Grains and Oilseeds Outlook

As soybean crush capacity continues to expand in the United States, crush is projected to rise to a record 2.4 billion bushels in 2024/25. Domestic and global soybean meal demand is expected to increase as greater availability of soybean meal, both in the United States and South America, leads to lower prices.

Bunge boosts crush capacity in Iowa

The 11 million-bushel increase, due to be complete by the 2008 harvest, will result in the facility having an annual crush capacity of nearly 77 million bushels, the largest in the United States ...

Cargill to boost U.S. soy crush capacity, plant efficiency as …

Cargill's $475 million investment in seven states comes as U.S. processors are already crushing soybeans at a record pace amid soaring demand for livestock feed. News Today's news

The United States, Brazil, and China Soybean Triangle: A …

2022 and 2023, the United States reduced by 12% its exports to China and increased domestic soybean crush capacity and use. In the last few years, American farmers have …

Soybean processing growth is crushing it

Iowa has the highest soybean crush capacity of any state (Figure 2) with more than 1.3 million bushels per day of nameplate capacity (approximately 420 million bushels per year in practical capacity).

Solved Kitco Inc. is in the wholesale business that buys and

The company buys linseed oil from many crushing plants throughout the United States and stores it in a tank farm with a total capacity of 1.5 million gallons at their headquarters. It sells linseed oil to paint manufacturers and also to big-box hardware stores. Kitco Inc. offers a quantity discount off of their list price of $8.50 per gallon of ...

CHS doing $60M expansion at Mankato soybean plant

The CHS soybean oil crushing plant is getting a $60 million upgrade that will increase production by 35%. ... which increased soybean crush capacity by 30% and replaced outdated equipment ...

U.S. canola crushing plants pop up as oil demand rises

Pacific Coast Canola is expected to process 379,500 tonnes of canola annually once the plant is at full capacity. It is expected to produce 142,500 tonnes of oil and 227,000 tonnes of meal annually.

Fats and Oils: Oilseed Crushings, Production, …

Crude oil produced was 2.04 billion pounds up 3 percent from April 2021 but down 1 percent from May 2020. Soybean once refined oil production at 1.71 billion pounds during May 2021 increased 4 percent from April 2021 and increased 12 percent from May 2020. Canola seeds crushed for crude oil was 159,799 tons in May 2021, compared with 193,146 ...

United States Department of Agriculture Agricultural …

Despite the lower production outlook for the United States, the global soybean output forecast remains at an all-time high, largely on a record Brazil crop and a rebounding crop in Argentina. ... Growing demand from the poultry and aquaculture industries and increased crush capacity had expanded the market at an average annual …

US soybean crush capacity on the rise | World Grain

The US Department of Agriculture said in its Jan. 2 Fats and Oils: Oilseed Crushings, Production, Consumption and Stocks report that 6 million tons (200 million bushels) of soybeans were crushed in November, up 5.4% from 5.69 million tons (190 …

Announced soybean processing projects to …

The U.S. soybean processing industry intends to grow significantly over the next few years, with announcements for 23 plant expansions adding about 750 million bushels per day in crush capacity …

U.S. Soy Processors Build New Capacity at Fastest Rate in …

Crushing plants produce high-protein soybean meal feed for livestock and soybean oil for food and fuel. In 2019, U.S. processors are expected to open plants with capacity to process at least 120 million bushels of soybeans, up about 5 percent from existing capacity of an estimated 1.9 billion bushels. The last time outright capacity …

Fats and Oils: Oilseed Crushings, Production, Consumption …

This monthly release is part of the Current Agricultural Industrial Report (CAIR) program, and covers the crush of oilseeds and production of crude oil for selected states and the U.S. as well as U.S. production and consumption of selected fats and oils for edible and inedible uses. The end-of-month stock values by oilseed are also published.

CoBank: Soy crush expansion could lead to overbuild

In response, soybean crush capacity in the United States grew 7% in the last three years and is expected to grow 23% in the next three. Most of this will be in construction of greenfield facilities with 11 new plants expected to be built in the next three years. Another four are expected to expand capacity or be retrofitted to process oilseeds.


With increased soybean production and rapid growth in crushing capacity, Brazil and Argentina have each surpassed the United States in soybean meal and soybean oil exports. As U.S renewable fuel policies continue to incentivize the use of soybean oil for biofuel production, stimulating soybean crush capacity expansions, domestic demand …


Strengths and Limitations. The USDA, ERS Oil Crops Yearbook represents the most comprehensive dataset of oil crops data that are useful to understand supply and demand for oil crops in the United States and abroad. This dataset contains the annual, quarterly, and monthly domestic supply and use statistics for oil crops and their products along ...

Soy Crush Expansion Brings Supply and Export Questions

Soybean meal and soybean oil shipments tallied 12.3 mmt and 781,766 metric tons (1.7 billion pounds), respectively. It's likely whole soybean and soy oil export records won't be broken in the ...

Cargill finalizes expansion of soybean crush facility

Previous crush capacity nearly doubled with the expansion, making it one of Cargill's largest soy crush facilities in the United States. Prior to the expansion, Cargill bought most of its soybeans from a 30-mile radius of Sidney and now expects to be competitive for farmers 50-plus miles from the facility.

CHS expands soybean oil refining capacity at Mankato

ST. PAUL, MINN. (September 07, 2021) - CHS Inc., the nation's leading agribusiness cooperative, today announced a major soybean refinery expansion and renovation project at the CHS Mankato, Minn., soybean processing plant, driven by global oil demand. The more than $60 million project is the second phase of CHS investments to capitalize on ...

Surging soybean crush capacity marks milestone in US …

This upward trajectory is a testament to the industry's efforts to expand domestic crush capacity. The American Soybean Association reported that for the 2021-22 marketing year, the United States had approximately 60 crushing plants capable of processing around 2.2 billion bushels of soybeans annually.

Cargill to boost U.S. soy crush capacity, plant efficiency as …

Cargill's $475 million investment in seven states comes as U.S. processors are already crushing soybeans at a record pace amid soaring demand for livestock feed. Soybean prices have scaled to the ...

Grain Crushings and Co-Products Production (CAIR Program)

The National Agricultural Statistics Service's mission is to serve the United States, its agriculture, and its rural communities by providing meaningful, accurate, and objective statistical information and services. ... 14.792 billion gallons nameplate capacity; Last Modified: 12/12/2018 ~ Providing Timely, Accurate and Useful Statistics in ...

Crushing statistics of major oilseeds, Canada and United States…

A higher share of total disposition went to domestic crush than in the previous crop year, when domestic crush represented 41.9% of total disposition. In the United States, over the 2021 calendar year, oilseed processors crushed 58 206 109 tonnes of soybeans, down 3.1% from 2020, and 1 860 675 tonnes of canola, down 10.0%.

Soybean processing growth is crushing it

The U.S. currently has around 60 crushing plants with a total practical capacity of about 2.2 million bushels per year, which is about the crush level for the 2021/22 marketing year. Nameplate capacity of a …

Oxbow Crush launches, acquires soybean processing plant …

Related tagsSoybean meal. Oxbow Crush has launched as an independent US soybean processor, with its purchase of a soybean processing plant in Greenwood, Mississippi. The facility has been idle since February this year. Oxbow acquired the site from UMB Bank, which took on the asset following the bankruptcy of the former owner, …

Soybean crush capacity poised to lower meal price

Feedgrain prices are set to fall in coming years as soybean crush capacity soars in the United States, says an analyst. Annual crush capacity is expected to grow by 800 million bushels as grain ...

Grains and Oilseeds Outlook

As soybean crush capacity continues to expand in the United States, crush is projected to rise to a record 2.4 billion bushels in 2024/25. Domestic and global soybean meal …

Louis Dreyfus to build Ohio soy crush plant, add to …

The plant will have capacity to produce 320,000 metric tons per year of edible soybean oil and 7,500 metric tons of lecithin, it said. Construction is expected to finish by 2026, Dreyfus said in ...

Canola crushing it | World Grain

There is potential to grow capacity in Ukraine, Australia and even the United States, he said. The United States has seen significant growth recently, with canola production increasing 45% from 2021 to 2022 to a total of 1.79 million tonnes, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service of the USDA.

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