Zimbabwean mine dumps and their impacts on river water …

Zimbabwe has a substantial number of mines and 67 minerals have been mined in the country since 1900 but at present only 30 different minerals are being mined. Exploitation of a variety of ores, in rocks of diverse composition, provides the potential for a range of pollution problems. The severity and extent of contamination differs with the type of …

Tailings Retreatment

Tailings retreatment represents the greatest contribution to recycling by Pan African. By reprocessing waste rock and tailings to extract gold left behind during the initial mining process, we effectively reduce our environmental footprint while rehabilitating our tailings dams. Tailings are processed at Pan African's two state-of-the-art ...

How to get a gold buying permit in Zimbabwe

The gold buying permit is free of charge. For a prospective gold buyer, the criteria below must be satisfied before issuance of such a gold buying agency permit. A survey whereby you meet people willing to sell gold to you and the following must be met: 1) Quantities one is willing to sell to you either per week/ month.

Treasure from trash: how mining waste can be mined a …

Published: June 28, 2016 10:29pm EDT. Identifying mine waste materials as economic resources will help support global demand for critical metals, boosting the mining industry during the downturn ...

Zimbabwean metallurgical scientist makes billions-worth gold …

He advocates for processing the pyrite found in the dumps, simultaneously removing the source of pollution and unlocking further valuable by-products like copper, cobalt, and nickel. Academic rockstar

Mining company pays millions for gold dug from mine dumps

The former open pit mine has a large gold processing plant. In a good year, Voigt might move 200 to 500 ounces of gold in 3,000 to 5,000 tons of ore to Golden Sunlight. The work can vary.

toposequences at Muriel mine, Zimbabwe performance …

The study was conducted at Muriel gold mine tailings dumps located (17014/28// S; 30035/57// E) on Kenmore Farm Extension, 100km North-West of Harare, Zimbabwe (Fig. 1). Muriel Mine experiences a


Mugandani, E. T. 2014, 'Zimbabwe's mining development and ongoing environmental conservation efforts'. Unpublished EMA convention Report. Munowenyu, E. M. 1996. 'A' Level Geography: A Comprehensive Guide, Longman Zimbabwe, Harare. Muraza, T. A. 2016, The impact of illegal gold mining on the environment in the Kwekwe district.

Push for Gold Leaves a Toxic Legacy

November 7, 2022. MUTARE, ZIMBABWE. The young men brace for the first shock of cold water as they enter the river, easing their way into another day of illegal gold mining. David Mauta and Wisdom Nyakurima, both 18, stand knee-deep in the Odzi River near the eastern Zimbabwe mining city of Mutare and shovel gravel onto a woven mat.

SA researcher draws worldwide interest to R450bn gold …

Chingwaru is the grandson of the legendary prospector George Nolan who discovered lithium in Zimbabwe. Although his grandfather lost most of his fortune, Chingwaru's future looks bright. His ...

Impact of a base metal slimes dam on water systems, Madziwa Mine, Zimbabwe

Slimes from this process were dumped at a single slimes dam. ... Zimbabwe has a substantial number of mines and 67 minerals have been mined in the country since 1900 but at present only 30 different minerals are being mined. ... gold-mine dumps, base-metal mine dumps (dumps associated with the mining of nickel, zinc, copper and lead), …

(PDF) Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a gold …

The planning value of an environmental impact assessment (EIA) as a tool for determining and appraising the environmental feasibility of proposed development projects is widely recognised [1][2][3].

Zimbabwean mine dumps and their impacts on river water …

The dumps visited were divided into six dump types, namely: gold-mine dumps, base-metal mine dumps (dumps associated with the mining of Results The results showed that the leachates being released by all dump types were higher than the maximum allowed effluent discharge limits set in Zimbabwe, for at least one parameter per mine …

(PDF) Chemical sterilisation and vetiver grass performance on gold …

Vetiver growth parameters were 1.5-3 times higher (p < 0.05) on the reference site compared with the dumps. Sterilisation of gold dumps was determined by chemical transformation and translocation ...

Converting Tailings Dumps into Mineral Resources

Similarly, tailings dumps arising from the processing of chrome ore in the Lower Group reefs of the BC are also being retreated to recover PGEs. Several commercially profitable enterprises have also been set up with the sole intention of retreating tailings dumps arising from South Africa's Witwatersrand gold processing …

(PDF) The Mining Industry in Zimbabwe: Challenges for …

Dis-used gold dumps can burn for many years without being extinguished. This problem has occurred at Grootpan in South Africa and at the Maamba colliery in Zambia. ... Although some of them later closed down and became ghost towns, the role of the mining industry in the urbanization process in Zimbabwe is un-questionable. In addition, mining ...

Gold mining in Zimbabwe

Founded in 1991, Falcon Gold Zimbabwe is a subsidiary of the New Dawn Mining Group. New Dawn Mining Corp is involved in the exploration, development, extraction, processing and reclamation of precious metal deposits in Zimbabwe. It primarily explores for gold, base metals and precious metals. Falcon Gold Zimbabwe …

Geochemistry for Sustainable Development in Africa: Zimbabwe …

From this study it was noted that: minor metals dumps have the highest potential of polluting the environment followed by base metals, then gold dumps, then platinum group elements, then chromite and asbestos' dumps and finally the sulphur dumps. The base metals rank worse than gold mines though gold mines and base …

Waste management at the mines

Most mine waste-related environmental degradation is associated with the leaching of contaminants from overburden dumps and acid mine drainage. Zimbabwe is associated with a larger number of small scale miners compared to large scale miners. As a result, one will find out that the methods of disposal used are harmful to the environment.

Zimbabwe: Who Is Polluting Our Water?

The Herald (Harare) Zimbabwe's cities are the biggest polluters, poisoning rivers and dams with germ-laden sewage, with industrialists cheating over their waste and small-scale miners dumping the ...

Investor pumps US$2m into Maphisa gold project

A LOCAL company, Nevada 4 Gold Mine, has invested US$2 million into a gold processing plant in Maphisa under Matobo District in Matabeleland South province. The new business will reclaim the yellow metal from the mine's disused dump sites, which are estimated to have 300 000 tonnes from which between 20 kilogrammes or 30kg of …

Isaac Newton Bamusi

Metallon Gold Zimbabwe Arcturus Mine. Sep 2009 - Present 14 years 11 months. To process and recover gold from ore with the efficient and accepted metallurgical process and at the least possible cost per tonne of ore milled also ensuring that budgets and programmes are met.

Zimbabwean scientist makes billions-worth gold discovery in …

Chingwaru's PhD work not only pinpoints the vast gold reserves but proposes new extraction methods that could eliminate heavy metal pollution and acid mine drainage – major environmental threats associated with the dumps. He advocates for processing the pyrite found in the dumps, simultaneously removing the source of pollution and …

Kavango's Nara tailings dump Maiden 5,860/oz indicated Gold …

The Resource Estimate concludes that the two Nara tailings dumps tested together contain an Indicated Mineral Resource of 293,000 tonnes at an average of 0.62 grams per tonne of gold, totalling 5,860 ounces of gold contained, and an inferred resource of 11,900 tonnes at 0.66 g/t gold, totalling 253 ounces of gold contained. According to …

Government grants EPO to Premier African Minerals

Premier African Minerals Ltd, is pleased to announce the formal grant of an Exclusive Prospecting Order No. 1779 (EPO) over an area that encompasses the Zulu Lithium and Tantalum claims (Zulu) in the Fort Rixon district of Zimbabwe for a period of three years with effect from 12 March 2021 to 11 March 2024.Details of the grant of the …

Zimbabwean scientist makes billions-worth gold discovery in …

April 3, 2024. 4,895. Steve Jason Chingwaru. Dr Steve Chingwaru, a 26-year-old geometallurgist, has made a discovery that could revolutionise South Africa's gold mining industry and inject billions into its economy. His groundbreaking PhD research, completed at Stellenbosch University, has identified a massive, previously overlooked gold ...

Chemical sterilisation and vetiver grass performance on …

Studies conducted in Zimbabwe on re-vegetation of mine dumps have mainly focussed on the growth performance of woody species on: nickel tailings (Nyakudya et al. 2011), gold tailings (Mulizane et al. 2005), and copper tailings (Dowo et al. 2013). Research on the performance of grass species on tin and coal mine dumps was conducted by Piha

President appreciates new gold processing plant tech

The gold processing machines were sourced by the Zanu-PF Youth league to capacitate youths who are into small scale mining. ... "This system was first designed in Zimbabwe at a university in Zimbabwe. The process is to take old dumps or any fine sands that you can find that are running with red soil and quarts rubble and then they can run ...

Heavy Metal Pollution from Gold Mines: Environmental …

2. Gold Processing and Extraction and the Role Played by Bacteria. Gold mining can be open-pit or deep shaft mixed with other HM such as copper (Cu), silver (Ag) and lead (Pb). Its location determines the type of mining process to be used in extraction and the amount of wastes that will be generated.

Two gold heap leach operations in Zimbabwe | SpringerLink

Isabella is a run-of-mine leach situated in the dry western part of Zimbabwe. ii) Hopefield Gold relies on the agglomerated heap leaching of old mine tailings. In this case, the tailings are on an environmentally sensitive site, therefore careful consideration had to be given to process selection.

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