Cyanide chemistry and its effect on mineral flotation

Cyanide is a highly effective depressant for sulfide flotation, A c c e p t e d M a n u s c r i p t N o t C o p y e d i t e d such as pyrite, chalcopyrite, and sphalerite flotation [25]. Cyanide ...

Selective depression of pyrite with chitosan in Pb–Fe sulfide flotation …

Flotation Behavior of Complex Sulfide Ores in the Presence of Biodegradable Polymeric Depressants. M. B. Hayat L. Alagha Syed Mohammad Sannan. Environmental Science, Chemistry. 2017. In this study, chitosan polymer was tested as a potential selective green depressant of pyrite in the bulk flotation of galena (PbS) and chalcopyrite (CuFeS2) …

Quantum-mechanics of pyrite flotation | Journal of Mining Science

The authors have carried out molecular modeling of clusters of simple structure and ring structure pyrite. It is suggested to analyze bonding of a collecting agent and cluster atoms using the collector capacity forecasting index. It is shown that butyl dixanthate more vigorously connects to cluster atoms than thionocarbamates, e.g., Z 200 …

The depression of copper-activated pyrite in flotation by …

DOI: 10.1016/J.MINENG.2016.06.011 Corpus ID: 99253807; The depression of copper-activated pyrite in flotation by biopolymers with different compositions @article{Mu2016TheDO, title={The depression of copper-activated pyrite in flotation by biopolymers with different compositions}, author={Yufan Mu and Yongjun Peng and Rolf …

The surface and solution chemistry of pyrite flotation with …

Under high alkalinity conditions, surface oxidation of pyrite increased and the formation of dixanthogen was depressed, leading to a reduction in the adsorption of xanthate and the inhibition of pyrite flotation. However, compared with air aeration, the depression of pyrite was strengthened during flotation with nitrogen aeration when pH …

Post-regrind selective depression of pyrite in pyritic …

The results of single mineral flotation tests showed that konjac glucomannan had a stronger depression effect on pyrite than traditional organic depressants (Starch, Dextrin, Guar gum) with the ...

Research Progress on Activation Mechanism of Pyrite Flotation

Pyrite is one of the most abundant sulfide minerals in nature, often associated with lead, zinc, copper and other high-value sulfide minerals. Activators are normally used to improve the floatability of pyrite that inhibited due to high alkalinity. The influence of activators on the surface properties of pyrite is the key to reveal its mechanisms. This study …

Post-regrind selective depression of pyrite in pyritic …

The pyrite rougher concentrate was obtained by two-stage copper and pyrite rougher flotation using the conditions in Table 1 and reported in Agorhom et al. (2013). However, in the present studies, the focus is to examine flotation depression of pyrite after regrinding the combined pyrite rougher concentrates using aeration and DETA …

The roles of lead ions in restoring the floatability of pyrite

The depression of free cyanide on pyrite flotation at pH 9.0 resulted from the interaction of CN – with pyrite surface and subsequent formation of iron cyanide and thiocyanate species. The activation of lead ions on pyrite flotation at pH 9.0 resulted from the adsorption of lead species, in particular lead hydroxides.

The flotation separation of sphalerite from pyrite through a …

Depression of lead-activated sphalerite by pyrite via galvanic interactions: Implications to the selective flotation of complex sulfide ores Kosei Aikawa M. Ito +4 authors N. Hiroyoshi Materials Science, Chemistry

The depression of copper-activated pyrite in flotation by …

The depression of pyrite flotation is normally difficult especially when pyrite is activated by copper ions. In this study, different biopolymers, modified from lignosulfonate, were examined to depress the flotation of copper-activated pyrite. ... The chemical adsorption of NaHA on pyrite was mainly through its carboxyl groups and Ca atoms on ...

(PDF) Pyrite Flotation: A Review

Chemical analyses and mineralogical examinations showed that these pyrite samples have different impurities and structural properties. The flotation characteristics of pyrites using ethyl xanthate ...

Dextrin as a Regulator for the Selective Flotation of …

Abstract The adsorption of both dextrin and xanthate ions at the pyrite/aqueous solution and the galena/aqueous solution interfaces have been studied through batch adsorption tests. Batch flotation tests were also carried out on a chalcopyrite ore and a chalcopyrite-galena scavenger concentrate using dextrin. Dextrin adsorption …

Differential flotation of pyrite and arsenopyrite: Effect of …

The pyrite and arsenopyrite model mineral samples used in this study were obtained from GeoDiscoveries Australia. The chemical composition of the minerals using Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS) and Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-AES) is shown in Table 1.XRD analysis of the as …

An eco-friendly depressant derived from grape seed

In conclusion, this study analyzed the depressive performance of proanthocyanidins in micro-flotation experiments focused on pyrite ore. The selective depression mechanism of pyrite in chalcopyrite-pyrite flotation separation is explained through contact angle tests, zeta potential analysis, adsorption capacity analysis, XPS and selective ...

Depression of Pyrite in Seawater Flotation by Guar Gum

Keywords: seawater flotation; pyrite depression; guar gum; FBRM. 1. Introduction Pyrite is the most abundant iron sulfide mineral, and it is commonly associated as a gangue with ores of base metals such as chalcopyrite, galena, sphalerite, etc. Its …

Activation flotation and mechanism of lime-depressed pyrite …

Flotation tests were conducted in a micro flotation cell with a volume of a 1.0 L XFD. Prior to flotation, a 500 g pyrite ore sample was placed in the flotation cell and depressed by lime, activator and collector for 9 min. The flotation time was 5 min. 3. Results and discussion3.1. Activation flotation of lime-depressed pyrite ore

Mechanisms of pyrite flotation with xanthates

The results of pyrite flotation with ethyl xanthate indicate that the formation of ferric dihydroxy ethyl xanthate on pyrite surfaces can either improve or deteriorate the floatability of pyrite, depending on the concentration of ethyl xanthate. ... The chemistry of pyrite flotation and depression; J.O.M. Bockris et al. Studies of the electro ...

Surface Chemical Studies on Pyrite in the Presence of …

The interaction of dextrin and guar gum with pyrite has been investigated through adsorption, flotation, and electrokinetic measurements. The adsorption densities of the polysaccharides onto pyrite reveal a region of higher adsorption density in the pH range 7.5–11, with a maximum around pH 10 for both polymers.

Depression of Pyrite in Seawater Flotation by …

The application of guar gum for pyrite depression in seawater flotation was assessed through microflotation tests, Focused Beam Reflectance Measurements (FBRM), and Particle Vision Measurements (PVM). …

Flotation separation of pyrite and chalcopyrite with …

Effect of pH on the flotation behavior. Previous studies have demonstrated that the slurry pH is a vital factor for pyrite and chalcopyrite flotation (Zhang et al. 2023b).Here, the influence of pH on the depressing capacities of KMnO 4 (3 min of treatment) for pyrite and chalcopyrite were determined by flotation tests in the pH …

Effect of Physisorption of Collecting Agent on Flotation of Pyrite …

Abstract Flotation of pyrite is examined as function of pH and ferrous ion concentration. To explain depression of pyrite flotation in the neutral pH range and at high concentration of ferrous ions, the mechanism of physisorption of a collecting agent is used. It is experimentally determined that interaction products of xanthate and ferrous …

Selective depression of arsenopyrite with in situ generated

The origin and chemistry, organic depressant-gangue minerals interaction mechanism, and the use of organic depressants in the most common chalcopyrite-flotation instances, including chalcopyrite ...

Selective depression mechanism of locust bean gum in the flotation …

The depression of pyrite in selective flotation by different reagent systems – A Literature review. Yufan Mu Yongjun Peng R. A. Lauten. Materials Science, Chemistry ... 2007; 128. Save. Surface Chemical Studies on Pyrite in the Presence of Polysaccharide-Based Flotation Depressants. R. K. Rath S. Subramanian T. Pradeep. …

Lactic acid as selective depressant for flotation separation …

Under high alkalinity conditions, surface oxidation of pyrite increased and the formation of dixanthogen was depressed, leading to a reduction in the adsorption of xanthate and the inhibition of pyrite flotation. However, compared with air aeration, the depression of pyrite was strengthened during flotation with nitrogen aeration when pH …

Effect of Aqueous Ferrous Ion on Collectorless Flotation of Pyrite

The conditioning time of each chemical modification of the pulp was 4 min and, the flotation test began by taking samples of the concentrate at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, and, 10 min of flotation. ... The flotation tests—pyrite depression were carried out at a pulp potential of around + 300 mV, and this is an oxidizing potential which causes the ...

The surface and solution chemistry of pyrite flotation with …

Fig. 6 shows the effect of different ferrous ion concentrations on the flotation behavior of ore pyrite as a function of pH in the presence of 3.3 x 10-4M ethyl xanthate. Even at a very high ferrous ion concentration of 1 x 10-2 M complete flotation of pyrite remains unchanged below pH 6. Near pH 6 the pyrite flotation is sharply reduced.

Biodegradable acids for pyrite depression and green flotation

The depression mechanism ofon the flotation of pyrite was proved by FTIR spectrum and XPS spectrum, demonstrating that there was a chemical adsorption betweenand pyrite.

Selective depression of pyrite with polyacrylamide polymers

In this study, polymers are used as an alternative method for the depression of pyrite. Low molecular weight PAM polymers are used to separate copper-activated sphalerite from pyrite in the presence of isobutyl xanthate. The effects of carboxyl, sulfonate, hydroxyl or thiourea functional groups attached to the polymers on the …

Selective depression of arsenopyrite with in situ generated

In this study, the selective depression of arsenopyrite in pyrite flotation with in-situ generated nanoparticles was studied. Scanning electron microscope and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM/EDS) detection, solution chemistry analysis, fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), adsorption tests and contact angle measurement …

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