FAQ Data and Access – Cordex

According to the CORDEX Archive Design only monthly and seasonal means are supposed to be remapped to the CORDEX regular grids. Daily and sub-daily output is available on the RCM native grids. At the moment there is no service at ESGF allowing cropping a sub-region from the CORDEX domains


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14th General Assembly and 15 years of EURO-CORDEX

The 14th General Assembly of the European – Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (EURO-CORDEX) – took place from 22nd to 25th of January, 2024. They also celebrated the 15th anniversary of the EURO-CORDEX initiative. Read about the meeting at the EURO-CORDEX website. CORDEX NEWS. News & Events.

Automatic Keyword Mining Model for Gujarati Text

Gujarati text in order to make this method workable. Text mining is a method that involves extracting large volumes of information in order to deliver high-quality data. This procedure is referred to as "text mining." Text mining is a kind of natural language analysis that offers a variety of technologies for use in text analysis.

Mining In Gujarat | The Diggings™

Gujarat has 18 records of mining mines listed by the United States Geological Survey (USGS). Quick Facts. 18 USGS records of mining mines in Gujarat. Aluminum, Copper …

Commissioner of Geology and Mining

ILMS Support Helpline. 079 23 254 034. [email protected]. VTMS Support Helpline. 079 23 254 040. [email protected]


Region 7: East Asia. Region 8: Central Asia. Region 9: Australasia. Region 10: Antarctica. Region 11: Arctic. Region 12: Mediterranean (MED) Region 13: Middle East North Africa …

What is cordex? – ICRC-CORDEX2023

The CORDEX vision is to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships. The CORDEX goals: To better understand relevant regional/local climate phenomena, their variability and changes, through downscaling. To evaluate and improve regional climate downscaling models and …

About – ICRC-CORDEX2019

The International Conference on Regional Climate-CORDEX 2019 (ICRC-CORDEX 2019), to be held in Beijing (China) 15th-18th October 2019, will bring together the. international regional climate research community, focusing on high resolution climate information and its applications to vulnerability, impacts and adaptation and the full spectrum of ...

Peer reviewed publications – Cordex

CORDEX publications starting from recently published/in press and back, by alphabetical order for each year: Publications 2024. Publications 2023. Publications 2022. Publications 2021. Publications 2020. Publications 2019. Publications 2018. Publications 2017.

Individual institutes – Cordex

Services provided by individual institutions. In addition to the Regional Data Portals portals providing domain specific simulations a number of simulations completed by one RCM at the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis (CCCma) are also available here.

Commissioner of Geology and Mining

Gujarat Mineral Research & Development Society. INTRODUCTION. The GMRDS is formed in the year 2002 to support the mineral industries and to provide the …

Commissioner of Geology and Mining

Commissioner of Geology and Mining. Block 15, Dr.Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Sector - 10, Gandhinagar - 382010. 079 23254151. [email protected]. Illegal Mining and Transportation Complaints. 1800 233 4640 (Toll Free) 079 23 254 030

CORDEX, CMIP and RIfS joint EGU townhall – Cordex

Information gathered in the townhall will be summarised in a technical report by the CMIP, CORDEX, and RIfS International Project Offices (IPOs) and shared with participants, as well as informing ongoing work across our projects to improve data access and build consensus on the production of robust information for regional decision-making.

More information on CORDEX MIP – Cordex

Currently, CORDEX is a key scientific pillar in a new WCRP core project – Regional Information for Society (RIfS). The main CORDEX protocol includes a set of 14 continental-scale domains covering essentially all land areas of the globe. An integral part of CORDEX is the Flagship Pilot Studies (FPS). FPS are intended to be targeted studies ...

Region 13: Middle East North Africa (MENA) – Cordex

Region 13: Middle East North Africa (MENA) A) For rotated polar RCMs (in rotated coordinates): B) For non-rotated polar RCMs (in actual coordinates): Website: Points of contact:

Call for abstracts: Regional Climate Modeling, including CORDEX …

Additionally, the session encourages submissions related to the CORDEX program, including the analysis of CORDEX-CORE experiments and simulations within the framework of different CORDEX Flagship Pilot Studies. We anticipate that this session will provide a platform for discussing the progress of RCM-related research and fostering …

One year with CORDEX – Cordex

As the new year begin let's look back on the CORDEX news from 2023. Read, among other things, about ICRC-CORDEX 2023, Coordinated Research Activities Were Discussed at the Polar CORDEX Meeting and CORDEX at EGU23. CORDEX at EGU23: CORDEX at EGU23 – Cordex;

Crystal hollows commissions vs dwarven mines mining …

Sep 18, 2021. #10. Dwarven mines was and still is the best way of gaining mining experience. Mainly from just mining mithril. You can break more mithril in an hour than you can with gemstones, and mithril can give a lot of exp per block. Crystal hollows is good for HOTM exp though as well as (currently) being the best for making money.

How to access CORDEX-CMIP5 data – Cordex

How to access CORDEX-CMIP5 data An initial focus of the CORDEX initiative was to establish a central CORDEX archive supplemented by regional data portals. However, it soon became clear that a geographically distributed archiving system such as the Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) would offer much greater flexibility for the provision of ...

Commissioner of Geology and Mining

Commissioner of Geology and Mining. Block 15, Dr.Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, Sector - 10, Gandhinagar - 382010. 079 23254151. [email protected]. Illegal Mining …

Conference on regional climate attracts scientists from over

Next week, 14-18 October, almost 500 regional climate researchers, decision makers and users of regional climate information from more than 70 countries will gather for the 4th International Conference on Coordinated Regional Climate Downscaling Experiment (ICRC-CORDEX 2019) in Beijing, China.They will discuss regional climate research and …

Call for abstracts: Regional Climate Modeling, including …

This session welcomes papers on methodological developments in regional climate modeling, performance analysis of RCMs, use of RCMs for regional processes …

Extension 1

The regional climate projections in the Climate Data Store (CDS) are a quality-controlled subset of the wider CORDEX dataset. The CORDEX vision is to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships. It aims to evaluate regional climate model performance through a set of …

Gujarat explores scope for mining, processing rare earth …

Gujarat aims to become hub for rare earth processing in India. Driven by emerging opportunities in electric vehicles (EVs), wind turbines and LEDs, State-run …

2024 – Cordex

22 May 2024. The 8th international Med-CORDEX Workshop, locally organised by Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) in Rome, Italy, was a successful event. During the three days, 14-16 May 2024, about 60 participants attended onsite and some invited speakers …

Mining Competency Exams

Competency Examinations are Statutory Examinations conducted by the Minerals Commission (Inspectorate Division) for the employees of Mining Companies, Quarries, Explosives Companies, Mine Support Services Companies and any other mining related companies, registered with the Minerals Commission and possess operating permit or …

Gujarat Mining

Our Clients. At Gujarat Mining, our vision is to be the leading provider of mining services in the region. We strive to achieve this by delivering exceptional value to our clients, maintaining the highest standards of safety and environmental responsibility, and by attracting and retaining the best talent in the industry.

Publications 2018 – Cordex

Publications 2018 Adloff F., et.al. (2018). Improving sea level simulation in Mediterranean regional climate models..

Cordex inc

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