[MCQ's]Municipal Solid Waste

The process of burning municipal solid waste at high temperature is called ____________. a) Incineration. b) Composting. c) Land filing. d) Shredding. Answer: a. Explanation: Incineration is the most sanitary method of disposal of municipal solid waste. Solid waste should have a high calorific value. advertisement. 2.

[PDF] Pulverization of Waste Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Film …

Recycling of waste plastics is of great significance for human society. The pulverization of waste film plastics is a key technical link in the development of collaborative utilization of waste plastics in the steel industry. In this study, waste polyvinyl chloride film plastics were first heated at different temperatures; then the de-chlorination ratio pulverization and the …


Pyrolytic methods of solid waste thermal processing can reduce the volume of harmful emissions (Gerasimov, 2019). In addition, they do not require …

Composting – Solid and Hazardous Waste Management

Anaerobic digestion of solid waste 29. Advanced Thermal Treatment Technologies – Gasification 30. Solid waste disposal, open dumping and landfills 31. Structure and operation of solid waste landfill 32. Landfill bioreactor 33. Fly ash utilization and rules 34. Landfill Gas Management 35.

Technical Landfills and Waste Management : Volume 1

Highlights the different method of recycling construction waste; Insights into modern methods of solid waste incineration; Reduces construction costs related to the use of …

A review on biological methodologies in municipal solid waste

The organic content in municipal solid waste possesses a high calorific value that can be regenerated using suitable waste processing and other treatment technologies. Waste to energy conversion is a better choice for waste management and addresses key issues like energy demand, over-exploitation of fossil fuels, utilization of land, etc.

(PDF) Pulverization of Waste Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Film …

In this study, waste polyvinyl chloride film plastics were first heated at different temperatures; then the de-chlorination ratio pulverization and the properties of the pulverized products ...

Treatment Options for Efficient Municipal Solid Waste …

Composting is useful for treating wastes like agricultural waste, horticultural waste, garden and kitchen wastes, and other wastes rich in organic content. If compost …

Pulverization of Waste Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Film by …

In the present research, waste PVC film plastics were pulverized by heat treatment at different temperatures without using water, and the de-chlorination ratio and properties of the pulverized products closely related to blast furnace injection as solid fuel were further analyzed. The process not only help efficiently use the PVC waste plastics


Elastomers, Recycling of. A.I. Isayev, in Encyclopedia of Materials: Science and Technology, 2001 3 Pulverization Methods. Solid-state shear extrusion pulverization method of rubber waste in extruders is also proposed (Bilgili et al. 2000) based on the concept of pulverization proposed for plastics (Khait and Torkelson 1999).Under …

New technology of efficient pulverization of simulated …

The recovery of energy from municipal solid waste(MSW) is of great importance for the sustainable development of human society. Transforming MSW into fuel is a very good technology, where pulverization pretreatment is a key point for the …

[PDF] Development of Waste Plastics Pulverization for Blast …

To utilize waste polyvinyl chloride (PVC), the removal of chlorine in PVC has been studied by newly designed rotary kiln. Coarse coke was simultaneously supplied to prevent an agglomeration of PVC…. Expand. 11. PDF. Semantic Scholar extracted view of "Development of Waste Plastics Pulverization for Blast Furnace Injection †" by …

Treatment Options for Municipal Solid Waste by …

Recovery and recycling of municipal solid waste biodegradable fraction (50–55%) are essential for attaining sustainability and a circular economy. Among organic waste treatment methods, composting is used to recycle organic fractions of waste. However, only 10–12% of municipal solid waste is utilized for composting treatment due …

New technology of efficient pulverization of simulated municipal solid

The recovery of energy from municipal solid waste(MSW) is of great importance for the sustainable development of human society. Transforming MSW into fuel is a very good technology, where pulverization pretreatment is a key point for the massive utilization of MSW as solid fuel. In this paper, the representative components of MSW, such as …

Pulverization 2: Pulverization method and pulverizer

The rotation and revolution nano-pulverizer is a batch-type wet pulverizer that can perform pulverization and disintegration into about 1 mm or less or even about …

Proposing a new solution for marine debris by utilizing on …

Here, we proposed a complete eco-friendly low-temperature MD pulverizing system that utilizes excessive liquefied natural gas (LNG) cold energy (LCE) in an LNG …

Tackling municipal solid waste crisis in India: Insights into …

A consistent increase in the percentage of solid waste processed has been noted over the past five years, rising from 19 % in 2015–16 to 49.96 % in 2020–21. The trend in solid waste state-wise processing is depicted in Fig. 12. showcasing the percentage of solid waste treated in various States/UTs. Notably, Chhattisgarh leads …

Efficient utilization of waste plastics as raw material for …

In this paper, the authors focus on a novel method for the pulverization of waste plastics by low temperature heat treatment of mixed pulverized coal and waste plastics (Li et al., 2007; Asanuma et al., 2014; Murai et al., 2015), which is more easily realized at industrial scale and is designed for the blast furnace injection processing …

Microbiology of municipal solid waste landfills: a review of …

An overview of bioreactor landfill technology in treatment of municipal solid waste by Kumar et al. highlighted that bioreactor technology presents an opportunity to explore the use of bio-waste as a resource for bioprocesses and application of conventional landfill bioprocesses in Biotechnology. As such, there is a need to better understand ...

Review on the Environmental Impacts of …

ABSTRACT. This review provides insight on the environmental impacts of municipal solid wastes (MSWs) in Nigeria. The anthropogenic impacts of waste streams that infringes on ambient air quality, both ground and …

Municipal Solid Waste Management and Energy Recovery

Yet, the term is much broader, embracing several waste treatment processes that generate energy (electricity and/or heat), such as pyrolysis, conventional or plasma arc gasification, as well as nonthermal processes such as anaerobic digestion and landfill-gas recovery. 2. Municipal solid waste: general aspects.

Municipal solid waste management in India: From waste …

The amount of compostable material in the waste of developing countries is 80–85%. The typical composition of municipal solid waste in India is given in Table 1. The waste composition of developing countries makes it clear that composting is the best possible option to deal with municipal solid waste. 4.1. Reasons for failure

Solid Waste: Treatment Technologies and Environmental Sustainability

Waste has a long history of association with humans and other organisms. It is inevitable and has different sources right from crop residues (agriculture), food production and its movement through ...

Solid Waste | US EPA

Treatment of waste to remove or inactivate contamination can render the waste less toxic, which can lead to more options for waste transport and disposal. Treatment can also be used to reduce the volume of waste. Volume reduction is especially needed for certain types of waste either due to transportation constraints or lack of …

Solid waste disposal methods | PPT

K. kanhayoyo. This document summarizes different methods of solid waste disposal including sanitary landfilling, composting, incineration, pyrolysis, and barging waste out to sea. It also discusses the effects of improper disposal and provides a case study of solid waste management in Mumbai, India. Some key issues identified are the …

Waste treatment approaches for environmental sustainability

For example, several countries have employed the mechanical–biological treatment (MBT) or biological–mechanical treatment (BMT) processes as a pretreatment …

Global perspective of municipal solid waste and landfill …

Globally, more than 2 billion tonnes of municipal solid waste (MSW) are generated each year, with that amount anticipated to reach around 3.5 billion tonnes by 2050. On a worldwide scale, food and green waste contribute the major proportion of MSW, which accounts for 44% of global waste, followed by recycling waste (38%), which …

Pyrolysis technologies for municipal solid waste: A review

Abstract. Pyrolysis has been examined as an attractive alternative to incineration for municipal solid waste (MSW) disposal that allows energy and resource recovery; however, it has seldom been applied independently with the output of pyrolysis products as end products. This review addresses the state-of-the-art of MSW pyrolysis in …

Pyrolysis technologies for municipal solid waste: A review

1. Introduction. The treatment, management and disposal of municipal solid waste (MSW) are common concerns in every country. MSW pyrolysis is considered as an innovative alternative for treating MSW that obtains different chemicals and fuels (Schaefer, 1975, Malkow, 2004).In a pyrolysis-involved process, energy can be obtained in a …

Pulverization of Waste Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Film by Low …

The pulverization of waste film plastics is a key technical link in the development of collaborative utilization of waste plastics in the steel industry. ... The process not only help efficiently use the PVC waste plastics resources in the municipal solid waste, but also avoids bringing a large number of harmful substances into the next …

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