Sustainable Ready-Mixed Concrete (RMC) Production: A …

N2 - This study aims to examine whether ready-mixed concrete (RMC) production in Nigeria is sustainable. This study proposes that RMC production will be sustainable, assuming the RMC plant, RMC products, plant management, RMC supply, RMC quality, and demand for RMC are sustainable. Based on a constructivist worldview, the …

Climate and health damages from global concrete production

Our results indicate that concrete production results in approximately US$335 billion annually of external climate and health damages. This amount is nearly 75% of the industry's value reported ...

Climate change and cattle production in Nigeria: any role …

Cattle beef is an essential animal protein in sub-Saharan Africa. However, pastoralists dominate cattle production in sub-Saharan Africa, and their output is dependent on the availability of fodder from grasslands in rain-fed systems, which makes cattle production more vulnerable to climate change and environmental degradation. …

Manufacturing of GRC | Glass Reinforced Concrete | GRCA

GRC Manufacturing Types. Glassfibre Reinforced Concrete (GRC), also known as Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC) is generally manufactured by either the "sprayed" process or the "premix" process. Premix GRC can either be vibration compacted, or manufactured using a self compacting GRC mix. The method chosen is normally dictated …

(PDF) Reuse of Construction and Demolished Concrete

The new concrete blocks production: For notation, ... The used water-cement ratio: according t o R wandan b uilding code, which is also i n line w i th . international practice, the water/cement ...

Evaluation of Concrete Margin: Case Study of Concrete

Abstract. This research assessed the quality of concrete produced at various sites in Akure, Nigeria with a view to determining its current margin. For this purpose, Akure metropolis was mapped ...

Sokoto Plant – BUA Cement

BUA Cement Plc., Sokoto Line 4 Commissioning: Watch the highlights of our audacious feat and aspirations as we journey towards making Nigeria self-sufficient in Cement production. LOCATION. Kalambaina, Sokoto (North-West, Nigeria) PRODUCTION CAPACITY. Line 1 & 2 – 500,000mtpa

Integrated Carbon Capture and Utilization in the Cement …

Cement is one of the key ingredients of concrete, along with water and sand, and it has a global annual production of around 4 Gt, with further growth expected in the future. Although cement comprises only around 10% of the total weight of concrete, it contributes to approximately 70% of the greenhouse gas emissions associated with concrete …


Cleaner Production, 19(6-7), pp. 757-763. ... Crumb rubber concrete (CRC) is an environment-friendly material using crumb rubber as a composition of cement concrete. It provides an alternative ...

Advancements in low-carbon concrete as a construction …

Various low-carbon technologies and methods have been developed to tackle and potentially eliminate the carbon emissions associated with concrete construction (Ahmed et al., 2020; Shakor et al., 2023).By substituting conventional clinkers with alternative ones, a significant reduction in the generation of carbon dioxide from this …

Application of nanotechnology in concrete and …

Although, both Nigeria and South Africa recorded 0.57 nano-article ratio index, Nigeria seem to have recorded 61.4% increase between 2013 and 2017, while South Africa increased by only 7% within the same period. ... Moreover, concrete production has substantially endangered the earth through the emission of carbon dioxide, CO 2 during …

Sustainable Ready-Mixed Concrete (RMC) Production: A …

This study aims to examine whether ready-mixed concrete (RMC) production in Nigeria is sustainable. This study proposes that RMC production will be sustainable, assuming the RMC plant, RMC products, plant management, RMC supply, RMC quality, and demand for RMC are sustainable. Based on a constructivist worldview, …

Profitability Analysis of Concrete and Earthen Ponds …

Production Systems in Rivers State, Nigeria Ekine, Data Irene, *Ewubare, Dennis Brown & Ogu, Patience Ibisiki ... type of production system Concrete pond 83 60.74 Earthen pond 32 22.96 Re-circulatory system 3 2.96 Earthen and Concrete pond 20 13.33 Total 135 100 Source of fingerlings ...

Erosion Control | Concrete Canvas®

Created specifically for erosion control, containment and shelter applications, Concrete Canvas ® (CC) products are part of a revolutionary class of new, innovative materials called Geosynthetic Cementitious Composite Mats (GCCMs). CC is a flexible, concrete filled geosynthetic which provides a thin and durable concrete layer when hydrated. Typically, …

Home | Hongfa Group

Mr Emeka.E. Charlie From Nigeria. Since 2013,our company has cooperated with HONGFA importing concrete production line machine with full sets of host block machines and other accessory equipment. The block making machine works well in AkwaIbom State and the blocks and pavers sell well. We are planning to set up a full …

Concrete Production

1 Introduction. Concrete is the most popular construction material all over the world [1]. In the production of concrete, 1.6 billion tons of cement is used worldwide. In addition to the cement, the concrete industry is also consuming 10 billion tons of aggregates and 1 billion tons of mixing water annually.


The densities of SDA-concrete and CCA-concrete observed were from 300 to 1800kg/m3 and 1998 kg/m 3 to 2302kg/m 3, and these were classified as lightweight concrete.

Industry 4.0 Enabled Modular Precast Concrete …

5 Conclusion. In this paper, a precast concrete module with thermal and geometrical sensors is produced with rapid heat treatment using Industry 4.0 concepts. Production relevant data such as process and machine parameters or sensor data are captured, processed, and provided by a digital twin.

Best Concrete Batching Plant Manufacturers in India | GEPL

Gayatri Engimech Pvt. Ltd., with 23 years of experience, offers its customers reliable and modern solutions for the production of high-quality concrete in the construction industry. Since 1998 we help customers to cover all their different needs connected with concrete production: plans, design, manufactures, and install mobile/stationary concrete …

Concrete production | COI Hub

Late game Concrete production line.

A Comparative Analysis of Batching by Weight …

volume and by weight) are compared from the weight perspective, the weight equivalent of the. volume batch becomes 1:2.62:4.18 with binder aggr egate ratio of 0.147 as against when the mix ...

Precast production line

Our precast production line are fully customizable and enable you to manufacture, by turning over, a large range of products. concrete post and panels; fencing; ... info@quadra-concrete. EDM BETON. Chemin de Trousseauville 14510 Houlgate (France) +33 2 31 46 72 40. HYDROSTOP. ZI Des Grands Bois 1 rue du Luxembourg 49280 Saint-Léger …

Suitability of Crushed Cow Bone as Partial Replacement …

from abattoirs and slaughterslabs. Annual production of cow bones in Nigeria is about 5 million tonnes, and no efficient disposal system is presently available besides burning and indiscriminate dumping (Falade et al., 2011). This is serious environmental issue that will be solved if found suitable for use in concrete production.

Potential use of biomass ash as a sustainable alternative for …

The broad utilization of concrete results in significant carbon dioxide emissions (CO 2) and depletion of natural resources due to substantial increase in cement production.Fly ash, the waste product of coal combustion, has been used extensively as a cementitious additive in concrete to reduce the impact of cement production on the …

Concrete Mix Ratio: Types, Grades, & Design

For M 15 grade of concrete mix, the ratio is 1:2:4, which means 1 part cement, 2 part sand, and 4 part aggregate used to prepare concrete mix with water. If you are using M 20 grade of concrete then you have to use a mix ratio of 1:1.5:3. In which 1 is part of cement, 1.5 is part of sand, and 3 is part of cement. Grade of Concrete.

Parameters For Good Site Concrete Production Management Practice In Nigeria

Literature survey confirms poor quality of concrete and use of sub-standard materials of concrete in the production of concrete as among the factors contributing to structural concrete failure in building. ... ANOSIKE, Nwabueze . "Parameters For Good Site Concrete Production Management Practice In Nigeria" Afribary (2021). Accessed July …

Prestressed concrete poles

In general, pre s t re s s e d c o n c r ete poles are made of a dense concrete with a 28-day compre s s i v e strength of 3000 to 8500 psi; but some poles have been made with 10,000- and 12,000-psi concre t e . Centrifugal casting— I n most of Eu r ope and Ja p a n, c e n t r ifugal casting or spin-casting is used to make hol- l ow, tapered ...

Istanbul Quarry & Concrete Ltd

Bwari - ABUJA, NIGERIA. Bwari - ABUJA, NIGERIA. Skip to content. Home; About Us; Our Mission; Our Vision; Products; Contact Us; Call Us Now: +234 903 628 5640 +234 902 481 6131. Main Menu. Home; About Us; ... This granite Stone is processed from crushed Stones and is used mostly for concrete production, decorative purposes, driveways, parking ...

Ready-mix Concrete Market Size, Trends & Forecast 2033

The global ready-mix concrete market is projected to attain a valuation of USD 696.2 billion in 2023 and is expected to reach USD 1488.74 billion by 2033, trailing a CAGR of 7.9% during the forecast period. Surging demand for versatile building materials and increasing construction activities worldwide are projected to aid growth in the ...

Sustainability | Free Full-Text | A Comprehensive Review on …

In the last few decades, the concrete industry has been massively expanded with the adoption of various kinds of binding materials. As a substitute to cement and in an effort to relieve ecofriendly difficulties linked with cement creation, the utilization of industrial waste as cementitious material can sharply reduce the amount of trash disposed of in …

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