Top 5 Chromium-producing Countries (Updated 2024) | INN

Here's a brief overview of last year's five top chromium-producing countries, according to data from the US Geological Survey's most recent report on chromium. All …

Chromium ores and concentrates

In 2022, Chromium ores and concentrates were the world's 1041st most traded product, with a total trade of $3.48B. Between 2021 and 2022 the exports of Chromium ores and …

Which Country Exports the Most Chromium Ores and Concentrates in …

Top Chrome Ore Importing Countries in the World. X. China (X million USD) X. Russia (X million USD) X. China, Hong Kong SAR (X million USD) ... TOP PRODUCING COUNTRIES; TOP EXPORTING COUNTRIES; LOW-COST EXPORTING COUNTRIES; 6. MOST PROMISING OVERSEAS MARKETS. Choosing the Best …

Top 10 mineral producing countries in Africa | Mining Digital

09: Gabon. Gabon has the second largest deposit of manganese in the world and is currently the world's third largest producer. The upper-middle-income country on the western coast of Africa also produces iron ore, uranium and gold among other minerals. Annual minerals production: $10,920mn.

Profiling the world's largest cobalt-producing countries

The world's largest cobalt-producing countries. 1. Democratic Republic of Congo – 100,000 tonnes. Congo accounted for more than 70% of the world's entire cobalt production in 2019, totalling around 100,000 tonnes. Many of the world's largest mining companies have set up operations in the country as they seek to secure supplies of this ...

Global chromium reserves by country 2023 | Statista

Premium Statistic Leading cement producing countries worldwide 2023 Premium Statistic Import volume of cobalt in the U.S. 2010-2023 Premium Statistic Iron ore prices 2000-2023

Sulfur global production by country 2023 | Statista

Global sulfur production volume 2023, by country. In 2023, China produced around 19 million metric tons of sulfur, making it by far the world's leading sulfur producer. Sulfur is one of the most ...

Where is Chromium Found | World Chromium Producing Countries …

About two-fifths of the chromite ores and concentrates in the world are produced in South Africa, while Kazakhstan, India, Russia, and Turkey are also substantial producers. The World Map of Chromium Producing Countries shows a list of the major countries that produce large quantities of chromium. As the data in the map shows, …

Top Iron Ore Producing Countries In The World

Brazil. Brazil is the third largest producer of iron ore producing 428 million tons in 2015 and 411 million tons in 2014. The 2015 output represents 12% of the world's production. Brazil has the second largest deposits of iron ore in the world. The mineral is mined mainly in Minas Gerais and Para states. Carajas is the world's biggest iron ...

Market Insights: chromium market overview and …

Chrome markets and resources. The vast majority of chrome ore (Cr ore) produced worldwide is metallurgical grade ore. This ore in the main is used to produce ferrochrome (FeCr) which itself is a key ingredient in the …

Top 10 Cobalt Producers by Country | INN

Here are the 10 top cobalt-producing countries of 2022, based on US Geological Survey numbers. ... Sonic Bay will process ore from the Weda Bay nickel mine to produce a planned 7,500 MT of cobalt ...

2023 World Steel in Figures

World crude steel production, 1950 to 2022 Top steel-producing companies, 2022 Major steel-producing countries, 2021 and 2022 Crude steel production by process, 2022 Continuously-cast steel output, 2020 to 2022 ... Direct reduced iron production, 2018 to 2022 Iron ore, 2021 World trade in iron ore by area, 2022 Trade in ferrous scrap, 2021 …

Chromium ores and concentrates

Overview This page contains the latest trade data of Chromium ores and concentrates.In 2022, Chromium ores and concentrates were the world's 1041st most traded product, with a total trade of $3.48B. Between 2021 and 2022 the exports of Chromium ores and concentrates grew by 32.8%, from $2.62B to $3.48B.

Top 10 Iron-producing Countries | Mining South East Europe

With that in mind, here are the 10 top iron-producing countries of 2022, using the latest data provided by the US Geological Survey. 1. Australia. Usable ore: 880 million MT; iron content: 540 million MT. Australia is the largest country for iron ore mining, and its usable iron ore output was 880 million MT in 2022.

Chromium Ore

Each country is colored based on the difference in exports and imports of Chromium Ore during 2022. In 2022, the countries that had a largest trade value in exports than in …

Top six countries with the largest nickel reserves in the …

4. Russia – 6.9 million tonnes. Russia is Europe's top destination for nickel reserves, with around 6.9 million tonnes, or 7% of the global total. It was also the world's third-biggest nickel-producing country in 2020, after Indonesia and the Philippines, mining approximately 280,000 tonnes of the metal during the year.

top chrome ore producing countries

Most Chrome Ore Countries. Top iron ore producing countries in the world - Top iron ore producing countries in the world by benjamin elisha sawe on april 25 2017 in economics iron ore being extracted at the massive mikhailovsky mine in russia iron has a chemical formula fe and it is one of the most common elements in the.

The Top Lithium Producing Countries In The World

3. China. China produces the third most lithium at 5,000 metric tons. The majority of the country's lithium comes from the Chang Tang plain in western Tibet. China has to fully ramp up its lithium extraction as the need for the metal is steadily rising. China also has a large domestic market for lithium.

Chromium Statistics and Information | U.S. Geological Survey …

Statistics and information on the worldwide supply of, demand for, and flow of the mineral commodity chromium. Chromium (Cr) has a wide range of uses in metals, chemicals, …

Top 9 Nickel-producing Countries (Updated …

4. Russia. Mine production: 220,000 MT. Even though it holds the fourth spot on this list of the world's top nickel producers, Russia has seen its nickel output drop in the past few years. In 2018 ...

Research on the evolution of the global import and export …

As countries trade data statistical caliber slightly differences, UN Comtrade database import and export data are asymmetric, but the difference is not large relative to the size of the trade, so this article with chrome ore imports from all countries as a benchmark, selected from 2005 to 2019, a total of 15 years of trade data for analysis. 2.2.

Global chromium mine production by country …

South Africa is the leading mine producer of chromium worldwide, with an output amounting to an estimated 18 million metric tons in 2023. This was followed by Turkey and Kazakhstan, each having...

Mineral Commodity Summaries 2024

1Secondary production is based on reported receipts of all types of stainless-steel scrap. 2Includes chromium chemicals, chromium metal, chromite ores, ferrochromium, ferrosilicon chromium, and stainless-steel products and scrap. 3Defined as change in total inventory from prior yearend inventory. Beginning in 2023, Government stock changes no ...


Ferrochrome (FeCr) is an alloy of chrome and iron used in the production of stainless steel, special steel and castings. It is produced in an energy intensive process in electric furnaces from chrome ore, iron ore and …

Top 10 Manganese-producing Countries (Updated 2023)

As the demand for manganese continues to rise, it's important to take a closer look at the top-producing countries in the world. According to the latest data for 2023, the top 10 manganese-producing countries are: 1. South Africa 2. Australia 3. China 4. Gabon 5. Brazil 6. India 7. Ghana 8. Ukraine 9. Mexico

Chromite Production by Country (Metric tons, gross weight) …

Bar chart showing the major producers of Chromite in the world

Top 10 diamond producing countries in Africa

The continent boasts several of the world's most prolific diamond-producing countries, each with its unique story within the global diamond industry. ADVERTISEMENT Recent diamond production statistics from the Kimberley Process, a joint government, industry and civil society initiative that regulates the trade and production of diamonds ...

Chromium ores and concentrates exports by country |2021

In 2021, Top exporters of Chromium ores and concentrates are South Africa ($1,826,090.28K, 13,602,800,000 Kg), Turkey ($266,254.79K, 1,456,400,000 Kg), …

Mineral Commodity Summaries 2022

Africa was the leading chromite ore producer. Ore production was estimated to increase in 2021 owing to recovery of the market following the COVID-19 pandemic. China was the leading ferrochromium- and stainless-steel-producing ... Other countries 3,980 4,100 NA World total (rounded) 37,000 41,000 570,000 World Resources: 14 World ...


Chromite ore is mined in over 20 countries, but about 80% of production originates from four countries; in 2007–2009, South Africa accounted for 37% of the world's production, with both India and Kazakhstan accounting for around 16% and Turkey for 8% (Papp, 2008, 2009; ICDA, 2010).

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