Dynamic quality prediction and control in rotary sponge iron …

The quality of sponge iron produced in the coal-fired rotary kilns at TATA Steel Long Products Limited (TSLPL) is permitted to vary in a small window of 80-83% Fe. In order to adhere to this ...

Agarwal Sponge & Energy's Sponge Iron Plant Expansion Project

Agarwal Sponge & Energy is planning a major expansion of its sponge iron plant in Kudathini, Bellary, Karnataka. The project includes expanding the sponge iron plant production from 90000 TPA to 440000 TPA, increasing power plant capacity from 12 to 24 MW, adding a new rolling mill with a production capacity of 600000 TPA, a cold …

Sponge Iron

DRI, also known as sponge iron, is the product of reducing iron oxide in the form of iron ore and steel plant wastes into metallic iron, below the melting point of iron and typically in the range of 800–1200 °C. Iron oxide is charged into shaft furnace, rotary kiln, or fluidized beds in the form of pellet, iron ore lumps, or fines. The reduction takes place using …


icro-economic large-scale production of iron ore in Nigeria. Iron ore project in this study had an initial investment of USD 73,934 Million and has an annual e. pense and profit amounting USD 48,128 Million and USD 270 m. Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR) and payback period of the project is the financial analysis of each USD.


these difficulties of conventional blast furnaces. designe. to integrate the heat of waste gas in the sponge ironprocess. For this purpose a cas. of the sponge iron plant exits at a temperature around 900 C.This gas ha. a lot of sensible he. t and can be used for ener.

Proposed Expansion of MS Billet/Ingot and TMT Bar …

ation business and manufacturing activities for a long time.The Project Proponent have decided to expand production of MS Billet/Ingot and TMT BAR from 92,160 TPA to 2,00,160 TPA installing 3 nos. of induction furnace with capacity of 12 MT each, one number of Continuous Casting Machine (CCM) with 6/11m radius 4 strand at Plot. No.

Karakhola Sponge Iron Plant capacity …

Rungta Mines Limited Project. Rungta Mines Limited plans to undertake the expansion of the Karakhola Sponge Iron Plant capacity in Barbil Tahsil of Kendujhar district of Odisha. The capacity will be …

Low-Carbon Production of Iron & Steel: Technology Options …

Local costs estimates must assess renewable electricity supply to each iron and steel facilities case by case, and grid-based electricity would require more complicated LCA results. ... 2020)][ (Sakaria, 2017)] plant uses SMR for syngas production and then feed it as reducing gas to a HYL DRI plant for sponge iron production. The off-gas from ...

Sponge Iron Plant 100 TPD Project

Piyali Engineering Corporation - Offering Sponge Iron Plant 100 TPD Project,स्पंज आयरन प्लांट in New Delhi, Delhi. Also get Sponge Iron Plants price list from verified companies | ID: 22512507033

Pre Feasibility Report

Plant at Village Mohanpur, Tundi Road, Tehsil Giridih, District Giridih, State Jharkhand. Following shall be the plant configuration and production capacity after expansion of the unit: Sl. NO. UNIT PROJECT CONFIGURATION PRODUCTION CAPACITY Existing Proposal 1. DRI Kilns (Sponge Iron) 2 X100 TPD 2 X200 TPD 600 TPD 2. Induction …

This Swedish Company Wants to Fix Steel's Steep Climate Cost

April 28, 2022 8:00 AM EDT. At a steel plant in Lulea, Sweden, workers make the world's most essential construction material the old fashioned way: piling iron ore and coke, a kind of coal ...


4.1 Direct Reduction of Iron Production Using Solid Coal 39 4.2 Direct Reduction of Iron Production Using Coal Gasification 43 4.3 Direct Reduction of Iron Production Using Gas Route 49 4.4 Hydrogen Use in Indian Iron and Steel Sector 54 5.0 Conclusion 57 Technology Vendors – Energy-efficient Equipment and Systems 60 References 65

Project Cost Estimation Guide: Examples & Methods [2024]

Simply add them together and divide by three: 10,000 + 7,500 + 15,000 = 32,500. 32,500 ÷ 3 = 10,833. As a result, the average project estimate is $10,833. Three-point estimates are best for where there's a lot of uncertainty or variability in the tasks or projects. 5.

Ultimate Guide to Project Cost Estimating | Smartsheet

Cost estimating is the practice of forecasting the cost of completing a project with a defined scope. It is the primary element of project cost management, a knowledge area that involves planning, monitoring, and controlling a project's monetary costs. (Project cost management has been practiced since the 1950s.)

Development of energy conservations scenarios for sponge iron …

Cost components for 1 tonne production of sponge iron. Cost of sponge iron production varies with different inputs such as iron ore, coal, dolomite, fuel, maintenance, depreciation, power, etc. Costs of these inputs, taken directly from the plant, for 1 tonne production of sponge iron are drawn in Fig. 4, which shows that a significant ...

Bhagwati Sponge Private Limited

initial estimate, water to the tune of 503 cu.m/day will be ... BHAGWATI SPONGE PRIVATE LIMITED 1 - 3 Project cost Rs. 324 Crores ... 3.1.1 SPONGE IRON PLANT M/s BSPL is now operating 2 DRI kilns, each of 100 TPD capacity for production of 60,000 TPA sponge iron. The company is now planning to install (1x200

Understanding project cost estimation: A complete …

In our case, that would be $6,500 + $9,500 + $5,000 ÷ 3 = $7,000. Your likely estimate has to be based on historical project data if you're using this method. If it's not, it'll throw your entire estimation off, which could be devastating to the accuracy of your project cost estimation. 3.

Waste Heat Recovery Steam Generator in …

In sponge iron plant, rotary kiln is used to manufacture iron billets from combustion of coal and iron ore. Waste flue gas emitted from the rotary kiln has a temperature of 700°C and above. ... (1.5% of project cost) …

High-Quality Sponge Iron Manufacturing by Lloyds Metals: …

Elevate Your Projects with Lloyds Superior DRI Sponge Iron. We are the leading manufacturer of Direct-reduced iron (DRI), also called sponge iron, which is produced from the direct reduction of iron ore (in the form of lumps, pellets, or fines) by a reducing gas produced from natural gas or coal. ... The Technical Specifications of Sponge Iron ...

Direct Reduced Iron – IspatGuru

Direct reduced iron (DRI) is the alternative iron source for steelmaking. Its advantages as a iron product and diluent for impurities, introduced with scrap, are well documented. DRI is also known as sponge iron. It refers to porous iron produced by the direct reduction (DR) process.


SPONGE IRON REDUCTION PLANT - Project Report - Manufacturing Process - Cost - Investment Required. Report includes feasibility report, profitability analysis, raw materials, break even points, formulations and formula and much more. ... COST OF PLANT ECONOMICS 2. LAND & BUILDING 3. PLANT AND MACHINERY 4. FIXED CAPITAL …

Metnext to set up sponge iron manufacturing unit in …

Tuesday, 23 Aug 2022. Share this on : Metnext is planning to set up sponge iron manufacturing unit with a capacity of 66,000 tpa in Bilaspur district of Chhattisgarh. The project will see include steel melting shop, rolling mill, waste heat recovery-based power plant, FBC based power plant, fly ash brick plant and slag crushing unit.

Aryavrata Steel Pvt. Ltd.

The Aryavrata Steel Sponge Iron manufacturing unit is spread across an expanse of 25 acres. Sponge iron is a metallic product produced through direct reduction of iron ore in the solid-state. Along with easy handling …

Welcome to New Project Tracker

Executive Summary. A sponge iron manufacturing expansion project is planned in Hospet, Karnataka, involving a capacity increase from 65,325 to 132,325 TPA, at an estimated cost of Rs. 431.585 million. Construction is slated from March to August 2024. As of November 2023, the project is under examination for environmental clearance by …


10 PROJECT COST ESTIMATE 50 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE NO. PARTICULARS PAGE NO 5.1 LOCATION PLAN 14 5.2 PLANT LAYOUT 18 ... Sponge iron plant of TSIL of 303 acres and as such no additional land is required. This feasibility report is for the proposed 12.5 MW Thermal Power Plant of TSIL

Design Modifications for Energy Conservation of Sponge Iron …

National Institute of T echnology, Rourkela 769008, Orissa, India. e-mail: shabinahai@gmail; [email protected]. During the operation in the coal based sponge iron plant, a tre-. mendous ...

Setting up a Sponge Iron Manufacturing Unit: Project …

Syndicated Analytics' latest report, titled "Sponge Iron Manufacturing Plant Project Report: Industry Trends, Manufacturing Process, Plant Setup, Machinery, Raw Materials, Investment Opportunities ...

Analyses of Different Modifications Proposed for the Sponge Iron …

The energy cost is the principal cost factor in the sponge iron plant as energy requirement ranges between 14.63 and 20.9 GJ/t (Ulrich and Tandon 1988). Hajidavalloo and Alagheband used waste heat from the flue gas in a steel making plant to reduce energy consumption. They reported 14% reduction in energy consumption by …

72,000 TPA DRI, 0.85 MTPA Beneficiation Plant, 0.6 …

1.2 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF NATURE OF THE PROJECT The plant has existing only two nos. of 100 TPD DRI producing 66,000 TPA sponge iron. It has already obtained Environmental Clearance for the backward integration of Beneficiation plant & pelletization plant of 0.85 MTPA & 0.6 MTPA respectively with 10MW power plant.

Covai Mani Group setting up plants in Tamil Nadu

Tuesday, 22 Dec 2009. Share this on : The Covai Mani Group is setting up a state-of-the-art steel plant at Musiri, Trichy district, at a cost of Rs 120 crore and a sponge iron plant at Madukkarai near Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu at an outlay of Rs 195 crore. The plant coming up on a 50-acre site at Musiri is expected to have the capacity to ...

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