A chemical solution is an aqueous medium containing sulfuric acid at the rate of 3 g per liter of water. For activation, chemical solutions are heated to a tempera-ture of 50–60 °C. All these factors accelerate the process of leaching of uranium and other metals. Third way.

In Situ Leach Uranium Mining: An Overview of Operations

In Situ Leach Uranium Mining: An Overview of Operations. In situ leach or leaching (ISL) or in situ recovery (ISR) mining has become one of the standard uranium production methods. Its application to amenable uranium deposits (in certain sedimentary formations) has been growing in view of its competitive production costs and low surface impacts.

Reformability evaluation of blasting-enhanced permeability …

It is essential to evaluate the blasting-enhanced permeability (BEP) feasibility of a low-permeability sandstone-type uranium deposit. In this work, the mineral composition, …

A Review of In Situ Leaching (ISL) for Uranium Mining

In recent years, the CO 2-O 2 leaching technique has replaced alkaline leaching as the primary technology for in situ uranium mining in the country, offering new …

Experimental investigation on the influence of surfactant to …

In-situ leaching of uranium has become one of the major ways to realize the green acquisition of uranium resources in low-grade sandstone-type uranium deposits in the world due to its environmental friendliness and high cost performance [1, 2].In-situ leaching of uranium is a mining-dressing-metallurgy consolidated method which extract …

Improving the efficiency of in situ uranium leaching …

Section snippets Field site and data collection. The site of this study is located in the Bayan uranium leaching field, north China. In this site, the uraninite is deposited in a Cretaceous fluvial aquifer (K 1 s 2), and the burial depth of the aquifer ranges from approximately 80.0 m to 140 m (Fig. 1b).The uraninite-bearing aquifer is overlain and …

Improved FMM for well locations optimization in In-situ Leaching …

DOI: 10.1016/j.2024.04.023 Corpus ID: 269259278; Improved FMM for well locations optimization in In-situ Leaching Areas of Sandstone Uranium Mines @article{Jia2024ImprovedFF, title={Improved FMM for well locations optimization in In-situ Leaching Areas of Sandstone Uranium Mines}, author={Mingtao Jia and Bosheng Luo …

Characteristics of Dissolved Organic Matter in …

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is widespread in uranium (U) hosting aquifer, a key substance affecting CO 2 + O 2 in situ leaching (ISL) of U by consuming injected O 2. However, molecular composition …

Characteristics and influencing factors of uranium

Uranium (U) contamination in groundwater of the uranium mines exploited using the in situ leaching (ISL) technology (also referred to as the ISL uranium mines) has attracted wide international attention. Since the adsorption of U in groundwater by aquifer media influences the migration scope of U, understanding the U adsorption by aquifer …

The behavior of pyrite during in-situ leaching of uranium by …

The Qianjiadian IV sandstone-hosted uranium deposit in the southwest of Songliao Basin, northeastern China (Fig. 1 a, b) is one of the most productive uranium mines mainly using the CO 2 + O 2 leaching process.The main exposed strata in the study area include the formations of the Taikang (K 2 t), the Yaojia (K 2 y), and the Nenjiang (K …

A Review of In Situ Leaching (ISL) for Uranium Mining

sustainable advancement of in situ leaching technologies in uranium mining, propelling scientific research and practical applications in the field. Keywords: uranium …

In-Situ Leach Mining of Uranium

There are two operating regimes for in situ leaching, determined by the chemistry of the geology and groundwater. If the ore body has significant amounts of calcium (limestone), alkaline (carbonate) leaching must be …

Dobrovolnoye Uranium Mine, Kurgan Region, Russia

The Dobrovolnoye uranium mine is located in the Uksyanskoye village, Zverinogolovsky district in the Kurgan region of Russia. The project site lies in the catchment area of the Tobol River situated in the Trans-Urals uranium ore district. The deposit is a paleovalley type deposit appearing as a rock from the below and sides, and …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Process Optimization of an In-Situ

In-situ uranium leaching with the help of bacteria was carried out in the Standrock Ltd. uranium mine in Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada even before 1965 [10,11]. ... Through drilling and blasting techniques, the fractured ore block was leached in combination with an on-site bioreactor for Fe 3+ regeneration. Although principal …

In-Situ Leaching (ISL)

Acidic In-Situ Leaching of Uranium –Kazakhstan Kazatomprom is the world's largest producer of uranium, representing approximately 22% of total global uranium primary production in 2018. The Group benefits from the largest reserve base in the industry. Kazatomprom operates, through its subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates, 26 deposits

Progress on enhancing seepage-leaching mass-transfer …

We will provide an overview of the main factors influencing the in-situ leaching process in low-permeability ore layers, discussing the technical characteristics …

Uranium Mining, Processing, and Reclamation

A short description of the in situ leaching/in situ recovery (ISL/ISR) uranium mining technique and other uranium mining techniques are included for completeness, even though, based on current knowledge of known uranium occurrences in ia, ISL/ISR is unlikely to be applicable. ... Because blasting increases the volume …

Cameco U101

In some circumstances, ore may be mined by in situ recovery, a process that dissolves the uranium while still underground and then pumps a uranium-bearing solution to the surface. Open pit mining. When uranium ore is found near the surface, generally less than 100 metres deep, it is typically extracted by open pit mining.

Experimental investigation on the influence of surfactant to …

Investigating the seepage characteristics of the leaching solution in the ore-bearing layer during the in situ leaching process can be useful for designing the process parameters for the uranium ...

Situ Leaching

Uranium Mining, Processing, and Enrichment. Ian Hore-Lacy, in Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004. 1.3 In Situ Leach (ISL) Mining. In situ leaching (ISL), also known as solution mining, involves leaving the ore where it is in the ground and using liquids that are pumped through it to recover the minerals out of the ore by leaching. Consequently there is little surface …

Uranium Deposits (In-Situ Leach Projects) | SpringerLink

Sandstone-type uranium deposits are commonly located below the water table in weakly lithified or non-consolidated sands, and therefore they can be exploited using In-Situ Leach (ISL) technology. Such technology is based on dissolving uranium minerals directly in their host rocks (in-situ) by reactive solutions that are injected …

Improved uranium leaching efficiency from low …

Previous conclusions regarding ultrasonic leaching may therefore not be applicable to the in situ leaching of low-permeability uranium-bearing sandstone. Although low-frequency vibration has been widely applied in the oil industry to increase oil permeability (Sun et al., 2020), its use in uranium leaching has only been reported by …

Uranium recovery from sandstone-type uranium deposit by acid in-situ

Uranium leaching was influenced by multiphase flow and geological structure during in-situ recovery of uranium (ISRU). In this study, the characteristics of multiphase flow and pore structure responding to the alkaline ISRU was investigated, using a real-time triaxial coupling nuclear magnetic resonance experiment system.

In Situ Bioleaching | SpringerLink

In situ bioleaching can be used to extract metals such as uranium and copper. In the 1960s, Canada was the first to pour acidic mine water containing iron and sulfur-oxidizing bacteria over the unmined ores in the stope, and inject bacteria-containing acidic mine water in situ into the mined underground uranium deposit, which achieved a …

(PDF) A Review of In Situ Leaching (ISL) for Uranium Mining

This study offers valuable insights into the sustainable advancement of in situ leaching technologies in uranium mining, propelling scientific research and practical …

Frontiers | Geochemical reactions altering the mineralogical …

Therefore, combining the CO 2 phase-change blasting and CO 2 + O 2 in situ leaching method may be a potential physical-chemical reservoir stimulation direction for uranium-bearing reservoirs, and the mechanism and method for the dynamic regulation of permeability enhancement and CO 2 + O 2 in situ leaching are the focus of future …

Mineral Composition and Full‐Scale Pore Structure of …

In situ leaching (ISL) is becoming the main mining practice for sandstone-type uranium deposits in China. The key to ISL technology is to aid the leaching solution in contacting the ore bed over a large range, which will induce a series of chemical reactions to extract uranium; thus, it is essential to thoroughly understand the reservoir physical …


During the in-situ leach mining field, blasting and acidification methods are effective to improve the permeability of uranium reservoirs. To expound the synergy effect of the two methods, the dynamic mechanical properties and damage mechanism of sandstone under acidification conditions were analyzed based on the acidification experiment and …

Improving the efficiency of in situ uranium leaching …

The site of this study is located in the Bayan uranium leaching field, north China. In this site, the uraninite is deposited in a Cretaceous fluvial aquifer (K 1 s 2), and the burial depth of the aquifer ranges from approximately 80.0 m to 140 m (Fig. 1 b). The uraninite-bearing aquifer is overlain and underlain by low-permeability aquitard, which is …

Processing of Chloride-Containing Productive Solutions …

the processing of new objects by the method of in situ leaching. The presence of chloride ions suppresses the uranium recovery by anion exchangers [12-14]. The process of uranium sorption by ion exchange resin is the basis of a large amount of technological schemes for reprocessing productive solutions [15 -19]. Therefore, in

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