Extraction of Gold from Sands and Slimes Tailings Dump from Mazowe Mine

Mazowe Mine is one of the oldest mines in Zimbabwe, and exploration and development in this region dates back to 1890, with over 1.4 million ounces of gold produced to date. Ore is processed in a single plant which consists of conventional crushing and milling and carbon-in-leach facility.

Feasibility of tailings retreatment to unlock value and …

tailings dump near Giyani, South Africa N.K. Singo1 and J.D. Kramers1 Synopsis The reprocessing of tailings resources to extract gold on an industrial scale has become common practice. While these projects are common in the Witwatersrand basin, similar low-technology processes are not operational in smaller goldfields.

Converting tailings dumps into mineral resources

Similarly, tailings dumps arising from the processing of chrome ore in the Lower Group reefs of the BC are also being retreated to recover PGEs. Several commercially profitable enterprises have also been set up with the sole intention of retreating tailings dumps arising from South Africa's Witwatersrand gold processing …


Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium / 2 - 6 October 2017 operations such as underground mining, surface metallurgical processing among other

2. Processing of Sulphide Ores and Mine Tailings: …

1.1. What Are Mine Tailings? An Initial Scope in an Uncertainty and Complex World. The initial step in mineral processing involves crushing and grinding ore to produce a suitable particle size for further metallurgical processing using physical and chemical separation methods [].Physical separation processes take advantage of the …

Waste-Rock Dumps | South Africa | Retreatment

Waste and waste-rock dump deliveries to the Kusasalethu plant (near the border of Gauteng and North West provinces) supplement mining volumes to secure sufficient backfill to use as support in stoping areas. …

Repurposing of mine waste: an alternative management approach to gold

The large volumes of waste generated during gold beneficiation are a major pollution concern in South Africa. To remove these potential pollution risks in perpetuity, non-conventional approaches to mine waste management are required which avoid land disposal of "unwanted" material. This dissertation explores the opportunities, drivers and …

The geochemistry and hydrology of coal waste rock dumps…

Abstract. Coal has been a major global resource for at least the past 250 years. The major waste product of coal mining is waste rock, which is stored in dumps of various sizes. Although the adverse effects of coal waste rock dumps on ecosystems and human health are widely recognised, there is little information on their internal …

Zimbabwean mine dumps and their impacts on river water …

From the study it emerged that the minor metals dumps show the worst pollution risk, followed by base metal dumps, gold-mine dumps, platinum group metals …

Mine Dumps in South Africa: an Ownership Dilemma

The proposed amendment could potential also have an impact on the decision of proposed investors to investment in processing plants to process or reclaim historic mine dumps due to the limited ...

Stringent new legislation for SA mine dumps and stockpiles

October 9, 2015. Until recently, mining waste was regulated under the Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act 28 of 2002 (MPRDA). Four months ago new legislation was introduced which has placed more focus on ensuring stockpiles, mine dumps and general waste management are environmentally compliant. By Cormac …

An Evaluation of the Efficiency of Commodas Optical Sorting of Gold

Abstract. The treating of gold waste rocks in the gold mining industry has grown significantly in the last few years. The operation of a South African gold mining company treating a waste rock dumps with gold content varying between 0.2 to 0.9 g/t with the Commodas optical sorter to minimize the amount of gangue in the waste rock for …

Failure of a mine waste dump in Zimbabwe: Causes and …

A combination of factors are considered important in causing the failure and subsequent development of a flowslide of a gold mine waste dump (or tailings dam) at Arcturus, …

Gold from Mine Dump | Gold Refining & Metal Extraction …

New member. So, I took material from an old sterile dump remain after a gold mine. I know from sure sources that the concentration of the gold in this dump are arround 2g/100kg, also a silver procent over 20g/100kg (a person who worked there and did tests). The material is black and after I washed with a pan remain a golden dust, in the …

information on gold mine dumps processing

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Where have all the mine dumps gone? | The Heritage Portal

Now not all dumps are the same as during the mining and processing of gold there are two streams – Reef (gold bearing ore) and Waste (non-gold bearing from …

An underexploited invisible gold resource in the Archean

Metrics. The tailings dumps originating from gold mining in South Africa's Witwatersrand still contain notable gold endowments. Most tailings reprocessing …

Metal Detecting Mine Dumps for Hard Rock Gold

Challenges with Detecting Mine Dumps . There are easily thousands of mine dumps scattered around the West. These are the places where miners piled up what they considered to be "waste material" as they dug into a hillside as the followed a gold vein. We've broken down 6 main difficulties you will encounter when detecting for hard rock ...

Waste-Rock Dumps | South Africa | Retreatment | Harmony

The diminishing levels of waste rock available to be treated in certain areas has resulted in lower tonnes milled for these operations in FY23, decreasing 32% to 3.9 million tonnes (FY22: 5.8 million tonnes). The recovered grade for FY23 decreased to 0.392g/t, 2% lower than the 0.399g/t recorded in FY22. This resulted in lower gold production ...

The Herald

The mine is treating gold tailings in a bid to ramp up production," he said. Most mining companies have embarked on projects to recover gold from dump sites due to high mining costs and low ...

An underexploited invisible gold resource in the Archean

The tailings dumps originating from gold mining in South Africa's Witwatersrand still contain notable gold endowments. Most tailings reprocessing operations target a native gold fraction using ...

A practical guide to re-treatment of gold processing residues

For the purpose of this paper, gold mining residues with a particle size of approximately 70–80% finer than 74 μm are defined as slime and residues grading 10–20% finer than 74 μm as sand. The first phase of the re-treatment process is to obtain credible information with the sampling programme (and the subsequent metallurgical testwork) a ...

Classification and Environmental Impact of Mine Dumps

The impact of mine dumps on various environmental components, which consists of pollution of atmospheric air, soils and subsurface sediments, and surface and groundwaters, ultimately leads to a deterioration of health indicators. Adverse effects of mine dumps on human health have the following pathways: •. oral.


The Mining Residue Regulations make the requirements for establishing and managing stockpiles and residue deposits more stringent and almost certainly more expensive. However, given the huge costs of remedying environmental damage, expenditure on the enhanced preventive measures required by these regulations is likely to be money well …

Gold mine dump rehabilitated to make way for housing …

The project comprises three phases, with the overall scope of work entailing the removal of more than one-million tons of earth, which is being hauled, screened and …

Ecological and human health risks associated with abandoned gold mine …

Gold (Au) mining as a source of heavy metal contamination in soils has been documented in several countries including Korea, USA, Sultanate of Oman, Ghana, Canada and South Africa . Processing of ore bodies and disposal of mine tailings and wastewater rich in heavy metals and metalloids are the main origins of metal and …

Mining mine dumps in South Africa: the interests of mining …

South Africa is a country rich in mineral resources. The prevalence of mine dumps across the landscape in many parts of the country is a reminder that the mining industry is an integral part of the South African economy. Mine dumps are not merely waste material or the remnants of mining operations. Valuable mineral deposits may remain in …

A practical guide to re-treatment of gold processing residues

This paper presents an overview of the various methodologies used in the re-treatment of gold residue deposits (excluding waste rock) from the initial evaluation …

Startups are raking in up to $85,000 per day by recycling gold …

Startups are raking in up to $85,000 per day by recycling gold and copper from electronics thrown in the trash — e-waste 'gold mining' efforts are expanding News By Klotz

Converting Tailings Dumps into Mineral Resources

Extraction of valuable metals from tailings dumps (or residues or low grade stockpiles) traditionally regarded as waste, has long been researched by metallurgists. A …

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