
With process know-how, high quality, innovative plant designs, HAZEMAG provides proven solutions in recycling of rubble, concrete asphalt, glass, slag HAZEMAG Underground Mining. A highly specialized partner, offering the mining industry technically proven solutions for a vast array of applications

APSE | PRIMARY IMPACTOR | Hazemag North America

For the recycling of concrete and asphalt, the APSE Series Primary Impact Crusher is an ideal choice to process recycled materials down to a product size of 0 – 4 inch (80% …

Primary Impact Crusher | HPI-H

The HPI-H Crusher has two impact aprons and can also be equipped with a grinding path. The rotor is capable of handling feed material up to 1.2m³, and gap settings of the impact aprons and grinding path can be adjusted …

Rotor Types

KS-Rotor. The KS-Rotor is designed as an open disc rotor which can be installed and used in all generations of HAZEMAG secondary impact crushers. The rear retaining bar fits into corresponding recesses in the rotor discs, and the one-piece longitudinal retaining bar absorbs crushing and centrifugal forces from the blow bars. A reinforced ...

HHI | Horizontal Impact Crusher | Hazemag North America

500 - 630. HHI 1525. 1,100 x 2,400. 1,200 - 4,000. 630 - 750. The HHIÂ basically consists of two machine components: the crushing roll and the chain conveyor. This system has proved successful in numerous applications in coal as well as in ore mining, above and underground, in natural stone and in recycling concrete and construction rubble.

Hazemag APK 105

rpm: 600 weight (kg): 15,000 price (gbp): £ poa description hazemag apk 105 impact crusher for high strength abrasive feeds. refurbished with new bearings, blowbars, hard facing to rotor and wear parts where required. comes with 150kw electric motor, drive belts and hydraulic power pack for the opening and closing of the crusher and adjustment ...

HAZEMAG Aggregate Equipment For Sale

Browse a wide selection of new and used HAZEMAG Aggregate Equipment for sale near you at MachineryTrader. Top models include APK60, APK40, SAP 5, and APS1313

APS | Secondary Impactor | Hazemag North …

64 x 118. (1600 x 3000) 113,500. (51,590) The APS Series Secondary Impact Crusher is ideally suited for crushing medium-hard rock down to a well graded, highly cubical product size of 0 â€" 3 inch. This machine is …

HPI | PRIMARY IMPACTOR | Hazemag North America

HPI with Third Crushing Path. The HPI, 3rd Crushing Path Version, Series Primary Impact Crusher is ideally suited to crush run of quarry, medium-hard materials down to a product size of 0 – 6 inch (97% -4 inch) in a single pass. Due to its excellent ability to limit the upper product size, this machine is an ideal choice for cement plants where the raw grinding is …

HPI-H | PRIMARY IMPACTOR | Hazemag North America

The HPI-H Primary Impact Crusher is ideally suited for crushing medium-hard rock down to a well graded product size of 0 â€" 6 inch. Due to its operational flexibility, economical …

HAZEMAG Aggregate Equipment For Sale | MachineryTrader

2000 HAZEMAG 30X65. Crusher Aggregate Equipment. Price: USD $21,674 USD $21,674 + VAT = USD $24,925 ( VAT applies to buyers in South Africa) ( Price entered as: ZAR R395 000) Financial Calculator. Machine Location: Boshof, Fs, South Africa 8340. Condition: Used.

HAF | Apron Feeder | Hazemag North America

The HAZEMAG HAF apron feeder offers an excellent solution for a highly controlled, uniform extraction of the given raw material from the primary feed hopper. Cement and aggregate producers around the world have benefited from its very heavy-duty design, innovative technology, and proven success. Conveying capacities up to 4000 ton/hour …

Jaw Crusher | Hazemag North America

In addition to bringing you high performance, the Astro Jaw is also designed to bring your total crushing costs down. Each unique feature brings with it specific benefits that have a direct impact on your operation. The compact and simple design ensures ease of maintenance and installation, excellent reliability, high fatigue strength, and a ...

APK | Secondary Impactor | Hazemag North …

APK Secondary Impactor. The APK Series Secondary Impact Crusher is ideally suited to crush medium-hard materials down to a highly cubical, well graded product size of 0 – 3 inch. This machine is normally offered within …

Hazemag APK40

Downloads. HAZEMAG BROCHURE (1,199.2k) Enquire Download PDF. *Crushers, screens and feeders are priced in £ GBP ex works | Note that prices shown in $ USD and € EUR are for indication purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Crushers re-manufactured in the UK considering original factory tolerance.

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Your regional Contacts. We underline our global presence with offices in Europe, China, Australia, North & South America, South Africa, India & Morocco.Find your contact here.

Gyratory Crusher | Hazemag North America

6546. 7593. 8750. A gyratory crusher is one of the main types of primary crushers in a mine or ore processing plant. Gyratory crushers are designated in size either by the gape and mantle diameter or by the size of the receiving opening. Gyratory crushers can be used for primary or secondary crushing.

Hazemag APK40 Plant | International Crusher Solutions

Hazemag APK40. Impact Crusher. Machine Ref: M13227. Hazemag APK 40 Impact Crusher for high strength abrasive feeds. Fully refurbished with new wearparts, bearings and hard facing to rotor. Supplied with new 110kW motor, drives and hand pump. World Wide Delivery Available - currently in stock at our yard in Nairobi, Kenya.

HDS | Hammer Crusher | Hazemag North America

HDS Hammer Crusher. Double-shaft hammer crushers are mainly used in the cement industry for the comminution of soft to medium-hard, but also moist and tough materials: Limestone, gypsum, chalk, clay and marl, as well as lignite and pit coal. The crushing of the feed material is effected by percussion, impact and shear forces.

[Impact Crusher. HPI]

In the aggregate and recycling industry, the HAZEMAG Impact Crusher is used in the pre-crushing role without a grinding path In the cement industry the HPI is also used with grinding path, for the production of raw material with an ideal grain size distribution for further grinding in vertical roller mills Feed material up to 3m3


We have a wide range of pre-owned HAZEMAG machines available in perfect condition, and for sale on attractive terms. Don't compromise – you can always rely on HAZEMAG's consistently high quality! HAZEMAG is able to respond to your individual requests, objectives and requirements. Our used machines will be repaired in consultation with you ...

Compound Impact Crusher | HPC

HAZEMAG Compound Crusher. A double-rotor impact crusher used in the cement industry. Ideal for the production of feed material for ball mills ... The HPC crusher has 2 or 3 impact aprons and a grinding path, with settings controlled either by spindles and/or hydraulics; allowing optimum control of the end product granulometry. The grinding path ...

Hazemag APK 40


HPI | PRIMARY IMPACTOR | Hazemag North America

The HPI Series Primary Impact Crusher is ideally suited to crush run of quarry, medium-hard materials down to a product size of 0 – 8 inch (90% -4 inch) in a single pass. This …

[Impact Crushers. HPC]

Double–rotor impact crusher. Generation of a product suitable for feeding to ball mills. Combination of primary and secondary crushing in one machine, resulting in a high …

Hammer Crushers

Our Hammer Crushers. HAZEMAG offers a double rotor Hammer Crusher and is used as primary crusher in cement industry for soft to medium-hard rock. They offer a very high crushing ration of 10:1 up to 80:1. The product is ideal as feed material to downstream ball mills or vertical roller mills. Double rotor Hammer Crushers are able to process ...

HAZEMAG. Crushing, Screening, Feeding.

The sustained success achieved by HAZEMAG over the years has been its ability to support the company's technological and engineering expertise with an aftermarket service that prioritises its customers' unique requirements. The HAZEMAG customer service experience and the benefits it delivers: Life-cycle management and plant optimisation.

Homepage | Hazemag North America

HAZEMAG recognizes that supplying the diverse raw materials industry with world-class products is only the start of the story. The sustained success achieved by HAZEMAG over the years has been its ability to support the company's technological and engineering expertise with an aftermarket service that prioritizes its customers' unique requirements.

Primary Gyratory Crusher High Performance GY Series

Experience. Innovation. Results. Gyratory CrusherHigh Performance GY SeriesCrusherSINCE 1946: Our journey started here, with the introduction of the Andreas Impact Crusher and the beginning of HAZEMAG, now backed. by a reference list well exceeding 75,000 machines. Our customers benefit from an extensive range of …


forms the "heart" of the impact crusher. GSK-Rotor This patent rotor is HAZEMAG's own design and is a cast and welded steel construction, with indivi-dually cast rotor discs welded to the rotor body to accommodate the proprietary blow bars as primary crushing implements. The blow bars are locked in position in the holders by means of wedges, which

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