The Efficiency of Steel Slag and Recycled Concrete Aggregate …

Experimental work was carried out to study the effect of using steel slag (SS) and recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) as replacements for the natural aggregate in concrete. Waste materials, such as SS, which is a by-product generated during the production of steel and concrete rubble, which is produced by demolition activities, are …

Experimental study on lightweight concrete made with

Youm KS, Moon J, Cho JY, Kim JJ (2016) Experimental study on strength and durability of lightweight aggregate concrete containing silica fume. Constr Build Mater 114:517–527. Article Google Scholar Chandra S, Berntsson L (2002) Lightweight aggregate concrete science, technology and applications.

Partial replacement of aggregate with ceramic tile in concrete

This has been proved through a number of different studies. We have found that the following material is an acceptable alternative to concrete after consulting a number of scholarly journals and articles. Producing ceramic tiles results in waste, some of which can be recycled into either fine or coarse aggregate [16]. The project that has ...

Alternative Fine Aggregates to Produce Sustainable Self

Article Google Scholar Benyamina S, Menadi B, Bernard SK, & Kenai S (2019) Performance of self-compacting concrete with manufactured crushed sand. ... Study of the rheology of self-compacting concrete with fine recycled concrete aggregates. 96, 491–501. Google Scholar Ding X, Li C, Xu Y, Li F & Zhao S (2016) Experimental study …

Recent advances in high strength lightweight concrete: …

The strength of HSLWC was not only controlled by the strength of LWA but also influenced by the shape and particle size of LWA [48]pared to quasi-spherical shale LWA, crushed LWA with low absorption was recommended to produce HSLWC as the crushed aggregates brought about higher compressive strength of concrete than …

Geomaterials as construction aggregates: a state-of-the-art

When utilized in concrete (about half of current production of aggregates), compositional aspects of aggregate source rocks are of utmost importance specifically due to unwanted deleterious reactions of certain mineral phases in highly alkaline …

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | Compressive Strength, …

Extensive use of cement in the construction industry increases CO2 emissions and has a negative impact on the environment. In this work, recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) from construction and demolition wastes (C&DW) was used to fabricate sustainable pervious concrete (PC). In order to mitigate the environmental hazards of …

Producing sustainable concrete with plastic waste: A review

Concrete with a high content of PET plastic waste aggregate (40% and 50% volumetric replacement to natural coarse aggregate) can be utilized in structural insulation lightweight concrete members. Tuladhar and Yin (2019) studied the possibility of producing lightweight concrete (1500 kg/m 3) by utilizing recycled plastic aggregate.

Behavior of steel slag aggregate in mortar and concrete

1. Introduction. Generally, concrete containing around 65–85% of its volume by aggregate. Meaningful that the properties of concrete are mainly dependent on the quality and type of aggregate [1].It is completely known that aggregate is an inactive material, but it is actually inactive due to its physical and limited chemical properties that …

A review on self-curing concrete

The aggregate is a mixture of natural coarse and fine materials. The aggregates are mainly responsible for 70% of the strength gained by concrete. Natural aggregates are obtained from weathering action of rocks and artificial aggregates are obtained from crushing. Aggregates are classified as fine and coarse aggregates, fine …

Studying the usability of recycled aggregate to produce new …

The quality level of the recycled material used significantly impacts the concrete created with recycled coarse aggregate (RCA). The concrete cylinders that …

Recycling Concrete to Aggregates. Implications on CO2 …

Upon analysis of the physical–chemical and mechanical properties, a replacement ratio of RAs of 50% was suggested, considering two factors: (1) the highest …

Strength and Durability Evaluation of Recycled Aggregate …

The main objectives of the experimental program were to (i) investigate variability of recycled aggregate properties and their impact on concrete production and …

Concrete Aggregate

Recycling of concrete. P. Purnell, A. Dunster, in Management, Recycling and Reuse of Waste Composites, 2010 20.2.3 Nature and role of aggregate. Aggregates for concrete are typically natural gravels (such as flint or limestone) or crushed rocks (such as granite or limestones), although many other geological types are used.

(PDF) Application of Steel Slag as an Aggregate in Concrete …

2 State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China. * Correspondence: [email protected]. Abstract: Steel slag is a solid waste ...

[PDF] Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review | Semantic Scholar

Recycled Concrete Aggregates: A Review. This paper discusses the properties of RCA, the effects of RCA use on concrete material properties, and the large scale impact of RCA on structural members. The review study yielded the following findings in regards to concrete material properties: (1) replacing NA in concrete with RCA …

Strength and Durability Evaluation of Recycled Aggregate Concrete

This paper discusses the suitability of producing concrete with 100 % recycled aggregate to meet durability and strength requirements for different applications. Aggregate strength, gradation, absorption, specific gravity, shape and texture are some of the physical and mechanical characteristics that contribute to the strength and durability …

Buildings | Special Issue : Aggregate Concrete Materials in

Special Issue Information. Dear Colleagues, Aggregate concrete plays a very important role in both underground engineering support and ground building structures. Aggregate concrete is one of the most important civil engineering materials. It is made up of cementitious materials, aggregates, water, and admixtures in a certain proportion.

Pathways towards sustainable concrete

Actually, it is estimated that concrete production is responsible for 9% of total greenhouse gas emissions [23], of which 7–8% from only cement plants [24].In other words, if the concrete industry was a country, it would be the third largest CO 2 emitter in the world with up to 2.8 Gt per year, surpassed only by China (10.18 Gt) and the United States …

Alternative fine aggregates in production of sustainable concrete …

These alternative fine aggregate (AFA)/manufactured sand (MS) are generally produced from natural sources or any other sources like old concrete, rocks, industrial wastes after processing using thermal, mechanical and chemical separation, washing, crushing and scrubbing (Dash et al., 2016).

Beneficial use of recycled aggregates from concrete

Demands for a more sustainable concrete production with reduced waste streams and lower carbon footprint has introduced new solutions that transform waste …

The constituents, properties and application of heavyweight concrete…

Concrete is 'a composite material consisting of a medium of binding in which fragments or particles of aggregates are embedded' within the binder. Thus, the concrete's definition can be simply interpreted as [1]. (1-1) Concrete = filler + binder. In general, concrete is the main building material utilised worldwide.

Recycled Concrete in Structural Applications for Sustainable

Similarly, Heeralal et al. [14] found negative effects on concrete when using RA compared to NA. Quiasrawi and Marie [15] discovered that concrete using aggregate that had been recycled twice (2nd generation) had greater properties compared to concrete using aggregate that had only been recycled once (1st generation).

Effects of biochar on plant growth and hydro-chemical …

Comprehensive studies have also been conducted to use biochar as aggregate in cement to produce concrete (Zhang et al., 2022). It is found that biochar in concrete promotes the cement hydration process, facilitating the formation of calcium-silicate-hydrate (C-S-H) gel and enhancing the polymerisation degree of C-S-H gel via …

Factors affecting the price of recycled concrete: A critical …

According to Table 2, 'use of supplementary cementitious materials' is the most emphasized factor, following 'selling price of recycled aggregate'. Cement is one of the most expensive components in concrete and reducing the amount of cement could significantly impact the price of recycled concrete [ 73 ].

Use of recycled concrete aggregate in concrete: a review

Journal of Civil Engineering and Management. The use of recycled concrete aggregate (RCA) in concrete as partial and full replacements of natural coarse aggregate is growing interest in the construction industry, as it reduces the demand for aggregate. In addition, the use of RCA leads to a possible solution to the environmental …

Sustainable Aggregates: The Potential and Challenge for …

Main challenging issues for natural concrete aggregate Malaysia is extremely fortunate to have several distributed natural aggregate resources, with almost every state carrying out its own quarry and aggregate production activities. Table 1 shows the total production of aggregates from 2005 to 2007 according to states. ... Google …

Performance studies on recycled aggregate concrete

DOI: 10.1007/s42768-023-00157-z Corpus ID: 260851468; Performance studies on recycled aggregate concrete with treated recycled aggregates @article{Ramalingam2023PerformanceSO, title={Performance studies on recycled aggregate concrete with treated recycled aggregates}, author={Malathy Ramalingam …

Recycling Concrete to Aggregates. Implications on CO2 …

Li, X. Recycling and reuse of waste concrete in China: Part I. Material behaviour of recycled aggregate concrete. Resour. Conserv. Recycl. 2008, 53, 36–44. [Google Scholar] Smith, J.T. Recycled Concrete Aggregate–A Viable Aggregate Source for Concrete Pavements.

Production and Processing of Aggregates | SpringerLink

Kou SC, Poon CS (2010) Properties of concrete prepared with PVA-impregnated recycled concrete aggregates. Cement Concr Compos 32(8):649–654. Article Google Scholar Li W, Long C, Tam VW, Poon CS, Hui Duan W (2017) Effects of nano-particles on failure process and microstructural properties of recycled aggregate …

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