Numerical Simulation of Heat and Mass Transfer Behavior during Iron Ore

Accurate computational models of sintering behavior would assist to enhance sinter quality and are anticipated to play a role in yield prediction. Sintering is a vital process in the manufacturing of iron and steel. As a consequence, the primary objective of these models will be a thorough simulation of mass and heat transport during …

(PDF) Iron ore sintering with charcoal

A pi lot gas burner was placed above the condenser. exhaust to combust the non-c ondensable, flammable gases. Table 3 shows details of. the preparation of the charcoal samples. Approximately 30 kg ...

Influence of beneficiated sinter grade iron ore fines size on sinter …

The sinter with iron ore fines mean particle size 2.63 mm showed physical and metallurgical properties within the acceptable range, which is required for blast furnace operation.

Structural Transformation of Beds during Iron Ore Sintering

Structural Transformation of Beds during Iron Ore Sintering. December 2012. ISIJ International 52 (12):2158-2167. DOI: 10.2355/isijinternational.52.2158. Authors: Chin Eng Loo. Juha Heikkinen. To ...

Combustion characteristics in an iron ore sintering …

Coke combustion provides iron ores with the energy required for sintering. Fig. 1 shows a schematic dia-gram of the sintering process. Various kinds of iron ores, coke, and limestone are mixed with water in a rotating drum and form pseudo-particles. They are fed into a sintering bed having a length of ∼100 m and a

Iron Ore Sintering: Raw Materials and Granulation

Sintering is an agglomeration process that fuses iron ore fines, fluxes, recycled products, slag-forming elements and coke. The purpose of sintering is to obtain a product with suitable composition, quality and granulometry to be used as burden material in the blast furnace.

Iron ore sintering

Sintering is the most economic and widely used agglomeration process to prepare iron ore fines for blast furnace use. In this chapter, the sintering process is first described to identify the key steps of the process, that is, granulation and thermal densification. Discussion is then focused on the effect of the chemical, physical, and ...

Operating mode recognition of iron ore sintering process …

Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 1. Iron ore sintering process. 2. Process description and design method. In this section, the iron ore sintering process is described in detail, and the recognition method for the sintering process is designed based on the analysis of production requirements. ... By communicating with the operators, it ...

Iron Ore Pelletizing Process: An Overview | IntechOpen

The iron ore production has significantly expanded in recent years, owing to increasing steel demands in developing countries. However, the content of iron in ore deposits has deteriorated and low-grade iron ore has been processed. The fines resulting from the concentration process must be agglomerated for use in iron and steelmaking. …

Identification of working conditions and prediction of FeO

The iron oxide (FeO) content had a significant impact on both the metallurgical properties of sintered ores and the economic indicators of the sintering process. Precisely predicting FeO content possessed substantial potential for enhancing the quality of sintered ore and optimizing the sintering process. A multi-model integrated …

Prediction of Iron Ore Sinter Strength Using Statistical Technique

Abstract. Sinter is the main iron-containing raw material for blast furnaces. As iron ore resources are gradually depleted, the types of raw materials for sinter are complicated, so their chemical composition often changes. At present, the common method for studying the sintering performance of iron ore is the sintering pot test.

Theory and Practice of Sintering of Iron ore – IspatGuru

Coke is the best fuel for iron ore sintering. Size classification is a crucial factor. The best economy and efficiency is achieved with a coke particle size of less than 3 mm. ... Maximum productivity is obtained using 85 % of the moisture required for maximum permeability due to the condensation of moisture in the bottom layer of the bed.

Modeling Sintering Process of Iron Ore

degradability and the size distribution which influences strongly the sinter performance within the blast furnace. Waters and co-workers(Waters et al. 1989), developed a mathematical model to predict the final size dist ribution of the sinter product, however, as the authors pointed out, the model did not considered the kinetics of the sintering

Safety Guideline for Sinter Plant

Sintering process is developed mainly to utilize under size of lump ore called iron ore fines; which otherwise, could not be charged directly in blast furnace. ... to different required size fractions. Sinter of size <5mm will be re-cycled in the sintering process. Doc. No: SG/31, Rev no: 00 Page 3 of 6

Iron Ore Sintering: Quality Indices

Softening-melting test, low temperature degradation test (LTD), reduction degradation index (RDI), tumbler index (TI), reducibility index (RI), porosity, mineralogy, and compo-sition are the main ...

Characteristics and Sintering Performance of Iron Ore Sinter …

Due to ongoing demand and increasing depletion of high-grade iron ore resources from large deposits, Australian iron ore producers are developing smaller size deposits to maintain current export levels. The iron grade, mineralogy, chemical and physical characteristics of iron ore fines being mined from different deposits vary considerably. It …

Utilization of Pellet Fines in the Iron Ore Sintering Process

The chemical analysis and particle size distribution for the iron ore fines and the pellet fines used for the sinter pot trials are shown in Tables 2 and 3 respectively. Table 4 shows the iron ore blend mix proportion and mean particle size (MPS) for the iron ore blend for all the experiments. The high Fe and low LOI concentrate within the pellet fines …

A forecast model of the sinter tumble strength in iron ore …

Iron ore sinter is an ordinarily utilized iron-bearing burden in BF iron-making unit. The sintering agglomeration procedure aims to form high strength sinter including granulating of the mixed materials, distributing the granulated materials and then igniting the fuels (coke or coal), sintering the iron-bearing materials by the combustion of fuel in a …

Comprehensive evaluation of hydrogen-rich energy application in iron

The iron ore sintering, as an essential raw material treatment process of blast furnace, mainly uses coke or anthracite as a heat source and emit a large amount of greenhouse gas (Annual Conference on Sintering & Pelletizing Technology, 2022), which is not consistent with the current environmental protection requirements.

The Effect of Iron Ore Feed Size on …

Sinter with optimum iron ore particle size yielded better sinter strength. Higher sinter strength is due to homogeneous distribution of silico-ferrites of calcium and alumina (SFCA) phases. Sinter ...


Like other sintering processes, iron ore sintering converts iron ore fines of often −8 mm in size into larger agglomerates, namely sinter, between 5 and 50 mm in particle size, which possess the physical and metallurgical characteristics as well as gas permeability required for efficient blast furnace operation.

Utilization of Pellet Fines in the Iron Ore Sintering …

The present study evaluated the influence of these pellet fines on the sintering process. 5 experiments were conducted, by varying the pellet fines from 0 to 50% in the iron ore blend. It was found that the productivity decreased from 1.65 to 1.17 t/hr/m2 and sintering time increased from 27.5 to 34.5 min with increas-ing pellet fines.


A short description of the sintering process is also presented in Fernández--González et al. (2018). Figure 2.1 shows the main parts of an iron ore sintering plant (Dwight–Lloyd machine). Despite at first instance the agglomeration of ores has imposed as a process required in the iron extractive metallurgy, this process has changed with the

Modification of Wet Granulation Process During Iron Ore Sintering

Sintering is the most extensively used and economic agglomeration process to prepare iron ore fines for blast furnace use. Granulation is the most critical factor controlling iron ore sintering process, as it improves sinter mix permeability. Currently, sinter plants are receiving significant proportion (up to 40%) of − 150 μm micro-fines in …

Pelletization and sintering of New Zealand titanomagnetite …

Direct reduction (DR) of iron ore with hydrogen is a potential route for near-zero CO 2 steelmaking, but vertical shaft DR reactors require that iron ore fines must first be pelletized. This study reports an investigation of the pelletization and subsequent sintering behaviour of titanomagnetite (TTM) ironsand, which is the main iron ore …

12.5 Iron And Steel Production

required to produce 0.9 Mg (1 ton) of product sinter. Iron Production - Iron is produced in blast furnaces by the reduction of iron bearing materials with a hot gas. The large, refractory lined furnace is charged through its top with iron as ore, pellets, and/or sinter; flux as limestone, dolomite, and sinter; and coke for fuel.

Model of an iron ore sinter plant with selective waste gas

The use of sinter influences hot metal production substantially and significantly affects an integrated steel mill's total emissions. Sintering of iron ores is an enormous energy-intensive and resources consuming process. Introducing a selective waste gas recirculation (SWGR) to the sintering process reduces the energy …

Iron Ore Sinter – IspatGuru

Iron Ore Sinter. Iron ore sinter or simply called sinter is usually the major component of a blast furnace iron bearing burden material. Sinter normally consists of various mineral phases produced …

Sintering: Most Efficient Technologies for Greenhouse …

FeO so formed combines with SiO 2 and fluxes resulting in the formation of fluxed sinter.. The flexibility of the sintering process permits conversion of a variety of materials, including iron ore fines, captured dusts, ore concentrates, and other iron-bearing materials of small particle size (e.g., mill scale) into a clinker-like agglomerate.

Iron ore pelletization

Although iron ore concentrates are generally higher in iron grade and contain lower impurities, the finer size distribution of concentrates limits their usage in iron ore sintering. Therefore, pelletizing is needed to produce fired pellets from concentrates as burden materials for blast furnaces and direct reduction processes.

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