$375 per month Mining Claim Ownership, Ashton, ID 83420

MINING CLAIM OWNERSHIP OWNER FINANCING This is a legally registered, 20 acre gold and gem Mining Claim for sale, the Conant Creek #1, with Conant Creek running thru the whole claim for over 660 feet. ... The range contains 71 named mountains, the highest of which isMeade Peak(9,941ft/3,030m), and the most prominent of which isCaribou …

Mining claim | Business Queensland

The application process for new mining claims provides an opportunity for landholders to object to the application. They may also seek compensation (including conditions of access) for the use of their land. When the mining claim notice is issued, you must notify landholders of the land, and landholders of the access land, about the …

Locating a Mining Claim | Bureau of Land Management

Mining claims can be located on open public land administered by another federal agency (most commonly on Forest Service land). You may prospect and locate claims and sites …

40 acres in Buena Vista, CO, 81211 | LandWatch

This is a 40 acre unpatented, gem mining placer claim, the Mount Antero Gem #1, on Mount Antero in the Sawatch Mountain Range of the Rocky Mountains and the San Isabel National Forest. The claim is legally registered with the Bureau of Land Management out of Lakewood, CO and Chaffee County.

Mining In Humboldt County, Nevada | The Diggings™

Mining Claims (BLM) Humboldt County, Nevada has 152,288 mining claims on public land listed in The Diggings™. Of these claims, 17.06% are active while 82.94% are now closed.

Wyoming Gold Mining Claims | The Diggings™

Quick Facts. 502 active mining claims. 7,096 closed mining claims. 7,598 Gold mines located in Wyoming. Listing claims originally filed between the 2010's and the 1890's . Results: 7,598. Commodity: Gold.

San Bernardino County, California Mines

San Bernardino County, California Mines. Of the over 3,000 USGS mine records in San Bernardino County, 1,585 list gold as a primary commodity. The rest report a wide array of commodities, including silver, lead, zinc, and copper. WMH Mine Discovery Tools for Google Earth are available for San Bernardino county.

Alaska Federal Mining Claim Information

Anchorage, BLM-Alaska State Office Public Information Center, 222 W. 7th Avenue. (Anchorage Fairbanks, University BLM-Alaska Federal Building and Courthouse, first floor) (907) 271-5960. two Public Information Fairbanks federal mining claims or sites located in 474-2200. receive and District Office Public Information Center, 222 record ...

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale

The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks.

Gemstone Mines For Sale

Freddy Dodge and Juan Ibarra & looking for new mines to rescue! Complete List of Gemstone Mines For Sale. Includes Claims, Mineral Properties, Tenures, Tenements, Projects, & Deposits for Lease, Option, Joint Venture.

Patented vs. Unpatented Mining Claims

The Main Differences. Ownership: Patented claims offer full land ownership, while unpatented claims only grant mineral rights.; Duration: Once a claim is patented, the ownership is permanent.Unpatented claims require annual maintenance to remain valid. Usage: Patented claim lands can be used for various purposes, while unpatented …

'MARBLE CANYON MINE 1' | 21 acre Lode Claim in Inyo, …

MARBLE CANYON MINE 1 is a 20.66-acre closed mining claim in Inyo, California. Ownership and use of this claim is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management's Bishop Field Office under the serial number CAMC306343. The last action for this claim occurred on July 11, 2014. Information on the claim was last updated on July 13, 2014.

Map of Mining Claims In MARBLE ROCK | The Diggings™

Map of 88 mining claims filtered by commodity, decade, disposition, and type in MARBLE ROCK.

Interactive map of mines in Colorado | American …

The Colorado Division of Reclamation Mining and Safety's AUGER map provides information on active and historic mines in Colorado. The interactive map shows: Active and inactive construction and hardrock mines with information on permitting, size, commodities, fees, land use, and more. Coal permit boundaries. Alluvial and bedrock aquifers. Geology.

Mining Claims

If you would like to search the BLM Land Records (MTP, Historical Index, etc.) you can either use the link provided in the pop-up for mining claim point listings and/or mining claims per section. If the …

Oregon Historical Mining Information

Wallowa Range: Black Marble and Lime Company Claims: Black Marble and Lime Co Report: Wallowa Range: Contact Group: Contact Group Reports: Wallowa Range: Copper Gem Claim: ... White Eagle Mine Claim: White Eagle Mine Reports: Wallowa Range: Wilmot: Wilmot Reports: Footer Logo Contact DOGAMI Email DOGAMI; Staff Directory; …

Mining In Okanogan County, Washington | The Diggings™

Myers Creek Mining District Washington 1,006 371 635 7,661.53 75 11 18 Wauconda Mining District Washington 74 44 30 868.65 19 4 5 Oroville Mining District Washington 15 15 0 514.5 45 3 13 Nighthawk Mining District Washington 31 15 16 326.02 66 7 16 Mazama Mining District Washington 55 3 52 61.98 25 12 3. List All Mining …

Mining Claims | Bureau of Land Management

A mining claim is a parcel of land for which the claimant has asserted a right of possession and the right to develop and extract a discovered, valuable, mineral deposit. This right …

Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands Brochure …

An association of two locators may locate 40 acres, and three may locate 60 acres, etc. The maximum area of an association placer claim permitted by law is 160 acres for eight or more persons. 660'. Figure 2. Drawing of a section of land showing different sizes of placer mining claims and a mill site.

Marble Rock

MARBLE ROCK is a 160-acre active mining claim in Humboldt, Nevada owned by Roger Spencer, Roger D Spencer Jr, and Patricia Spencer. Ownership and use of this claim is overseen by the Bureau of Land Management's Humboldt River Field Office under the …

Mining Claims: How Long They Last & Important Factors

In this article, we discuss the general length of a mining claim and factors that may impact its longevity. +1 (775) 753-6605 info@rangefront. Contract Labor; Field Crew. Field Crew Services; ... Canada's mining industry is known for having a wide range of mineral resources and is a major global producer of nickel, potash, uranium, …

eCFR :: 43 CFR Part 3832 Subpart B -- Types of Mining Claims

Lode claims must not exceed 1,500 by 600 feet. If there is a vein, lode, or ledge, each lode claim is limited to a maximum of 1,500 feet along the course of the vein, lode, or ledge and a maximum of 300 feet in width on each side of the middle of the vein, lode, or ledge. ( b) Placer claims. ( 1) An individual placer claim may not exceed 20 ...

Find maps and records for mining claims and tenure

Download claim maps in PDF. You can use our interactive selection tool to: print or save the maps to use them in the field. View the mining index map viewer. You can purchase a printed paper copy of the map at our district mining recorders offices. Read a information sheet on how to import the claim map into Avenza.

Libby, Montana Mining Claims | The Diggings™

Quick Facts. 1,345 active mining claims. 10,287 closed mining claims. 30 Uranium mines located in Libby, Montana. Listing claims originally filed between the 2020's and the 1880's . Results: 10,000.

The Diggings™: Free Mining Claim Maps And …

The Diggings™ is the most comprehensive free mining claim reference online. Search 3,921,409 up-to-date gold, silver, and other mining claim maps within the USA.


Fanuel Kharuxab is proposing to carry out a quarry or a small scale surface mining for marble near the town of Karibib in the Erongo Region (Figure 1).The associated Fanuel Kharuxab Mining Claims: 68366,68367,68368,68369,68370,68371 relating to this undertaking are registered under his name. The Mining Claims

Recording a Mining Claim or Site | Bureau of Land Management

Recording a Mining Claim or Site As established by Section 314 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA), as amended, claims and sites must be recorded with the proper BLM state office within 90 days of the date of location and recorded with the proper county in accordance with their requirements. In Alaska, claims and sites can also be …

Claim Staking 101: Understanding The Basics Of Gold Mining Claims

Before staking a mining claim, ... Starting at the northwest corner of section 23, township 30 north, range 18 east, Mount Diablo Meridian; Thence south 500 feet to the northeast corner of the Smith Lode; ... Monuments made of durable materials, such as stone or concrete, with dimensions of at least 12 inches by 12 inches at the base and a ...

Colorado Mines For Sale

The San Bernardo mine is a Patented 50 AC Lode mining claim in the San Miguel County. This is surrounded by National Forest land with access to the property from the highway. It has over 3 miles of drifts with stopes running between the levels. Commodities: Copper, Gold, Lead, Silver, Zinc. Location: Colorado, USA.

20 Acre Patented Mining Claim "Hawkeye" Pat

20 Acre Patented Mining Claim "Hawkeye" Pat# 39511 in the Mighty Schell Creek Range Eastern Nevada. $25,000. ... to own one of NE Nevada's oldest Mining Claims "Hawkeye" located high up in the Northern Schell Creek Mountain Range and surrounded by the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest with timber, seasonal water, 360 degree views and ...

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