Spiral Rake Blade for thickeners: the optimal …

With its improved raking power at lower torque, our thickener Spiral Rake Blade plays a critical role in managing underflow densities and mud bed residence time, increasing the thickener efficiency.


Describe the objective, principle of operation, and principal components of a conventional thickener. Describe the objective, principle of operation, and principal components of a high-rate thickener. Explain why the mass flow rate of solids into and out of the thickener should be equal. Identify the typical zones found in an operating thickener.


Thickener Sizing Calculator valid for settling thickeners, high rate thickeners, and clarrifiers. Exit Thickener Calculator. Process Input. Parameters. Value Units. Solids Feed: [t/h] Overflow Flowrate: [m3/h] Settling Properties. Parameters. Value. Value. Rise Rate:

Product datasheet Thickener Spiral Rake Blade: the …

Product datasheetThickener Spiral Rake Blade:the optimal designDeveloped for high performance, the patented Spiral Rake Blade solves common issues with thickeners rel. ted to raking capacity, energy consumption and water reclamation.As the need for better tailings management incr. ases, so does the demand for large-capacity dewatering …

Treatment of Gold Tailings in High Rate Thickeners

Since most CIP tailings pulps are at a density of about 40% solids, it is necessary to dilute them in order to achieve good flocculation in the thickener feedwell. In the above example, a capital cost of $54,000 and power cost of $32,000 p.a. was incurred by the installation of overflow recirculation pumps, piping and instruments.

High Rate Thickener | AZFAB

The AZFAB system can return 90% of wash water back into the plant's operation within 30 minutes. Tanks are 16 feet high and range in diameter from 30 to 85 feet. The systems can handle 2,000 to 18,000 gallons per minute and can be designed to fit the plant's exact needs. All units come equipped with low drag rakes, hydraulic drives, and PLC ...

PHOENIX HiFlo High-Rate Thickener

OENIX HiFloTMHigh-Rate ThickenerThe PHOENIX HiFloTM Thickener clarifies the water while it thickens the slurry from a wash plant to 40-45% solids, greatly reducing th. volume going to the slurry pond. For complete elimination of the slurry pond, a PHOENIX Belt Filter Press or Recessed Chamber Filter Press may be added to dewater the thickened ...

How to Operate a Thickener

The rake arm is then free to follow the arc that maintains constant cable length and tensions, while still preventing rotation of the arm and tilting of the rakes. Cable-towed rakes have proven most …

Creative Engineers | High Rate Thickener

The Creative High capacity Thickener has higher under flow densities and more water recoveries in comparison to the Conventional Thickener. Higher density requires more driving torque and also the rake should be lifted through higher viscosity material. ... The feed well of the Hi-rate Thickener Contains a special Flocculation Chamber & the ...


High rate thickeners are designed specifically to maximise the flocculation efficiency of flocculants. They differ from conventional thickeners in feed well design, size and control.


Flow Thickeners. The TPH high flow rate thickeners follow the traditional approach of modern high flow rate thickener design, primarily focused on drastically reducing the size of conventional thickeners. Our all-steel high-rate thickeners utilize an elevated inclined floor fitted to a circular tank. Our thickeners are fitted with a proprietary ...

McLanahan | When To Use A High-Density Thickener

The High-Density Thickener is for an in-between case. With the High-Density Thickener, you can: improve water recovery when it is important but not critical. keep capital costs reasonable. produce the thickest mud that can be managed with centrifugal pumps. when using for filter feed, reduce capacity and costs by making the …

PHOENIX AltaFlo Ultra High-Rate Thickener

Thickener PHOENIX/KISA Bucket Wheel Thickener under˜ow sent to a PHOENIX Press where the slurry is dewatered to 70-75% solids 4-10% Solids Filtrate Filtrate OR Thickener over˜ow water returns for use in wash plant (<200 PPM) The PHOENIX AltaFlo™ Thickener is a rake-less thickener that provides ultra high-rate

Sizing a high rate thickener

To my mind in a high rate thickener, solids concentration during flocculation is a powerful tool and we have to choose the solids concentration to achieve maximum flux concentration. In this condition selecting a safety factor would led to overcome variation in feed properties (e.g. solids concentration) and a wise design would be achieved. ...

Beginners guide to thickeners

By adding depth and torque to a high-rate design, high-density thickeners improve underflow densities at a substantially lower cost than deep cone thickeners.

McLanahan | How A High-Rate Thickener Works 3-D Video

How A High-Rate Thickener Works. How It Works Videos. McLanahan High-Rate Thickeners help producers reduce settling ponds or tailings storage facilities by recovering clear process liquid. They can be an on-ground, flat-bottom style or an elevated style to minimize pumping requirements. 3:33.

cement intermediate equipment

WebCPF-377 and CPF-577 double-pump cement trailers provide high-pressure pumping services up to 760 hhp. The advanced cement control system provides superior density control and enables accurate mixing of slurries down to 5 ppg via solids fraction monitoring and control. The trailers can carry their own supply of treating iron, making them ...


The WesTech HiFloTM high-rate thickener is used in many types of process circuits to separate liquids and solids at very high rates. It is highly efective in coal refuse thickening, gold recovery, CCD circuits, copper leaching, molybdenum processing, and other mining and chemical flowsheets. Separation is efected rapidly because of the system ...

Constrained model predictive control of an industrial high-rate thickener

High-rate thickeners operate under strict constraints and several disturbances. To control this process, a constrained m odel p redictive c ontrol (MPC) is developed in this paper. For process identification, a historical data-driven methodology is used and a v ector a uto r egressive with e x ogenous variables (VARX) model structure …


Figure 3 Forced-dilution devices on the feed line to a 42 m high rate thickener. Passive dilution methods rel y on indirect factors such as the low er level of the feedwell slurr y (relative .

High rate thickener HRT-S

High rate thickenerHRT-S Outotec is a world leader in thickener technology that is recognized by proven process performance, highest quality. and sustainable products.HRT-S is defined in scope, is. odular and ready to sell. With a defined set of features and selected options to choose from, the HRT-S will consistently enable accel.



McLanahan | High-Rate Thickeners

High-Rate Thickeners separate liquids from solids using hindered settling. Rotating rake arms collect settled sludge and move it toward the center discharge cone. They use …

HiFlo™ High-Rate Thickeners | PHOENIX Process Equipment

PHOENIX HiFlo™ High Rate Thickeners clarify wash plant effluent water while thickening the slurry to 40-45% solids, greatly reducing the underflow slurry rate to the slurry pond. PHOENIX Thickeners use sedimentation technology to maximize the water recovery rate, providing clarified overflow water that can be recycled and reused in the process.


High-rate thickeners also have a smaller tank volume, so less volume is required for storing the product if the tank has to be emptied. Because of this, high-rate thickeners can start up and shut down faster than conventional thickeners. However, due to their smaller size, high-rate thickeners require faster settling rates.

conventional thickener feedwell for sale

high rate thickener feedwell manufacturer YouTube. Dec 1, 2016 ... Conventional Thickener HighRate Thickener High Density Thickener. ... best sale gold extraction ..... Crusher Plant Wlcm1160 . ... high rate thickener rakearm struts ...

How to Size a High-Rate Thickener

To participate in the 911Metallurgist Forums, be sure to JOIN & LOGIN; Use Add New Topic to ask a New Question/Discussion about Thickening, Filtering or Tailings and Water.; OR Select a Topic that Interests you.; Use Add Reply = to Reply/Participate in a Topic/Discussion (most frequent). Using Add Reply allows you to Attach Images or PDF …

Beginners guide to thickeners

In high rate thickener (HRT) designs the rise rate or solids loading will dictate the required tank diameter for any given throughput. In high compression (HCT) and paste (PT) applications the bed depth or the mass of solids in the thickener must also be selected to ensure the desired underflow density from the thickener is achieved.

Tailing High Rate Thickener Market Overview | Growth

Published May 25, 2024. + Follow. The "Tailing High Rate Thickener Market" is anticipated to experience robust growth, with projections estimating it will reach USD XX.X Billion by 2030. This ...

Raking Maximizes Performance in Thickeners and Clarifiers

Raking plays a major role in transporting solids to the underflow discharge point and increasing the solids concentration in a thickener or clarifier. The main purpose of a thickener or clarifier is to separate solids from liquids. A thickener achieves this goal by stimulating the release of as much liquid as possible from solids in the underflow.

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