A two-step leaching method designed based on chemical

For selective leaching and highly effective recovery of heavy metals from a metallurgical sludge, a two-step leaching method was designed based on the distribution analysis of the chemical fractions of the loaded heavy metal. Hydrochloric acid (HCl) was used as a leaching agent in the first step to leach the relatively labile heavy metals and …

Selenium Leaching from Copper Anode Slimes Using a …

Based on the Eh–pH diagram for the Se–H 2 O system, a new method is proposed for leaching selenium from copper anode slimes using a nitric acid–sulfuric acid mixture. The effects of solid/liquid ratio, HNO 3 and H 2 SO 4 concentrations, leaching temperature, and reaction time on the leaching efficiency of selenium were …

Integrated bioleaching-electrometallurgy for copper recovery …

The recovery of copper from secondary waste resources (e.g. electronic wastes, slag, fly-ash, sludge and spent catalysts) via oxidative and reductive bioleaching becomes a running trend and a potential alternative to limited metal supply. The motive of this review is to ponder over recycling of secondary waste towards the circular economy …

Sequential extraction and leaching characteristics of …

The chemical speciation of potentially toxic elements (As, Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) in the contaminated soils and sulfides-rich tailings sediments of an abandoned tungsten mine in Korea was evaluated by conducting modified BCR sequential extraction tests. Kinetic and static batch leaching tests were also conducted to evaluate the potential …

Dissolution methods for strontium isotope stratigraphy: …

One proven method for bulk limestones involves the removal of up to a third of the powdered sample using an acid pre-leach before partial dissolution of the rest of the sample using a weak acid or acid buffer solution. ... we apply sequential leaching to constrain the possible effects of different REE-bearing phases on measured carbonate …

Application of a Sequential Extraction Method for Analyzing …

The copper content in the original tailing was 1109 of Cu/kg dry tailing, humidity of 0.7% and pH of 3.9. The sequential extraction analysis was carried out for the initial sample; the concentrations of copper associated to each fraction in mg of Cu/kg of dry tailing are presented in Table 1. The composition of tailings shown 40% of total ...

Copper Leaching Method

Extraction of copper from suitable ore by leaching methods is generally assumed to cost less than the combined expense of concentration, smelting, and refining, and experimental data tend to confirm this opinion. At the Butte-Duluth plant, which is handling in excess of 100 tons of oxidized ore daily, the copper is said to cost $0.085 per …

Kinetic Investigation on Leaching of Copper from a Low …

concentration, solid-to-liquid ratio, agitation speed, particle size, and temperature were assessed on the leaching fraction of copper. The ndings showed that the leaching rate is nearly independent of the agitation rate at the high values of 300 rpm. The recovery of copper strongly promoted from 2 to 90% by increasing sulfuric acid ...

Selective Copper Recovery by Acid Leaching from …

Selective copper leaching was achieved with all the acids studied, including HCl, HNO3, and H2SO4. The lower concentration of acid solutions resulted in a larger difference in leachabilities between Cu and Fe. Among three leachates, the H 2SO4 solution performed effectively on the selective leaching of Cu and Fe. Adjusting the pulp density to

Screening of variables affecting the selective leaching of

Two-stage sequential leaching experiments. A two-stage sequential leaching process was then proposed to recover base (Cu, Pb, and Sn) and precious metals (Au, Ag, and Pd) from waste motherboards' PCBs. Experimental designs were used to screen the effect of parameters on the leaching of metals in both stages and to optimize the first stage.

SPLP Testing

The Synthetic Precipitation Leaching Procedure is a quick and inexpensive method to determine: The mobility/leachability of low volatility organic and inorganic analytes in liquids, soils, and wastes. The measure of desorption of contaminants from soil (rather than adsorption). The possibility of leaching metals into ground and surface waters.

Spectrophotometric determination of phosphate in …

The specific colorimetric method determined for each leaching matrix is described. The needed equipment is inexpensive and the work can be done by every laboratory that is able to measure dissolved P colorimetrically. ... However, sequential extraction and selective leaching of particles to extract P from target phases is labor …

Sequential removal of selenium and tellurium from copper …

Under this condition, 97.4% of selenium can be recovered. 2) The optimal acid leaching conditions are as follows: H 2 SO 4 concentration is 90 g/L, acid leaching temperature is 70 °C, leaching time is 1 h. The leaching efficiencies of copper and tellurium under this condition are 96.4% and 99.9%, respectively.

Selective leaching process for the recovery of copper and …

A selective acid leaching process was then used to recover the copper content of the residue after filtration. In the second stage, an additional 1 N of sulphuric acid was added to the suspension in the selective leaching process, and the pH value was controlled at 1.5-2.0. The reagent sodium hydroxide (2 N) was used as leachate at a pH greater ...

Synergistic Effect of Organic Acid for Leaching of

The dissolution behavior of Caldag lateritic nickel ore subjected to a sequential organic acid leaching method was investigated. The effects of the type of organic acid, acid concentration ...

Facile and Cost-Effective Approach for Copper Recovery …

The recovery of copper (Cu0) from waste printed circuit boards (WPCBs) is a great challenge as a result of its heterogeneous structural properties, with a mixture of metals, epoxy resin, and fiberglass. In this study, a three-step sequential process, including mechanochemical processing, water leaching, and recrystallization, for Cu0 recovery …

Bioleaching Modeling—A Review

2. Bioleaching Process. Bioleaching—as opposed to traditional (heap) leaching—has become an attractive alternative in recent decades due to its potential in mineral leaching on a laboratory scale and, mainly, due to its industrial applications [].The industrial operation applied to the leaching of copper sulfides considers the formation of …

Using modified Tessier sequential extraction to specify potentially

Therefore, the time applied for exposure of the soil to acid (leaching time) in the sequential extraction was much longer than the total digestion, which can lead to higher metal extraction from the primary minerals or inert forms like silicates. Download : Download high-res image (257KB) Download : Download full-size image; Fig. 4.

Speciation characterization of arsenic-bearing phase in

Here, we proposed a sequential leaching method to thoroughly understand the constitution of arsenic-bearing phase and the distribution of valuable elements in ASS. The results show that five major arsenic-bearing phases exist in ASS: amorphous As 2 S 3, crystalline As 4 S 4, As 2 O 3, and As atoms dissolved into the lattice of PbS and PbSO …


CIL process is widely used in the mining industry and in particular, it is an integral part of gold extraction plant. It is a continuous process in which gold is recovered by cyanide leaching of ore slurry and simultaneous adsorption on activated carbon in agitated tanks (Figure 1).From the time CIL process was introduced in the gold processing, a lot of …

A robust statistical method for mineralogical analysis in

The analysis highlights the low abundances of copper minerals in the head sample. With the exception of chalcopyrite and "copper other" (unclassified, mixed X-ray spectra that contain any amount of copper), the copper minerals and many other minerals of interest for interpretation of the leach performance in this sample are present at less …

Facile and Cost-Effective Approach for Copper Recovery …

The optimal leaching conditions were established as follows: 3.0 mol/L sodium hydroxide, 10 g/L sulfur, leaching temperature 95 °C, leaching time 2.0 h, liquid to solid ratio 6, and stirring ...

Copper Analysis by Two Different Procedures of Sequential …

The analysis of Cu distribution in pre-treated mine tailings after electrodialytic remediation was carried out by using two methods of sequential extraction. The initial content of copper in the tailings was 1109 mg Cu/kg of dry tailing, where close to 40% of the sample in weight corresponded to a soluble fraction. The …

Selective complexation leaching of copper from copper

The phase of copper slag is more intricate compared to natural copper minerals and waste circuit boards, as the copper-containing components are intricately mixed with other gangue materials. When the leaching method is used to recover copper from copper slag, it is necessary to pay attention to the possible consumption of …

Selective separation and recovery of selenium from copper …

Selenium was effectively enriched by approximately 200 % after first compound leaching. Sulfate roasting method was used to selectively separate selenium in the second stage. ... The copper anode slime leaching experiments were conducted in 250 mL round-bottom flasks. ... Chlorination Sequential Extraction of Antimony from Copper …

Leaching and electrochemical recovery of copper, lead …

Although there are some studies which focus on the selective recovery of metals by sequential leaching ... and the mass ratio of the cuprous sulfide to scrap copper was 10%. A novel method was ...

Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) Methods …

The Leaching Environmental Assessment Framework (LEAF) is a leaching evaluation system, which consists of four leaching methods, data management tools, and scenario assessment approaches designed to work individually or to be integrated to provide a description of the release of inorganic constituents of potential …

Selective Separation and Recovery of Tellurium from …

proper leaching route, the precipitation of tellurium using metallic copper and cuprous ions has been investigated. The main objective of the suggested recovery process in this study was to develop a simple and closed-circuit process that both generates minimum wastes and consumes waste effluents of a copper plant and produce a critical ...

In-situ copper leaching is a proven technology

Fast forward to 1995 when the open pit came to a successful completion and the in-situ leaching method became the primary copper oxide recovery method at San Manuel. ... This closed 15 years of in ...

Dissolution Behaviour of Caldag lateritic Nickel Ore …

A sequential citric + oxalic acid leaching method could represent a viable alternative for the dissolution of metals from lateritic nickel ore. Keywords: laterite; leaching; citric acid; oxalic ...

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