The Diggings™: Free Mining Claim Maps And Reports

The Diggings™ lists millions of claims across the United States to help identify where gold, silver, copper, and other materials are being mined or were mined in the past. With our interactive maps, discover mining activity in your area. 3,921,409 Total Mines. 422,500 Active Mines. 3,446 Pending Mines.

Alaska Statutes: AS 38.05.195. Mining Claims.

AS 38.05.195. Mining Claims. (a) Rights to deposits of minerals subject to AS 38.05.185 - 38.05.275 in or on state land that is open to claim staking may be acquired by discovery, location, and recording as prescribed in AS 38.05.185 - 38.05.275. The locator has the exclusive right of possession and extraction of the minerals subject to AS 38. ...

Land Matters Alaska Mining Claims

Land Matters Alaska Mining Claims. Longitude and Latitude. Map Tip ×. Zoom in First. Then choose a Base Layer To stay Informed. About Land Matters Updates. to the Landmark Newsletter. Right Click on any Layer name and choose "transparency" to blend your Map Layers The. Tool.

State Mining Claim Mtrsc Location Notice / Certificate

State Mining Claim Notice/Certificate for Traditional Claims - Alaska Form 3830-3 Notice of Intent to Locate a Lode or Placer Mining Claim(S) and/or a Tunnel Site(S) on Lands Patented Under the Stock Raising Homestead Act …

State Mining Claim Pending

State of Alaska Geoportal Sign In. State Mining Claim Pending. Part of State Mining Claim. Authoritative DNR GIS Public Access Coordinator. ... Mining Claim (713) Mining Claim (MC) Pending (60) OLD #3: 28-FEB-23: S028N009W11: 1: 1: 40: ADL: 739177: 713: MC: 60: BAGGETT: DONOVAN: LEE: MCL: SUSPEND:

State Mining Claim

2020 State of Alaska. Built with ArcGIS Hub. Explore Feeds. This data set was developed to provide the general public with easy access to land records information as it appears on the State status plats.

Mining Claims and Sites on Federal Lands Brochure …

2. Location of mining claims and sites 3. Recordation of mining claims and sites 4. Annual maintenance (annual assessment work or annual fees) for mining claims and sites 5. Mineral patents This pamphlet also provides a brief introduction of the BLM Mining Law Administration Program's responsibilities on federal lands administered by the BLM.

Alaska Placer Mining Operations and Claims 2020

Although State of Alaska mining laws are similar to federal mining regulations, there are important differences. ... For a state mining claim, you should: 1. Properly stake and record your claim's location with the ADNR State Recording District where the claim is located. 2. Timely record annual labor with the Recorder's Office.

Application for Permits to Mine in Alaska (APMA)

Anchorage Office Mine Permitting & Mineral Property Mgmt 550 West 7th Ave, Suite 900B Anchorage, AK 99501 (907) 269-8642. Fairbanks Office Mine Permitting 3700 Airport Way Fairbanks, AK 99709 (907) 458-6896. Surface Mining 550 West 7th Ave, Suite 900D Anchorage, Alaska 99501 (907) 269-8503 Coal Regulatory Program 550 West 7th Ave, …

Changes to Alaska's Mining Laws – Qualification Statutes

Senate Bill 155, amending Alaska's mineral tenure statutes, took effect April 30, but also addresses certain historical events affecting state mining claims. As previously reported, the amendments clarify who can hold state mining rights. But maybe more importantly, the law now addresses the effect of past qualification issues on the …

Alaska State Legislature

06 requirements of AS 38.05.185 - 38.05.275. A mining location on state selected land 07 located within an active unpatented federal mining claim may be located only by 08 or with the written and recorded permission of the holder of the unpatented 09 federal mining claim. 10 * Sec. 14.

20 Active State Mining Claims- Manley, Alaska

Geology. Shallow ground, 1-10 feet of overburden, last summer just ran 2-4 feet of surface material under root mat. Multiple benches on claims, including one that measured 300 feet wide, 2-10 feet deep of lowgrade gravel and river rock, have found it the length of the claims, ~6,000 feet. Tests between $7-$30/yd or 50 to 300 cubic yards to an ...

Alaska (USA) Department of Natural Resources (DNR) State Mining Claims

Alaska (USA) Department of Natural Resources (DNR) State Mining Claims. Alaskan Mining Claims are for acquiring locatable mineral rights which have been discovered. They may be 40 acres or 160 acres in size and remain "active" so long as rent is timely paid and annual labor requirements are met. Claims may be converted or …


ADNR Division of Mining, Land & Water (DMLW), Mining Section (DNR-Mining) On State Mining claims, Prospecting Sites, or the Nome Public Mining Areas: • Miscellaneous Land Use Permit (MLUP) 11 AAC 96.040 -or- ... o BLM Alaska State Office Mining Support Group (907) 271-5960 o [email protected]

Alaska Mapper

Alaska Mapper Web User Guide (Story Map) Alaska Mapper Support Form. DNR Public Information Center. ... Alaska Open Data Geoportal. Legacy State Status Map Search. Legacy State Status Plat and Indices Search. Alaska DOT Right of Way Search. AK BLM Spatial Data Management System. DNR Case Type Descriptions: Search Results. …

Mines, Mineral Properties and Mining Claims For Sale

Alaska Gold Mine State Claims - Location, Location. Close to Wasilla, Alaska (23.5mi); Anchorage (60mi). Fuel, equipment and supplies are fairly close. ... 20-40 acre MTRCS state mining claims, with new good road, 3000 gallon fuel tank, 20yd plant, Connex, Cabins, settling ponds, good water access, equipment to facilitate testing on site.

East Fork Claims

Hope Mining Company has five each 40 Acre State Mining Claims for sale in the East Fork drainage on Alaska's Kenai Peninsula. All claims are conveniently located off the Seward Highway with access from the highway about one to two miles north of the Hope Highway turnoff. These easy access claims afford a world-class hand mining, dredging …


This form is to be used as a CERTIFICATE OF LOCATION to be filed with the District Recorder's Office for the area in which the MTRSC claim is located. This form should only be used for mining claims or mining leasehold locations that are located under Title 38 of the Alaska Statutes on land under the jurisdiction of the State of Alaska.

Locating a Mining Claim | Bureau of Land Management

Location a Mining Claim Where Can a Claim be Located? There are Federally-administered lands in 19 states where you may locate a mining claim or site. These states are Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota, Oregon, South Dakota, Utah, …

MLRS Virtual Public Room

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Alaska Department of Natural Resources

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1980 & Beyond! 1984 | The open-pit, placer mine known as the Valdez Creek Mine produced around 460,000 ounces of gold during their one year in operation. 1985 | State purchases Alaska Railroad from the federal government. Alaska's mining industry enters a new phase with the development of large lode mines in the 1980s.

Mining Claim Owners In Alaska | The Diggings™

The Diggings lists 584 mining claim owners in Alaska—211 in Anchorage, 57 in Fairbanks, 34 in Wasilla, and 24 in Ketchikan.

1200 Acres Placer Alaska State Mining Claims

The Goldfinch mining claim consists of one (1) unpatented lode claim covering 20.66 acres on federal land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management located in Humboldt County, Nevada. The claim has three (3) mapped adits and several prospect pits and ore piles. ... Alaska Gold Mine State Claims - Location, Location. Close to Wasilla, …

Department of Natural Resources

the land surrounding active federal mining claims. The State of Alaska normally considers lands which contain valuable minerals as a high priority for conveyance. Historically many miners have chosen to relinquish their federal claims and operate under a state mining claim filing, but the

State Mining Claim Closed | State of Alaska Geoportal

Before locatable minerals can actually be mined, a mining permit application (APMA or plan of operation and reclamation plan) must be filed and approved This shape file characterizes the geographic representation of land parcels within the State of Alaska contained by the State Mining Claim category.

State Mining Claim Active

Data. Documents. Apps & Maps. Recent Downloads. This data set was developed to provide the general public with easy access to land records information as it appears on the State status plats.

GPAA Mining Claims in Alaska | My Alaskan Life

GPAA mining claims grant members of the association the right to prospect and mine specific areas of land for gold and other valuable minerals. The GPAA typically maintains a list of active claims on their website, which can be accessed by members. Here's a general description of the Mills Creek claims: 1. Accessibility: The claims at Mills ...

Alaska Department of Natural Resources

For more information, contact (907) 269-8648 or [email protected]. Mining Claims are used to acquire locatable mineral rights. They may be 40 acres or 160 acres in size and remain "active" so long as rent is timely paid and annual labor requirements are met. ... State of Alaska Department of Natural Resources. 550 W. 7th Ave, Suite 1360 ...

State Mining Claim Active

State of Alaska Geoportal Sign In. State Mining Claim Active. Authoritative DNR GIS Public Access Coordinator. Alaska Department of Natural Resources ArcGIS Online ... Mining Claim (713) Leasehold Location (LL) Active (35) BUCKHORSE #8: 26-JAN-04: 01-SEP-23: S028N005W04: 1: 1: 40: ADL: 643506: 713: LL: 35:

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