How Much Is The Model 0101 Sledgehammer- Crusher …

Palu Hard Drive Crusher. Amazon SEM Model 0101 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher This hard drive crusher destroys all hard drives regardless of their size format or type from .65 to 1.65 inch including laptop drives At the touch of a button the Model 0101 HD Crusher delivers a staggering 12 000 pounds of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic ...

POP 0006 Rev 3 Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher 110 …

SEM Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher 110 volt or 220 volt Serial Numbers 1404 thru 1999 POP-0006 Rev. 3 Revised 08/04/2016 Security Engineered Machinery Co., Inc NATIONWIDE SERVICE Phone Toll Free 1(800)225-9293 Email: Service@SEMSHRED Fax: (508)366-6814 Website: WWW.SEMSHRED .

HDD Destroyers

SEM HDD destroyers provide secure physical destruction, which is the premier option for the destruction of data on magnetic media. There are two methods: crushing and shredding. SEM hard drive crushers use a combination of extreme force and a conical steel punch to pierce, bend, and mangle hard drive housings and platters beyond physical repair.

SEM Model 0101 Deployment Sledgehammer Hard Drive …

The SEM Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher with Deployment Case meets NSA/DOD requirements for the physical destruction of media. This powerful machine will physically …

Explore Model 0101

The SEM Model 0101 NSA listed hard drive crusher is the world's top-selling hard drive crusher and an ideal way to meet the destroy mandate as part of the NSA's Degauss …

SEM Crusher Model 0101 with SSD Kit

The 0101 Hard Drive Crusher destroys all hard drives regardless of their size, format, or type up to 1.85" thick including drives found in laptop, desktop, or server systems. With the SSD Kit, the 0101 can be converted into a system that can effectively and securely destroy the solid state data storage chips found on a wide variety of circuit ...

sbm/sbm sem model 0101 sledgehammer hard drive crusher…

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SEM Model 0101 Crusher (Serial number 3174 and up) POP-0112 Rev. 0 Created 09/11/2018 Security Engineered Machinery Co., Inc. NATIONWIDE SERVICE ... The Model 0101 is designed for crushing rotating platter hard drives up to 1.85 inches thick and SSD media if the unit was purchased with the SSD kit option. Trying to crush other objects or ...

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SEM Model 0101 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher

At the touch of a button the Model 0101 HD Crusher delivers a staggering 12,000 pounds of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive …

sem model sledgehammer hard drive

Host and manage packages Security. Find and fix vulnerabilities

PDS-100 Proton Hard Drive Destruction | Hard Drive Crushers

The PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher can process 2.5″ Form Factor Laptop Drives. It comes with a holder that allows the operator to stow the supports when not in use. ... SEM 0101 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher. $8,595.00 Sale $7,299.34 PD-5SSD HDD Destroyer. $11,475.00 Sale $10,695.00 Proton 104 Multimedia Shredder. $36,495.00 Sale …

palu hard drive crusher

Sem 0101 Palu Hard Drive Crusher. Palu hard drive crusher czeuhe new model 0101 hard drive crusher from security engineered machinery sem 0101 palu crusher harddisk et price and support online portable hard drive crusher grinding mill china portable hard drive crusher, hard drive shredder compare prices, reviews watch pcstats episodes on …

Model 0101 Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher

At the touch of a button, the Model 0101 Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher delivers a staggering 12,000 pounds of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive chassis while destroying the internal platter. The unit is quiet, smooth and virtually vibration free. Destruction takes only 8 seconds.

POP 0004 Rev 7 Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher 110 …

The SEM Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher must be installed according to Customer's incoming power as in a 110 must be installed on a 120V/1/60Hz, grounded electrical line service line service with the crusher equipped with a 15 Amp (3) three prong plug on the power cord. A 220 must be installed on a 220V/1/50Hz.

PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher: Hard Drive Destruction With …

Description. The Proton PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher is NSA/CSS Evaluated and Listed for destruction. Handles all 3.5-inch Form Factor Drives including 1″, .65″, 1.65″ & Laptop Hard Drives. The PDS-100 Hard Drive Crusher takes physical hard drive destruction one step further than the PDS-75 by providing an automatic, motor driven operation.

HDD Crushers

SEM hard drive crushers deliver extreme pressure to hard drives via a conical hardened steel punch that causes catastrophic damage, rendering them inoperable. Choose an automatic or manual crusher. SEM hard drive crushers are small enough and quiet enough to be used anywhere, even in office environments. SEM Model 0101 hard drive …

Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher

At the touch of a button, the SEM Model 0101 hard drive crusher delivers 12,000 pounds (or 490K PSI) of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive …

SEM Model 0101

SEM Model 0101. Level H-3 Hard Drive Crusher Listed on NSA/CSS EPL for Hard Disk Destruction Devices. CONFIGURATIONS. 0101-SSDKIT. Includes an SSD anvil along …

SEM Model EMP 1000-HS & Model 0101 HDD Crusher Value Bundle-BNDL …

The Model 0101 HDD Crusher will physically destroy hard drives up to 1.85'' x 9''. This bundle is especially good for destroying drives mounted in server racks thanks to the generous chamber size of the crusher. EMP 1000-HS Additional Key Features: Small and Compact: This machine measures 11.4" W x 19" D x 23" H and it weighs 160lbs.

SEM 0101 Sledgehammer Hard Drive Destroyer

At the touch of a button, the SEM Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher delivers 12,000 pounds (or 490K PSI) of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive chassis while destroying the …

Model 0101 with SSD Kit

The SEM Model 0101 hard drive crusher is the only unit with a chamber large enough to fit hard drives mounted with rails or handles from hot-swap trays, and it is 20% faster and …

SEM 0101 Hard Drive Crusher Replacement Anvil …

Replacement anvil for the SEM Model 0101 automatic hard drive crusher. SEM Shred. Request a Quote; Explore. Regulatory Compliances. NSA/CSS Policy Manual 9-12; NIST 800-88; DIN Standard 66399; Insights. Blog; ...

SEM 0101 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher

SEM 0101 is designed for crushing hard drives up to 1.85 thickness of an inch. The SEM 0101 Hard Drive Crusher has been "evaluated by the NSA/CSS and meets NSA and …

shibang/sbm sem palu hard drive at master

shibang / sbm sem palu hard drive cru... 32 KiB Raw Permalink Blame History Unescape Escape. sbm sem palu hard drive crusherSEM Products SupplyChimp SEM ...

SEM 0101 Hard Drive Crusher, 600HDDEST 600HDDEST

This SEM crusher is great for hard drives and solid state drives, punching through them with an anvil and bending their drive platters. Accepts media up to 1-7/8inH x 5-5/8inW x 9inD. Bends or cracks drive platters and uses a punching anvil to destroy hard drives, solid state drives and other electronic items. 8-second cycle time allows you to ...

SEM – Model 0101 Automatic Hard Drive Crusher | DT Asia

At the touch of a button, the SEM Model 0101 Hard Drive Crusher delivers 12,000 pounds (or 490K PSI) of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive chassis while destroying the internal platter. The unit is quiet, smooth and virtually vibration free. Destruction takes only 8 seconds (Note: the Model 0101 Hard Drive ...

SEM 600HDDEST Model 0101 AUTOMATIC Hard Drive Crusher …

Evaluated by the NSA! The SEM Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher meets NSA and DOD compliance guidelines for the physical damage of media. The Sledgehammer crushes drives with 12,000lbs of force. This destroys the internal HD platter to ensure that data is unrecoverable. Includes a free replacement anvil.

Hard Drive Crusher Service Program

Return to factory Preventative Maintenance program for the Model 0101 Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher. SEM Shred. Request a Quote; Explore. Regulatory Compliances. NSA/CSS Policy Manual 9-12; NIST 800-88; DIN Standard 66399 ... This annual Preventative Maintenance Service is performed at SEM's facility. It consists of the …

Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher-Model 0101 | Mainline …

At the touch of a button, the Model 0101 Sledgehammer Hard Drive Crusher delivers a staggering 12,000 pounds (or 490K PSI ) of force to a conical punch causing catastrophic trauma to the hard drive chassis while destroying the internal platter. ... The SEM Model 0101 is a perfect solution for the "physical destruction" portion of this two step ...

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