Optimalisasi Closed Side Setting (CSS) Jaw Crusher

parameter crusher yang paling penting karena dapat mendefinisikan ukuran produk maksimum (C.L.Prasher,1978) Sumber: Katalog Machinery, 2014 Gambar 3.1. Posisi closed side setting pada jaw crusher Proses pada unit peremuk batu Proses peremukan adalah tahap pertama dalam proses kominusi secara keseluruhan,

HP series cone crushers Wear parts …

4. Check the closed side setting. The setting should be close to the required product. The setting is too small if the adjustment ring is moving on the main frame (ring bounce). • Larger setting -> Product size increases • Larger setting -> Capacity increases • Larger setting -> Power draw decreases 5. Check the crusher operating speed.

AMIT 135: Lesson 5 Crushing – Mining Mill …

Closed-Side Setting Effect on Feed Size. Measurement of the crusher's closed side setting (CSS) varies depending on the jaw profile that is being used and has an impact on the crusher's capacity and product …

Cone Crusher Liners: How to Select and When …

90- passing the closed-side feed opening. Some people look at 80% of the open side as well and select the smaller of the two. 40-60% passing the midpoint. 0-10% passing the closed-side …

Minerals Processing Systems JW SERIES JAW …

Closed side setting adjustment The crusher closed side setting is infinitely adjustable within setting limits through the actuation of hydraulically controlled wedges and tension rod spring. The wedge assembly is fully contained within the crusher frame. A hydraulic power pack, positioned close to the crusher, provides push button control.

Crushing Products Size and Shape -What to Expect

Crusher-Setting, Product-Size. Gyratory and jaw crushers are always rated at certain open-side or close-side discharge settings. In order that we may select the particular curve, of a group of curves, which will most nearly represent the product of a crusher having any given discharge setting, it is important to know approximately what ...


ukuran Close Side Setting (C SS), menghitung kapasitas umpan yang masuk di cone crusher 1 dan kapasitas produksi tiap produk. Data sekunder dari penelitian di PT. Koto Alam Sejahtera adalah spesifikasi alat cone crusher 1 dan 2, peta topografi, jam kerja efektif cone crusher. Setelah data diperoleh dilakukan pengolahan dan analisis data.

Jaw Crushers JS Series

er to quickly change crusher setting without tools • Simple cheek plate replacement; no wedging for easy maintenance • Reduced pitman toe wear; better alignment of jaw dies at small closed side settings; replaceable toe plate (JS4552) • Drop-forged, heat-treated 4340 steel shaft with compound radii geometry handles tough crushing applications


open side set and the closed side set. The open side set is . the maximum ... Jaw crusher machines are used in the mining and construction industry for crushing rocks and mineral ores to the ...

Solved You are receiving ore from the mines with a size

Question: You are receiving ore from the mines with a size distribution described by the equation ( P(d)=left(frac{d}{T}right)^{0.8} ) with a top size of ...

Measuring the crusher setting

However, the adjustment of your crusher is performed at its closed-side setting (CSS). OSS is measured while the crusher is stopped. CSS is calculated by deducting a certain …

AMIT 135: Lesson 5 Crushing – Mining Mill …

Measurement of the crusher's closed side setting (CSS) varies depending on the jaw profile that is being used and has an impact on the crusher's capacity and product gradation. ... Diagram of closed-side …

Cone Crusher Diagram: Simplified Guide

Closed side setting (CSS): 1. Depending on the model of the crusher and its intended application, the CSS typically ranges from 6 to 75 mm. For instance, a 12 mm CSS would be suitable for producing fine aggregates, while a 50 mm CSS might be effective for crushing medium-hard rocks. 2.

System and method for measuring a closed-side and/or open-side setting …

An improved gyratory crusher is provided. The gyratory crusher comprises an eccentrically rotating mantle lined with a mantle liner, a concave lined with a concave liner, the concave housing the mantle to provide a crusher chamber, and the crusher chamber having a gap. The improvement is a system for determining a close-side setting for the gyratory …

McLanahan | Jaw Crushers

The Jaw Crusher is designed to handle this feed, but limits are: Do not exceed the F80 rule on top size. This happens at times, just not a steady rate. The fine material size equal to the closed side setting should be removed prior to entering the crushing chamber. A best practice, if possible, is to blend the material arriving from the source.

System and method for measuring a closed-side and/or open-side setting …

A gyratory crusher and system for determining a close-side setting or an open- side setting is provided including a point cloud generator mounted proximate the crusher; a laser emitter mounted to mark the first trace on the mantle at a predetermined position of the gap; a drone; a camera mounted on the drone to capture a series of image of the first …

Crusher CSS Closed Side Setting Measurement VS P80 …

For designing of conveyor, screen and other needed crushers, we need to simulate product size of crusher. In this regard we will use Gaudin function(W= 100(D/A)^b). We have …

How to best maintain the right crusher settings : Pit & Quarry

"The right jaw crusher closed-side setting directly affects the flow of the rest of the crushing circuits, allowing the primary jaw to produce material that's ideal for …


Figure 5.1 Schematic diagram of a crusher showingg the open- and closed-side settings. 5.1 Jaw and Gyratory Crushers. Jaw and gyratory crushers are used mostly for primary crushing. They are characterized by wide gape and narrow discharge and are designed to handle large quantities of material. The capacity of the crusher is determined by its size.

Cone crusher basics in 4 minutes

The widest distance is known as the open side setting (OSS) and the narrowest, the closed side setting (CSS). These settings are important. The OSS is the largest …

Crusher Product Gradation Charts

This same sort of information may be presented by the manufacturer in a set of curves for the various settings of the crusher. The curves, one for each closed side setting, will give an estimate of the …

A fundamental model of an industrial-scale jaw crusher

The throughput of a jaw crusher ranges between 30 and 1200 tph (Wills and Napier-Munn, 2015). Jaw crushers have been modelled previously; in 1953, Gauldie conducted a performance study of the jaw crusher, including a capacity model that handles varying speeds and closed side setting (CSS) (Gauldie, 1953).


setting of the crusher. Data from operating crusher machines indicate that both d1 and d2 are proportional to the closed side setting. d1 is the smallest size particle that can be …

Cone Crusher Sizing & Selection To Maximize Production

You cannot exceed the maximum allowable feed size for the cone crusher model. The feed size will depend on factors such as the closed side setting, eccentric throw, and head diameter. Exceeding the max feed size will lead to premature crusher failure. Use the minimum CSS and throw to determine the largest feed material allowable.

The importance of the right mantle and concave

To get the best out of your cone crushers, you need to balance three important factors – the feed, the eccentric throw, and the closed side setting (CSS). Feed Before you can start to optimize your crushing chamber, you must have an accurate measure of the raw materials entering the chamber.

Gyratory Crushers

Relationship of crusher capacity to eccentricity and speed for a 42-65 Gyratory primary with 6-inch open side setting. Capacity is in tons per hour of 100 lb per cubic foot crushed material. ECCENTRIC ASSEMBLY for a 48-74 Gyratory crusher, showing spiral bevel gear, cast steel eccentric and bronze eccentric sleeve.

The pros and cons of cone crusher applications

Minimum closed side setting for any cone crusher is that setting just before the factory recommended limit of operating pressure is reached. This is the point at which the hydraulic relief system will act to open the CSS. Minimum CSS may be greater or smaller than published settings based on the conditions and crushing characteristics of …

Crusher gap measurement

Crusher gap measurement. February 2021 Maintenance, Test & Measurement, Calibration. Developed by Mintap, based in Perth, Western Australia, the Closed Side Setting (CSS) measurement device – the C-Gap – is now available through South African-based Control Systems Rustenburg. C-Gap offers accuracy, safety and reliability to the quarrying ...

Optimalisasi Closed Side Setting (CSS) Jaw Crusher

To increase the optimization of split production, it is necessary to rearrange CSS (Closed Side Settings) on the primary jaw crusher, because this tool can still change the CSS rearrangement to achieve the production target expected by the company. The CSS currently used by the company is 80 mm. CSS adjustments were carried out twice, …

® GP Series™ cone crushers Wear parts …

Closed side setting (CSS) The closed side setting defines the reduction ratio in GP cone crusher and has significant bearing on product gradation, capacity and power draw. The closed side setting is measured from the bottom of the mantle to the bottom of the concave at their closest coincidence during the gyrating cycle. Nip angle

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