Assessing the Impact of Quarrying as an Environmental …

2. Location and the Geology of the Area. Surrounding land use includes a natural ridge and valley to the south and west of the site, grazing and subsistence agriculture to the north, and the historical plant and stockpile area to the east (see Figure 1).The only major infrastructure in proximity to the site is the N2 highway which at its …

Evaluation of Carbon Emission Factors in the Cement …

The cement industry is a major contributor to carbon emissions, responsible for 5–8% of global emissions. This industry is expanding, particularly in emerging …

Characterization and environmental sustainability of

Comparative environmental impact caused by natural aggregate (NA) vs overburden aggregate (OBA) as base and subbase material in flexible pavement construction. Overall, apart from the geotechnical characterization OB was also test as coarse and fine aggregate in cement mortar and concrete, the novel geomaterial is …

Cement Manufacturing Process and Its Environmental …

impact on the properties of the final cement product. 3.5 Cement Grinding: The clinker, along with a small amount of gypsum, is finely ground in a cement mill to

A perspective on environmental sustainability in the cement …

The reduction of environmental impacts in the cement industry has gained increasing concern worldwide for environmental sustainability. As a resource-scarce city, cement production in Hong Kong is ...


The present investigation is confined to Hazaribagh and Ramgarh districts of Jharkhand state of India. The study is an attempt to examine the extent of environmental degradation that has taken place in the form of water contamination and degradation of forest due to rampant mining in the different areas of Hazaribagh and Ramgarh districts i.e. Sonda (w …

Environmental Propagation of Noise in Mines and Nearby …

In the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) report of Eaglefield mining expansion project prepared by Noise Mapping Australia in 2010, virtual noise maps were produced by utilizing available mining data and operating conditions. It was recommended that the dump truck route to the out-of-pit dump should be at or close to the natural surface and ...

Environmental impacts of rare earth production

food and water. The law also considers risks to the environment, such as the release of hazardous substances or polluted water. China represents the largest REEs producer worldwide. with 140,000 t ...

Impacts of Cement Production on the Environment …

variety of pollutants that they do not even know the basics about. Many studies have examined the effects that cement plants located in or near residential areas have on the environment. Their studies cover impacts on plants as well as in certain cases, even the aquatic ecosystems, and effects on human health [37,38].


The above mining companies have been carefully selected due to the fact that they are located close to dwelling communities, and have been mining in Sierra Leone over a long period of time. The environmental …

Mining in India: Moving Towards a Sustainable Future

on. February 1, 2022. By. admin. The mining industry in India has to ramp up its efforts in order to be more energy efficient and sustainable. Since the process of mining plays an important role in cement manufacturing, we take a closer look at the impact of mining on the environment, human health and biodiversity, and the sustainable processes ...

Mass flow, enrichment and potential environmental impacts …

The information on Hg concentration, material flow and Hg input/output during the clinker production process is shown in Table 1.Among the different raw materials and fuels, carbide slag had the highest Hg content (mean ± standard deviation, SD, = 2.61 ± 0.56 mg/kg; Table 1, Fig. 1).Limestone, on the contrary, was the main reactant material in …

Health Risk and Environmental Assessment of Cement Production …

The cement manufacturing industry has played a fundamental role in global economic development, but its production is a major facilitator to anthropogenic CO2 release and solid waste generation. Nigeria has the largest cement industry in West Africa, with an aggregate capacity of 58.9 million metric tonnes (MMT) per year. The Ministry for …


The specific objectives are to assess the socio-economic impacts of the mine on the local people and examine its environmental effects on soil, water resources, vegetation cover and air quality in ...

(PDF) Environmental Hazards of Limestone Mining …

Limestone mining causes widespread disturbance in the environment. Myriad impacts are observed as changes in land use pattern, habitat loss, higher noise levels, dust emissions and changes in...

The effect of implementing green accounting on the environmental …

This study aims to examine the effect of implementing green accounting on the environmental performance of cement, energy, and mining companies in Indonesia. This study is a quantitative study. The data used are secondary data obtained from sustainability reports of cement, energy, and mining companies listed on the Indonesia …

The Cement Manufacturing Process

The Cement Manufacturing Process - Environmental and Social Impact. The cement industry is among India's most polluting industries. Image courtesy: The Indian cement industry is the second-largest producer of cement globally. In the financial year 2020, the Indian cement industry had a turnover of Rs …

Cement Manufacturing Enforcement Initiative | US EPA

The cement manufacturing industry was an EPA New Source Review/Prevention of Significant Deterioration (NSR/PSD) national enforcement initiative in fiscal years 2008-2010 and was continued as a Reducing Air Pollution from the Largest Sources national enforcement initiative for fiscal years 2011-2013. The cement sector is …

Achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions in the cement …

The magnitude of cement production leads to more than 7% of annual anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, resulting from both energy use and …

Cement and Concrete: Environmental Considerations

Energy consumption is the biggest environmental concern with cement and concrete production. Cement production is one of the most energy intensive of all industrial manufacturing processes. Including direct fuel use for mining and transporting raw materials, cement production takes about six million Btus for every ton of cement (Table …

Environmental Effects of Cement Production: A Review

This study examines the consequences of cement production on the environment and possible solutions to global warming. A rise in cement production has …

Cracking the problem of cement, one of climate's hardest …

Cement hides in plain sight—it's used to build everything from roads and buildings to dams and basement floors. But there's a climate threat lurking in those …

An overview of Asian cement industry: Environmental …

More specifically, the current literature review serves for (i) describing the environmental impacts, (ii) clarifying the methodological approaches, and (iii) …

Environmental Impact Analysis of Portland Cement (CEM1) …

The cement industry confronts significant challenges in raw materials, energy demands, and CO2 emissions reduction, which are global and local environmental concerns. Life cycle assessment (LCA) has been used in many studies to assess the environmental impact of cement production and investigate ways to improve …

Sustainability analysis of cement supply chains considering …

A typical cement production is given in Fig. 2. main raw materials including limestone, silica, alumina, and iron are mined and mixed in different proportion considering the particular use of the cement in the raw material preparations stage.The mixed feed is heated in a kiln to approximately 1470 °C and then cooled rapidly. Next, different …

Environmental impact of cement production and Solutions: …

This paper reviews the impact of cement industry towards the global environment and solutions to the problem. The increasing harvesting of raw materials for mounting cement manufacturing causes reduction in quantity of the non-renewable …

We practice zero waste mining as part of our sustainable …

Sushil Kumar Tiwari, Director Technical, Heidelberg Cement India, gives us an in-depth understanding of the limestone mining process and takes us through the innovations in technology, efforts taken to minimise environmental impact and enhance productivity in an exclusive interview. Tell us about the mining and clinker production …

Valorization of kaolin mining waste from the Amazon region …

1. Introduction. Portland cement is one of the world's most important human-made products. In 2020, it was estimated that about 4.1 Gigatons (Gt) of this material were manufactured [1] which brings a serious concern related to the environmental impact caused by the Portland cement production chain. This sector is the third-largest …

Assessing Environmental Impacts of a Cement Industry …

environmental effects of a proposed activity and how those ... (MCL) is engaged in cement manufacturing and limestone mining, having wide experience in the field of cement ... The nearest railway line connecting Kota - Bhawanimandi of western railway is at a distance of 0.9 km ESE. The nearest railway station, Morak is at a distance of 2.4

Environmental impacts and decarbonization strategies in the …

The environmental impact of cement and concrete production is low per unit volume of material, but the amounts used make the impact of the concrete sector highly …

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