Eddy Current Sorting System

Features. Single frequency or multi-frequency testing and sorting, up to 8 groups. Single-coil absolute operating mode or two-coil differential operating mode. Sorting inspection with the coil, up to 20 parts/s, depending on part size and handling. Sorting inspection with the probe, up to 500 parts/min depending on part size and handling.

MINIMAC® 50 & 55

MINIMAC® II SINGLE- OR 2-CHANNEL DIGITAL TESTER Minimac® II lets you take advantage of eddy current technology's versatile capabilities to deliver high-performance testing for tube, bar, wire and parts. With an embedded host computer, this fully digital instrument provides up to two test channels of Flaw, Absolute or any combination, at an …

Fastener Sorting Services Suppliers

Eddy Current Sorting. View More Categories. Search Within Results. Search. Supplier Validation. Thomas Verified (6) COVID-19 (1) Video Type. Factory Tour (2) ... Manufacturer of high speed laser & eddy current inspection systems including fastener sorting services. More + View Supplier. Save Select. Durbin & Associates. Normal, IL …

Eddy Current Sorting Machine

Eddy Current Sorting Machine CCM is the world's leading manufacturer of fastener optical sorting machines. We introduced Eddy Current Series Sorting Machine to inspect hardness and with/without heat-treatment. According to different parts, we are able to combine conveyor and slide track along with user-friendly interface and self developed …

Eddy Current Testing Solutions for Quality Control | ibg

Discover precision and reliability with ibg's innovative Eddy Current Testing technology. Detect grinder burn and cracks, revolutionize ball inspection with AVIKO's high-speed …

NDT Non-Destructive Testing Equipment/Instruments Manufacturer…

3-102, Hengyi Road,Qixia District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province, China. Call us on: +86 . BKN is a leading high-tech company and manufacturer specializing in developing types of non destructive testing instruments and equipment in China, mainly including eddy current, ultrasonic, magnetic flux leakage and various non ...

Manufacturing Magnatest TCL- Eddy Current Sorting …

Get Manufacturing Magnatest TCL- Eddy Current Sorting Machine at best price in Silvassa, Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu by Electronic And Engineering Company India Pvt Ltd and more manufacturers | ID: 2852664489691 ... 2852664489691. Get Manufacturing Magnatest TCL- Eddy Current Sorting Machine at best price in …


Sortinger's main production magnetic separator machine is divided into two categories : "metal separation equipment" and "peripheral related equipment".Our metal sorting series equipment types includes: eddy …


Eriez' RevX-E® Eddy Current Separators feature an eccentrically mounted magnetic rotor within a non-conductive shell for the separation of nonferrous metals. The rare earth rotor produces a powerful focused field at the end …

Eddy current separators for recovering non …

Optimum non-ferrous metal recoveries using eddy current separators from STEINERT, the inventor of the eccentrically mounted pole system. The recovery of non-ferrous metals is the economic basis of every recycling …

48" New Magnapower Eddy Current Separator with Control …

1.5kW Belt Motor (3 Phase / 60 Cycle / 460 Volts). VFD controls / feeder controls. Eccentric, high inductive force rotor. Magnetic anti-leakage design increases performance up to 50%. Optimal pole to diameter ratio. Adjustable two-stage splitter box. Cantilever Belt Change (~10 minutes) Brute force pan feeder (optional).

Fastener Inspection Ammunition Inspection

Mectron Inspection provides total quality control. In today's fastener and precision turned parts industry, parts are required to meet strict standards for ISO-9001, QS-9000, TS-16949 and the Fastener Quality Act. Mectron Engineering makes a variety of machines to fit all inspection needs, whether its fastener inspection, ammunition ...

Eddy Current Probes | Olympus IMS

Olympus eddy current probes consist of the acquired brands of Nortec and NDT Engineering. We offer more than 10,000 standard and custom designed eddy current absolute probes, standard references, and accessories. This section features many of the standard eddy current probes types that are available in a wide range of diameters, …

Eddy Current Separators | Magnapower

The Magnapower Eddy Current Separator provides: Higher levels of cleaner non-ferrous metals. Maximum performance and reliability with the eccentric rotor. Long life reliability of high performance & high frequency rotor. Belt widths: 300mm to 2000mm. Higher throughput with variable high speed belt.

Connecting rod hardness eddy current sorting machine …

Connecting rod hardness vortex sorting machine LGYDFX-01 Performance. temperature - 10 +40, relative humidity < 7.5%. As a non-destructive testing instrument and equipment, sensor development company, BKN Technology has been an innovative manufacturer of high-quality, high-performance non-destructive testing instruments and equipment.

Eddy Current Testing: Precision and Reliability | ibg

Through the astute application of electromagnetic induction, eddy current testing empowers engineers and inspectors to make critical determinations regarding the reliability of metal components, thereby contributing to the creation of safer, more efficient, and more dependable products. Its non-destructive character, swiftness, and precision ...

Eddy Current Separators | Magnapower

Eddy Current Separators from Magnapower are the world leading non-ferrous metal separator. It is suitable for a wide range of applications from the recovery of small non …


requency eddy-current sorting, is an evolution ofsorting technology aimed prim. ily at light-metal and aluminum alloy recycling. EDXTM is being developed by the Department of Metallurgical Engineering, University of Utah, under an ARPA-E (Advan. ed Research Projects Agency – Energy) contract. From a purely physical perspective, the EDX system ...

Eddy Current Testing in Manufacturing Applications

The testing process involves a machine or technician placing a probe or coil onto a metal surface. The probe generates an electromagnetic field that induces electrons to flow into the material. When the electrons encounter discontinuities in the metal, their flow becomes distorted. An eddy current instrument can capture these distortions and ...

High-Efficiency Eddy Current Separator-Direct Manufacturer

High-Efficiency Eddy current separator has better good sorting effects on various non-ferrous metal fragments (such as aluminum, copper, and other alloy non-ferrous metals). We are the original manufacturer of Eddy Current Separator.Achieve exceptional non-ferrous metal separation with our state-of-the-art Eddy Current Separator.

China Eddy Current Separator Manufacturer, Supplier, Factory

Eddy current separator from Hongxu supplier is an advanced metal sorting equipment that uses high-precision sensors and unique electromagnetic field technology to sort metal objects. Eddy current has a wide range and can handle many types of metals, including aluminum, copper, iron, steel, etc. The eddy current separator is simple to operate ...

Eddy current separators | Goudsmit Magnetics

Eddy current separators remove non-ferrous metal particles, such as copper and aluminium, in a continuous process. For the recovery, recycling or removal of metals.

Eddy Current Separation

A new version of eddy current separators is an eddy current rotor (ECR). It is a fast spinning cylinder with alternative rows of north and south poles of permanent rare earth supermagnets. ... Eddy-current separation (3) Inductive sorting system (1) ... ASR can also be used as a supplement fuel in cement manufacturing (Boughton & Horvath, 2006 …

Used Eddy Current Systems for sale. Sharples equipment

Mectron MI-8500 Digital Eddy Current Inspection and Sorting System. used. No Lasers Checking hardness only 110V-220V AC Automatic gating Alarm beacon. Posen, IL, USA. Click to Contact Seller. ... Manufacturer: Eriez; Eriez Eddy Current Separators In 1969, ...


Established in 1982, Sortinger Magnetic Separation Industrial Co., Ltd. has committed to the R&D and manufacturing of magnetic separators for over 30 years. As a leader in terms of development and innovative application of magnetic sorting technology, Sortinger adopts precise, reliable and efficient sorting capabilities as well as integrated ...

How Does an Eddy Current Separator Work? | GTEK MAGNET

Eddy current separation (ECS) is a sorting technique that uses different electrical conductivity of substances, and its sorting principle is based on two important physical phenomena: An alternating magnetic field that changes with time is always accompanied by an exchange Variable electric field ( Electromagnetic induction law ); Current ...

Eddy Current Separators

Overview. Eddy current separators are an advanced non-ferrous separator that is capable of separating domestic and industrial waste into two individual containers, separating non-ferrous metals such as aluminium and copper from non-metallic materials such as wood and plastics. Non-ferrous separators are very common in the fast growing market of ...

Hardness Sorting

Hardness sorting. Hardness Sorting is a specialized application of Eddy Current Testing that deals with distinguishing materials based on hardness levels. This technique plays a vital role in industries such as automotive, aerospace, and manufacturing, where material hardness directly impacts the performance and lifespan …

Structure testing of aluminum components with eddy current

This is the basic prerequisite for eddy current testing and sorting. Figure 1: MAGNATEST TCL. FOERSTER can draw on many years of experience with this kind of testing. When using the eddy current method, the components are examined directly in the line for heat treatment condition. The method is based on a comparison with reference …

Expert Eddy Current Testing (ECT) & Inspection Company

High-quality eddy current testing solutions for complete inspections. Zetec is the industry leader for cost-effective eddy current testing (ECT) in complex applications. We have the most extensive experience, and we develop the highest quality ECT inspection products. When it comes to understanding your needs, we're your trusted advisor.

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