A real time process management system using RFID data mining

Data analysis. Before performing the real time process management, we analyze the predefined standard data in the ERP system, and provide examples, as a motivation to use the RFID data mining technique, PT. Based on the number of procedures, we condense the information of items produced in the company into Table 4.

[PDF] Data Mining in Telecommunications | Semantic Scholar

The main purpose of this paper is to present a literature review related to BI and data Mining in Telecommunications, from business perspective defining the main areas of BI and Data Mining applications, and from research perspective identifying the most common Data Mining techniques and methods used. Expand. 3.

[PDF] Data Mining and Machine Learning: Design a Generalized Real Time

This paper proposes a sentiment analysis system for twitter posts that will work on real time tweets, and Python programming language is used to extract tweets form twitter feeds. Sentiment analysis is a task, that is becoming recently important for numerous companies. Because the consigner subscriptions on social media like Facebook, twitter …


office hours: Monday 9-11am @ BH 3551) Yewen Wang (wyw10804@gmail) office hours: Wednesday 9-10am @ Boelter Hall 3551 Conference Room, 10-11am @ zoom. Shichang Zhang ([email protected]) office hours: Friday 10am-12pm @ BH 3551 Conference Room (May change to the TA office BH 3256 once it is open)

Supply chain risk identification: a real-time data-mining …

This paper aims to propose a model for analyzing the social media data to understand the potential SC risk factors in real-time and indicates the significant role of data analytics in achieving accurate decision-making. PurposeThe global pandemic COVID-19 unveils transforming the supply chain (SC) to be more resilient against unprecedented events. …

Real-world data: a brief review of the methods, applications

Per the definition by the US FDA, real-world data (RWD) in the medical and healthcare field "are the data relating to patient health status and/or the delivery of health care routinely collected from a variety of sources"[].The wide usage of the internet, social media, wearable devices and mobile devices, claims and billing activities, (disease) …

Data mining tools for real-time traffic signal decision …

This paper describes research investigating the application of data mining tools to aid in the development of traffic signal timing plans. A case study was conducted to illustrate that the use of hierarchical cluster analysis can be used to automatically identify time-of-day (TOD) intervals,, based on the data, that support the design of a TOD signal control …

(PDF) Real time data mining-based intrusion detection

We present an overview of our research in real time data mining-based intrusion detection systems (IDSs). We focus on issues related to deploying a data mining-based IDS in a real time environment ...

Real-World Data Mining

ix. decision-making philosophy that sits in the midst of many disciplines is quite refreshing; many people think of data mining as a new discipline of its own. With a number of real-world examples, intuitive graphics, and down-to-earth discussion, this chapter demystifies data mining for the masses.

A data mining-based framework for supply chain risk …

A DM-based framework for the identification, assessment and mitigation of different type of risks in supply chains is developed and showcases how DM supports in discovering hidden and useful information from unstructured risk data for making intelligent risk management decisions. Abstract Increased risk exposure levels, technological …

Data Mining and Machine Learning Applications | Wiley …

The book features: A review of the state-of-the-art in data mining and machine learning, A review and description of the learning methods in human-computer interaction, Implementation strategies and future research directions used to meet the design and application requirements of several modern and real-time applications for a …

Big data stream analysis: a systematic literature …

Recently, big data streams have become ubiquitous due to the fact that a number of applications generate a huge amount of data at a great velocity. This made it difficult for existing data mining tools, …

Real Time Data Mining: | Guide books | ACM Digital Library

The term Real Time is used to describe how well a data mining algorithm can accommodate an ever increasing data load instantaneously. Upgrading conventional data mining to real time data mining is through the use of a method termed the Real Time Learning Machine or RTLM. The use of the RTLM with conventional data mining …

Data Mining dan Big Data Analytics

Buku ini perlu dibaca dosen, mahasiswa, peneliti atau pelaku bisnis dalam bidang data mining dan big data. Buku ini dibuat sedemikian rupa agar mudah dipahami dengan tetap menekankan kedalaman dan keluasan materi yang diberikan, di mana setiap pembahasannya dilengkapi dengan asal usul ide suatu metode beserta penurunannya, …

R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies

process and popular data mining techniques. It also presents R and its packages, functions and task views for data mining. At last, some datasets used in this book are described. 1.1 Data Mining Data mining is the process to discover interesting knowledge from large amounts of data [Han and Kamber, 2000].

(PDF) Data Mining Based Cyber-Attack Detection

Abstract and Figures. Detecting cyber-attacks undoubtedly has become a big data problem. This paper presents a tutorial on data mining based cyber-attack detection. First, a data driven defence ...

(PDF) Big Data Mining: Tools & Algorithms

PDF | We are now in Big Data era, and there is a growing demand for tools which can process and analyze it. ... iterative processing, near real-time processing, graph processing, machine learning ...

Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Educational …

This area of educational data mining improves machine-learning models because humans can identify patterns in, or features of, student learning actions, student behaviors, or data involving collaboration among students. This approach overlaps with visual data analytics (described in the third part of this section). 5.

Machine Learning for Data Streams

9780262346047. Publication date: 2018. A hands-on approach to tasks and techniques in data stream mining and real-time analytics, with examples in MOA, a popular freely available open-source software framework. Today many information sources—including sensor networks, financial markets, social networks, and healthcare monitoring—are so ...

Data Mining

real-time data mining methods. Future Directions There are many challenging issues to be re-searched further, and therefore, there are great many research frontiers in data mining. Besides the mining of biological data and software en-gineering data, as …

(PDF) Data mining techniques and methodologies

The SFB data set is a text-based dataset and data pre-processing and cleaning is a challenging task in Text and Data Mining (TDM) and Machine Learning (ML) [1], [2]. TDM is a cycle of finding ...

Productivity estimation of cutter suction dredger operation through

This paper presents a new approach of productivity estimation of cutter suction dredger operation through data mining and learning from real-time big data.,The paper used big data, data mining and machine learning techniques to extract features of cutter suction dredgers (CSD) for predicting its productivity. ElasticNet-SVR (Elastic Net-Support ...

Research on real-time network data mining technology …

The mining of web data under big data envir-onment is realized by establishing database fusion and data clustering model, and data feature extraction and fusion clustering to realize real-time data mining. In big data environment, a large amount of data information is sorted and matched by similarity degree. Search engine and deep web database ...


instance, a real-time (online) data mining procedure is required. Data: a set of historical trading data for each trader account (in the case of "a") or for each securities (in the case of ...

Dependable Real-time Data Mining

Figure 2 illustrates the cycle for real-time data mining. 3. Real-time Data-Mining Techniques In this section we examine the various data mining outcomes and discuss how they could be applied for real-time applications. The outcomes include making associations, link analysis, cluster formation, classification and anomaly detection. The …

(PDF) Artificial Intelligence in Data Mining and Big Data

Artificial Intelligence in Data Mining & Big Data. Salem Alaisawi. Salem.k.m@gmail. ABSTRACT: Data mining and big data could be a new and. chop-chop growing field. It attracts ideas and ...

To Signal Is Human Real-time data mining unmasks the

Request PDF | On May 1, 2010, Alex (Sandy) Pentland published To Signal Is Human Real-time data mining unmasks the power of imitation, kith and charisma in our face-to-face social networks | Find ...

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