DE Alert on SB 273: Legalize Raw Milk Sales in Delaware

Senate Bill 273 ( SB 273 ), "The Consumer Choice Milk Act" that would legalize raw milk sales for human consumption in Delaware, is before the Senate Agriculture Committee; there will be a hearing on May 15 at 11 a.m. SB 273 would allow the sale of raw milk and raw milk products by dairy farmers who have obtained a permit …

Raw Milk Near Me

In this episode, we explain the real deal with raw milk and where you can find it near you. This is Episode 445. Our guest is none other than Sally Fallon Morell, the President and Founder of the Weston A. Price Foundation. She's a prolific author, speaker, and proponent of raw milk. In 1998, she founded a campaign for real, raw milk.

FAQ-Diet in Pregnancy

Prenatal vitamins. Kombucha during pregnancy. Fermented foods/raw fish during pregnancy. Liver during pregnancy/liver for children. cod liver oil during pregnancy. evening primrose oil. magnesium in the pregnancy diet. For questions and topics regarding homemade baby formula and feeding infants, click here for the Formula FAQ page.

Ultra-Pasteurized Milk

In the commercial processing of UHT milk, raw milk is first preheated to 176-194° F, then submitted to one of two heating methods: direct or indirect. In the direct method, milk is injected with superheated steam or the milk is sprayed into steam. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition ...

ia Raw Milk Regulations

ia Raw Milk Regulations. January 23, 2005 By Weston A Price Foundation Leave a Comment. January 23, 2005. Beginning Wednesday, ia will require that all dairy products produced in ia–not just those from cow's milk–be pasteurized. The new regulations also require anyone manufacturing dairy products to …

50-50 Pledge

We are asking our members to help us celebrate twenty years of accurate information on diet and health by committing to support local farms. We call it the 50-50 Pledge: spend at least 50 percent of your food dollar by purchasing raw milk and raw milk products, eggs, poultry, meat and produce directly from local farmers and artisans.

Flawed Government Report Thwarts State Raw Milk Initiatives

Raw milk proponents say the CDC report could have an impact on a number of state bills in 2013 that aim to broaden consumer access to raw milk. Raw milk bills in Indiana, Iowa and Wyoming died in committee. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation is a Washington, DC-based nutrition education 501(c)(3) with the mission of disseminating science-based ...

Is Ultra Pasteurized Milk Bad

The Weston A. Price Foundation and other entities like the Raw Milk Institute have long pointed out the distinction between the high-risk raw milk "intended for pasteurization"—milk commingled from multiple confinement dair­ies and "produced in conditions where animal health is compromised," with "a corresponding high rate of ...

Raw Milk Revealed

Raw milk is a living food with properties that help us avoid chronic illnesses such as Krohn's, and can build our immune system so as to avoid illnesses that necessitate prescription drugs and costly surgeries. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation may not agree with all opinions expressed during the interview (especially regarding viruses ...


The Weston A. Price Foundation adopted A Campaign for Real Milk as a project in January 2000. In those days, sources of real milk were few, and it was difficult to find. The idea was to use the new technology of the Internet to help people find raw milk in their area—many states allowed the sale of raw milk at the farm but had laws against ...


ACTION ALERT: Planned Shutdown of Raw Milk Farmers. FDA is urging states to stop the sale of raw milk, claiming risk from flu. READ MORE. flu in raw milk? Sally Fallon Morell reveals the lies underlying the latest attack on raw milk. READ MORE . Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. says he drinks only raw milk!

Francis M. Pottenger, MD

Pottenger's most important articles are published in Pottenger's Cats, available from the Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation, (619) 574-7763. The Weston A. Price Foundation is a tireless advocate for nutrient-dense food and is wholly member supported. Becoming a member is incredibly affordable and has valuable benefits.

Natural Support for Hormone Balancing

Sunshine, lard from pastured pigs, raw milk and unrefined cod liver oil are excellent sources of vitamin D. Vitamin E is another antioxidant important for optimal thyroid function, protecting the thyroid from cellular damage. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming ...

Support Oregon Raw Milk

The bill increases markets for micro-dairies and can potentially help some of the dairies that are currently producing raw milk for pasteurization remain in business. Fewer than 200 Grade A dairies remain in Oregon today. Further alerts will be sent out on HB 2616 as events warrant. The Weston A. Price Foundation is a tireless advocate for ...

Liver Detoxification: Starve or Nourish?

Raw milk is also a wonderful source of glutathione. Glutathione is an incredible detoxifier and has been elevated to the status of "master antioxidant" by many nutritionists because it increases the activity of all the other antioxidants as well as vitamins C and E. Glutathione is comprised of three amino acids: glycine, glutamate, and ...

Dr. Ron on Raw Milk

The Weston A. Price Foundation is a tireless advocate for nutrient-dense food and is wholly member supported. Becoming a member is incredibly affordable and has valuable benefits. ... Comments. bernard j czech says. October 22, 2021 at 3:00 pm. been drinking raw milk for over 20 years after reading on weston prices web about its …

Timeless Principles of Healthy Traditional Diets

Eat full-fat milk products from pasture-fed cows, preferably raw and/or fermented, such as raw milk, whole yogurt, kefir, cultured butter, full-fat raw cheeses and fresh and sour cream. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) is your source for accurate information on nutrition and health, always aiming to provide the scientific …

Find Nutrient-Dense Foods

Spend at least 50% of your food dollar purchasing raw milk and raw milk products, eggs, poultry, meat and produce directly from local farmers and artisans. ... The Weston A. Price Foundation is a tireless advocate for nutrient-dense food and is wholly member supported. Becoming a member is incredibly affordable and has valuable benefits.

Milk Kefir

1 tablespoon kefir grains per 1 cup raw milk. Place the kefir grains and raw milk into a glass jar. Let sit at room temperature out of direct sunlight for 24-48hrs. (or until the grains have properly fermented the milk) Strain the kefir into another jar using a plastic mesh strainer. You can now drink the kefir immediately or cover with a lid ...

Harvard Law Hosts Raw Milk Debate

Sally Fallon Morell, President, Weston A. Price Foundation David Gumpert, Author, The Raw Milk Revolution. When: Thursday, February 16, 2012, 7:15 pm ... I use Raw milk, cream, yogurt, butter,cheeses, raw eggs and pastured meats &poultry. Is is the Putrefied Dairy Industry and the FDA who want to put an end to the local farm foods, we …

Action Alert: Ohio Raw Milk

WESTON A. PRICE FOUNDATION. ACTION ALERT. February 27, 2006. WAPF foundation members have never failed to answer the call when the consumer's right to purchase the foods of their choice, including the right to consume raw milk, has been challenged in states like Pennsylvania, Colorado and Florida. Your help is now needed in …

Action Alert: Planned Shutdown Of Raw Milk Farmers

A message from Dr. Weston A. Price; 11 Dietary Principles; Brochures. Shopping Guide; Healthy 4 Life; Beginner Tour ... that ". . . we do not know at this time if the HPAI H5N1 virus can be transmitted to humans through consumption of raw milk and products made from raw milk from infected cows," the agency recommends that health …


Raw Milk / Cheeses Whitehall, MT. Orange Blossom Dairy Raw Goat Milk 406.579.9102. Kathy Hochstrat – conventional Raw Cows Milk White Sulphur Springs 406.547.4199. Epona Equestrian Ranch – conventional Connie Raw Cow Milk 406.580.8165. Primary Sidebar. External Links. Weston A. Price Foundation.

Local Real Milk Sources

The Weston A. Price Foundation provides lists of producers and guidelines for the purpose of supporting consumer rights to ensure the continued supply of real food products for those who choose them. Cunningham Farm – Grant; Green Pastures Farm – Coopersville; Six S Dairy – Sand Lake (Milk, meat & eggs, ask about their local drop spots.)

Diet for Pregnant and Nursing Mothers

Fresh seafood, 2-4 times per week, particularly wild salmon, shellfish and fish eggs. Fresh beef or lamb daily, always consumed with the fat. Oily fish or lard daily, for vitamin D. 2 tablespoons coconut oil daily, used in cooking or smoothies, etc. Lacto-fermented condiments and beverages. Bone broths used in soups, stews and sauces.

Raw Milk

San Francisco, CA. 415 863.0620. Thom's. 843 Geary Blvd. at 23rd Avenue. San Francisco, CA 94121. 415 387.6367. Bi-Rite. 3639 18th Street (between Guererro and Dolores) San Francisco, CA 94110.

Not All Raw Milk is Produced Equally

An example might be: Not all raw milk is produced equally. Raw milk is a low risk food for human consumption where it is produced and inspected under rigorous, transparent standards and testing. Raw milk has been shown to be easily digested and provide immune benefits to patients with asthma and allergies.

With the Wave of a Wand, Raw Milk Wipes Away the …

In fact, the raw milk was a whopping 2,866 times higher in lactoferrin than boiled milk and a mind-blowing 8,026 times higher than UHT milk! Minimal pasteurization caused a lesser loss of lactoferrin: raw milk was 36 percent higher, but the difference was not statistically significant. ... the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation ...

Understanding and Managing Type 2 Diabetes

Understanding and Managing Type 2 Diabetes. At least one in three people will develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime. 1 I am in my sixties and have type 2 diabetes, which is particularly common in older …

The "heal your leaky gut" Diet

Monica Corrado, an author, nutrition consultant, and certified GAPS (Gut And Psychology Syndrome) practitioner, defines this prevalent condition, and she explains how we can address it through the power of real food. She goes over the GAPS protocol, calling it the original "heal your leaky gut" diet. She offers simple dietary advice ...

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