Recent advances in acid mine drainage treatment through …

The systematic literature review method is widely recognized for its robustness and effectiveness in identifying, gathering, and synthesizing relevant information from a variety of sources (Wibowo et al., 2023c). By employing a systematic approach, this method ensures that the review process is transparent, rigorous, and replicable.

Remote Sensing | Free Full-Text | Remote Sensing of Mine …

The mining industry has been operating across the globe for millennia, but it is only in the last 50 years that remote sensing technology has enabled the visualization, mapping and assessment of mining impacts and landscape recovery. Our review of published literature (1970–2019) found that the number of ecologically focused remote sensing studies …

Plants | Free Full-Text | A Review on Remediation of Iron Ore Mine …

Mining operations degrade natural ecosystems by generating a large quantity of mine tailings. Mine tailings remain in dams/open ponds without further treatment after valuable metals such as iron ore have been extracted. Therefore, rehabilitation of tailings to mitigate the negative environmental impacts is of the utmost necessity. This review …

Large methane mitigation potential through prioritized …

Large-scale closure of coal mines is required for China to achieve carbon neutrality. However, what this means for methane emissions, particularly for abandoned mine methane (AMM), is highly ...

A Review of Operations Research in Mine Planning

Abstract. Applications of operations research to mine planning date back to the 1960s. Since that time, optimization and simulation, in particular, have been applied to both surface and underground mine planning problems, including mine design, long- and short-term production scheduling, equipment selection, and dispatching, inter alia. In this ...

Bioremediation techniques for the treatment of mine tailings: A review

The plants were growing in mine tailings, rich in Zn, Pb, and Cu. Morphological and phylogenetic analyses indicated that the fungal strains belonged to Neocosmospora and Aspergillus genera.

Beyond closure: A literature review and research agenda for …

Abstract. Post-mining transition is a growing area of interest in research, policy and practice. One of the key reasons for this growing attention is the increasing number of mines closing, and expected to close, in coming decades around the world. Another reason for the heightened focus on closure and transition stems from the poor …

Characteristics and gaps in the assessment of progress in …

Pictorial representations of restoration assessment guidelines pertaining to common goals for restoring (A) ecosystems and (B) ecosystem services and other …

A literature review on detection of plant diseases

The Inception v3. model is trained over a datas et of diseased plants obtained from 'Plant Village Dataset'. The developed detection approach is evaluated on measures of F1 score, precision ...

A review on the impact of mining and mineral processing …

In conclusion, this review paper presents a comprehensive scenario of all the existing studies reported in the literature on the life cycle environmental impact analysis of metal mining industries. Sixteen metal mining industries are identified which have significant research output that quantified the environmental effects based on LCA …

Risk Assessment Methods in Mining Industry—A Systematic Review

Literature indicates that there have been great numbers of publications and papers which highlight specifically the mining industry's development globally through the risk analysis and management ...

Risk Assessment Methods in Mining Industry—A Systematic …

This article is focused on a literature review in order to provide a valuable resource for understanding the latest developments in risk management and assessment …

Bibliometric analysis and review of mine ventilation literature

To provide scholars with a quick understanding of the current status, research hotspots, and future trends in the field of mine ventilation, this paper conducted a visualized bibliometric analysis and a comprehensive review of mine ventilation-related literature from 2010 to 2023 using CiteSpace. A thorough analysis of the publication …

(PDF) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a gold mine …

Historically, only Review Area 1.0 and Review Area 5.0 indicated improvements in quality over time, whereas the remaining three review areas (Review Area 2.0, Review Area 3.0 and Review Area 4.0 ...

A Review on Remediation of Iron Ore Mine Tailings via …

A Review on Remediation of Iron Ore Mine T ailings via Organic Amendments Coupled with Phytoremediation Sajeevee S. Sarathchandra 1,2, Zed Rengel 1,2 and Zakaria M. Solaiman 1, 2, *

How to Write a Literature Review | Guide, Examples,

Examples of literature reviews. Step 1 – Search for relevant literature. Step 2 – Evaluate and select sources. Step 3 – Identify themes, debates, and gaps. Step 4 – Outline your literature review's structure. Step 5 – Write your literature review.

Identification and categorization of hazards in the mining …

The aim of this literature review is to provide a helpful resource for researchers, mining engineers and OHS managers who are concerned about risk management/engineering issues and are seeking insight into how best to monitor OHS hazards in the mining sector. ... article, conference proceeding, or review. Type of mine: …

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature review

size of the mine, scale of actual operation and size of processing plant. Koahnken (2018 ) in a report to the Worldwide Fund for Nature reveals several ecological impacts due to sand mining.

The influence of herbaceous vegetation on slope stability – A review …

The literature search for this review was conducted in 'Web of Science' using the category 'TITLE/TOPIC' and the time span from 1945 to 2019. All key word combinations (Appendix A) were updated until 19.06.2019. Thus, literature published or added to the database after this date was not considered in this work.

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : …

size of the mine, scale of actual operation and size of processing plant. Koahnken (2018 ) in a report to the Worldwide Fund for Nature reveals several ecological impacts due to sand mining.

Production scheduling optimisation for sublevel stoping mines …

This approach can increase the dependability and execution of a mine plan rather than the traditional approach of only using deterministic assumptions. As discussed in the literature, the integrated approach enables engineers to avoid several repeated assessments, as they can organize the whole project once within a structured manner.

Environmental Impacts of the Mining Industry : A literature …

Based on a literature review, this article presents environmental impacts of the mining (also know as the extractive) industry. The article presents details of 11 main …

Design of Acid Mine Drainage Remediation Plant

The results and observations from this study were used to inform the design of a larger scale plant, designed to treat between 250 and 1000 ℓ/day. This plant was constructed and then monitored for a period of 8 months. During this period, complementary data were also obtained from additional batch studies.

Review Biological remediation of acid mine drainage: Review …

Formation of acid mine drainage (AMD) is a widespread environmental issue that has not subsided throughout decades of continuing research. Highly acidic and highly concentrated metallic streams are characteristics of such streams. Humans, plants and surrounding ecosystems that are in proximity to AMD producing sites face immediate …

A review of soil heavy metal pollution from mines in …

Through a systematic literature review of Chinese and English databases, data from 72 Chinese mining areas in 22 provinces were collected for this study. ... Uptake of metals and metalloids by plants growing in a lead–zinc mine area, Northern Vietnam. J Hazard Mater, 186 (2011), pp. 1384-1391. View PDF View article View in Scopus Google ...


plant flow rate of 7,630 m3/day (1,400 US gallons per minute). Although full-scale treatment of selenium is proven, it has not been demonstrated for flow rates typical of the Canadian mine sites. In the past five years, biological treatment has emerged as a leading technology for selenium treatment.

A review of fauna in mine rehabilitation in Australia: Current state

Moreover, the two mine types constituting the bulk of the literature (bauxite and mineral sands) have less pollution risks than other mining industries (e.g., gold cyanide-bearing tailings, Donato et al., 2007; and coal acid drainage, Harries, 1997), further biasing the literature. As a consequence of these two biases, the results of this ...

Renewable Energy Systems in the Mining Industry: A …

By identifying 40 research articles, conference papers, theses, and dissertations in the literature review process, they could be divided into three main …


a comprehensive literature review of mining extraction and industry was made.

Research trends in mining accidents study: A systematic …

By applying a Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) review method, a systematic literature review (SLR) identified 57 …

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