Keestrack I4e

The I4e is an alternative to mobile cone or vertical impact crushers. It has less wear, better quality of end products (grain shape) and significant energy savings, from 30%- 40% compared to cone and VSI impact crushers. The I4e allows a feed size up to 250 mm and ensures consistently high-quality end products of up to 0/2 mm in closed circuit.

Horizontal Crushers

Apart from the fact that the cross section of the Chain Feeder installed in a Horizontal Impact Roll Crusher is of a different design, the description is similar to the Chain Feeder installed in the Feeder Breaker. The Crushing Roll of the Horizontal Impact Roll Crusher is equipped with impact elements. These elements can be re-adjusted with ...

Andreas Horizontal Impact Crushers (HSI) | Manuquip

Andreas style impact crushers are designed for recycling concrete and asphalt, as well as traditional aggregate crushing applications. The massive rotor design of KPI impact crushers generates a striking force unmatched in the industry. Combine that with a large feed opening and you have Andreas Series Horizontal Axis Impact Crushers that ...

® NP Series™ Horizontal shaft impact (HSI) …

istance.® NP SeriesTM HSI crushers for primary ranrizontal Shaft Impact (HSI) crusher primary range has been designed to increase the cr. shing process productivity thanks to its high reduction ratio. Usually utilized in the first crushing stage of the size reduction pro. ess in aggregates production, recycling and mining ...

Technical Information MOBIREX MR 130i EVO2

MOBIREX MR 130i EVO2 mobile impact crusherThe MOBIREX MR 130i EVO2 mobile impact crusher can be deployed universally and p. oduces first-class final product quality. With a crusher inlet width of 52" it achieves a production that was previously only associated. ith consider ably larger crushing plants. Excellent efficiency and …

® NP1415™ impact crusher

® NP1415™ HSI crusher is a part of the primary range of ® NP Series™ HSI crushers family. It is a versatile rock crushing machine with high reduction ratio. NP1415™ impact crusher is often used in the first step of the size reduction process. High performance. The crusher consists of heavy rotor, wear resistant materials ...

Impact Crusher | Trakpactor 320 | Powerscreen

The Powerscreen® Trakpactor 320 is a mid-sized horizontal impact crusher designed to offer operators and contractors both excellent reduction and high consistency of product …

(PDF) Numerical Simulation of a Single and Double-Rotor Impact Crusher …

In spite of its relative operational simplicity and earlier attempts to model its performance, the Vertical shaft impact (VSI) crusher is still lacking a comprehensive mathematical description ...

Design and Analysis of a Horizontal Shaft Impact Crusher

Design and Analysis of a Horizontal Shaft Impact Crusher. Crusher is one of the major size reduction equipment that is used in metallurgical, mechanical, and other similar industries. They exist in various sizes and capacities which range from 0.1 ton/hr. to 50 ton/hr. They can be classified based on the degree to which they can …

Vertical Shaft Impactors

The efficient and versatile design of the Astec vertical shaft impactors (VSI) delivers highly consistent end products for jobs that demand precision. Astec VSI crushers are available in both stationary and portable configurations and produce up to 500 tons per hour. With the ability to run in standard, semi-autogenous and fully autogenous ...


An impact crusher can be further classified as Horizontal impact crusher (HSI) and vertical shaft impact crusher (VSI) based on the type of arrangement of the impact rotor and shaft. Fig. 1 A typical Impact crusher [6] Horizontal shaft impact crusher These break rock by impacting the rock with hammers/blow bars that are fixed upon the outer ...

A performance model for impact crushers

Abstract. In this paper we develop a performance model for impact crushers. The product size distribution is obtained as a function of the crusher's rotor radius and angular velocity, the feed rate and the feed size distribution. The model is based on the standard matrix formulation that includes classification and breakage matrices.

How does an impact crusher work? | RUBBLE MASTER

Impact crushers reduce mineral materials such as concrete, asphalt and natural rock in size to produce a valuable commodity product. A fast spinning rotor throws the material against a solid stationary impact wall. The striking and impacting causes the material to shatter into smaller pieces. The result is a very homogenous and cubical product ...

Stationary HSI Impact Crushers, Horizontal Impact Crusher, …

The perfect HSI crusher for primary (feed sizes up to 900 mm) and secondary crushing for limestone, recycling, and cement industries. Achieve 2 stage plants instead of the usual …

Impact Crusher Machines | Williams Patent Crusher

The Williams Reversible Nuggetizer® Impact Crusher (U.S. Patent No. 3,667,694) is also often used for various types of automotive and metal scrap. today to discuss your application in detail with one of our experienced sales engineers. Call (314) 621-3348, email us at or locate an agent near you. Impact crusher machines from Williams Crusher ...

I-120 Horizontal Impact Crusher | Mobile Crusher | Finlay

I-120 Impact Crusher. The Finlay® I-120 Horizontal Impact Crusher has been designed with improved material flow and enhanced productivity in quarrying, mining, recycling and construction demolition applications. Incorporating the proven Finlay® CR038 impact chamber with direct drive and advanced electronic control system the machine provides ...

Horizontal Shaft Impactors

Horizontal shaft impactors (HSI) offer the adaptability and capacity required to meet producer expectations. With three- or four-bar configurations, large feed opening and …

Applying discrete element modelling to vertical and horizontal …

Djordjevic et al. [7] used the discrete element method to simulate the vertical impact crusher in detail. e effects of mechanical design and operating conditions on the collision velocity, energy ...

Simulation and experimental study on the stone powder …

At present, the main crushing equipment utilized in manufactured sand production is the cone crusher and the vertical shaft impact (VSI) crusher. The ability to limit the amount of stone powder produced is the major advantage of the cone crusher [1], [2], [3]. However, for most particle sizes, the fragment shape is poor [4].

QI353 HSI impact crusher

Equipment. Prisec™ HSI. Feed opening. 1360 x 800 mm (54 x 31 in.) mm. Max. feed size. Up to 800 mm (32 in.) Capacity. Up to 500 mtph (551 stph) QI353 mid-sized mobile impact crusher featuring Prisec HSI impactor technology.

Keywords: Rock quarrying, Comminution, Cone crusher, …

Keywords: Rock quarrying, Comminution, Cone crusher, Horizontal shaft impact crusher 789. ... variable of them is the suitability and performance of crushers being operated. The breakage ...

Modeling of Vertical Shaft Impact Crushers

Department of Industrial and Materials Science Chalmers University of Technology SE-412 96 Gothenburg Sweden Telephone + 46 (0)31-772 1000. Cover: A visualization of a rotor inside a vertical shaft impact crusher and particles passing through it onto the crushing chamber walls. Chalmers Reproservice Gothenburg, Sweden 2021.

Impact Crusher Working Principle

Test Procedures for the Characterization of Crusher Performance. The Bond Impact Work Index method has been an industry standard for the determination of crusher power requirements but was originally developed to ensure, that sufficient …

HSI Crushers

With their high performance, high reduction percentages and perfect cubical-shaped final product, AGGRETEK secondary impact crushers are a great economical solution for crushing both medium-hard and hard …

NP impact crusher optimization

The crushing principle of a horizontal shaft impact crusher. Materials inside an impact crusher, are reduced in size by their impact on the rotor, the impact on the breaker plates and the impact among …

Impact Crusher | Trakpactor | 320SR | Powerscreen

Width: 5.82m with side conveyor Length: 17.22m Height: 4.7m. Tier 4F VGF: 102,647lbs Tier 4F Pre-screen: 112,436lbs. Tier 4F VGF: 46,560kg Tier 4F Pre-screen: 51,000kg. The Powerscreen Trakpactor 320SR is a mid-sized impactor redesigned with key enhancements to offer operators and contractors excellent reduction and high consistency of product ...

Design and Random Vibrational Analysis of Horizontal Impact Hammer Crusher

All research works are done on the impact horizontal crusher through modeling in SOLIDWORKS, and Random Vibrational analysis was performed using ANSYS 19.2 which showed the results for single design and various materials. But the present work is concentrated on the materials which withstand impact load of the rock. It is seen that …

® NP Series™ impact crushers

® NP Series™ horizontal shaft impact (HSI) crushers are known for high reduction ratios when processing all type materials. They deliver unbeatable performance in primary, secondary and tertiary …

Horizontal Shaft Impact Crusher Manufacturer | Propel

Weight. kg. 23800. (Ton) 23.8. * Details may vary based on application. Note: All the above technical details may vary at any time during engineering process & design development. Horizontal Shaft Impactor delivers high reliability. It has a high-efficiency belt drive and hydraulic gap management.

Constructive and regime parameters of horizontal impact crusher …

The developed horizontal impact crusher can be used instead of the widely used small-sized hammer mills, since, in comparison with them, its specific energy consumption is reduced to 50%. Scheme ...

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