7 Conclusions. Executive summary. The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD) has a role to play in steering the EU towards the zero pollution ambition proclaimed in the European Green Deal 1.. It requires Member States to ensure that agglomerations (cities, towns, urban settlements) collect and treat in a suitable manner …

Ireland referred to EU court over water management failures

Wed Feb 7 2024 - 15:06. The European Commission is to refer Ireland to the European Court of Justice for failure to comply with water management rules under EU legislation. Bulgaria, Spain, Malta ...

(PDF) Valorization of Urban Wood Waste in Europe

Valorization of Urban Wood Waste in Europe. June 2022. Conference: European Bioeconomy University Journey - June 2022. At: Bologna. Authors: Saba Mirzahosseini. Eurac Research. Andreas . Anu ...

Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (UWWTD)

The proper treatment of used water is a key responsibility of cities and the enforcement may be with local authorities. Member States shall ensure that all agglomerations with a population equivalent (p.e.) of between 2,000 and 15,000, and more than 15,000 are provided with collecting systems for urban waste water (Art. 3).

Municipal waste statistics

Even though more waste is being generated in the EU, the total amount of municipal waste landfilled has diminished. In the reference period, the total municipal waste landfilled in the EU fell by 69 million tonnes, or 56 %, from 121 million tonnes (286 kg per capita) in 1995 to 53 million tonnes (118 kg per capita) in 2022.

Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive

Data Dictionary - Definition of Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive reporting under Article 15 dataset How to use Reportnet 3 for UWWTD reporting. Schemas. XML schema for UWWTD Art.15 dataset. MS Excel template. MS Excel template for UWWTD Art.15 dataset. QA/QC.


The REDOL Project aims to elevate European Hubs for circularity by showcasing sustainable methods to harness solid urban waste (SUW) through industrial-urban symbiosis (I-US) strategies. Our goal is to enhance technological, managerial, economic, and social readiness for a more sustainable future. REDOL's journey towards a zero …

From waste to resource: the rise of urban mining

From waste to resource: the rise of urban mining. Davide Michielin. April 28, 2023. Mining isn't the only way to extract the critical raw materials needed for the green transition. Soon, they could increasingly be recovered from waste, reducing the need for materials and the dependence of EU from the import.

ICLEI Europe •• Projects

UrbanWINS. UrbanWINS is a European project funded by the Research and Innovation Program Horizon 2020 that will study how cities consume resources and products, and how they eliminate the waste produced, in order to develop and test innovative plans and solutions aimed at improving waste prevention and management. Launched in June …

Universal Bulb Crusher | Lamp Compactor | CFL's and HID's

CRUSHER. Handles all types of bulbs such as CFL's, Straight, U-Shaped & HID's (up to 6") REDUCE BULB & LAMP DISPOSAL COSTS BY UP TO 50%; STORAGE SPACE BY 80%; AND. FOR EVERY 50 BULBS PROCESSED SAVE ABOUT 1 MAN HOUR SPENT ON BOXING VERSUS CRUSHING. All-in-One Bulb Crusher.

How urbanization affects the epidemiology of emerging …

Within one large urban setting, there can be huge differences in health conditions depending on where you live. In general, the urban health is better, but in some areas, it can actually be worse compared to certain rural environments . Of the estimated 3 billion people living in urban centres, about one-third live in slum areas . The ever ...

EPA report published: Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2020

Investment in waste water infrastructure is bringing environmental benefits to some areas. The number of large towns and cities failing to meet EU treatment standards is down from 28 in 2017 to 12 in 2020. However, the final deadline for all large urban areas to meet these treatment standards was 2005.

New EU rules to improve urban wastewater treatment and …

With 481 votes in favour, 79 against and 26 abstentions, Parliament adopted the deal reached with the Council in January 2024 on revising the EU's water management and urban wastewater treatment standards to better protect public health and the environment.. By 2035, urban wastewater will undergo secondary treatment (i.e., the …

Urban wastewater treatment

discharge of urban waste water. (37) Regulation (EU) 2021/1119 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 30 June 2021 establishing the framework for ... and urban waste water treatment plants based on climate change scenar ios, are established at local and, where appropr iate, regional level for all agglomerations of 100 000 p.e. and ...

Evaluation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive

Executive summary - Evaluation of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive. English. (166.79 KB - PDF) Download. 3 APRIL 2020.

Industrial Crusher, Crusher Machine for C&D Waste, Stone …

Waste Plastic Shredding and Recycling Project in Europe. Capacity: 4-5 Ton/Hour. WASTE CRUSHER MANUFACTURER. Crushers crush stone by compression or impact and are used in a wide range of applications in the quarrying and mining industries. In a crushing line, different crushers and screening and conveying equipment are combined …

Urban Waste Management — Oxford Urbanists

Urban waste management is a major topic for the sustainable development of cities, especially in developing countries. According to a recent report by UN Environment, it's estimated that every Latin American citizen living in cities produces one kilogram of waste per day, representing approximately 10% of the world's waste.As …

Restoring European rivers and lakes in cities improves …

Rivers and lakes located in European cities and towns are getting cleaner thanks to improvements in waste water treatment and restoration projects which have brought many waterways back to life. New forms of water management contribute to make our cities greener, smarter and more sustainable, but key challenges remain, according …

Urban Waste Management in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities

Urban Waste Management in Europe: Challenges and Opportunities 1 - Author: Giulia Romano, Claudio Marciano, Maria Silvia Fiorelli. This chapter provides an overview of waste management across Europe. It offers an outlook of evolution of waste generation and how European Union (EU) countries treat waste, by providing historical …

WISE interactive maps updated

A series of maps on water quality, updated with the latest information reported by countries, has been published by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The maps display water quality parameters in various receiving waters across Europe, alongside information on urban wastewater treatment and receiving areas sensitive to eutrophication.

Managing urban waste

Managing urban waste. As a means to handle the issue of waste management, a system has been developed in which polluters pay according to the waste they generate. Waste-caused pollution is a serious environmental concern. Thus, the PAYT (Pay-As-You-Throw) project has concentrated on the effectiveness and knowledge of …

Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2021 | Environmental …

Summary: This report provides an overview of urban waste water treatment in Ireland during 2021. It identifies the priority issues that must be addressed to protect our environment from the harmful effects of waste water discharges. Published: 2022. ISBN: 978-1-80009-063-7.

A state-of-the-art review of crushed urban waste glass used …

The urban waste glass has been listed as a common type of municipal solid waste (MSW) by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) due to the challenge of disposal, yet the commercial glass products are still continuously produced each year (Xiao et al., 2020a).Glass is generally considered as a non-biodegradable material which will …

European Union

removal to additional million p.e. of urban waste water ( %) The compliance of the total generated load in the EU countries is 82%. This differs from the average EU compliance value of 75.8% shown in Fig 4 on the country profiles, because that value is the average of the load from compliant agglomerations in 27 Member States.


Article 1. This Directive concerns the collection, treatment and discharge of urban waste water and the treatment and discharge of waste water from certain industrial sectors. The objective of the Directive is to protect the environment from the adverse effects of the abovementioned waste water discharges. Article 2.


Council Directive 91/271/EEC of 21 May 1991 concerning urban waste-water treatment . Scope; Exemptions; Regulatory activities; ... No 1882/2003 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 29 September 2003 adapting to Council Decision 1999/468/EC the provisions relating to committees which assist the Commission in the …

Council Directive (91/271/EEC) of 21 May 1991

The amount of urban waste water treated from 'big cities' is expressed as population equivalents (p.e.). The indicator illustrates: urban waste water collection and treatment in Europe in 2017; the development of more stringent (tertiary) urban waste water treatment practice; the level of urban waste water treatment in 'big cities ...

Urban Waste Management | SpringerLink

2.1 New Solid Waste Law. According to the Ministerio del Ambiente (Ministry of Environment) ( 2018 ), Peru generates 19,000 tons of solid waste daily with approximately 50% of this waste generated in the Lima metropolitan area, including Callao. Each resident there generates 870 grams of waste per day.

As cities grow, diseases spread faster and urban design is …

July 27, 2016 — Near the corner of Broadwick and Lexington in London's Soho neighborhood, a single spot on the ground has influenced more than 150 years of urban development. It's the location of a water pump that in 1854 physician John Snow pinpointed as the source of contamination leading to a widespread outbreak of cholera in the ...

Water | Free Full-Text | Cost of Urban Wastewater …

In the European Union, the protection of water resources from the effects of effluent discharge is regulated through Directive 91/271/EEC on the collection, treatment and disposal of urban …

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