With this part of concrete ready the further operations of (1) compounding &. weighing of raw materials (2) Mixing of raw materials (3) Block shaping (4) Curing and (5) storage are scheduled. Cement, aggregate & water are the principal raw materials for concrete hollow. blocks production.

Feasibility of producing nano cement in a traditional cement factory …

Thus, a case study has been conducted to investigate the feasibility of the addition of a nano cement product line in an existing conventional cement factory. 2.1. Nano cement manufacturing process The production of nano cement from sand & clinker is performed by mixing mineral supplement additions such as fly ash and slag or silica sand with ...

Sustainability Analysis of Hollow Concrete Blocks …

The present study focuses on the innovative technique for making rectangular and circular hollow concrete blocks using fly ash (FA) and recycled …

Feasibility Analysis for Establishing a Block Manufacturing Plant

Outline the production process for manufacturing concrete blocks. This includes mixing, molding, curing, and packaging. Understand the specific machinery and …

(PDF) Feasibility study of manufacturing concrete eco-blocks …

Sustainable Development and Planning IV, Vol. 2 845 Feasibility study of manufacturing concrete eco-blocks using marble sludge powder as raw materials F. J. Aukour Faculty of Natural Resources and Environment, The Hashemite University, Jordan Abstract Marble waste, in the form of sludge obtained from the marble cutting industry, was ...

Complete Block Industry Business Plan in Nigeria

The concrete used to make concrete blocks is a mixture of cement, water and sand. However, some special moulds include gravel. This produces a light grey. In fact, the block comes up with a fine surface texture and a high compressive strength. Typically, a concrete block weighs 38-43 lb (17.2-19.5 kg).

Development of eco-friendly hollow concrete blocks in the …

The hollow concrete blocks were cast in accordance with the designed mix proportions on a commercial scale at the block factory of the Advanced Concrete Products (ACP) in the Second Industrial Area, Dammam, eastern Saudi Arabia Company. ... This research looked at the feasibility of casting hollow concrete blocks utilizing …

Feasibility study of manufacturing concrete eco-blocks …

The aim of this study was to incorporate the MSP in the concrete block industry and to evaluate the quality of the produced brick in comparison to standards and commercial …


commonly produced and used for construction of buildings in Nigeria are made of a standard. mix proportion of 1:6 cement-sand ratio; that is, one part by volume of cement to six parts by. volume ...

(PDF) Feasibility study of manufacturing concrete eco-blocks using

[5] concluded that in the presence of a super plasticizing admixture, it is possible to attain maximal compressive strength by substituting marble powder for sand.F. J. Aukour [6] concluded marble ...

Carabao Manure Ash as an Alternative Cement: A Feasibility Study

The study merely 104 ISSN 2243-7053 The Official Refereed Journal of the Network of CALABARZON Educational Institutions NOCEI Journal, Vol. 3, No. 1, May 2019 used the analysis of data from the DOST-ITDI test reports for the developed carabao manure ash and its concrete block following the researchers' procedure and formulated ratio and ...

(PDF) A Feasibility Study on Production of Concrete Blocks …

Zhan BJ, Poon CS (2015) Study on feasibility of reutilizing textile e u ent sludge for pr oducing concrete blocks. J C l ean Prod. htt ps://doi.or g/ 10.1016/j.jclepro.2015.03. 08 3

Technoeconomic Feasibility Study of Cement Plants as …

The three studied scenarios are (i) the integration of the coal-fired industrial boiler and the cement plant, (ii) the integration of the natural gas-fired industrial boiler and the cement plant and (iii) the integration of both industrial boilers and the cement plant. An economic study is carried out to assess the feasibility of the ...

Feasibility analysis for implementing CO2 curing in a …

This work will focus on the analysis of the technical feasibility of the innovative project to implement carbonation curing in a concrete block factory in the region of São Paulo. An overview of the CO 2 curing process and changing needs is presented, including identifying local CO 2 sources and delivering cost, gas consumption for chamber ...

Feasibility Study on Spent Pot Lining (SPL) as Raw Material in Cement …

This study investigated chemo-micromechanical properties of cement paste systems through multiple techniques, including X-ray diffraction, thermogravimetric analysis, scanning electron microscopy ...

Feasibility study of water purification using vertical porous concrete

IRSEN, CEER S, IAU. Received 5 June 2007; revise d 8 July 2007; accepted 16 August 2007; available online 1 September 2007. *Corresponding Author Email: tgmehdi@yahoo. Tel .: +98 917 313 5359 ...


than 40 allied industries, the cement block industry included. Demand for cement blocks has also risen tremendously as a result of the demand for it in the housing and construction industry. In addition to this, there is also increasing demand of cement blocks from government and multi-national contractors for building purposes. A potential ...

Feasibility study of the use of concrete blocks produced

The present study aims to analyze the feasibility of producing blocks made of concrete with different amounts of waste plastic taken from coastal and estuarine areas. After laboratory analysis, it was found that blocks containing 5% plastic exhibit good compressive strength and are lighter.

Pre-Feasibility Study (Pre-fabricated Construction …

illion54%116,380,7862.57 Years5.9 PROPOSED LOCATIONProposed location for setting up a pre-fabricated construction blocks making unit largely depends on the availability of raw material and its transportation to the factory at low cost; however, factors like availability of manpower, utilities and easy acc.

The feasibility study of stabilizing the automotive paint …

Samples were prepared using the type 2 Portland cement produced by the Sabzevar cement factory and the gravel and sand produced by the ... These concrete blocks, for instance, can be utilized to curb the streets and urban green spaces. ... B., Khatamgooya, A. The feasibility study of stabilizing the automotive paint sludge by …


Abstract. The "Techno-Economic Feasibility Report on Concrete Block in Bangladesh" presents a comprehensive study aimed at evaluating the viability and sustainability of utilizing concrete blocks ...

Incorporation of Micronized Polyethylene Terephthalate in …

This research's objective is to investigate the feasibility of incorporating polyethylene terephthalate (PET) into structural concrete blocks for use in civil construction. Initially, the materials were subjected to physical, chemical, and mineralogical characterization. Molded concrete blocks with dimensions of 14 cm × 19 cm × 29 cm, …

(PDF) A Feasibility Study on Production of Concrete Blocks …

Based on the theoretical results, an experimental study has been conducted on reinforced concrete samples by creating a fine tensile crack of width ∼0.1 mm and a …

259654898 Hollow Block Making

For the proposed project, a total of 5200 sq. ft. of aggregate would be required daily to produce 4000 sq. ft. of concrete blocks. Sand-Cement ratio will largely depend on the type and desired. strength of blocks, however, for this pre-feasibility study, assumed ratio is 100:1 (one 50kg bag of cement for each 100 blocks) by loose volumes.


INTRODUCTION. The Feasibility study is based on setting up an AAC blocks manufacturing plant on proposed & alloted land at MIDC Butibori by the government for industrial use having installed capacity of 1,50,000 cu.m. p.a. AAC blocks are next generation construction material that are extensively in used in developed markets.

A feasibility study on production of concrete blocks …

factory on concrete. They reported that domestic wastewa-ter and oil palm factory wastewater reduced the setting time, while refined wastewater from heavy industries increased the setting time. The compressive strength of the treated wastewater-fabricated concrete samples was higher than that of the control sample. The other wastewater types

(PDF) Feasibility study of manufacturing concrete …

The aim of this study was to incorporate the MSP in the concrete block industry and to evaluate the quality of the produced brick in comparison to standards and commercial requirements. This study identified the …

MANUSCRIPT-GROUP 10-Feasibility Study On The …

This document presents a feasibility study for a proposed project to produce hollow blocks using waste materials. It aims to reduce solid waste in communities by utilizing plastic, rubber tires, and other materials to make durable hollow blocks as a substitute for other building materials. The study includes chapters on background, market study, …

sbm/sbm feasibility cement blocks factory at …

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