Discovery Metals commences production from Boseto copper project …

Commissioning of the Company's Boseto Copper Project in north-western Botswana is continuing as the Boseto Copper Project ( owned) is designed to produce an average of approximately 36,000 ...

Khoemacau Copper Mining

Khoemacau summary 3 High quality asset base in an attractive jurisdiction Botswana is a strongly democratic country, being politically and socially supportive of mining with a well-established regulatory framework Defined 168Mt of high-grade copper MI&I resources at 2.09% copper and 27.5g/t silver −Flagship Zone 5 orebody discovered in 2012, hosts …

Concor paves the way for remote Botswana Mine …

Tackling the demanding conditions of Botswana's Kalahari Desert, Concor Infrastructure is nearing completion of a 35 km access road for the Khoemacau Copper Silver Starter Project. Concor is also busy …

Discovery Metals to advance Boseto copper project

Discovery Metals to advance Boseto copper project ... Search ...

Khoemacau – a new copper / silver mine on the horizon

The US$400 million, owned Khoemacau copper project is situated on the Kalahari Copperbelt and forms part of a 4 040 km² land package that Khoemacau Copper Mining owns. It represents the start of what could ultimately be a widespread mining complex for decades to come. "At present, we are focused on developing …

Botswana's Khoemacau

Botswana made the headlines in June as it celebrated the official production start-up from the world-class Khoemacau copper/silver project.And while the delivery of first concentrate from any new Greenfields project is a milestone achievement in itself, there are many more reasons why this new mine should make it into the 'African mining …

Boseto Copper Project in Sehithwa, Botswana (Google Maps)

Boseto Copper Project (Google Maps). Explore Boseto Copper Project in Sehithwa, Botswana as it appears on Google Maps as well as pictures, stories and other notable nearby locations on VirtualGlobetrotting.


The Boseto copper deposits are located in the Northwest district of Botswana, 80 kilometers southwest of the city of Maun and 20 kilometers southwest of Lake Ngami (Figure 1.1).

Boseto Copper Project For personal use only

Mineral Resources in Botswana • Boseto Copper Project – 102.8 Mt @ 1.4% Cu and 17.3 g/t Ag containing 1.4 Mt copper and 57 Moz silver • Dikoloti Nickel ‐4.1Mt @ 0.7% Ni, 0.5% Cu & 1.2 g/t PGE Focus is the development of the Boseto Copper Project

Botswana: Maun Copper Project Costs Rise to P1 Billion

The costs of Discovery Metals Limited (DML)'s Boseto Copper Project, ... DML plans to open Botswana's largest copper mine in 2012, producing 25 000 tonnes of the base metal annually. The Maun ...

Strategic acquisition of the Khoemacau Copper Mine …

Prospective Kalahari Copper Belt Dominant landholding across an emerging, highly prospective copper region Increased scale / life potential Supported by 7.1Mt CuEq Total Resource4,6 and substantial exploration upside High-grade, low-cost High-grade mine with attractive financial metrics, bottom half of cost curve Low-capital …

Discovery's Boseto project very encouraging

Drilling operations at Discovery's Boseto copper project Brisbane, Australia — MININGREVIEW — 01 April 2010 – Discovery Metals (DML) "' an Australian mining exploration company focused on copper in north-western Botswana "' says the scoping study at its Boseto copper project has confirmed the economic viability of underground …

Khoemacau Copper Mining | LinkedIn

The Zone 5 deposit currently has a 22-year mine life, with a total mineral resource of 92Mt at 2.2% Cu and 22g/t Ag. This high grade deposit offers a 4.2km strike length and with average widths ...

Botswana's copper industry expected to bounce back as …

GABORONE, July 30 (Xinhua) -- Botswana's copper mining sector is expected to bounce back with the opening of Khoemacau Copper Mine, 72 kilometers from the resort town of Maun, on Friday. The development comes after a five-year lull, and industry experts say Botswana's copper output will surge between 2022 and 2025. Khoemacau Copper …

Discovery to spend $150 mln on Botswana copper mine

Discovery said on Monday it expected the Boseto project's annual copper output to reach 25,600 tonnes and silver production to reach 691,000 ounces starting in mid-2011. [ID:nLJ148492].

Mod Resources : Botswana Copper Project Update

The setting appears similar to the Banana Zone which hosts substantial copper deposits approximately 75km east of the Marthie Prospect', and: 'PL204/2014 covers approximately 10km of the copper prospective contact 10-15km west of Discovery Metals Ltd's Boseto Project and treatment plant', and: 'wider potential of the belt which …

Boseto Project capacity upgraded

Discovery Minerals, which is developing the Boseto copper project in north-western Botswana, has upgraded the capacity for the project from two million tonnes per annum (mtpa) to three million mtpa. …

Boseto Project | Discovery Metals limited | Projects and …

Boseto Copper Project. Sedgman's team of dedicated engineers delivered a benchmark copper flotation plant for Discovery Metals in remote conditions in Botswana. Sedgman delivered a fast-tracked, low fixed cost solution which maximises the resource for our client. This required Front End Engineering Design (FEED) and metallurgical testing ...

Khoemacau secures $565m in funding for copper-silver project

Over the past six years, Khoemacau Copper Mines has been developing the Khoemacau project, which covers 4,040km². The project development plan involves the fully mechanised underground mining of sulphide ores at zone five using the Boseto processing facility for crushing, milling, flotation and production of a copper-silver …

Motheo Copper Project, Botswana

The Motheo Copper Project is an open-pit mine being developed in Western Botswana by Sandfire Resources, a mining and exploration company based in Australia. The project mainly involves the development of the T3 deposit in the Kalahari Copper Belt and the potential development of the A4 deposit. Completed in December 2020, the …

Govt approves Boseto plant capacity upgrade | Sunday …

The first Boseto copper project Environmental and Social Impact Assessment was approved by the Government of Botswana in June 2010, but it covered only the plant that could produce 2Mtpa. "Botswana was recently rated as the 4th best mining friendly country in the world by the Canadian Fraser Institute," he added.

Creditors accept offer for liquidated Botswana copper mine

The offer of compromise for the acquisition of the provisionally liquidated Boseto copper operation in northwest Botswana has been accepted by creditors. The offer for Discovery Copper Botswana ...

Khoemacau: Africa's Newest Copper-Silver …

Project Overview. The Khoemacau Copper (Cu) Project is massive, with 4040 km 2 of property in Botswana, and measured and indicated high-grade resources of 186 Mt at over 2% Cu and 27 g/t silver …

Sandfire Kalahari Copper Belt bulb lights up – YourBotswana

MOD's exploration projects in Botswana can be traced as far back as 2012. The explorer secured extensions for key joint venture prospecting licenses covering the T3 copper project surrounding 950km², T3 expansion project in the Kalahari Copper Belt. ... When Boseto mine owners, Discovery Metals Limited, dumped a project it had spent …


NPV rises to US$220 million and IRR rises to 35% with US$3.50/lb Cu price. Discovery Metals' Board has also approved moving to Bankable Feasibility Study (BFS). Discovery Metals' Chairman Gordon Galt said, "The completion of the PFS for the Boseto Copper Project marks a significant milestone for the company.

Discovery Metals goes underground for copper in Boseto …

Copper heartland In September 2012, the 100 percent-owned Boseto Copper Project was officially opened by the President of the Republic of Botswana, His Excellency Seretse Khama Ian Khama, accompanied by Vice President and Minister for Mines, Energy and Water Resources, Dr Ponatshego Kidikilwe.

Discovery Metals Limited

Boseto Commissioning Update February 2013 Progress continued on the ramp up of production at Discovery Metals' owned Boseto copper project in north-western Botswana during February 2013. The highest monthly copper production to date was recorded, with concentrate production of 3,834 t containing 1,529 t Cu and 63,024 …


"Direct construction of the starter project is US$397 million over a two-year construction timeline with the first copper concentrate production expected in the first half of 2021," chief executive officer for Khoemacau copper mining, Mr Johan Ferreira, said this at a press conference last week.

Mining Weekly

Contact Details for Project Information Discovery Metals, tel +61 7 3218 0222, fax +61 7 3218 0233 or email [email protected]; or Discovery Metals Botswana, tel +267 318 0751 or fax +267 ...

Company Report

Discovery Metals' Boseto Copper Project ( owned) is located in north-west Botswana, approximately 80 km south-west of the town of Maun, within the district of Ngamiland.

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