickener; it doesn't look well.

Expert Control Tuning of an Industrial Thickener

The thickener is 150 m diameter and was designed to process 13000 m3/h of pulp, containing 27% of solids, with a specific gravity of 1.2, to deliver an underflow with a 54% of solids. The flocculants is added at a rate of 15g/ton of pulp or about 270 m3/h of a solution with a low flocculants concentration (0.02%).

Most common problems in thickener operations (part 1)

Depending on the configuration of the plant, the type of mineral and the thickener technology, the recovery of water can vary between 65% to 95% of the process water, as shown in figure 2. Figure 2. Water balance of a high-density thickener in an iron ore concentrator plant

Application and Maintenance of the Thickener in Mineral Processing …

Xinhai Mineral Processing EPC Yantai Xinhai Mining Machinery Co., Ltd. - English Website Operator Published Mar 12, 2018 ... Application and Maintenance of the Thickener in Mineral Processing Plant

An experimental study on the flocculating settling of …

The dynamic experimental apparatus consists of a thickener, three peristaltic pumps and several tubes. The thickener has a 100 mm diameter, the upper part has a feed inlet, an overflow port is connected to the sidewall, the front of the barrel wall is graduated, and an inner rake with adjustable speed is provided. ... mineral processing, …


thickener's operation, especially in mineral processing plants. This is p articularly the case with thickening of flotation concentrates, in which air bu bbles are stron gly attached to the mineral

Mineral Processing and Metallurgical Treatment of Lead Vanadate …

Mineral processing and metallurgical treatment of lead vanadate deposits stopped in the 1980s, although the deposits contain a noteworthy amount of the desired resource vanadium. ... After grinding and subsequent thickening, the thickener overflow was consistently treated in settling tanks with controlled additions of lime, …

Effect of settling test procedure on sizing thickeners

The Coe–Clevenger and Talmage–Fitch approaches (to be described below) are the most widely used methods of thickener sizing in the mineral processing industry. 1.1.1. The Coe–Clevenger method. Coe and Clevenger implicitly assumed that the settling rate of solids is only a function of solids concentration [2]. This method is based on the ...

Mineral Processing

12.7 Ore to Concentrate and Metal. Mineral processing or mineral beneficiation or upgradation involves handling of three primary types of ROM ore material which has been blasted, fragmented and brought out from in situ position. These materials can be used directly or by simple or complex processing and even applying extractive metallurgy like ...

Combined Column and Mechanical Flotation Cell Process for …

With higher concentration rates and a simple and efficient flowsheet, the FCSMC has been successfully industrialized for flotation circuits of minerals such as coal and copper ores in China. 21−23 However, there have been relatively few studies on the flotation behavior of columns and cells in gold mineral flotation, particularly concerning …

Delivering millions in value with the first 3D …

We also developed a comprehensive set of tools and techniques for improving the performance of gravity thickeners for large-scale separation of fine particles from process liquids. According to an independent …

Mineral Processing Solutions

This process uses starch (depressant) and amine (quartz collector) as reagents to promote the separation of the contaminant mineral (quartz) from the iron-bearing mineral. The floated material from the flotation process is also sent to the tailings thickener. The underflow from the flotation process is sent to the concentrate thickener.

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