Sedibeng Iron Ore Postmasburg | Phone 053 313 1... | Email …

START YOUR REVIEW OF Sedibeng Iron Ore First, your rating here Your review here Optionally, you can upload up to 3 photos Click to Choose Images Or Drag and Drop them here. ABOUT US. SERVICES. SPECIALS. EVENTS. PHOTO GALLERY. DOCUMENTS. MEET THE TEAM. NEWS BLOG. × Email Sedibeng Iron Ore. Your Name. Phone No. …

Sedibeng Iron Ore start-up faces obstacles

Sedibeng Iron Ore start-up faces obstacles. B L Premium. 26 June 2013 - 07:33. by Allan Seccombe. SEDIBENG Iron Ore, which is developing its first mine, has one of the few rich "specks" in the ...

Iron Ore

Can be found by tilling soil in the Mines. Can be found in breakable crates and barrels in the Mines. Can be dropped by Metal Heads in Floors 81-119 of the Mines, by Stone Golems in Floors 31-39 or by Iron Slimes. Can be found inside any of the 4 types of Geode. Can be found in Fishing Treasure Chests. Can be found by panning.

Sedibeng Iron Ore: Joint venture creates 400 local jobs

Sedibeng Iron Ore mine in Postmasburg in the Northern Cape has employed 400 locals since production started two years ago. The junior iron ore mine is …

Kolomela Iron Ore Mine, Northern Cape

The Kolomela Mine is situated near Postmasburg Town in the Northern Cape Territory in South Africa. Mining operation at Kolomela started in late 2011. A stacker-reclaimer is used at Kolomela to blend different grades …

Sedibeng Iron Ore: Joint venture creates 400 local jobs

Sedibeng had been partly mined in the 1960s and resumed operations in 2011 after being awarded a 30-year mining right. Production was 50 000 tons a month, and 160 000 tons of ore had been shipped ...

IMR acquires PPC Lime in South Africa for R515 million

IMR, the global commodities trader with ownership of mining assets and steel production facilities, has announced the R515 million acquisition of PPC Lime in South Africa along with a consortium of investors. ... "Through our previous acquisition of the Sedibeng Iron Ore mine in the Northern Cape, South Africa, we have shown ourselves …

Mining companies

Sedibeng iron ore mine dates back to the 1960s. Mining operations are situated about 20kms from Postmasburg. After being idle for a while, production resumed at Sedibeng in 2011. Sedibeng is a junior miner, operated by a joint venture comprising Indian steel giant Tata, members of the community, and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC).

Tau Koaho

Sedibeng Iron Ore Mine Apr 2016 - Present 8 years 1 month. Postmasburg, Northern Cape Mine Compliance Manager SEDIBENG IRON ORE Oct 2011 - Mar 2016 4 years 6 months. Postmasburg,Northern Cape Inspector of Mines Department of …


Find company research, competitor information, contact details & financial data for SEDIBENG IRON ORE (PTY) LTD of Johannesburg, Gauteng. Get the latest business insights from Dun & Bradstreet. SEDIBENG IRON ORE (PTY) LTD. D&B Business Directory ... Metal Ore Mining Other Miscellaneous Retailers Mining (except Oil and …

Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd Careers and Employment

Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd. Find out what works well at Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd from the people who know best. Get the inside scoop on jobs, salaries, top office locations, and CEO insights. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. Uncover why Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd is the best …

Is it possible for a mine to contain both gemstones and …

Aside from this, it's worth noting that some metal ores can be passably pretty rocks in their own right; precious metal ores wouldn't be used that way since they're more valuable processed, but e.g. hematite (a major iron ore) can be either a glossy black stone, which was valued as a gem in Victorian times, or banded blood red/black.

Tata, IDC to set up beneficiation plant at N Cape mine

The Sedibeng mine, which was partially mined in the 1960s, is owned by the IDC, Tata Steel subsidiary Black Ginger 461 and black economic-empowerment (BEE) group Cape Gannet Properties 227.

Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd and Another v Rexton Holdings …

15.1 Sedibeng is the holder of a converted mining right permitting it to mine for iron ore over Farm 437, Klipfontein as well as over Portion 3 of the Farm 445 as alluded to earlier; 15.2 The CC was previously known as QCK Lezmin 4447 CC and was formed by members of Isaacs, Beukes, Jansen and McCarthy families in order to claim transfer of …

Tata Steel divesting stake in South African iron ore mine for …

Tata Steel Ltd. will divest its 64% stake in the Sedibeng iron ore mine in South Africa to Swiss trading company IMR Metallurgical Resources AG for 366 million South African rand. Proceeds from the sale, expected to close in 12 months, will include adjustments for working capital and closing cash, according to an Oct. 19 release.

Mining & Manufacturing

Sedibeng Iron Ore Acquired in 2018 by IMR, the mine has been in production since 2012. The mine produces 2 million metric tons per annum, exporting medium to high grade …

Aneesh Misra

Position and Company Name: CEO of Sedibeng Iron Ore and MD of IMR South Africa. Main Activity of the Company: Iron-ore mining. Date and Place of Birth: July 26, 1993, Varanasi, India. Education ...

Iron Ore – Minecraft Wiki

Iron ore is a mineral block found underground. It is a source of raw iron, which can be smelted into iron ingots. Deepslate iron ore is a variant of iron ore that can generate in deepslate and tuff blobs. Iron ore itself can be obtained by mining it with a stone pickaxe or higher enchanted with Silk Touch. When mined without Silk Touch, iron ore drops raw …

Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd and Another v Rexton Holdings …

15.1 Sedibeng is the holder of a converted mining right permitting it to mine for iron ore over Farm 437, Klipfontein as well as over Portion 3 of the Farm 445 as …

Working @ Sedibeng – Sedibeng

313 Rivonia Road Morningside Hub, 2nd Floor Rivonia, Johannesburg 2191. 011 070 1700 011 070 1711 [email protected]

Sedibeng Iron Ore: Learnerships 2023

July 16, 2023 by Jobcare. Sedibeng Iron Ore is hiring and invites unemployed youth to apply for Learnerships 2023. Closing date: 31 July 2023. Location: Postmasburg (Northern Cape)

South Africans right to be very proud of country's iron-ore – …

1X. JOHANNESBURG (miningweekly) – South Africans are well within their rights to be very proud of the iron-ore that is produced in the country. That is the view of Sedibeng Iron Ore CEO Aneesh Misra, who is also MD of IMR South Africa. (Also watch attached Creamer Media video.) Switzerland-based IMR, as the majority owner, came …

South Africans right to be very proud of country's iron-ore – …

Located near the town of Postmasburg, in the Northern Cape, Sedibeng has a rail-matching capacity of two-million tonnes of iron-ore a year – but, with more rail …

South Africans right to be very proud of country's iron-ore – …

South Africans are well within their rights to be very proud of the iron-ore that is produced in the country. That is the view of Sedibeng Iron Ore CEO Aneesh Misra, who is also MD of IMR South ...

Trineson Govender

I am currently employed at Sedibeng Iron Ore mine in the Northern Cape and have already served more than 5 years. My position and responsibilities at the mine are proof of my capabilities. I am the Engineering Planning and Compliance Specialist, and my responsibilities are as such:

Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd v Minister of Mineral Resources …

[2] The applicant, Sedibeng Iron Ore (Pty) Ltd ("Sedibeng") currently mines for iron ore on the farm Klipfontein. Sedibeng is a holder of a converted mining right …

South Africans right to be very proud of country's iron-ore – …

South Africans are well within their rights to be very proud of the iron-ore that is produced in the country. That is the view of Sedibeng Iron Ore CEO Aneesh …

Swiss trader IMR makes its mark in SA iron ore …

B L Premium. 26 August 2020 - 23:58. by Allan Seccombe. After investing R366m for a majority stake in Sedibeng Iron Ore last year, Swiss commodity trader IMR Metallurgical Resources has brought ...

Mining Weekly

The Sedibeng digitalisation project is split into three phases, and ELB is currently progressing through Phase 1, focusing on collecting data on the metallurgy and quality of ore, the efficiency ...


Overview. The Ir on Ore line is one of the two main Heavy Haul Lines in South Africa, together with the Coal Line. The Iron ore corridor stretches 861 km from Sishen in the Northern Cape to Saldanha Bay on the West coast. Current Iron ore export operation optimised at 348 x CR13/14 wagon trains. The Iron ore line provides a world class …

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