Testicular Injuries: Causes and Treatments

In men and boys, the testicles hang outside the body in a pouch of skin called the scrotum. Because of their location, many types of accidents can cause testicular injuries . Blunt trauma (a ...

12 Ways To Crush Your Own Testicles In Your Own Home

Mmmm! A lot of s have a workshop. Maybe an area of the garage where father stores his tools. Little known to most of us, the workshop contains one of the most evil, and age old torture devices known to man; the vice. In olden days, a popular torture was to crush the testicles of a victim until he let forth the information desired.

high and tight scrotum Archives

When a wearer has a high and tight scrotum, a ball-trapping device exerts almost a constant pull on the scrotum while he is wearing it. While the scrotum may stretch a bit over time from wearing the device, the dartos and cremaster muscles pull the testicles against the base ring and cage a lot of the time. This situation happens in response to ...

Testicle Rupture: Signs, Treatment & Outlook

Signs of a ruptured testicle. In many cases, a bruised testicle is a painful, but minor injury that can heal on its own. But if you experience more than localized pain in the scrotum, you may need ...

Lockable Ball Stretcher Chamber with Press

Crushing function with safety: the flask has 3 **control slots**, so it can be seen as the crusher progress with every turn!, Weight: 1.7kg It's crusher piston can be changed to a steel cap with rope hook, which gives further bondage options Control slots: the flask has 4 control slots, so it can be seen as the crusher progress with every turn!

The Ottoman Empire's Life-or-Death Race | Smithsonian

Osman II: death by crushed testicles. Image: Wikicommons. For all its deficiencies, the law of fratricide ensured that the most ruthless of the available princes generally ascended to the throne.

Grab, Twist & Pull

It has other fun nicknames too, The Crush Rip, or even The Crush of Death, in some martial arts it's known as the Monkey Stealing The Peach. It's the sort of move every has heard about and has at the back of her mind just in case things get crazy. ... But with balls, when you twist the testicles around 360 degrees or more, and then ...

Bovine castration – Large Animal Surgery – Supplemental …

With this technique, the testicles atrophy but the scrotum does not slough. The clamp is placed on each cord individually and at different levels. The staggered crush saves blood supply to the skin while still damaging the cord to each testicle. The crush should be held for ~10 seconds on each side.

Question about testicles and big thighs.......

LOL How is it that you always end up in the deadlifting testicle discussions? 07-24-2009, 10:46 PM #17. immuno. View Profile View Forum Posts Registered User Join Date: Nov 2008 Posts: 5,665 Rep Power: 5999. If you get those briefs, make sure they aren't too tight. That can result in discomfort as well.

Castration by crushing the testicle cord, a short historical review

The castration performed by hammering the cord of testicles was a very old method used in Spain, Italy and the South of France. In the beginning of the 20 (th) Century Victor Even in France ...

Scrotum stretching

You need to purchase one of the following devices… Leather Straps; Steel Rings; Rubber Rings; Collars; These devices all work on the same basic premise. You wrap the scrotal skin with the penis above the device, and the testicles below. Some of these straps and rings allow you to attach weights in order to increase the tension and …

Gettingit: Torturing Testicles

The "scrotum ladder" lines the tissue between the testicles with stairs of "jewelry." It would be a hassle taking all this stuff off at an airport's metal-detection station! Other piercings are the "hafada" and "trans-scrotal." Ball Crushing: Encase the terrified sacks in wet leather; when it dries they'll be shrieking. Vice grips, rubber bands ...

Incisionless in-office castration using a veterinary castration device …

Nonoperative ablation of the testicular artery has been described in animals using the Burdizzo clamp, but not in humans. We report a case of incisionless castration performed using local anesthesia, in a transsexual who wished to avoid the pain, expense, and scar associated with the open procedure. The Burdizzo clamp crushed the spermatic cord ...

GENDER CLINIC Safe tucking

3. Press gently on your testicles with two or three fingers, and try to guide them into the inguinal canals. This can feel strange at first, possibly even uncomfortable. You should not feel faint or nauseated or have extreme pain. If you do, take a break and try again later. 4. Once the testicles are tucked, pull the penis back between your legs.

Castrating Beef X Dairy Calves – Livestock

English | Spanish. Castration is the removal of the testicles from male animals. A bull that has been castrated is called a steer. There are various castration methods, and it is recommended that castrations be performed in calves at the youngest age possible (), preferably within three months of age ().Using a proper castration procedure on a young …


Creation. Specs. uBreeze is a handy device designed to keep your testicles cool and healthy, restoring their proper nature-intended temperature and full efficacy. All leading to a boost in your testosterone levels and sperm quality. Just plug it in a standard USB Port and enjoy the pleasant cooling breeze while in the comfort of your warm home.

What Does the Bible Say About Testicles?

Genesis 1:1-31 ESV / 2 helpful votesHelpfulNot Helpful. In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form and void, and darkness was over the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Crush Electro Ball Press CBT Board – ADULT TOYZ

Crush Electro Ball Press CBT Board. $40.99. Add to Cart. Description. This 10 mode extreme CBT ball crushing device is electrified internally, for intense sensations and rhythmic stimulation. The easy to use controller lets you cycle through all 6 intensity settings, and the adjustable screws let you control the pressure.

Testicular Trauma: Causes, Symptoms, Risks & Treatment

Much of the time, testicles can absorb the shock that comes from an injury without serious damage. At other times, you may need to seek medical attention for treatment. Trauma can hurt your scrotum and your testicles, even tearing the protective tissue or causing the testicles to split open. Your testicles make sperm and hormones.

Scrotum Stretching | Goals, Techniques, and Risks

Just type in "testicle stretching device," "ball stretcher," "scrotum stretcher," or "testicle stretcher" in any Internet Search Engine and you will be offered plenty of options. Stretching by Using Weights. This technique consists of leather, rubber or metal bags, tubes, rings, or collars in which (or attached to them) weights ...

Castrating Beef X Dairy Calves – Livestock

English | Spanish. Castration is the removal of the testicles from male animals. A bull that has been castrated is called a steer. There are various castration methods, and it is recommended that castrations be …

Cbt device

Ultimate Stretch and Shock Electro Rack - E-Stim Penis & Testicles Electrode - Perfect CBT - FREE CABLES 4.5 (31) · ad ... Elephant Balls (pair) - CBT Testicle Clamps (CBT testicle bdsm torture device; cock and ball torture; painful …

The Nuremberg Trial's Confessions

Observer & American judge, van Roden: – Judge van Roden's allegation of torture to gain "confessions" is confirmed by Texas Supreme Court Judge, Gordon Simpson. He confirmed that savage beatings, smashing of testicles, and months of solitary confinement occurred. Congressional Record, appendix v. 95, sec.12, 3/10/49. " The …

The Facts About Testicle Injuries

With torsion, the cords holding the testicles in place can become twisted. This cuts off the blood supply to the testicle. The result is a lot of pain. The testicle also gets bigger, feels tender ...

Emasculators, Castration Forceps, Serra, Elastrator

Castration Forceps are used to desex animals. Triple Crush Emasuclators clamp and crush and cut the blood vessels. Reimers and Serra Emasculators are. Castration, Burdizzo Castration and Surgical Castration. Burdizzo Castration Forceps crushes the blood vessels around the testicles, cutting off blood supply and causing them to die and drop off.

SP692 Castration of Beef Calves

emasculatome all the way across the scrotum. The crushing of the blood and nerve supply is suf˜ cient to make the testicle atrophy and become non-functional. Care must be exercised to be sure the cord is crushed and that no other damage is done. If the cord has been missed, repeat the procedure. Success with this procedure requires that the ...

The common every day toilet seat is actually a testicle crushing device

The common every day toilet seat is actually a testicle crushing device par-excellence! You will find it works better if you first slip an elastic band around your sac so your nuts are held tightly together in the end of the scrotum. Kneel down in front of the toilet, and lift the lid back as high as it will go. Then, rest your jewels upon the ...

Burundi Torture used to extract confessions and crush dissent

Beatings with iron bars and acid burns are among an array of torture techniques used by Burundian security forces to extract "confessions" and silence dissent, according to a new Amnesty International briefing published today. In a briefing titled "Just tell me what to confess to": Torture and ill-treatment by Burundi's police and ...

Ring Vice | Total Control and Precision | SADOTOYS

The "Ring Vice" represents a revolution in the landscape of submission games. Characterized by an external ring structure, from which 20 sharp spikes protrude, this product ensures absolute control over the level of stimulation. The operation of the ring is made possible by two ergonomic handles, similar to those of a pair of scissors, which ...

How Do I Protect My Testicles When Cycling?

You can try a number of things to prevent your testicles from suffering too much. You could wear padded bicycle shorts to protect your nuts. You could try using chamois and if necessary, you could use lubricants with them. You should check on your seat height regarding if it's at the right height or not.

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