An approach of cobalt recovery from waste copper …

The copper converter slag used in this study was supplied by a copper smelter located in Guangxi Province, China. The high contents of valuable metals in the slag, including 5.50 wt% Cu, 1.14 wt% Co and 0.35 wt% Sn (Table 1), indicate a recycling was warranted.'Others' in Table 1 mainly included oxygen which combined with Fe, Cu, …

Leaching Characteristics of Iron and Manganese from Steel Slag …

Steel slag reuse as a construction material is an attractive solution for the management of the industrial byproduct. However, concern exists on the release of steel slag constituents when a massive amount of the material is reused in the field. This study is aimed to improve the understanding on the leaching characteristics of iron and …

Co-treatment of spent carbon anode and copper slag for …

Copper slag is the main by-product of the pyrometallurgical process of copper, and more than 50 million tonnes of copper slag was generated in 2020 (Prem et al., ... copper slag, and spent cathode carbon for recovering and solidifying heavy metals. J. Hazard Mater., 417 (2021), Article 126020, 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2021.126020.

Processing of copper converter slag for metal reclamation…

Deng, T. & Ling Y.H. (2004) Processing of copper converter slag for metals reclamation: Part II: Mineralogical study. Waste Management & Research, 22, 376—382. Google Scholar

Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of …

Copper slag is generated when copper and nickel ores are recovered from their parent ores using a pyrometallurgical process, and these ores usually contain other elements which include iron, cobalt, …

Utilization of Solid Waste Particles as Aggregates in Concrete

A.S. Alnuaimi, A paper on "The Use of copper slag as a replacement for fine aggregate in reinforced concrete slender columns" in WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences, Vol 64, 2009, pages 125-133. ... Singapore; A study on "Assessment of the use of spent copper slag for land reclamation" in Waste Management & Research Journal, …

Reclamation of tungsten from carbide scraps and spent materials …

This paper reviews the state-of-the-art recycling of tungsten from carbide (WC) scraps and other spent alloys generated by various production and application industries. With an aim of direct reuse or chemical recovery of tungsten, the reclamation of WC is commonly divided into three parts: (1) pyrometallurgy, (2) hydrometallurgy, and (3) …

Conserving reefs beside a marine landfill in Singapore

In terms of physical and geotechnical properties, the spent copper slag is a good fill material. In general, the spent copper slag is suitable to be used as a fill material for land reclamation ...

Design and Stability analysis of copper slag embankment

Lim and Chu [35] assessed the use of spent copper slag for land reclamation. Havanagi [25, 26] reported the utilization of copper slag wastes in embankment and pavement construction.

Investigation on cyclic behaviour of FRC beams incorporating copper …

This paper showcases the performance of concrete composite containing copper slag and polypropylene fibre under cyclic loading. Fibrillated polypropylene fibre of 0% (P0), 0.2% (P1), 0.4% (P2) & 0 ...

Green Synthesis of Hybrid Iron Oxides/Graphene

This study addresses the issue of eliminating Congo red dye from aqueous solutions through green pyrolysis of hybrid iron oxides/graphene-coated iron slag. A novel adsorbent was developed, utilizing cost-effective date fruit-derived graphite and iron slag byproducts. The resulting macroporous structures resemble two-dimensional graphene …

Water Characteristic Curves of Recycled Materials

Abstract. Water characteristic curves (WCCs) of recycled materials are not well researched. In this study, the WCCs of three specimens from recycled concrete aggregate, three specimens from reclaimed asphalt pavement, and one specimen from spent copper slag are studied. The objective of this study is to obtain WCCs of the …

Analiza właściwości żużla włóknistego pod kątem …

The potential environmental impacts associated with the use of the spent copper slag for land reclamation were also evaluated by conducting laboratory tests including pH and Eh measurements, batch ...

Experimental analysis on consumption of

The work reported in this paper is based on a laboratory study carried out to investigate the feasibility of using copper slag, a by-product of copper refineries, as a partial replacement of sand in ... Assessment of the use of spent copper slag for land reclamation. ... and is suitable to be used as a fill material for land reclamation. Expand ...

Regenerating of copper slag waste into abrasive material …

The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of regenerating spent copper slag into new abrasive materials. As regenerating is the most direct method to reclamation, once it is proven feasible and profitable, life cycle of copper slag in abrasive blast-cleaning could be prolonged and the waste production rate would be minimized.

An Innovated Application of Reutilize Copper Smelter Slag …

Lim, T. T. & Chu, J. Assessment of the use of spent copper slag for land reclamation. Waste. Manage. Res. 24, 67–73 (2006). Article CAS Google Scholar ...

Leaching behavior and occurrence of metal elements in copper slag…

Copper Slag (CS) is a solid waste produced during the industrial smelting of copper (Gorai et al., 2003).The current pyrometallurgical copper smelting process is mainly through the Ausmet furnace (Fig. 1); the furnace slag goes through the flotation process to obtain copper matter, yielding a composition of CS corresponding to 30–40 % of Fe, …

Stability of copper smelter slag in sea water | Request PDF

The potential environmental impacts associated with the use of the spent copper slag for land reclamation were also evaluated by conducting laboratory tests including pH and Eh measurements, batch ...

Regulatory Exclusions and Alternative Standards for the …

Hazardous wastes do not cease to be dangerous simply because they are being reused, recycled, or reclaimed. Many hazardous waste recycling operations may pose serious health and environmental hazards and should be subject to regulation under Subtitle C of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA).. Reuse, recycling, …

Use of Recycled Copper Slag in Cement-Treated Singapore …

The potential environmental impacts associated with the use of the spent copper slag for land reclamation were also evaluated by conducting laboratory tests including pH and Eh measurements, batch ...

An Experimental Investigation Of Properties Of …

In general, the spent copper slag is suitable to be used as a fill material for land reclamation. Copper slag is widely used as an abrasive media to remove rust, old coating and other impurities in dry abrasive blasting due to its high hardness (6-7 Mohs), high density (2.8- 3.8 g/cm3) and low free silica content. ...

Reclamation of iron and copper from BCL slag in Botswana

The copper slag was sampled at different points at the slag dump, and tests were done on it in the laboratory to upgrade the copper mineral for the next phase of experimental test works [ 15 ].

An experimental investigation to substitute copper slag in …

DOI: 10.1016/J.MATPR.2020.12.481 Corpus ID: 234025526; An experimental investigation to substitute copper slag in concrete with Beas river fine aggregate @article{Nainwal2021AnEI, title={An experimental investigation to substitute copper slag in concrete with Beas river fine aggregate}, author={Ankit Nainwal and Pankaj Negi and …

Assessing the effect of leachate of copper slag from the …

density of spent copper slag compared to nor mal sand has led to novel attem pts to re-use copper slag . ... it is to be used as a reclamation material (Shanmuganathan et al . 2008).

Substituting spent copper slag as a replacement for sand as …

The lack of waste landfill used for waste disposal and the increasing cost of fill materials used for land reclamation projects in Singapore has led to the study on the suitability of using spent copper slag, a by-product of removing rust and marine deposit on ships, as the primary fill material for construction and land reclamation in ...

Primary and secondary phases in copper-cobalt smelting …

The presence of glass and skeletal/dendritic crystal shapes indicated rapid cooling of the slag melt. Copper and cobalt were found in low concentrations in the majority of silicates (olivine, clinopyroxene) and oxides, substituting for Fe in their structures (up to 7.15 wt.% CoO in olivine, 4.11 wt.% CuO in spinel).

Migration of fluorine during the reduction of copper slag from spent

In this paper, the migration transformation route and distribution ratio of fluorine during the reduction of copper slag by SCC were investigated. The results show that fluorine accounts for 57.92% of the slag phase, and the main phase is CaF2, which accounts for 41.75% of the gas phase and 0.33% of the alloy phase when reduced at 1460 °C with ...

Copper Slag

Copper slag is widely used in the sand blasting industry and it has been used in the manufacture of abrasive tools. In general, the spent copper slag is suitable to be used as a fill material for land reclamation. One of the primary advantages to copper slag is the low risk it poses to health and the environment.

Scope for reuse of copper slag in concrete- a …

The spent copper slag was a good fill material and . ... Teik Thye Luin, and Chu J. "Use of s pent coppe r s lag for land reclamation", waste . management and research, Vol. 24, pp. 67-73 ...

(PDF) Utilization of coir dust to partially replace sand in …

In terms of physical and geotechnical properties, the spent copper slag is a good fill material. In general, the spent copper slag is suitable to be used as a fill material for land reclamation. View

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