AltaFlo High Rate Thickeners

AltaFlo High-Rate Thickener Overview. The AltaFlo™ ultra high-rate thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides mixing, flocculation and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The principles of flocculation have been further adapted to a new design that will thicken ...

McLanahan | Thickeners

High-Rate Thickeners are used by the aggregate and mining industries, as well as environmental contractors, to recover approximately 85% of water for reuse. This high-level of water recovery keeps water consumption at sustainable levels, as well as drastically reduces the slurry volume reporting to waste ponds. They use minimal amounts of ...

How to Size a Thickener

Place a measured quantity of pulp at a known density in a beaker or glass cylinder. Fix a narrow strip of paper on one side of the container. Mix pulp thoroughly. Draw a line on the paper at the top of the pulp and mark "0" minutes. For five minutes, at one-min­ute intervals, mark the point to which the solids have settled.

Thickeners | Diefenbach

Elevated High-Rate Thickeners - HR Series. ... Diefenbach thickeners are comprised of a tank, feed pipe feedwell, rake (and pickets, depending on the thickener style), a bridge containing the rake drive mechanism, and a chemical dosing system. ... Liquid recovery rates of 85% or greater. Diefenbach thickeners generate a virtually solids-free ...

Circular Clarifiers and Thickeners

The Monroe Circular Clarifiers and Thickeners are available in self-supporting prefabricated steel units or they can be designed for installation in a concrete tank. Existing structures and systems can sometimes be utilized and upgraded for cost savings. Circular Clarifiers normally utilize a center feed inlet well or a peripheral inlet.

Difference Between Clarifier and Thickener

The dense Thickener solids are raked to the thickener's underflow cone and are removed via a slurry pump through the underflow pipe. Underflow slurry densities can vary based on the type of material being processed, size distribution of solids being settled, or other process factors but as a general rule, range from 35-50% solids by weight.

Calculating the Ideal Sewer/Drain Pipe Slope Easily

The proper slope on a drain/sewer line is ¼ inch per foot of pipe. This means that for every 1 foot the pipe travels horizontally, it should dip by ¼ inch towards the city's sewer lines or septic tank. If the drain line is too flat, it will fail to generate the required force to push out the waste.

High Rate thickeners made to order

Thickeners made to order. Bolted or welded construction. Any size. Cheaper than the alternatives. Leading manufacturer since 1967. Please advise application with as much detail as possible. Our engineers can …

(PDF) Flow Induced Vibration for Different Support Pipe

Abstract and Figures. This study aims to review flow-induced vibration one of the repercussions of vibrations is caused by fluid movement. In general, the investigation of the structure of the ...

High Rate Thickeners Built To order

High Rate Thickeners Built To order. We Can build to the following sizes. 4 meter high rate Thickeners. 10 meter high rate Thickeners. 15 meter high rate Thickeners. 20 meter high rate Thickeners. 30 meter high rate Thickeners. We can cater for any size Thickener your process requires. These cine with bolted construction free standing units.

Lesson 11: Sludge Thickening Objective

Sludge can be thickened to 8-10% total solids. A pump then sends the sludge to the anaerobic digester. At the top of the basin is the scum collector and discharge. gravity thickener uses gravitational forces to separate water from sludge and is mainly used on primary sludge at plants still using this technology.

Drain Pipe Too High For Sink: 3 Different Solutions

Solution 2: Grease Trap. If your drain pipe is too high, you may consider building a grease trap. Yes, you read it right! It might sound incompatible but it can actually be helpful. Grease traps remove grease from wastewater. Not only that but it can also remove the waste from the sink.

CHAPTER 12 Sludge Processing and Disposal

Where withdrawal is by gravity, the available head on the discharge pipe should be at least 2 feet and preferably more, with provisions to backflush the line. January 2016 12-4 Design Criteria Ch. 12 Slope ... Thickener solids loading rates vary with the type of sludge. Some typical solids loading rates are given below in Table 12-2 ...

M-11887-001-A Preliminary O&M Manual

This department is comprised of in house salesrepresentatives, outside traveling sales representatives, and the Aftermarket sales manager.Please call 800/362-9041 and request the Aftermarket or Spare Parts department.AB-13. M-11887-001-A Preliminary O&M Manual - Gravity Belt Thickener.pdf.

Green drilling fluid additives for a sustainable hole-cleaning

1.1 Background. Worldwide, fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, and coal are the primary sources of energy. Central energy supply shares from oil and gas are 51, coal, and nuclear 4.8%, while renewable energies account for 10.6% [].The global demand for oil and gas is steadily rising [], according to experts' projections for 2040; half of the international …

Introduction to Sludge Handling, Treatment and …

Short and straight pipe runs are preferred, and sharp bends and high points are to be avoided. Blank flanges and valves should be provided for flushing purposes. 2.2 PUMPS. Sludge pumps types include plunger, progressing-cavity, torque-flow, or open-propeller centrifugal types. Plunger and progressing-cavity pumps generally

Sizing a high rate thickener

To participate in the 911Metallurgist Forums, be sure to JOIN & LOGIN; Use Add New Topic to ask a New Question/Discussion about Thickening, Filtering or Tailings and Water.; OR Select a Topic that Interests you.; Use Add Reply = to Reply/Participate in a Topic/Discussion (most frequent). Using Add Reply allows you to Attach Images or PDF …

Cooking Performance Group 3511005195 Oil Drain Pipe

Product Overview. Compatible with CF15 and CF30 countertop fryers. Connects to the oil drain valve to make it easier to drain oil from the fryer. Direct replacement. UPC Code:400017131085. View all Cooking Performance Group Fryer Parts and Accessories. plus. Chef Master 30" Fryer Clean Out Rod with Handle. $6.79 /Each.

Determining the Optimum Location of a High Rate …

thickener, and returning the overflow water to the process plant. • Locating the thickener at the process plant and pumping the thickener underflow to the TSF. 2. STUDY BASIS 2.1. Scenarios The study considers the costs of the following systems shown in Figure 1: • Thickener feed system to a 15 m tall high rate thickener.

High Rate Thickener (ENG) | PDF | Chemistry

High Rate Thickener (ENG) - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. McNally Sayaji Engineering Limited is a leading manufacturer of thickeners and clarifiers for mineral processing and other industrial applications. They have designed and installed over 250 thickeners worldwide over the past 20 years. Their main product …

AltaFlo™ Ultra High-Rate Thickeners

The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate mixing, flocculation, and internal dilution followed by clarification and positive sludge collection and removal in a single tank. The Thickener's unique internal geometry, a deep sidewall and steep conical bottom provides underflow concentration comparable ...


High-rate thickener for coal, 20 m in diameter. 4 1 3 Deaeration tank: Specially designed to reduce air entrainment in order to minimize turbulence and flocculant shearing in the feed pipe. Evenflow 2.0 feedwell: The newly improved feedwell …


Most affordable & versatile High-Rate Thickener on the market, proudly manufactured in South Africa. Innovative design ensures clear overflow from flotation / concentrate thickening – no froth carry-over. The Magra …

PowerDrain belt thickener PD

PowerDrain belt thickener XL. The highest capacity belt thickener with an exceptionally long filtration zone (6m) Combines ideally with Power Press S. Throughput up to 160 m3/hr. Cake dryness: 6%. PowerDrain gravity belt thickener. Rheoscan (EN) - Real time, automatic adjustment of polymer dosage to reduce your costs by up to 40%.

Ultrasep US Oil-Water-Separator

The oil-water separator Ultrasep US is designed to sepa-rate mineral and synthetic oils from compressed air con-densates even in emulsified condition. To achive this, condensate lines are connected to the inlet ports (1). Pressure is released in the depressurization fol-lowing chamber (2) that includes an activated carbon exhaust filter.

A Practical Guide to Thickener Selection | PCI …

Special thanks to Harold Haag, Forrest Hentz and Caroline Wilson for developing the paint applications data. For more information on thickeners, contact Aqualon Division, Hercules Inc., 1313 N. Market St., …

MIP Process Corporation USA | Products & Servicves | Thickeners …

This led to the development of the continuous thickener in its present day configuration in 1905. The use of continuous thickeners rapidly expanded to the chemical, sanitary and water treatment industries. Thickener Operation. During thickener operation, feed enters the feedwell, via a feed pipe or open launder.

(PDF) Understanding the Thickening Process

100 have been observed for selected materials in high rate thickeners. Whilst these performance . Paste 2006, Limerick, ... Thickener u/f - end of pipe. Thickener u/f - ex u/flo pump.

18 Gal. Upright Portable Oil Drain

17 Gal. Low Profile Oil Drain Pan. The 17 Gal. low-profile oil drain is made for draining oil or antifreeze oil. The material is high-impact polypropylene, which prevents the drain from rust and corrosion …

Liquid–Solid Separation in Gold Processing

The ultra-high-rate thickener is sized mainly on hydraulic loading and would therefore have a smaller diameter (and hence, smaller footprint) than the equivalent high-rate thickener. The size limit of this type of thickener (12-m diameter) may therefore require multiple thickeners to handle the full stream.

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