Without ferrochrome, there is no steel. Without steel, which is the world's most important engineering and construction material, there is no industry. Dwarsrivier Chrome Mine, an Assore SA (Proprietary) Limited company, plays a vital role in the production of quality ferrochrome for the world.

Gulf Mining plans $30m Sohar ferrochrome smelter

Gulf Mining plans $30m Sohar ferrochrome smelter. ... signed a deal to set up four ferrochrome smelters at a cost of $80m in the Sohar Free Zone by 2013. When complete the facility will have a combined capacity of 150,000 tonnes. ... News ROSHN achieves 50 million safe man-hours across its projects. Subscribe to our Newsletter. AM. …

Business area Ferrochrome

The only chrome mine in the EU, largest underground mine in Finland. Minimal impact to nature, concentration process based on gravity separation without chemicals. Three submerged arc furnaces (SAF) with nominal annual capacity of 530,000 tonnes, SAF3 largest and most efficient furnace globally1. Substantial cost benefits due to proximity of ...

Zimbabwe bans chrome ore exports to boost ferrochrome industry

Total export earnings from chrome ore and ferrochrome, a key ingredient in the production of steel, was $231.5 million last year, down from $266 million the previous year.

Ferrochrome (FeCr) – Mineral-Loy

Ferrochrome. Ferrochrome (FeCr) is an alloy of chromium and iron, generally containing 48 to 70% chromium by weight. It is produced in an electric arc furnace by the reduction of chromite ore. South Africa has the largest reserves of chromite ore and is also the world's largest producer of Ferrochrome with most production being exported …

China stainless to bear brunt of South Africa's chrome ore

South Africa's government is seeking ways to support its ferrochrome smelters, which industry sources say employ 68,000 people and contribute 13.8 billion rand ($898.27 million) to state-owned ...

Zimasco to build new ferrochrome furnaces at its Kwekwe …

On 19 September 2021, Zimasco, (owned by China's Sinosteel Corp.) announced that it will invest US$35Million in new ferrochrome furnaces at its Kwekwe ferrochrome smelting complex. The new furnaces are set to add 72ktpy to the company's existing 180ktpy of production capacity (an increase of 40%) and will be accompanied by a new 300ktpy ...

(PDF) Resource Intensity Trends in the South …

Energy intensity trends and electricity price [28–30,33,35]. The electricity energy intensity is 3 – 5 times grea ter than the direct ener gy intensity. There is a discernible electricity ...

South Africa Iron Ore and Chrome Mining Report: South

Increasing demand for chrome ore, due to rising ferrochrome production in China. Challenges. ... 6.4. Mine Safety 6.5. Input Costs 6.6. Labour 6.7. Environmental Issues 6.8. Technology, R&D and ...

Simulation-based life cycle assessment of ferrochrome …

Ferrochrome production using SBS-SAF process technology (Basson and Daavittila, 2013). Chromite concentrate is wet ground to 80% passing 0.075 mm in a ball mill. The chromite concentrate slurry from the mill is filtered using a ceramic filter to bring the moisture content of concentrate to ca. 8.5–9.5%.

South Africa: Ferrochrome commits to 750 MW self …

In the next 12 months, the ferrochrome industry has collectively stated that it will: • remove the distinction between summer and winter Eskom tariffs to allow for …

An Overview of Currently Applied Ferrochrome …

The production of FeCr is an energy and material-intensive process, and a relatively wide variety of by-products, typically classified as waste materials by the FeCr …

European Ferrochrome Benchmark price to be discontinued

Font size: - +. JSE-listed chrome producer Merafe Resources has advised that the quarterly European Ferrochrome Benchmark (EUBM) price will be discontinued with effect from June. The company will ...

Ferrochrome producer Merafe cites green energy solutions …

The Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture is exploring renewable energy projects to mitigate power shortages and power costs, Merafe Resources CEO Zanele Matlala said on Monday, when the Johannesburg ...

Mining Weekly

However, while stainless steel production has since recovered, owing to the drop in ferrochrome prices in 2015/16, ferrochrome production has not experienced a similar recovery.

Key Mining projects and plant upgrades in Zimbabwe

The upgraded Furnaces are expected to produce 80,000 metric tonnes per annum and to employ 100 locals from April 2023. The upgrade Number 7 and 8 Furnaces are expected to produce 70,000 metric tonnes annum high carbon ferrochrome. A total of USD150 million per annum revenue is anticipated.

Resource Intensity Trends in the South African Ferrochrome …

Some LG6 and MG1/2 ore seams have been exploited for extended periods resulting in extensive depths, which significantly increases mining costs . The profile of the chromium ore and technology used for ferrochrome production has thus changed significantly since the early 2000s, implying that resource intensities may have changed.

High Carbon Ferrochrome Technology

High carbon ferrochrome is one of the most common ferroalloys produced and is almost exclusively used in the production of stainless steel and high chromium steels. ... For obvious cost reasons these production facilities are primarily in countries with sufficient resources of chromite ore, but other factors, such as relatively cheap ...

South African ferrochrome industry 'running out of

In addition, Mining Weekly can report that, for example, should ferrochrome sell for about $1 000/t, ferrochrome producers are using about $200 of these funds to supply the chrome ore used to ...

Smelting of High-Carbon Ferrochrome from Prereduced …

The power consumptions for smelting of ferrochrome using several process workflows, including charge heating, sintering or prereduction, followed by remelting in OSFs and direct-current furnaces (DCF) were compared in [] for Southern African and Kazakhstan ores.According to the estimates in [], the power consumption for smelting …

South African ferrochrome industry 'running …

In addition, Mining Weekly can report that, for example, should ferrochrome sell for about $1 000/t, ferrochrome producers are using about $200 of these funds to supply the chrome ore used to ...

Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture expected to benefit from

A new report by Roskill states that the Glencore-Merafe Chrome Venture, which runs seven chrome mines and five ferrochrome plants in South Africa, may benefit in terms of market share from the ...

Glencore and Merafe agree to end strike action at ferrochrome …

Due to the strike, Merafe's ferrochrome output had declined from from 85,600 metric tonnes (mt) to 74,000mt a year for the three months up to September. ... Mining news and in-depth feature articles on the latest mining company deals and projects covering trends in mineral exploration with up to date data on the most mined metal and …

Ferrochrome commits to 750 MW self-generation, junior mining …

Under threat now is the industry's support for another 68 000 jobs, a R41-billion contribution to the GDP and R14-billion to Eskom. Direct employment lost in the past five years totals 1 139 jobs.

South Africa's Mining of Iron Ore & Chrome Industry, 2019 …

It has 36% of the world's chromite reserves, and is the is the world's largest chrome producer and second-largest producer of ferrochrome. The iron ore mining sector employed 18,613 people in 2018 ...

South Africa: Ferrochrome commits to 750 MW self …

12 November 2020. Struggling South African ferrochrome industry commits to competitiveness programme. South Africa's struggling ferrochrome industry has committed itself to far-reaching efficiencies and competitiveness initiatives, including the self-generation of 750 MW of wind, solar and cogenerated power, support of junior mining ...

Mining of Chrome and Production of Ferrochrome in South Africa 2016

LONDON, Jan. 24, 2017 /PRNewswire/ -- The Mining of Chrome and Production of Ferrochrome: South Africa's chromite mines are operated by a number of smaller companies that focus on the production ...

Mining Weekly

The Samancor Chrome operations, meanwhile, collectively amount to 1 363 MVA, or projected baseload sales of about 7.6 TWh yearly, and include: Ferrometals (270 MVA), Middelburg Ferrochrome (286 ...

Ferrochrome Smelting In Zimbabwe

The challenges of current ferrochrome production are reduction of investment and operating costs (CAPEX & OPEX), minimizing waste and improvement of the SHE …

South Africa Iron Ore and Chrome Mining Market Report …

Contact Data CONTACT: ResearchAndMarkets Laura Wood, Senior Press Manager press@researchandmarkets For E.S.T Office Hours Call 1-917-300-0470 For U.S./CAN Toll Free Call 1-800-526-8630 For ...

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