Zimbabwe. NIHL is one major problem facing. mining w or k er s toda y. T he occupa tional en vir onment. ... Measured 102 dB(A) from underground mining in the mining industry in Zimbabwe (8 ...
With the current economic problems in Zimbabwe, some companies might consider slashing down emergency preparedness and OHS programmes as a cost-cutting measure. ... The mining industry is faced with the challenge to ensure that ASM run basic systems in compliance with mining safety regulations of the country. The ASM should …
IN THE COLONIAL ECONOMY OF ZIMBABWE, 1903-1930: A LOPSIDED STRUGGLE BETWEEN LABOUR AND CAPITAL1 E.P. Makambe Accepted January 17, 1994 Abstract Up to 1903, the mining industry in colonial Zimbabwe had operated on the basis of primitive accumulation whereby extra economic coercion was a major factor in …
G. Kanyenze, The Clothing and Textile Industry in Zimbabwe, Herbert Jauch / Rudolf Traub-Merz (Eds.), 2006 Zimbabwe: The Capital Goods Sector, Investment and Industrial Issues World Bank
The findings revealed that the adoption of industry 4.0 technologies in the Zimbabwean mining industry was still in its infancy and there was limited investment in human capital development.
Cases of HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) are prominent due to inadequate f health facilities and low levels of awareness and risk perception. All these OHS and environmental issues discourage sustainability of mining operations. An average of 60 workers die in the artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) sector every year.
Zimbabwe is well known for its diverse wildlife, national parks and natural resources such as minerals and agricultural land. Zimbabwe's economy is largely based on agriculture, mining and tourism industries. In recent years, Zimbabwe has faced significant challenges in terms of Occupational Safety and Health programs.
Zimbabwe Mining StakeholderSector is concerned. 1.1. Research Objectives (1) To establish factors that hinders the mining companies from embarking on environmental accounting. (2) To identify if making environmental accounting work can be a strategic sustainable resource management tool in the mining sector in Zimbabwe.
The problem of corruption is not only endemic to Zimbabwe but rife to a number of African countries. Zimbabwe's corruption management is generally weak and most of the corruption cases are not
The mining sector in Zimbabwe discharges substantial amounts of effluents during mining and processing of minerals, particularly on the extraction of gold, coal, diamond and platinum through the ...
The women miners have further revealed that they continue to face gender related challenges and abuse from men. According to a report from the Pact Institute, a Washington DC-based development non …
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected many economies worldwide. It had diverse impacts on the African mining sector. This paper documents its impact by focusing on four major mineral-rich African countries: Ghana, Mali, South Africa and Zambia. An assessment of the impact of the pandemic on production, employment and government …
Environmental Acc ounting Work: Case of the Zim babwe Mining Industry, Universal Jour nal of Accounting and Finance, 9(4 ), 722 - 734 . DOI:10.13189/uj af.2021.090418 .
2.2. SDG 2: ensuring zero hunger. This goal calls for the elimination of hunger through increased food security and nutrition, as well as the promotion of sustainable agriculture (International Council on Mining and Metals, 2024).In 2020, approximately 2.4 billion people, or more than 30 % of the world's population, were moderately or severely …
Zimbabwe's economic development continues to be hampered by several challenges. Real GDP is estimated to have grown by 5.5% in 2023, after a 6.5% growth in 2022, due to an expansion in agriculture, mining, and remittances-induced services growth. Nevertheless, macroeconomic volatility fueled by monetary instability and substantial …
Introduction. The agricultural sector is the backbone of many economies in Southern Africa and Zimbabwe is no exception. The key literature on Zimbabwe's agricultural industry shows the important role played by this sector in contributing to the economic development of the country (Mlambo and Zitsanza, Citation 2001; Sithole, …
NGM is the world's largest gold mining complex. Barrick owns and operates six Tier One gold mines: Cortez, Carlin and Turquoise Ridge in Nevada, Loulo-Gounkoto in Mali, Kibali in the Democratic Republic of the …
An estimated additional 150,000 people are indirectly dependent on gold panning for subsistence in some areas [8].Overall, artisanal mining is believed to sustain the livelihood of at least two million people in Zimbabwe, directly and indirectly through ancillary services and secondary economic activities [9].The sector has grown in leaps …
Coal production in Zimbabwe in metric tonnes (1980 -2010) [1] The political and economic situation in Zimbabwe between 2000 and 2007 was characterised by fiscal deficit, unstable exchange rate and ...
Common problems with performance contracts 59 Guide to creating a performance agreement 59 Board and senior management remuneration guidelines 61 Annex 3 5 16 22 34 54 62 4. Introduction 5. Management ... of the Constitution of Zimbabwe, state controlled commercial entities
Zimbabwe's mining profile differs from many other countries in Africa, such as South Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), and Ghana, that tend to rely on a much smaller range of minerals and fewer large-scale mines (Weng et al. 2018; Kaseke et al. 2015). As indicated, Chinese mining conglomerates have been venturing …
Abstract. This paper explores the changing dynamics of Zimbabwe's gold mining sector. The paper starts by providing a brief historical overview of gold mining in Zimbabwe before exploring the dramatic increase in Artisanal and Small-scale Gold Mining (ASGM) within the context of Zimbabwe's Fast Track Land Reform Program …
Some of the problems, which the company is facing in its waste management programmes include financial constraints, poor infrastructural capacity and environmental pollution. ... Mapira, J. 2017b.'The Mining Industry in Zimbabwe: Challenges for Sustainable Development', European Journal of Social Studies Vol 2, Issue 8: 313-328.
By Haris April 18, 2023. Small-scale miners in Zimbabwe face a range of challenges that impede their ability to operate and make a profit. These include a lack of access to capital, technology, and infrastructure, as well as a lack of legal protection for miners. The consequences of these issues can be devastating for small-scale miners and ...
Mining (ASGM) in Zimbabwe. The mining sector is male dominated and over the years has faced many challenges that range from gender discrimination due to gender blind laws,the high levels of violence, child labour, environmental degradation, safety issues and massive use of mercury. Zimbabwe like
This paper discusses the economic, social and environmental benefits from using solar water heating (SWH) in Zimbabwe. By comparing different water heating technology usage in three sectors over a 25-year period, the potential of SWH is demonstrated in alleviating energy and economic problems that energy-importing …
Land degradation and water pollution. Shutdown mines are to a greater extent, putting people's lives at great risk. For example, people and animals in the. Mashava area (Gaths Mine) are at risk of falling into open pits that were just left after extraction of minerals. The open pits overlook the area where small scale mines operate, thereby ...
1. Introduction. Occupational safety and health (OSH) policies exists to guarantee the health, safety, and wellbeing of all workers [1,2,3].However, these are often overlooked in Zimbabwe, which has led to 20,641 serious injuries among workers and over 400 deaths from injuries in the years between 2009 and 2013 [].The most common …
Apart from the direct economic benefits of the mining industry to Zimbabwe, the mining has also been ... Mining is also associated with the exacerbation of environmental problems faced by mining ...
nature of the mining industry which calls for the industry to engage a huge labour force in order to maximise returns (Matangi, 2006). Despite these challenges, the mining sector in Zimbabwe is on a growth trajectory and the Zimbabwean government has pinned total economic recovery on the revival of the mining industry (Moyo; 2013).