Mine Health and Safety ANNUAL

Republic of South Africa Dear Minister I am pleased to present to you the Annual Report of the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate for the 2019/2020 period under review. This report is in accordance with the requirements of section 49(1)(j) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996), as amended. Yours sincerely Mr D. Msiza

Recent job cuts in mining sector: input on negotiations by

The latest trends in employment in the sector had seen total industry employment from the mining sector drop to 493 000 from 508 000 during the 2013/14 financial year. Mine job losses in 2014 included 5 428 jobs lost from gold mining and 1 225 jobs lost from PGMs. This amounted to 7000 jobs lost in the industry, a percentage fall of …

SAMDA and ANCYL on the Establishment of a State-Owned Mining Company

Meeting Summary. The South African Mining Development Association submitted that there was a case for state ownership, among other options, in the mining industry, and explained the historical background with reference to previous legislation, including Section 130(1) of the Transvaal Gold and Base Metals Law 1908 (Transvaal, …

Mining legislation court cases and lessons learnt: briefing by

Mr Mabuza explained that PAMDC is co-owned by South Africa, Zimbabwe and Zambia with each of the states owning equal shares. Mr Alberts replied that the challenge of dealing with illegal mining is the near impossibility of gaining access to these sites without the loss of lives because most of these miners are heavily armed, therefore …


Mining GVA / Total GVA 8.3% 7.6% 692000 20012002 2003 20042005 2006 20072008 2009 2010 20112012 a GVA at basic prices (current prices) a GVA at basic prices (constant 2005 prices) Source: South African Reserve Bank An important consideration is the relative competitiveness of peer countries. Despite South …

S A Women in Mining Association: briefing by Association and

South African Women In Mining Association (SAWIMA): Department of Mineral Resources briefing. Mr Joel Raphela, Deputy Director General: Mineral Regulation, Department of Mineral Resources, said the South African Women in Mining Association (SAWIMA) was founded to answer the prioritisation of transformation and de-racialisation …

Workshop on Black Economic Empowerment(BEE)in the Energy and

Black Economic Empowerment in the Mining Industry Mr A. Mngomezulu, Director of Mineral Economics at DME, presented on BEE in the mining sector. He focused initially on the role of South Africa in the world mineral reserve base and stated that due to the abundance of mineral reserves in South Africa, there was room for BEE companies to …

Southern Africa PGM operations | Sibanye-Stillwater

SA PGM operations. Our Southern Africa PGM operations consist of underground mining operations, surface sources and concentrators in South Africa at Kroondal, Rustenburg and Marikana, and Mimosa in Zimbabwe (a 50% joint venture with Implats). We also own the Platinum Mile tailings retreatment facility near Rustenburg, …

Human Resource Manager Mining Jobs

A background check will be done on applicants and successful candidates will be required to undergo a medical examination prior to commencing duties. Human Resource Manager Mining jobs now available. Branch Manager, Human Resources Manager, Site Manager and more on Indeed.

Mining, Minerals Investment Conference in diamond city

By ESI Africa. March 8, 2022. Image credit: adwo123@123rf. Northern Cape Mining and Minerals Investment Conference. In collaboration with the Northern Cape Provincial Government, the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy is hosting the Northern Cape Mining and Minerals Investment Conference on 10-11 March 2022 in Kimberly.

P M G Mining (Pty) Ltd in Postmasburg, South Africa

Farm Bishop 671, R325 Road, Dingleton, Postmasburg, South Africa. (053) 723-6500. (010) 110-9838. Website. Email. PMG Mining (Pty) Limited engages in exploring, mining, processing, of manganese material in South Africa (mainly in Northern Cape area), Central Africa and China. The company was incorporated in 2004 with its corporate office in ...

South Africa | PMG Population Report | PMG

PMG Population Report. The PMG Population report is an up-to-date tally of all the notes certified by PMG for every type and grade. Optimized for all devices, including smartphones and tablets, the online pop report is updated weekly on Tuesdays. A free membership provides unlimited access.

SA Mine 2022 | Press release

The South African economy was only 1.4% y-o-y larger in the first half of 2022 as a combination of local and international factors held back the pace of economic growth. These included the international economic and geopolitical fallout of the Ukraine conflict, COVID-19 lockdowns in China, floods in KwaZulu-Natal, and electricity load …

Combatting Illegal mining: Department of …

The Committee deliberated the cost of illegal mining to the South African economy, as well as the possible measures that can be implemented. The matter would have to be considered in the context …

Challenges facing the ferrochrome and cement industries | PMG

The total production of cement in South Africa had declined to 68% of the industry's capacity. Employment in the industry declined from 16 000 workers in 2008 to 8 006 in 2020. Key challenges related to imports of cement and declining construction activity. There was a serious concern that local good quality cement was being replaced with ...

Pmg Mining (pty) Ltd, 5th Floor Bedford Center

/ PMG Mining (Pty) Ltd PMG Mining (Pty) Ltd. 5th Floor Bedford Center Ofice Towers, Cnr Smith & B, Road . Bedfordview 2007. South Africa. CONTACT US. Get more information. × ... Road Bedfordview 2007 South Africa. Postal address Suite 228, Private Bag X19, Garden V Bedfordview 2047 South Africa. Follow us - PMG Mining (Pty) Ltd. …

Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate

Republic of South Africa Dear Minister I am pleased to present to you the Annual Report of the Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate for the 2020/21 period under review. This report is in accordance with the requirements of section 49(1)(j) of the Mine Health and Safety Act, 1996 (Act 29 of 1996), as amended. Yours sincerely

Mining Jobs in Gauteng, Gauteng

South Africa (Pty) Ltd. Germiston, Gauteng. ... Inc. is the world's leading manufacturer of construction and mining equipment, off-highway diesel and natural gas engines, industrial gas turbines, and diesel-electric locomotives. For nearly 100 years, we've been helping customers build a better, more sustainable world and ...

Petroleum Agency of South Africa on outstanding issues on their

The chief concern for all mining activities was the use of water which was already scarce in South Africa. The Department of Mineral Resources' Mine Health and Safety Inspectorate and the Mining Qualifications Authority presented their 2009/10 Annual Reports to the satisfaction of the Committee which adopted both reports.

Application and Consultation process for mining rights

It emphasised that the primary duty to consult rested with an applicant for a mining permit and a prospecting, exploration, production or mining right. Applications for rights and permits were lodged online using the South African Mineral Resources Administration System (SAMRAD).

Public Accounts (SCOPA) | PMG

South African Airways: Interrogation of 2012 Annual Report, in presence of Minister of Public Enterprises: 22 May 2013: Briefing by the Auditor General on the Department of Labour, Compensation Fund, South African Airways and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa (ICASA) on their Annual Reports and …

Alfred Tantsi

Production Supervisor · Experience: PMG Mining · Education: Damelin · Location: Bronkhorstspruit · 34 connections on LinkedIn. View Alfred Tantsi's profile on LinkedIn, a professional community of 1 billion members. ... Director of Kalmar South Africa & Head of Operations for Southern Africa. Durban. Connect Jonathan Patamedi Lebeya Field ...

Overview by Minister on Waste Streams (General & Hazardous

State of the Waste Management in South Africa Ms Mamogala Musekene, Deputy Director-General (DDG): Chemicals and Waste Management, DFFE, said the National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008) (NEMWA), in areas of concurrent function, provides the Minister with national responsibility. Members …

Optimum Coal Mine; Shiva Uranium Mine; Lily Mine progress report

That was why the Department made sure that the mining companies attended the different stakeholder forums on illegal mining for them to address any illegal mining issues they were facing. The South African Police Service (SAPS) would take appropriate measures to address this situation.


the South African mining and minerals industry with mining goods and services, which does not have at least a level 4 Dti Codes BEE status and 25%+ 1 vote black ownership; "Historical BEE Transactions" means those BEE Transactions concluded prior to the coming into operation of the Mining Charter of 2017 that achieved a minimum

PMG Mining (Pty) Ltd. | SAHRA

PMG MINING (PTY) LTD., from its corporate head-quarters in Bedford View, Johannesburg, overseas mining- activities of its business units operating in its chosen market, mainly the mining in Manganese and Iron- ore, in the Northern Cape area. ... South African Heritage Resources Agency (SAHRA) 111 Harrington Street Cape Town 8001 PO Box 4637 ...

25+ Mining HR Jobs, Employment 7 July 2024| Indeed

Closing date: 08 July 2024. Mining HR jobs now available. Human Resources Manager, Site Manager, Driller and more on Indeed.

Acid Mine Drainage & interventions: Department of Water and

It was a catalyst for industry performance improvement, and dealt more effectively with legacies of the past and developed a positive contribution model by putting South Africa first. He set out some of the historical and current contexts of mining (see attached presentation) and reminded Members that mining was an integral part of …

Minerals Council of South Africa and mining trades unions on

Meeting Summary. Video: Portfolio Committee on Mineral Resources and Energy, 19 June 2020 Audio: Trade unions on COVID-19 related work in the mining industry The focus of the meeting was the mining industry's response to the Covid-19 pandemic and its preparedness for half of the workforce returning to work.

South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator & State Diamond

Meeting report. South African Diamond and Precious Metals Regulator (SADPMR) Strategic Plan for 2013/2014 Mr Simon Sikhosana, General Manager: SADPMR, outlined the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) Plan for the SADPMR from 2013 to 2016. The Regulator's first strategic objective was to ensure competitiveness, …

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