Coarse Aggregate Properties

Crushed rock creates a much better bond between the paste and the aggregate than a gravel does. However, the aggregate-mortar bond may be more important in flexure tests than in compression tests. The mineral makeup of the aggregate also influences the modulus of elasticity of concrete.

Poisson's Ratio – Pavement Interactive

An important material property used in elastic analysis of pavement systems is Poisson's ratio. Poisson's ratio is defined as the ratio of transverse to longitudinal strains of a loaded specimen. ... Crushed Stone: 0.40 (±) Soils (fine-grained) 0.45 (±) Figure 1: Poisson's Ratio Example. Search . Related Topics. 1993 AASHTO Flexible ...

Estimation of the Modulus of Elasticity of Cement Stabilized …

Abstract. A method of rapid estimation of the modulus of elasticity of cement stabilized materials from data that are usually available, without the need to resort to laboratory modulus determinations, is desirable especially for use in pavement analysis. This paper describes the derivation of a method for continuously graded materials, which is based …


Poisson's Ratio of Rock. Poisson's ratio measures the ratio of lateral strain to axial strain at linearly elastic region. For most rocks, the value of Poisson's ratio ranges in between 0.15 to 0.40. Typical values of modulus of elasticity of some common are given in the table below.

Investigation of the resilient behavior of granular base …

For the steel mould an elastic modulus of 210 GPa and Poisson's ratio of 0.2 is adopted. ... It discusses the characterization of the mechanical properties, failure and resilient modulus, of a high quality crushed stone base material as obtained by means of monotonic and cyclic load triaxial testing. The effect of compaction degree has been ...


Using the theory of elastic wave propagation, the dynamic Young's modulus, Ed, Poisson's ratio

Unit Weight and Elastic Modulus of Concrete utilizing Volcanic Stone

August 2023. 26. Abstract — Unit weight and elastic modulus of concrete. utilizing volcanic stone waste (VSW) as coarse aggregate have. been studied at 28 days of hydration. The origin of VSW ...

Strength Characteristics of Crushed Gravel and Limestone

In this study, repeated load triaxial tests were conducted on crushed limestone and crushed gravel aggregates. Fines content and plasticity index were varied from 5% to 12% and 5% to 9%, respectively.

Oedometric Modulus | Characteristics of …

Oedometric Modulus. If the results from oedometric test are represented in terms of oedometric curve (Δε = f (Δσ ef)), it becomes evident that for each point on the curve we receive a different ratio σ ef / ε.Determination of …

Granite | Density, Heat Capacity, Thermal Conductivity

Modulus of Elasticity of Granite. The Young's modulus of elasticity of Granite is N/A. Hardness of Granite. In materials science, hardness is the ability to withstand surface indentation (localized plastic deformation) and scratching. Brinell hardness test is one of indentation hardness tests, that has been developed for hardness testing.

The Relationship between Dynamic and Static Deformation Modulus …

The paper presents an evaluation of the performance of unbound materials models in predicting the resilient modulus of base layer aggregates using a repeated load triaxial test database and involving gravel/crushed gravel and crushed stone. While the modulus of elasticity is stress divided by strain for a slowly applied load, the resilient ...

Materials | Free Full-Text | Evaluation of CBR of Graded Crushed Stone …

The influence of grading on the elastic modulus was analyzed, and the nonlinear elastic modulus constitutive model equation was obtained by fitting. Within the gradation range limited by the graded crushed stone base specification, the performance of the graded crushed stone is quite different [ 20 ].

Numerical investigation of the plastic deformation behaviour …

A numerical model of the dynamic triaxial test of graded crushed stone was established based on DEM (Discrete Element Method) to study its dynamic characteristics. The influence of test conditions on simulation results was analysed through numerical simulation. A method for determining the test conditions was proposed, and …

Resilient modulus of crushed stone material reinforced with …

This paper describes testing of a resilient modulus and a permanent deformation of geogrid reinforced granular material. Biaxial and triaxial geogrids made with 3D printer were used in which ...

Developing Resilient Modulus Prediction Models Based on

Mechanistic pavement design procedures of flexible pavement based on elastic-layer theories require the determination or estimation of resilient modulus (M R) for each layer in the pavement structure.Considering the complexity and cost of testing required, regression models have been developed to predict resilient modulus of heavy …

Strength and Stiffness Studies of Cement Stabilized Granular …

For the elastic analysis of pavement structure having soil-cement base layer, elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio are two important input material parameters. Though, the elastic modulus of cement stabilized base material depends on so many factors, the design elastic modulus have been presumed to be 5000 MPa, 3447 MPa and 3500 …

A fundamental study on compressive strength, static and dynamic elastic

River sand, gravel and crushed limestone were used as fine and coarse aggregates. ... However, the elastic modulus of concrete is more influenced by its aggregate contents and properties [32]. This hints that using one-fit-all equations to correlate compressive strength and elastic modulus will not lead to reliable results. …

Design of Concrete Mix Proportion Based on Particle Packing …

The elastic modulus and compressive strength of the prepared concrete have a positive correlation. Findings show that the concrete mix design method proposed by this research is feasible and advanced in a sense. ... sieve for concrete sand and gravel specified in Standard for Technical Requirements and Test Method of Sand and …


COMPARATIVE RESEARCH BETWEEN THE DYNAMIC AND STATIC ELASTICITY MODULI OF GRADED CRUSHED STONE. The elasticity modulus is the important mechanics index and design parameter of graded curshed stone, whose value needs to be determined by middle-type dynamic triaxial tests. In this paper, the non-linear models of …

Evaluation of Elastic Modulus of Crushed Stone Base Layers …

Evaluation of Elastic Modulus of Crushed Stone Base Layers for Compaction Control. January 2022. DOI: 10.37502/IJSMR.2022.51002. Authors: Jonathan Richard Geldenhuys. Philip Paige-Green. To read ...

Answered: A pavement consists of 5 inches of… | bartleby

Question. A pavement consists of 5 inches of asphalt underlain by a crushed stone based course. There is no sub base. The asphalt has an elastic modulus of 350,000 psi at room temperature and the base course has a CBR of 70. Determine the thickness of the crushed stone base needed to reach an SN of 2.85. Assume the base course is saturated 5% ...

Research on Mechanical Properties and Influencing Factors …

To study the mechanical properties of cement-graded crushed stone for use in the transition sections of intercity railways, the growth laws governing unconfined compressive strength, splitting strength and resilience modulus of cement-graded crushed stone and their influencing factors were studied by the vertical vibration compaction …

Experimental Study of the Deformation Properties of Soil-Crushed-Stone

The secant modulus of deformation is found by the ratio of pressure to deformation at a selected point. Thus, the deformation modulus was 22.9 MPa. Note that this deformation modulus was obtained when testing a soil-crushed-stone sample with a crushed stone content of 50% by volume of the mixture and at the optimum soil …


The Modulus of Subgrade Reaction is a measure of a soils stiffness. It is an indicator of a soils resultant unit displacement under a given pressure. ... Crushed Stone: 100,000 – 150,000: 0.10 – 0.15: Corse Crushed Stone: 200,000 – 250,000: 0.20 – 0.25: Ranges of Modulus of Subgrade for different Soil Types How is the Modulus of ...

Solved A new base material with an elastic modulus of …

A new base material with an elastic modulus of 80000 psi will be used. The crushed stone material will only be used for the subbase layer. Use the same design inputs to determine the new HMÀ layer thickness and the thickness of the other pavement layers (see Table 13.19 and Figure 13.14). find D1=, D2=, D3= Given Data: S.=0.5 R (%)=95 % …

Stress-strain relationships and modulus of elasticity

Relatively small variations, when compared with modulus of elasticity, observed in the values of compressive strength of concrete with crushed stone (Table 9, Table 10, Table 11, Table 12) show that the quality of paste is much more important for strength than for stress-strain relationships and modulus of elasticity, where the …

Estimating the Shear Modulus of Gravelly Soils

Hardin and Kalinski [18] investigate the shear modulus of gravelly soils including uniform and graded crushed limestone gravel, graded river gravel, standard Ottawa and crushed limestone sands ...

Investigation on the effects of physical property and stress …

The graded crushed stone layer of flexible asphalt pavement is a kind of typical elastic–plastic material. The current research focus is concentrated on the improvement of strength and stability to reduce permanent deformation. ... It could be seen that the resilient modulus of graded crushed stone with OMC-2% is all higher than that …

Modulus of Subgrade reaction

By Wayne W. Walker, P.E., F.ACI and Jerry A. Holland, P.E., F.ACI. The modulus of subgrade reaction is an often misunderstood and misused concept for the thickness design of slabs-on-ground. Terzaghi in 1955 (Ref. 1, P. 300) attributed this confusion to the initial work by Hayashi in 1921 (Ref. 2), who stated that the subgrade reaction should ...

Guide to Cement-Treated Base (CTB)

Modulus of elasticity 600,000 – 1,000,000 psi (4,100 - 6,900 MPa) Poisson's ratio 0.15. Guide to Cement-Treated Base (CTB) 2 Asphalt Unstabilized Cement-stabilized ... high-quality crushed stone and gravel base course aggregates; or (5) old flexible pavements, in-cluding the pulverized bituminous surface and stone or

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