High-Temperature Reaction of Kaolin with Ammonium Sulfate

On the basis of adjusting the silica-to-alumina ratio, kaolin and ammonium sulfate [ (NH4)2SO4] are mixed and heated in a furnace at temperatures between 200 and 1000 °C. The parameters studied ...

Coagulation performance and floc properties of …

In this study, aluminum sulfate (AS) was selected to combine with compound bioflocculant (CBF) for the treatment of synthetic kaolin-humic acid (HA) water. Two dual-coagulants, AS-CBF (AS dosed firstly) and CBF-AS (CBF dosed firstly), were prepared by dosing AS and CBF in reverse order.

Production of γ-Al 2 O 3 from Kaolin

Kaolin was transformed to meta-kaolin by calcination at 800oC for 2h. γ-alumina powder was synthesized through extracting alumina from meta- kaolin via H2SO4 and meta-kaolin reactions and consequently precipitation in ethanol, which led to form the aluminum sulfate. The precipitated aluminum sulfate was dried and calcined at 900 …

[PDF] Production Aluminium Sulphate [(Al2(SO4)3] from Kaolin …

One of the main chemicals used in water treatment process are aluminum sulphate used as coagulant thus forming clean water. Aluminum sulfate [Al2(SO4)3] or alum is one of the chemicals that are required both in industry and water treatment companies. This research objective was to study the operating conditions of the process of making solid aluminum …

(PDF) Preparation of aluminum sulfate from Saudi kaolin by …

PDF | On Aug 17, 2023, Mohamed Tantawy and others published Preparation of aluminum sulfate from Saudi kaolin by acid treatment and its application as a flocculant for surface water treatment ...

Extraction of Aluminium from Kaolin: a Comparative …

The main contaminants of kaolin are quartz and mica (10-45%), as well as iron oxide (1-10%) [4]. The extraction of alumina from kaolin has been widely investigated with a range of acid and alkali hydrometallurgical processes. Leaching of aluminium from calcined kaolinitic clays with HCl or H2SO4 solutions is proposed with the sequent ...

Extraction of alumina from kaolin by a combination of …

The produced −25 μm kaolin was transformed to active meta-kaolin via calcination at 750 °C for 5 h. Through metakaolin- H 2 SO 4 interactions, and consequently precipitation in ethanol solution, aluminum sulfate was formed.

Effect of dosing sequence and solution pH on floc properties …

The compound bioflocculant (CBF)-aluminum sulfate (AS) dual-coagulant and AS were comparatively studied for the coagulation of kaolin-humic acid solution. Floc properties including floc growth rate, size, strength, recoverability and fractal dimension under different pH conditions were investigated by Mastersizer 2000.

Preparation of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and its …

Leathers tanned with the combination of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and mimosa vegetable tannin exhibited hydrothermal stability of up to 118 °C as compared to mimosa alone that showed the average of 80 °C. ... In this study we present an industrial-scaled tanning process intended to replace chrome tanning in the production of high …

Preparation of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and its …

Development of chro-mium-free tanning agent is highly needed for sustainable leather production. Use of aluminium sulphate (Al2(SO4)3) as tanning agent has a long history …

Preparation of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and its …

Therefore, in the present work aluminium sulphate was prepared from kaolin and its performance for combination tanning was studied. Difraction and vibrational spec-troscopic studies were carried out to confirm the prepared aluminium sulphate. Combination tanning was carried out with mimosa vegetable tannins. Leathers tanned with the combination ...

Preparation of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and its …

Leathers tanned with the combination of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and mimosa vegetable tannin exhibited hydrothermal stability of up to 118 °C as compared to mimosa alone that showed the average of 80 °C. ... Development of chromium-free tanning agent is highly needed for sustainable leather production. Use of aluminium sulphate (Al2(SO4 ...

(PDF) All rights reserved Production and Characterization of …

Under optimized condition 68.75% (w/w) aluminum sulphate (alum) was extracted. The result showed that sulphuric acid could be used on a large scale to extract alum from Kaolin clay.

High-efficiency extraction of aluminum from low-grade kaolin …

A facile hydrometallurgical method was proposed for high-efficiency extraction of aluminum at low activation temperature from low-grade kaolin involving sulfuric acid assisted activation followed by water leaching. After the slurry mixture of low-grade kaolin and sulfuric acid solution was stirred at 25 °C for 3 h and further heated at 150 °C for 2 h, …

Influence of a new coagulant aid-Enteromorpha extract on …

The concentrated Ep was precipitated, freeze-dried and used as the CA. The purified Ep polysaccharide was studied as the CA and Aluminum sulphate (AS) was chosen as the primary coagulant (Zhao et al., 2013a). The performance efficiencies of both AS and AS–Ep extract combination were appraised in synthetic kaolin–humic acid (HA) …

Production Aluminium Sulphate [(Al2(SO4 3] from Kaolin …

Aluminum sulfate [Al 2 (SO 4) 3] or alum is one of the chemicals that are required both in industry and water treatment companies. This research objective was to study the …

(PDF) The Use of Factorial Design in Optimizing the Production …

A statistical model based on an orthogonal factorial design was established to. optimize the preparation of alum "alu minum sulfate " by leaching a local kaolin clay. with sulfuric acid. XRF ...

(PDF) Production of γ-Al 2 O 3 from Kaolin

Kaolin was transformed to meta-kaolin by calcination at 800oC for 2h. γ-alumina powder was synthesized through extracting alumina from meta- kaolin via H2SO4 and meta-kaolin reactions and...

[PDF] Production Aluminium Sulphate [(Al2(SO4)3] from …

In this research, the process of mixing the sulfuric acid and kaolin, aluminum sulfate paste subsequently extracted with distilled water that has been heated to obtain aluminum …

High-efficiency extraction of aluminum from low-grade kaolin …

The poly-aluminum-ferric-sulfate (PAFS) coagulant was further obtained from the leachate, and its coagulation performance was evaluated by jar tests. It was found that the PAFS is highly effective under acid conditions, and shows the highest removal efficiency of 93.7% for Direct Blue 2B with a dosage of 140 mg/L.

Aluminum Sulfate | Al2(SO4)3 | CID 24850

Anhydrous aluminum sulfate is a white crystalline solid. Aluminum sulfate is also obtained as an 18- hydrate Al2 (SO4)3.18H2O. Both forms are soluble in water, noncombustible, and nontoxic. The primary hazard is the threat to the environment. Immediate steps should be taken to limit its spread to the environment.

Preparation of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and its …

Results from XRF analysis of kaolin in Table 1 shows that the major content of kaolin are the oxides of aluminium (25.8%) and silicate (63.4%), which is the characteristic feature of kaolin clays, and are in agreement with the previous findings that reported 31.43% Al2O3 and 63.64% SiO2 for same source of kaolin clay [30].

Coagulation performance and floc properties of compound …

Coagulation performance and floc properties of compound bioflocculant-aluminum sulfate dual-coagulant in treating kaolin-humic acid solution. Author links open overlay panel Xiaowen Bo, Baoyu Gao, Nana Peng, ... low yields and high production cost [2], [10]. To overcome these limitations, researchers have done much work on screening …

Kaolin: processing, properties and applications

Produc- tion of aluminum compounds such as aluminum sulfate, phosphate and trich- loride account for major applications for kaolin. Aluminum sulfate accounts …

Coagulation performance and floc characteristics of aluminum sulfate …

Synthetic test water was prepared by HA and kaolin. The stock solution of HA was prepared as follows: 1.0 g HA, and 0.4 g NaOH was dissolved in about 800 mL deionized water, and the solution was diluted to 1 L after continuous stirring for 30 min.The kaolin stock solution was prepared as follows: 5.0 g kaolin was dissolved in 1 L …

Preparation of aluminium sulphate from kaolin …

Leathers tanned with the combination of aluminium sulphate from kaolin and mimosa vegetable tannin exhibited hydrothermal stability of up to 118 °C as compared to mimosa alone that showed the aver- age of 80 °C. ...

Production of γ-Al2O3 from Kaolin

The precipitated aluminum sulfate was dried and calcined at 900 oC for 2h, which resulted the formation of γ-alumina. The structure of γ-alumina was confirmed by XRD and FTIR and the mean particles size of γ-alumina was determined by SEM to be 0.5 - 0.9 µm. The study revealed the kaolin could be promising material for preparation of γ-alumina.

Production of γ-Al2O3 from Kaolin

kaolin via H2SO4 and meta-kaolin reactions and consequently precipitation in ethanol, which led to form the aluminum sulfate. The precipitated aluminum sulfate was dried and calcined at 900˚C for ...

High-efficiency extraction of aluminum from low-grade …

It was found that the intercalation of sulfuric acid leads to reduction of activation temperature of low-grade kaolin and high Al extraction efficiency of 99.2%. …

Influence of a new coagulant aid-Enteromorpha

@article{Zhao2013InfluenceOA, title={Influence of a new coagulant aid-Enteromorpha extract on coagulation performance and floc characteristics of aluminum sulfate coagulant in kaolin–humic acid solution treatment}, author={Shuang Zhao and Baoyu Gao and Yan Wang and Zhonglian Yang}, journal={Colloids and Surfaces A: …

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