TMS International

Copper Slag Services. With global operations, TMS International offers slag pot carrying services to copper producers around the world. Although each individual smelter has its own unique configuration and layout, we have the appropriate machinery, engineering and capabilities to provide industry proven solutions with safety as our priority.

Home | Copag Abrasives & Minerals, Copper Slag, …

Meet our management team. They guide our company in our quest to achieve "Our goal is to be the leader in the copper slag processing and manufacture the highest quality copper slag abrasives without any compromise on the quality of the products we deliver"

Chemical Composition Data of the Main Stages of Copper

In the El Teniente Converter, for example, the slag is forwarded to the El Teniente Slag Cleaning Furnace Process, which is a batch decoppering process that reduces magnetite and copper contents in the slag. This is achieved through the injection of a solid, liquid or gaseous reductant directly into the equipment.

Copper Slag

The smelting process produces a glass like substance that will settle on the top of the melting copper and is basically the non-copper impurities being separated. The slag is then skimmed off the melted copper and delivered to a "slag heap" or slag dump where it is left to cool. Once cooled the slag is broken up with heavy machinery ...

The Phase Transition and Element Distribution of Copper Smelting Slag

Copper smelting slag is the largest solid waste produced in copper-making process, and slow cooling beneficiation technology is the most widely used method in recovering remaining treasures from the slag. The phase transition law and element distribution behaviors of the copper smelting slag in the cooling process have …

Environmental and Socioeconomic Impact of Copper Slag …

Copper slag is generated when copper and nickel ores are recovered from their parent ores using a pyrometallurgical process, and these ores usually contain other elements which include iron ...

Stepwise Utilization Process to Recover Valuable …

The pyrometallurgical process is generally us ed to recover iron from copper slag [24]. Smelting reduction is a deep reduction process; during this process, FeO is reduced to pig iron by a ...

Copper Mining and Processing: Processing …

The first steps of copper processing are the same for both ores: mining and transporting. Copper mining is usually performed using open-pit mining, in which a series of stepped benches are dug deeper and deeper …

Recovery of iron from copper slag via modified roasting in …

A novel technology, modified roasting in CO–CO2 mixed gas and magnetic separation, was presented to recover iron from copper slag. The effects of various parameters such as dosage of flux (CaO), gas flowrate of CO and CO2, roasting temperature, roasting time, particle size of modified slag and magnetic flux density on …

Copper Slag Beneficiation Process & Equipment

The mineral processing method to recover copper from copper slag has increasingly become indispensable in pyrometallurgical copper smelting due to its high …

Elemental properties of copper slag and measured airborne …

The copper slag processing facility produced granules of specific sizes for the abrasive blasting and roofing industries. All processing occurred outdoors, however equipment controls were located indoors. The facility was located on a past smelting site that processed mostly copper, and other metals such as silver and aluminum before its ...

Processing of slags of copper manufacturing with …

The article discusses the issues of processing slag of copper production using devices that model ideal mixing.

Recovery of Iron from Copper Tailings Using a Combined

As the world's largest producer of refined copper, China accounts for about 1/3 of the world's production. At present, China's refined copper is mainly produced by pyrometallurgy [1,2,3].The annual discharge of copper slag exceeds 10 million tons according to the calculation of 2.2 tons of copper slag per ton of refined copper …

Home | Copag Abrasives & Minerals, Copper Slag, …

Our service with world-class lifecycle service and support. "Our goal is to be the leader in the copper slag processing and manufacture the highest quality copper slag …

The potential for copper slag waste as a resource for a …

1. Introduction. Copper slag is a waste produced during pyrometallurgical processing of metals from copper concentrates. The decomposition and oxidation reactions of the sulphide minerals in the concentrate leads to the production of three separate phases: matte, slag, and an off-gas.


The projected capacity of the copper slag processing is 340.000 tons per year with an average copper content of about 2 %. This amount of copper slag will be obtained from 290.360 tons/ year from the Flash process technology with copper content of 1,4 % and 49.640 tons/year from PS converter with copper content of 6 % (Sokolovic et al., 2015 ...

the flash smelting plant, process and equipment

Abstract. The effectivity of present copper smelting technologies have their roots in industrial and laboratory-scale experience accumulated over the past decades. Since early '60s, the tools ...

Direct-to-blister smelting of copper concentrates: the slag …

Ferrous calcium silicate slag to be used for copper smelting and converting, Proc. Copper99-Cobre99 Int. Conf., Vol IV, (ed., Diaz C), 587–599, Warrendale, PA, TMS. Google Scholar. View full text Download PDF. The fundamental feature of the flash smelting process is its capability to utilise the combustion energy of sulphidic raw materials ...

Copper Processing | Multotec

During this step a combination of matte, a mixture of copper, sulfur and iron, and slag, a dense, glassy material made of iron, silica, and other impurities, is produced. The copper matte contains 58-60% copper at this point. ... Proper maintenance can extend the lifespan of your copper processing equipment. Using our range of condition ...

#SouthAfrica 300tpd copper slag flotation project is …

#SouthAfrica 300tpd copper slag flotation project is showing you the #copper extraction secret! #ore #equipment #machine #mining #processing #beneficiation #foryou #foryourpage #youtube #southafrica...

A new method of full resource utilization of copper slag

1. Introduction. With the rapid development of construction, electronics, machinery, metallurgy and other fields, the production and consumption of copper have skyrocketed, with its production reaching 28.5 million tons in 2019 alone (Tian et al., 2021).About 80% of the annual copper production in the world is generated by …

Comprehensive review on metallurgical recycling and …

Based on the background, a combinative residue-free leaching process for copper slag with sorting, roasting, acid leaching, carbonate precipitation, ammonia …

Modelling copper smelting – the flash smelting plant, process and equipment

The effectivity of present copper smelting technologies have their roots in industrial and laboratory-scale experience accumulated over the past decades. Since early '60s, the tools for improving the processing conditions and smelting vessel design included scale modelling and manual computing of homogeneous multicomponent equilibria.

Copper Slag Processing Line

Forui Machinery hereby introduces a copper slag processing line, which can effectively recover copper particles from copper smelting slag. Technological Process. The most …

Recovery of valuable metals from copper slag | Mining, …

3.1 Sulfation roasting–water leaching 3.1.1 Effect of H 2 SO 4 addition. To determine the consumption of H 2 SO 4 in the sulfation roasting process, a predetermined weight of 98% H 2 SO 4 was mixed with the raw copper slag and then roasted at 200 °C for 1 h. The H 2 SO 4 addition varied in a range of 30–80 wt% (mass ratio of 98% H 2 SO …

High-valued and deep utilization technology of copper slag

In order to achieve single recovery of Fe, Cu and Si in copper slag and deep removal of impurities in products, the activated reduction combining directional oxidation are adopted to improve the separation limit of target components, which mineral constituent as well as chemical composition at different stages are investigated through …

Copper Slag

Copper slag is a type of dense, hard, and wear-resistant glass phase, which can be applied in the construction industry as a building foundation, subgrade material, Portland cement …

Review on Comprehensive Recovery Valuable Metals and

Copper slag, a waste solid produced in the copper smelting process, is a high-quality secondary resource with huge output. The recycling and utilization of copper slag is of great interest because it avoids the loss of valuable metals and the threat of harmful metals, and saves a lot of natural resources and energy. This paper firstly …

The Recovery of Copper from Smelting Slag by Flotation Process …

Consequently, flotation was attempted to recycle Cu in slag containing copper sulphide components. Three key factors affecting flotation were ascertained, namely, grinding fineness, the collector and the pH value, while the recovery of Cu estimated by ICP and XRF. Copper concentrate grading at 14.47 with 79.66% Cu …


JetBlast™ Copper Slag is a by-product of the copper manufacturing process. Its sharp, hard cutting edges provide a fast cleaning action and is one of the most economical expendable abrasives available for cleaning …

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