Chevron™️ (profiled belts)

Availability. Standard profile widths range from 400mm up to 1600mm, depending on profile type. Fenner Dunlop 'super strength' chevron belts are available in RA (high abrasion resistant), and ROS (mineral oil resistant) qualities. Other cover grades are available on request. All Fenner Dunlop chevron belts are supplied with moulded edges.

How to Calculate TPH of Belt Conveyor

Applying the Belt Conveyor Capacity Calculation Formula. With all necessary data in hand, the next step focuses on applying the conveyor belt calculation formula. This formula is typically expressed as TPH = (Belt Speed in m/s) * (Belt Width in m) * (Material Density in kg/m³) * (Load Cross Section in m²) / 1000.

Superfort Datasheet (English)

Dunlop Superfort 'long life' belts are the ideal solution for a wide variety of applications, from light duty up to the very heaviest, toughest materials and the most challenging working environments. Exclusively manufactured in Holland. Tensile strengths available from 250 N/mm up to 3150 N/mm. Wide range of widths available, from 400 up ...

Dunlop Belting Products

Dunlop Industrial Africa is South Africa's largest Black Owned and part Black Woman Owned conveyor belt and industrial hose manufacturer. We are a Level 1 BBBEE contributor and all our conveyor belts are locally manufactured at our two world class ISO accredited production facilities in Benoni

Solid Woven Conveyor Belting

This is PVC belt with the addition of single or double nitrile rubber covers of up to 6mm thick. Increased belt life, steep gradient and high trip rate conveying are the main advantages of PVG. It is generally used on high tonnage drift and trunk conveyors as well as in power stations and coal preparation plants.

Contact Us – Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting

Fenner Dunlop America has a nationwide distribution network with the right availability and knowledge. They carry a full line of best in class conveyor belts, matched with top of the line service capabilities. Our network provides customer splicing services, belt installation and training, and 24/7 emergency support.


splice is calculated in percentage as (N-1)/N x 100, with N being the amount of layers in the belt. Alternative step dimensions may be possible for applications with reduced belt loads, but Dunlop cannot provide warrantee on reduced step lengths. When in doubt about the belt load, please use the splice dimensions in table 1

Fishbone™️ and Rufftop™️ Profiled Belting

AVAILABILITY. Rufftop is available from stock in 250/2 construction in both regular and slider belt formats. Fishbone is available from stock in 250/2 construction. The standard quality cover is the high abrasion resistant 'RA'. Other cover grades and belt strengths can be custom made to order. Request quotation.


Dunlomat®. Dunlomat rubber matting has been specifically designed by Fenner Dunlop engineers for a wide variety of industrial and agricultural uses including stall and stable flooring as well as equine/livestock transportation. The premier grade wear resistant rubber covers have an easy to clean anti-slip 'Fabric print' on one side and a ...

Splicing heat resistant conveyor belts

As with the use of mechanical fasteners on heat-resistant belts, the use of cold vulcanizing materials is also not recommended because splice joints made in this way begin to lose strength from about 80 deg. C. onwards. High heat-resistant rubber compounds usually have EP (D)M as a base polymer and the adhesion levels of EP …

Conveyor Belt Calculations

The conveyor belt calculations methodology discussed in the article is to be used only for the guidance on calculating the initial conveyor design parameters; the final design must be validated by using the FEA or other similar tools before building the prototype. Reference. Dunlop – Conveyor belt technique design and calculation

conveyor belt calculation

Gypsum Board Belting Splicing. Passenger Conveyor Belts Splicing. Conveyor Belt Repair/Replacement. Conveyor Belt Splicing/Fasteners. Vulcanising. Splice Training. Types of Conveyor Belts. Dunlop service Dubai is always ready to repair or replace your conveyor belts.


An integral part of the conveyor belt maintenance service is carrying out inspections and making recommendations for preventative maintenance measures that help minimise the risk of breakdowns. We offer conveyor belt service packages to ensure that optimise the working time of your conveyors so that your production can run non-stop if necessary ...

Ultra X3

Ultra X3. The cement plant operators had been experiencing regular problems in the splicing area of the main conveyor belt carrying materials to the bulk storage area and with rapid wear of the top cover because of aggressive materials and scrapers. Conventional 500/4 4+2 DIN Y belt was repeatedly failing at the splice joint and causing damage ...

Dunlopipe™️ Conveyor Belting

Dunlopipe is constructed using a uniquely adapted cross-rigidity fabric multi-ply carcass, specifically designed to allow consistent tube formation. It also features special flexible belt edges to enable efficient closure. Because they are under permanent stress (elongation), the outer covers used for Dunlopipe conveyor belts are made from a ...

Superfort Deltahete

Temperature range up to 400°C. Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Belting's Superfort multi-ply construction belts with Fenner Dunlop Deltahete heat resistant covers are well-proven, highly successful belts, specifically engineered to convey high-temperature abrasive materials under even the most demanding heavy-duty service conditions. Superfort ...

Saw Mill™️ Belts

Availability. Fenner Dunlop sawmill belting is made to order in widths up to 2000mm supplied as standard without covers or 1.5mm top and 0mm friction back for slider belt applications. Other thicknesses are available upon request. It is available in two different oil resistant cover grades, ROM (animal & vegetable oils) and ROS (extra resistant ...


AVAILABILITY. flex belts are available from stock in 500, 630 N/mm tensile strengths using the Fenner Dunlop RS (high wear and cut resistance) cover quality. Other tensile strengths and cover grade options can be made to order. Available in …

Dunlop Belt Buddy – new Conveyor Belt App

Dunlop Belt Buddy enables the user to make a wide range of on-the-spot calculations including: belt thickness and weight, roll size and belt length from a coiled …


up to 2000mm. UsFlex belts are supplied with the abrasion resistant 'RS' cove. as standard. The Dunlop RS cover grade exceeds the very highest DIN and ISO grades (DIN W and ISO 14. 90 'D '). Other tensile strengths and cover qualities can be. ade to order. Available in widths from 400mm.

Conveyor belt fire safety classifications and standards

EN 12882 is the standard for safety requirements for conveyor belts for general-purpose use. The most basic safety requirement is EN 12882 Category 1, which simply demands that the belt is anti-static and conforms to EN ISO 284 international standards, which is also the primary demand for use in specific ATEX 114 (2014/34/EU …

conveyor belt calculation

Splice Training. Types of Conveyor Belts. Dunlop service Dubai is always ready to repair or replace your conveyor belts.

Fenner Dunlop UsFlex

Belts can often be destroyed within a matter of weeks or months. Our solution to this problem is UsFlex, which has longitudinal rip resistance more than five times that of multi-ply belts of equivalent rating because of our unique straight-warp construction. UsFlex provides impact resistance up to three times greater than that of conventional ...


Staramid belts are custom made to order and can be supplied in all Fenner Dunlop cover grades. All Staramid belts are supplied with moulded edges. Tensile strengths (N/mm): 630, 800, 1000, 1250, 1600 and 2000. Available in widths from 500mm up to 2200mm. Request quotation.

Conveyor belt technique design and calculation

10.8 Belt specification, DUNLOP belt types. II. Index. 11 Design. 11.1 Main data, belt speed, standard values, ... The conveyor belt plays the major part in the whole system and has to over-

Understanding Conveyor Belt Calculations | Sparks Belting

Understanding a basic conveyor belt calculation will ensure your conveyor design is accurate and is not putting too many demands on your system.

Conveyor belts – the TRUE cost

The Dunlop solution has been to develop a range of quarry conveyor belts with carcasses and cover layers that provide optimum durability and wear resistance. Dunlop belts used in the quarry industry have very high tear resistance and covers that are exceptionally resistant to wear caused by abrasion.


Because the splice is the weakest spot in a conveyor belt, it is essential to make the splice with greatest possible accuracy. These instructions refer to the materials and techniques involved in splicing Dunlop Steel Cord conveyor belt. In order to maximise performance at the high tensions under which steel cord belting

Conveyor Belt Guide, with tons of free info

Conveyor Belt App from Fenner Dunlop BV. Dunlop has launched a simple, nice App called Belt Buddy, with some calculation tools and technical guidance …

Fenner Dunlop Belt Buddy – a new Conveyor Belt App

Fenner Dunlop Belt Buddy stands as the ultimate mobile companion for professionals seeking technical guidance on conveyor belting splicing and specifications. The majority of conveyor systems are in constant motion around the clock. One of the reasons why we have developed this App was to allow our customers access to technical information ...

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