Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Outcrop Sediments of the Ariyalur Area …

With the present outcrop area of 80,000 km2 the Malwa flows form an extensive but relatively thin sequence. We sampled Deccan basalts along two 100 km each N-S and E-W transects along the western ...

Ariyalur District Court | India

Ariyalur has been functioning as a separate District since 23.11.2007. Administrative Units Ariyalur District consists of two Revenue Divisions viz., Ariyalur and Udayarpalayam, Four Taluks viz., Ariyalur, Sendurai, Udayarpalayam and Andimadam (Andimadam Taluk is formed as per G.O.(Ms) No. 167 Revenue(RA1(1)) Department dated : 08-05-2017 ...

THE BEST Places to Visit in Ariyalur (UPDATED 2024)

Adventurous. 1 place sorted by traveller favourites. 1. Karaivetti Sactuary. 1. Bodies of Water. By 141balas. This sanctuary is at a distance of 7km from Keezapalur in Ariyalur district of Tamilnadu state.I got down at...

Petrography and geochemistry of the Upper Cretaceous …

Petrography, geochemistry, Ariyalur Group, Trichinopoly, Southern India: Implication for palaeoenvironment 16 Kallamedu, Ottakovil, and Sendurai

Urban Development in Ariyalur District, Using Remote …

After processing the imageries, four land use/land cover (LULC) classes where considered, and the results shows that Built-up area continuously increased in land area from 1990 -2020 with total ...


Ariyalur was a part of the erstwhile Trichinopoly District until India's independence in 1947 and Tiruchirappalli district until 1995, Perambalur district until 2007 and subsequently a …

Ariyalur | Tamil Nadu Tourism

Ariayalur district in Central Tamilnadu offers a rare blend of historical monuments and a slice of flourishing life, thanks to the natural mineral deposits and its status as the hub of a thriving cement industry. An inland district without a coastline, the district is lined by Vellar River in the North and Kollidam River in the South. For a ...


Ariyalur is a town and district headquarters of Ariyalur district in the South Indian state of Tamil Nadu and rich lime stone and surrounded with five cement factory and two suger factory. It is the smallest district headquarters in Tamil Nadu. ... As of 2011, the municipality covered an area of 7.62 km2 (2.94 sq mi) and had a population of 28,902.

(PDF) Terminal Maastrichtian age calcareous …

Terminal Maastrichtian age calcareous nannofossils preceding K/T mass extinction from Ariyalur Formation, Vridhhachalam area, South India ... Archaean metamorphics and igneous rocks with a NE-SW …

Tamil Nadu Districts List 2024

Tamil Nadu, a South Indian state, was established in 1956 and initially comprised 13 districts. It spans a total area of 130,058 square kilometers and is home to a population of 72,147,030. Tamil Nadu is organized into multiple administrative districts and subdivisions. Presently, the state has expanded, and it is now composed of a total of 38 ...

Ariyalur | Tamil Nadu Tourism

Ariyalur in Central Tamil Nadu offers a rare blend of historical monuments and a slice of flourishing life, thanks to the natural mineral deposits and its status as the hub of thriving cement industry.

Geochemical characteristics of sandstones from Cretaceous …

A conglomerate band with 700 m width is noticed near Kottarai, which is formed due to intense drag folding (Sundaram et al. 2001). ... Extensive field work was carried out by using 1:50000 scale maps for the period of 6 months in the Perambalur and Ariyalur area. The traverse-wise collection of these samples in general dip direction has …


Perambalur district was divided into Perambalur and Ariyalur district in the year 2001 and merged with Perambalur in the year 2002. Now the district is bifurcated from Perambalur …

Sequence surfaces and paleobathymetric trends in Albian …

Exposed Late Cretaceous (Albian–Maastrichtian) marine rocks of the Ariyalur area in the Cauvery Basin have been extensively studied based on biostratigraphy and paleobathymetry with ...

Geo-heritage Status for Cretaceous Sedimentary …

By this method five 2nd and 3rd order sequences can be recognized in outcrops of the Ariyalur area based on sequence boundaries (SB): 1) …


Overview of Ariyalur fossil (Study area) Ariyalur is a small town in Tamil Nadu, southern India where many cement manufacturing units are situated that depend on the li mestone raw material.

Geo-heritage Status for Cretaceous Sedimentary …

Geo-heritage Status for Cretaceous Sedimentary Outcrops of the Ariyalur area, Cauvery Basin, India. R. Nagendra 1, P. Sathiyamoorthy 1 and A. N. Reddy 2. Department of Geology, Anna University ...

Marudaiyaru Basin Division, Ariyalur

Ariyalur Division was formed on 01.04.1968 and renamed as Aiyyaru Basin Division, Ariyalur in effect from 01.02.1996 vide G.O.Ms. No. 46 PW (WR1) Department, Date: 19.01.1996 and G.O.Ms. No. 371 PW (WR1) Department, Date: 26.06.1997, and again renamed as Marudaiyaru Basin Division, Ariyalur was formed and functioning from …

ABC HOSPITAL, Dr.SRINIVASAN,Dr. Padma Priya D. G. o.,, Ariyalur …

ABC HOSPITAL, Dr.SRINIVASAN,Dr. Padma Priya D. G. o., is located in Ariyalur (Ariyalur), Ariyalur. Based on 15 online review (s), this Hospital has a very good rating of 4.3 stars. There are at least 45 Hospitals in Ariyalur (Ariyalur), out of which this Hospital has an overall rank of 7. Address of the Hospital is 27, Pattunool Kara St, Near ...

A trip through the fossil-rich grounds of Ariyalur

A warm wind starts blowing as we reach Sathanur's fossil park. A staff of three takes turns to guard the 18-metre long trunk of the conifer that lies in state like an emperor within a metal railing.


A total number of 10 rare fossils have been identified in Ariyalur mines including fossilized dinosaur's eggs, perhaps 65 million years old in the river beds of …

Montfort School – Ariyalur

Montfort Matric Hr.Sec.School Ariyalur-621713 Open Hours Mon - Sat: 8 am - 5 pm, Sunday: CLOSED . Call us: 04329222644 Montfort Matric Hr.Sec.School Ariyalur-621713 Home; About us. Our founder; ... Online Application form Lower Classes; Application for Higher Secondary Admission 2024-2025; MONTE-Mag; Online Exam; Results; E …

5 ways to travel via train, bus, taxi, car, and plane

The town is located at a distance of 310 km from the state capital Chennai. Ariyalur was a part of the erstwhile Trichinopoly District until India's... independence in 1947 and Tiruchirappalli district until 1995, Perambalur district until 2007 and subsequently a part of the newly formed Ariyalur district. The town is a part of the fertile ...

Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Outcrop Sediments of the Ariyalur Area …

Exposed Cretaceous (Albian–Maastrichtian) marine rocks of the Ariyalur area in the Cauvery Basin were studied with respect to lithostratigraphy and biostratigraphy with palaeobathymetric interpretation, vertical and lateral relationships of rock facies, macro- and microfossil assemblages, textural characteristics, and diagenetic changes of ...

Ariyalur district

Ariyalur is noted for its cement industries and Jayankondam has huge reserves of lignite. Ariyalur district is an administrative district, one of the 38 districts in the state of Tamil Nadu in India. The district headquarters is located at Ariyalur. The district encompasses an area of 1,949.31 km2.

Gangaikonda cholapuram

Gangaikonda cholapuram was made the capital of the Cholas by Rajendra I, Raja Raja Chola's son. The entire city with its forts, palaces, halls, tanks, parks, etc. was laid to commemorate his victorious march to …

Role of oysters in biostratigraphy: A case study from the …

The Cretaceous sediments of the Ariyalur area, southern India, are the largest and the most important of all the exposures of that system in southern India. Oyster bivalves are common in these Cretaceous sediments. More than twenty species belonging to fifteen genera are known from the Ariyalur area. They are distributed in almost all the …

Sequence surfaces and paleobathymetric trends in Albian to

Large-scale trough cross-bedding (3 m thicknesses) is indicative of fluvial channel fill. The upper contact between Garudamangalam and Sillakkudi Formation are unconformable. 3.3. Ariyalur group The Ariyalur Group is represented in stratigraphic order by Sillakkudi, Kallankurichchi, Ottakkovil and Kallamedu Formations.

Tourist Places | Ariyalur District, Government of Tamil Nadu

Ariyalur district is endowed with a large number of historically important places and temples. VETTAKUDI – KARAIVETTI SANCTUARY The Karaivetti Birds Sanctuary with an area of 453.71 ha. has been notified under section…. Ariyalur is best known for the Gangaikondacholisvarar temple in Gangaikondacholapuram, the biggest …

Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Outcrop Sediments of the Ariyalur Area …

During the Late Jurassic, a pericratonic basin with synrift and postrift sedimentation evolved in the Cauvery Basin in southern India. The sediments and associated fauna and flora form part of the Cretaceous stratigraphy in this part of the continent. This study presents an investigation of the lithostratigraphic and biostratigraphic architecture of these sediments, …

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