Roasting-induced phase change and its influence on phosphorus removal

In the present study, roasting-induced phase change and its influence on phosphorus removal via leaching has been investigated for high-phosphorus iron ore. The findings indicate that phosphorus in the ore is associated with goethite and exists mainly in amorphous Fe3PO7 phase. The phosphorus remains in the amorphous phase …

Bench-scale calcination and sintering of a goethite iron ore …

The sites for phosphorus occurrence were calcium silicates and apatite. ... ore particles during thermal processing of two types of iron ores, goethite and hematite. ... of aluminium changes from ...

Removal of Phosphorus from Lisakovsky Iron Ore by a

However, with the depletion of superior iron ores, utilizing these lower grade and high-P iron ores is inevitable. Oolitic goethite ore, in particular, with an estimation of 377 billion tons ...

Bench-scale calcination and sintering of a goethite iron ore …

The raw iron ore sample (52 kg) preparation was constituted by comminution by jaw and roll crushers to − 3.36-mm size.This size was determined based on work carried out by Umadevi et al. (2011), who studied the influence of iron ore fines (mean particle size from 1.22 to 3.95 mm) on mineralogy, productivity, physical and …

Bench-scale calcination and sintering of a goethite iron ore …

The sites for phosphorus occurrence were calcium silicates and apatite. The sintered samples exhibited specific surface areas lower than those of the calcined samples. ... This work presents the results of bench calcination and sintering studies performed with a natural iron ore sample with high goethite content from the Iron …

Selective enrichment of iron particles from complex refractory hematite

With the rapid development of iron and steel industry, the reserves of high-quality iron ore resources are gradually decreasing, resulting in an increase in the proportion of complex refractory iron ore reserves [[1], [2], [3]]. China has 84.8 billion tons of iron ore resources. However, 97.5% of iron ore resources belong to low-grade iron …

Goethite Morphology and Composition in Banded Iron Formation…

Goethite is reported to occur as a ubiquitous phase in many iron ore types and is particularly abundant in the Precambrian banded iron ore formation of north Orissa, India. Goethite from the Bonai–Keonjhar Belt in Orissa has been examined in terms of its morphology and microstructure in relation to chemical composition.

Phosphorus Removal from Goethitic Iron Ore with a Low …

The phosphorus in high-phosphorus (>0.1% P) iron ores from the Pilbara area of Western Australia is mainly associated with the goethite fraction of the ore. Physical separation methods and simple leaching processes do not remove sufficient phosphorus from the ores to meet market specifications of 0.075% P. Processing to disrupt the …

Fundamentals of Silico-Ferrite of Calcium and Aluminum …

The effect of MgO on the stability, concentrations and formation mechanisms of silico-ferrite of calcium and aluminum (SFCA and SFCA-I) iron ore sinter bonding phases during heating in synthetic mixtures was investigated using in situ x-ray diffraction. The novelty of this study is in the intricate detail in which the formation mechanisms of …

Beneficiation of High Phosphorus Limonite Ore by …

Ultrafine grinding is an efficient way to obtain a qualified iron concentrate. When the limonite ore with high phospho- rus content reduced at the recommended reduction condi- tions is grinded to 90% below 38 μm in size, a concentrate with 76.5% Fe and 0.25% P, can be obtained, with an iron recovery of 76.3%.

Removal of Silicon, Aluminum and Phosphorus …

In this study, the removal of silicon, aluminum and phosphorus from low-grade iron ore by reverse froth flotation and alkaline roasting-water washing was investigated to produce a clean iron product. The diff erent variables and various processing parameters such as collectors behavior, slurry pH through the reverse froth

Phosphorus Removal from Goethitic Iron Ore with a …

Phosphorus associated with the goethite in high-phosphorus iron ores can be removed to 0.075% P using a heat treatment at 300–350°C for 1 h with 10 wt% NaOH, followed by a water leach. Heating at higher temperatures, up to 500°C, with heating times of 0.5 h to 4 h, gave no improvement in phosphorus removal.

Bio-extraction of phosphorus from goethite ore with alkali …

Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Bio-extraction of phosphorus from goethite ore with alkali addition" by Long Zhang et al. ... (Fe2O3, Al2O3) is helpful for its removal in advance. Therefore, the occurrence of sesquioxide in a mid-low grade calcareous ... The phosphorus in high-phosphorus (>0.1% P) iron ores from the Pilbara area of Western ...

Phosphorus Removal from Goethitic Iron Ore with a …

Phosphorus associated with the goethite in high-phosphorus iron ores can be removed to 0.075% P using a heat treatment at 300–350°C for 1 h with 10 wt% NaOH, followed by a water leach. Heating at

Goethite (gth/Nadeleisenerz) | SpringerLink

2.3 Paragenesis. Typical weathering product, particularly in secondary supergene concentrations of sulphides (oxidation zone, gossan), laterites and limonites but also as a primary mineral in hydrothermal and sedimentary formations. Goethite is a mineral that continues to form on the earth's surface on a daily basis, due to the poor …

The Occurrence of Phosphorus and Other Impurities in Australian Iron Ores

Quantitative data was collected from two goethite-rich bulk ores and results showed that in both samples goethite was the main repository for phosphorus. The P-rich goethite also contained elevated levels of both aluminium and silicon.To understand the mechanism of P incorporation in goethite, high-P grains were located by coarse …

Technological Challenges of Phosphorus Removal …

The important properties of the most relevant crystalline phosphate phases in iron ores are highlighted, and insights provided on plausible routes for the development of sustainable phosphorus ...

Processes for phosphorus removal from iron …

Phosphorus associated with the goethite in high-phosphorus iron ores can be removed to 0.075% P using a heat treatment at 300–350°C for 1 h with 10 wt% NaOH, followed by a water …

Phase changes during the heating of ore 1 and ore 2.

High-phosphorus iron ores from the Pilbara area of Western Australia are accompanied by the presence of goethite, and the removal of phosphorus by leaching has been proposed to counteract the ...

Phosphorus Removal from Goethitic Iron Ore with a …

phosphorus goethitic iron ores does not remove sufficient amounts of phosphorus. Thermal processing to disrupt the structure of the goethite has been shown to be effective in making the phosphorus associated with goethite available to a leachant solution and a number of researchers have removed phosphorus from iron ores by leaching after a …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Occurrence of Sesquioxide in a …

These iron and aluminum minerals are often regarded as associated minerals of phosphate ores. Moreover, iron and aluminum can also be hosted in gangue minerals in the form of isomorphism, such as iron dolomite formed when Fe 2+ is more than Mg 2+, fayalite, aluminosilicate minerals (like feldspar and mica). The contamination of …

Goethite : Properties, Formation, Uses and Mining Locations

Iron Oxidation State: The oxidation state of iron in goethite is primarily +3. This oxidation state contributes to its reddish-brown to yellow-brown color. The presence of iron in the +3 oxidation state also makes goethite an important component of iron ore deposits.; Structure and Crystallography: Goethite crystallizes in the orthorhombic …

The Occurrence of Phosphorus and Other Impurities in Australian Iron Ores

The characterisation of high-P iron ores by field emission gun electron probe microanalyser (FEGEPMA) was carried out to determine elemental associations in iron oxides sensus lato and, using this knowledge, to speculate on possible P incorporation mechanisms in goethite. Quantitative data was collected from two goethite-rich bulk ores and results …

Phosphorus in Iron Ore from the Hamersley Iron …

The phosphorus content of the banded iron formation (BIF) and of the associated iron ore deposits in the north west of Western Australia is known to vary widely, a fact which has considerable econ~mic significance. Trendall and Blockley (1970) have described the variety of textural appearances of apatite in the Hamersley Group BlF, and suggest that …

Challenges with Characterizing and Processing Goethite …

Traditionally mined Jamaican bauxites are gibbsitic, red in colour, and contain hematite as the main iron mineral. These ores, generally found at low altitudes, contain low concentrations of phosphorus and metal impurities. As supplies of these ores decline, new mining areas with goethitic bauxite having lower available alumina and higher ...

Bio-extraction of phosphorus from goethite ore with alkali …

The iron ore concentrate used in this study is an oolitic type of iron ore consisting primarily of goethite, in which phosphorus does not form a discrete mineral phase, but instead is diffused ...

Processes for phosphorus removal from iron ore

The review extends to the phosphorus removal processes of this mineral to meet the specifications of the steel industry. Phosphorus is a contaminant that can be hard to remove, especially when one does not know its mode of occurrence in the ores. Phosphorus can be removed from iron ore by very different routes of treatment.

Mineralogy, geochemistry and the origin of high-phosphorus oolitic iron

By applying the optimum separation conditions to the flotation of a natural high-phosphorus iron ore, the phosphorus content in the concentrate was reduced from 0.84% to 0.19% at an iron recovery ...

Removal of Silicon, Aluminum and Phosphorus Impurities

The iron ore concentrate used in this study is an oolitic type of iron ore consisting primarily of goethite, in which phosphorus does not form a discrete mineral phase, but instead is diffused ...

Occurrence and Mineralogical Association of Phosphorus in …

The various mechanisms by which phosphorus (P) occurs and is distributed within banded iron formations (BIF)-derived iron ore are examined. In unenriched, precursor BIF P occurs predominantly as discrete grains of primary apatite. In high-grade ores hosted mainly by the Brockman Iron Formation, P occurs in three main forms:1. as secondary apatite;2. other …

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