Hiran Gabriel. Magnetic abrasive finishing is a process that uses a magnetic field to apply or remove abrasive particles from a workpiece surface. It originated in the 1930s and was patented. By the 1980s, it was commonly used. The process involves mixing magnetic particles with abrasive particles and using a magnetic field, typically …

Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process | SpringerLink

8.3.1 Flat Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Process. Finishing of large size flat workpiece is carried by flat magnetic abrasive finishing process (FMAF). As shown in Fig. 8.2a during FMAF process workpiece is placed between the magnet poles. A small gap (1mm –3 mm) is maintained for the FMAB which is formed as the magnetic field is …

CFD Modeling and Optimization of Magneto …

Overview of Magnetorhelogical and Allied Finishing Processes 2 1.2.1 Magnetic Abrasive Finishing (MAF) 2 1.2.2 Magneto -Rheological Finishing (MRF) 3 1.2.3 Magneto -rheological flow polishing (MFP) 3-4 1.3. Magneto -rheological Abrasive Flow Finishing P rocess 4 6 1.4 Magnetorheological polishing (MRP) fluid 6-7 2 LITERATURE REVIEW …

Ultrasonic Micro-machining | PPT

Ultrasonic machining is a non-traditional machining process that uses abrasive particles in a slurry to machine hard and brittle materials. In the process, a tool oscillates at ultrasonic frequencies (19-25 kHz) with an amplitude of 15-50 microns over the workpiece while being flooded with an abrasive slurry.

Design and development of ultrasonic assisted-rotational

By utilizing [14], Venkatesh et al. [17] proposed ultrasonic assisted abrasive flow machining (UAAFM) process for finishing bevel gears made of EN8 steel. In this process, ultrasonic vibrations perpendicular to the polishing medium flow direction were applied to the workpiece, in addition to the reciprocating motion of the polishing medium. ...

Magneto rheological finishing (mrf) | PPT

Magnetic abrasive finishing is a machining process where the tooling allowance is remove by media wi th both magnetic and abrasive properties,with a magnetic f ield acting as a binder of a grain. Such machining falls into the category of erosion by abrasive suspension and lend itself to the finishing of any type of surface .

Seminar On Magneto abrasive flow machining …

Magneto abrasive flow machining (MAFM) is a new technique in machining. The orbital flow machining process has been recently claimed to be another improvement over AFM, which performs three-dimensional …

CFD Modeling and Optimization of Magneto …

magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (MRAFF), which is simply a combined hybrid form of abrasive flow machining (AFM) process and magnetorheological finishing (MRF) process, has been designed for micro finishing of parts even with difficult geometry for a broad range of industrial purposes. In the present work, a model for the prediction of

Design and development of the magnetorheological abrasive …

In order to maintain the versatility of AFM process and at the same time introducing determinism and controllability of rheological properties of abrasive laden medium, a new hybrid process termed as "Magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (MRAFF)" is developed, Fig. 1.This process relies on smart magnetorheological fluids …

superfinishing process | PPT

Surface finishing processes alter the surface of materials for aesthetic or functional purposes. Grinding is the most common abrasive machining process, using abrasive grits to cut material. Anodizing increases the thickness of the natural oxide film on aluminum, producing a corrosion-resistant and durable surface.

The Magnetically Assisted Abrasive Flow Machining Process …

Abstract. This paper presents an extensive review for the magnetically assisted abrasive flow machining (MAFM) process. MAFM is used to superfinish advanced materials such as metal matrix composites (MMCs), super alloys, ceramics. In the MAFM process, the magnetic field can be generated using fixed or varied field …

Modeling and simulation of surface roughness in

The available traditional and advanced finishing processes alone are incapable of producing desired surface characteristics on complex geometries, and in exercising in-process control on finishing action. Abrasive flow machining (AFM) [1] process was developed to finish internal complex geometries by allowing abrasive …

A review on magnetic abrasive finishing | The International …

MAF process is defined as a technology by material removal, in such a way that workpiece's precision machining is performed through relative motion between magnetic abrasive and workpiece with the presence of a magnetic field in the finishing zone [].Magnetic abrasive is mainly composed of ferromagnetic particles and abrasive …

Unconventional machining | PPT

This document discusses various unconventional machining processes including chemical machining, electrochemical machining (ECM), electron beam machining, laser beam machining, water jet machining, abrasive water jet machining, ultrasonic machining, and machining of nonmetallic materials like ceramics and …

Development of Hybrid Forms of Abrasive Flow Machining Process…

This hybridization of abrasive flow machining includes the combined effects of axial, radial and centrifugal force which is produced by the helical profile in the media flow path. Brar et al. [ 42] introduced helical abrasive flow machining in 2012 and stated that helical AFM process improves the Ra up to 2 μm.

Unconventional Machining Process | PPT

Unconventional Machining Process. This document provides an overview of various unconventional machining processes including abrasive jet machining (AJM), laser beam machining (LBM), electro-discharge machining (EDM), and ultrasonic machining (USM). It defines each process, explains their working principles, typical …


ADVANTAGES : Abrasive jet machining has following advantages: • There is no mechanical contact between the tool and work piece. • It can cut hole of intricate shapes in hard and brittle materials. • Surface finish obtained is high. • Depth of surface damage is low. • Power consumption is low.


Magneto Abrasive flow machining (MAFM) is one of the latest non-conventional machining processes, which possesses excellent capabilities for finish-machining of inaccessible regions of a component. It has been successfully employed for deburring, radiusing, and removing recast layers of precision components.

Abrasive jet machining.51 ppt | PPT

Abrasive jet machining is an unconventional machining process that uses a high-velocity stream of abrasive particles suspended in a gas to remove material through erosion. It can machine hard and brittle materials that cannot be cut through conventional processes. The process involves mixing abrasive particles with a …

Abrasive machining ppt_mfg_chapter26_final | PPT

Abrasive machining ppt_mfg_chapter26_final. This chapter discusses abrasive machining and finishing operations. It introduces abrasives and how they are used to remove small amounts of material. The key abrasive processes covered are grinding, including the different types of grinding operations and machines.


Magnetic abrasive finishing is a machining process where the tooling allowance is remove by media wi th both magnetic and abrasive properties,with a magnetic f ield acting as a binder of a grain. Such machining falls into the category of erosion by abrasive suspension and lend itself to the finishing of any type of surface .

Mechanism of magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing [28].

Magnetic field assisted abrasive flow machining (MFA-AFM) is a realistic precision finishing process used for part finishing. The process has applicability in a wide scope of industries such as ...

Magneto-rheological abrasive finishing (MAF) of soft …

Abstract. Magnetorheological finishing is highly developed unconventional machining process used for nanometer range surface finishing with the help of magnetic abrasive particles. The cutting forces are generated and controlled by the magnetic field in this process, which is developed between the electromagnetic poles and magnetic …


An unconventional (non-traditional) machining process can be defined as a material removal process in which no direct contact between tool and work-piece occurs. In this type of machining process, a form of energy is used to remove unwanted material from a given workpiece. 4.

Chemical machining process | PPT

Mrigendra Singh. Chemical machining involves locally dissolving material using chemical etchants rather than mechanical tools. It can machine metals with complex shapes to high accuracy regardless of hardness. Common etchants include acids for ferrous metals and caustic soda for aluminum alloys. The workpiece is coated with a resistant …

Ultrasonic Machining: Definition, Parts, …

Ultrasonic machining is a non-conventional machining process in which the abrasives hits on the workpiece to remove the material. This method of machining resorts to percussion or hammering …


Gap between the workpiece and the pole is filled with a magnetic abrasive powder. Magnetic abrasive grains are linked to each other magnetically between the north and south magnetic poles along the lines of magnetic force, forming a flexible 2-5 mm long magnetic brush. MAF uses this magnetic abrasive brush for surface and edge finishing.


Ultrasonic Machining Uses fine abrasive grains in a slurry to remove material from brittle workpieces by microchipping and erosion The tool vibrates at 20 kHz and a low amplitude (.0125-.075 mm) which accelerates the grains to a high velocity Can create very small holes and slots. Ultrasonic Machining.

Ultrasonic Machining: Diagram, Working Principle, …

In ultrasonic machining, a tool vibrating longitudinally at 20 kHz to 30 kHz with an amplitude between 0.01 mm to 0.06 mm is pressed onto the work surface with a light force. As the tool vibrates with a specific frequency, an abrasive slurry, usually a mixture of abrasive grains and water of fixed ratio (20% – 30%), flows under pressure ...

Analysis of magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (MRAFF) process

A new precision finishing process called magnetorheological abrasive flow finishing (MRAFF), which is basically a combination of abrasive flow machining (AFM) and magnetorheological finishing (MRF), has been developed for nano-finishing of parts even with complicated geometry for a wide range of industrial applications. In this …

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